Experiential Workshop: The New Age requires new tools

  • 2012

The symbols, essences and energized oils, which Ingrid Auer elaborates and disseminates, are tools of the so-called New Age, channeled and guarded by the spiritual world, whose effects have a range of action greater than the methods known so far as alternatives / integral, being able to complement and improve them.


BARCELONA | March 31, 2012 |

Praxis Therapy Center (Aribau 16)

MATARÓ, Barcelona | April 1, 2012 |

Nuclio (Camí Ral de la Mercé 453)

It is an essentially practical experiential workshop where you will see very simple but at the same time tremendously useful ways to apply the New Spiritual Tools in your day to day. You can use them in a very intuitive and creative way whenever you want.

We will see, for example, how to use these symbols to:

  • Harmonize emotionally and energetically a relationship with another person.
  • How to facilitate a change.
  • Help you in solving a disease or sadness.
  • Cut habits or behavior patterns.
  • Clean a space or energetically charge water or food.
  • Help a friend or relative in the distance.

Duration: 4 hours | 10:00 –14: 00 |

Price: 45.- euros |

Information and Reservation: +34 696 361 763 |

| www.hanielCB.com

* In the workshop you will need a set of "letters of the symbols of the angels of Ingrid Auer" (€ 12.80) and optionally you can also purchase the book that extends its information. (total: letters + book: € 27.50). All this can be purchased the same day of the workshop with prior confirmation. *


BARCELONA | March 28, 2012 | Aranuchala Library (Jovellanos 1)

BARCELONA | March 29, 2012 | Synthesis Library (Urgell 86)


Lilly Wong In recent years he has given his life a new direction from his great desire to share his spiritual experience. The angels appeared in his life giving him peace, harmony and direction. From the Balearic Islands, he now works hand in hand with Ingrid Auer to spread the angelic tools of Punto de Luz in Spain and Latin America. As of 2012, he began to give the Training of Angel Symbols Practinioner in Spain. www.facebook.com/simbolosdelosangeles

Tools: The New Age requires new tools

The symbols, essences and energized oils, which Ingrid Auer elaborates and disseminates, are tools of the so-called New Age, channeled and guarded by the spiritual world, whose effects have a range of action greater than the methods known so far as alternatives / integral, being able to complement and improve them.

Aura, New Age, farms, Spiritual tools, spiritual remedies Synergies and energized essences

Every day it becomes clear that humanity is going through a process of change of enormous dimensions. Be it in politics, in economics, in ecology, in society, in healthcare, in the educational system or in the individual life of each one: today nothing is the same, nothing remains. Humanity is going through a Transformation Process of totally unknown dimensions to date.

The symbols have a really extraordinary and fascinating function: the deeper you want to dive into metaphysics, mysticism or spirituality to communicate at this level, the greater the need for these types of tools. The symbols constitute an important bridge that goes from our most human and rational consciousness to the infinite worlds of what we do not know and ignore.

Colors as language of the soul

The energized symbols of angels and teachers have very special colors and this has its raison d'être: the colors are actually energetic frequencies and are therefore at a certain level of oscillation, which influences our body and our soul. In situations where we lose our personal balance as a result of fear, shock, anger or insecurity, colors, with their subtle frequencies, can help us recover a suitable base frequency.

Therefore, symbols can be seen as a type of sign language, through which we can communicate with our soul. And it is that on the one hand the symbols reach our subconscious and on the other they provide information about problems and blockages that lie deep inside us and in our subtle body.

The energies of angels and teachers

While traditional symbols act in our subconscious, the special thing about these Ingrid Auer symbols is that they are energized by the angelic world. They thus become spiritual tools, whose way of acting far exceeds the energy means known so far.

It is important to know that these symbols (and also the corresponding essences) are permanently recharged by the spiritual world, and therefore their energy is never depleted. It doesn't matter how often they are used; They keep their effectiveness intact.

Symbols and essences are protected and energetically sealed by the angelic world, which means that they cannot store negative energies or alter their vibrational frequency. In this way, they do not need to be purified or recharged after their use in energy therapies, since the angelic world also deals with this task.

