The benefits of eating sweet potato

  • 2015

Sweet potatoes are a food of excellence, especially for those who suffer from some weight deficit, and want to gain a few kilos without overloading excessively eating food.

This tuber is very good for those who need energy through their meals, especially athletes, the elderly, and children, due to its regenerative qualities, in case of illness, weakness and convalescence.

Sweet potato is a food that has a lot of benefits, and multiple nutritional and therapeutic properties, so it becomes one of the healthiest. It has an elongated shape and hard skin and is directly related to the nutritional properties of various foods.

It is a very nutritious food, it contains a high concentration of vitamins and folic acid, it has a very low glycemic index, so it is more than recommended in diets that allow to prevent diseases such as obesity, diabetes and cancer.

In calorie-restricted diets it is not recommended to consume it excessively, since its caloric value is higher than that of potatoes, and although it has the same amounts of starch and sugars it is much more nutritious because of its content in iron, beta-carotene and vitamins C and E. It is also rich in antioxidants, and because of its beta-carotene content that is a precursor to vitamin A, it can be compared with the properties that carrots possess.

When consumed fresh, it provides the body with about 30 milligrams of vitamin C per 100 grams of sweet potatoes, and is very rich in vitamin E. It is a food that should always be present in case the weight is below Normally, it should be included in the daily meal plan to take advantage of each of its benefits.


The benefits of eating sweet potato

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