The veil has disappeared for Jordi Morella

  • 2010

The feeling you have when you feel the presences of the beings that belong to a subtle world of light surrounding us, makes all fears and doubts as to whether your path will end well. Everything becomes a sensation of peace, order, harmony, love, protection and the fact of feeling at home with the family. ” Do not doubt when we feel these energies full of Light and Love with us. They are with us, among us, and when we open up to them, everything seems to change: our thoughts stop being repetitive, worries disappear, fears dissipate and you know, then, whatever happens, nothing you should fear because what will happen to you will be adequate to take you to your greatest good. At times you will let yourself go completely and you will be free to life, at your hands, because together you will walk towards your evolution. It is as if you were going through an abyss, and finding yourself where the earth is cut, you see the other side knowing that you will arrive. Then, despite there being no bridge or walkway that connects them, you see how in the background, the earth has never ceased to exist, and just where you are there are slabs that take you to the other side.

The time to be two separate worlds has ended, but at the same time, living in the same space.

Currently, the veil that separated earthlyness and spirituality has melted, mixing with each other. The universe and the human being are now one and the relationship between the sky and the incarnated being only one.

We are part of the immense space that is upon us when we look up, both day and night. Years ago, only a few could come into contact with the "inhabitants" on the other side of the veil, but the curtain has risen and we all now form the same company, representing a Higher Will for the greater good of the sky.

From all the ends of heaven come, more and more, beings of subtle energy to interact with us, to make our planet a place to live and be able, all together, to make a new humanity. They live among us and each time they are more. The time has come for heaven and earth to be One. Legions of angels, archangels and other luminous and love-filled beings at the service of the Great Divine Will meet among us to help elevate the human being who inhabits this world in the which we are

We are not alone, and we have never been. The energies of the new times embrace the essences of those who exist in this incarnation. The time has come to shake hands with these beings of more subtle energies, all of them coming from the same Creative Source of Life.

What can we do to feel them and accept them in our lives? Simply open the heart and let him speak to us, let them speak to us. When we let our interior open, we will appease our mind and let ourselves go, and then their presences will manifest. There is nothing more loving with a great feeling of fullness and "being at home", than letting us be embraced. There is so much love in these meetings, in these "unions"!

Now everyone can feel them and know about them, it is only necessary to love him, silence our mind and open our heart. In this state of "neglect" is when we give foot to be able to feel them. It is from this state that we can feel the Love of Home in us. We are spiritual beings, and when we open it is when our true essence manifests. It is when "the brothers meet again."

As the Earth evolves and elevates its energies, everything is more predisposed so that the human being who wants to contact House and feel the warmth of his true Home, can do so. Not only a few can contact our brothers in the Light.

You are also Light and Love, and therefore, connecting with them, will allow you to feel the sense of protection, guidance and esteem of all those beings that are with you and for you to help you in your life from your birth. You're not alone.

You can communicate with Them and be One with Them. You don't need to be someone special to do it. Remember: the veil has been removed. No longer exists. The vibrations of the planet are getting closer to theirs. You are an incarnate angel. You are a divine being within a body, and this probably confuses you. You are spirit, like Them, you are not form. This one you see when you look in the mirror is only the reflection of your learning process, of evolution. What is within the matter is what predominates and counts in order to “visit the Home where you come from and your brothers in the Light”. Everyone can do it. Everyone can get them. It is only necessary that for a moment you do not identify with the form and feel the true being that is in you.

There is so much Love for you from Home!

Learn to open your heart and let it take you. No matter what occupation you have in this incarnation, you only need to look for a few moments of serenity and want those who are with you from birth to “give you a hand in your life” and receive the loving energies that they transmit to you. Talk to them and tell them to hug you! Stay still for a while, in silence, and feel. This can be a good beginning. Over time listen to your heart, so that through it they communicate.

A new life and a new human being are appearing on the planet. Many of them are living his resurrection and you are one of them. For a while each day, give yourself a visit with your “angelic guides”. They want to transmit so many things to you! Listen to them because the time has come for your life to turn around to show the true being in you and is knocking on the door to manifest.

Your being, an incarnate angel, returns home after many lives. The Father will welcome you and a great party will be held in your honor for your awakening.

A new life you will start and your body and your spirit will rest in the immensity of the loving, harmonious and serene placidity of knowing that at all times you are in "House".

May Love and Peace be in you, brother of the Light.


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