It is not possible, then, to misuse symbols or essences. If someone thought of using these tools for manipulative purposes, the angels would immediately interrupt the flow of energy.

Each of the symbols and each of the essences are guarded by an angel, a group of angels or a permanently ascended master. They are responsible for deciding the amount of energy that should flow to the user and how much this energy should act. These decisions are always taken by mutual agreement between the soul of the person in question, his superior being and the master, angel or arc, angel, responsible for the symbol or essence used.

These symbols and essences do not take out people's problems. Rather, they allow each one to carry out the learning processes necessary for their evolution and development, processes that everyone has to go through. They encourage being responsible for oneself helping to travel new paths. Thus, these new tools of the angelic world become hiking boots that protect and keep your feet comfortable while walking. Of course one can live his personal development process descalzo, inevitably suffering the wounds on his bare feet, but the times when everything had to be experienced and lived with pain and sacrifice have already passed .

Spiritual Tools

Allopathic treatments mostly deal with the physical body only.

Alternative treatments or integral methods are remedies with vibrations close to the Earth, and they all get their energy from earthly substances. They cause changes in the first layers of vibration of the subtle body. Thus, for example, with the help of mental training, kinesiology, flower and crystal essences, homeopathy, herbal bowls, colors, sounds, or essential oils they will stimulate the lower layers of the aura tuning them to a positive and healing vibration having a maximum reach of up to the astral body. Energy blockages, found in these areas can be harmonized and dissolved.

If you want to positively influence the subtle areas, which go beyond the astral body, in the upper layers of subtle vibration, remedies are required far from the earth spiritual tools, such as for example the symbols and essences of angels and ascended masters obtain their energy from the highest spiritual levels of our universe or our existence.

Symbols and essences contain spiritual energies

Ideally, apply the symbols directly on the body of the person (or the animal, if applicable) and with this you get:

Clean and purify the chakras and the different layers of the aura.

Readjust the subtle structure of organs, muscles, nerves and other parts of the physical body.

Support all healing processes at a subtle level.

Extract emotional charges or alterations of the chakras and the aura.

Eliminate blockages and information that disturb us at a subtle and energetic level.

Restructure the auric layers, bringing them closer to their ideal size.

Protect our energy field.

Reinforce the colors of the aura and the chakras.

On the other hand, in addition to the chakras, the aura and the meridians, the symbols and essences activate the morphogenetic field and the light bodies and even the subtle DNA.

People who work with the symbols and essences of angels and ascended masters, whether with themselves or with other people, often perceive, after very little time of use, that to complete a treatment they need a considerably less energy effort. Some find more peace and others more easily to connect with the spiritual. Even people very marked by their intellectual side and their skepticism suddenly open up and appreciate the spiritual side of our existence. Other users get to recognize more easily the relationship between their disease and the cause of it.

Emotional charges, which are recorded both in cellular memory and in the aura, sometimes force us to carry them for years and even lives. Likewise, old patterns of thinking, points of view, models of behavior and also old promises or votes (in most cases of old reincarnations), are the factors that hinder the personal and spiritual development of people.

The symbols and essences of angels and ascended masters eliminate these blockages from the aura and the chakras in a quick and simple way. By placing an angelic symbol on the body, in a few seconds the subtle energy blocks are removed, transforming into positive energies. The aura is cleaned, the chakras are corrected if they were deformed, or recharged if they were weak. But all this does not mean that the user must have a purely consumerist attitude, it is not like taking the pill and forgetting the subject, it requires at all times an active and voluntary involvement with oneself and with the situation in order to give way to positive changes.

Symbols and essences not only serve in therapies or energy works but can also be incorporated into daily life in general. With its help you can recharge and clean the water or food, the harmful effects of medications and chemical additives present in the sub-energy level can be eliminated or enrich cosmetic products with high oscillation energies. With the help of the symbols of the angels and the teachers, protection and healing circles can be carried out for difficult situations or for sick people and appeal with them to the help of the angelic world. For all this there are no limits on the use of creativity and intuition itself.

(c) Ingrid Auer www.ingridauer.com | facebook.com/symbol symbols

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