Jesus: A new beginning. First part.

  • 2018
Table of contents hide 1 Year of changes 2 The thirteenth octave 3 Change begins with you 4 You have to take action 5 Commitment is fundamental 6 Love is the answer

Channeled by Linda Dillon on December 25, 2017. A new beginning.

Jesus Sananda : I am Jesus Sananda. Welcome, welcome my dear ones, my brothers and sisters, my allies, seekers and connoisseurs alike, because you don't know unless you search and don't search unless you know enough to search, because there is always more.

This is a time of phenomenal expansion and I am delighted, happy, to have this time with you, this time when the world stands still, when there is balance and equality and yes, freedom ... I have not forgotten what about you? No, I don't think so. It is when the sun and the Great Central Sun shine directly on you.

The longest day of the year is the next day with sunrise. From the darkness comes the light. From the darkness comes the new beginning, the new tomorrow and that is what I want to talk to you about ... new beginnings, fresh beginnings, endings, yes.

Year of Changes

This has been a year, and I would suggest several years, of extraordinary changes. And the greatest change, my friends, has come from you, it has come from the sweetness, the goodness, the comfort, the food, the expansion of your divine being ... the acceptance, the surrender, the embrace of your divinity.

Yes, you arrive at the end time and it is not simply the 11-11 or 12-12 termination, those magnificent portals and openings to new energies for the entire planet and the entire system, it is the end of the old, it is the termination of what they have known.

Years ago, many years ago, we have begun the introduction of the Eighth 13, in which you would know - without dying, without leaving this physical body - what it means to be in the essence, experience and truth of the Divine Union. We have anchored it for twenty-two years, yes, a master's number ... we cannot give exact dates, but these numbers are known throughout the multiverse. This energy has been granted, integrated into its very core, changing and activating its physical and spiritual DNA because there is no separation.

The thirteenth octave

So, they ask me: ”Yeshua, Yeshi, what comes after 12-12? What comes after the end of 12-12? ” The new beginning is the thirteenth octave . The new beginning is to live in the form, in the physical world, in attitude, in behavior, in action, in life, in relationships, in institutions, in societies, in nations, in the essence of The Divine Union And what does that mean? It means living in love. It means being love.

Many of you turn to me and say: "I was looking for greater fullness . " What greater fulfillment can there be, my sweet friends and family, than love? What does it matter if they are financially full but live in spiritually bankrupt nations and societies? What does it matter if they are full of inner peace ... which is where it begins ... but they live in countries and planets devastated by war?

This beautiful Gaia, this beauty of diversity, the playground for angels, has become and has been one of the most belligerent planets in the entire multiverse. Not a day goes by when someone is not picking up a weapon, a knife, a sword or a missile to kill another being. Therefore, you cannot have fullness unless there is a significant change in all things.

The change starts with you

And where does it start? Start with you! You have left, not only from the heart of the Mother, but from mine, that of Magdalena, Saint Germain, the Buddha. We have been the midwives, helping you every step of the way in this birth of the New You, your New Being and the New Earth. What you wear when there is incoherent chaos, when there is madness in so many corners and cracks of this planet, you carry love .

Now, what does that mean in very practical terms, because it's about living and moving on? It means tolerance, it definitely means compassion, it means forgiveness, and it means joy, it means action, it means acceptance and surrender and those are actions. Without compassion, without forgiveness and without tolerance, how is Nova Humanity formed? How do new communities form if there is no deep permanent tolerance, and could I say, deep, supportive, kind consideration of those who are different from you, of those who carry different gifts, different burdens, different experiences, different points of view? If there is no extreme tolerance, extreme love, extreme forgiveness, then there is no Nova Earth.

You have to go into action

The Cities of Light are already forming in tangibility. You are the anchors of this new world. They are completing what we started so long ago. In this year of 2017 there has been a huge and revealing advent to the surface, which had to happen, of what is not love and they have seen it in all walks of life ... no, I do not mean only the United States of America and the chaos that has been so great there ... has happened in all countries, nations and societies.

There is agitation and that is good news, because what has been hidden is now visible. When it is visible it can be addressed. When there is denial, when it is hidden, there is often denial, not only to look at it, but even to discuss it, much less change it. So, everything has come to the fore, as was necessary. My beloved, this did not come to the forefront so that you participate in any way, condition or form in that incoherent chaos, in that disturbing and disconcerting madness.

The commitment is fundamental

Now, some of you are saying: Well, Lord, what do you mean by that? I am not involved in that, I am not involved in the abuse of sexual authority or political authority. He will not launch missiles against Syria.

The minimum commitment is commitment. They are the bearers of the Mother's Dream, the source of love. So, when they make a situation a nos nos and they , that there are good or bad or evil or dark beings, then they are involved in that chaos, they are contributing to the old paradigms of hate and greed and lack and limitation. No, it is not about denying what is true and what is happening, but they certainly should not contribute to it. Even within the community of lightworkers, the community of bearers of love has been a large part of this assignment of error, guilt and shame. Beloveds, there is no place for it.

Love is the answer

Our Mother has told us again and again: If it does not feel like love, if it does not sound like love, if it does not resemble love, then it is not love and why on Earth, or in any other planetary system or universe, will you get involved in it?

Do not participate, I beg you, of negativity . You are the owners of the Dream ; You are the owners of our Mother's Dream. Yes, we are too ... that is part of our sacred association, that is part of our bond.

Like love, as this new beginning of love emerges and blooms ... yes, it is growing ... as it blooms there is a new paradigm, there is a new realm of existence.

TRANSLATOR: Carolina, editor of the great family of the White Brotherhood

SOURCE: Linda Dillon (2017) Jesus ~ A Christmas Message, a New Beginning. 12/26/2017. Love has won.

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