2014 - The Eagle and the Condor and the Return of the Dharma AA Metatron channeled by Tyberonn

  • 2013

August 9, 2013

Regards! I AM Metatron, Lord of Light; and I greet you! We welcome you here at this time in your space and time; and we send to each of your Entities a ray of supreme Love. Oh dear human! Feel the Love we send, because it is sent in real time to each of you “NOW” in a bright ray, from a non-linear dimensional vector, in a wave that embraces each of you as you read these words. Close your eyes for a moment and receive this energy! Teachers: Can you feel it? It is Unconditional Love that carries your field, heals your heart and everyone remembers your true Home, your Source!

And so while 2013, Year One of the New Earth, enters its final phase, Humanity is ready for a rebirth. You are completing an auspicious year, a powerful time of transition. Because of the changes that have taken place since the Planetary Ascension in the New Energy of 2013 and will take place later, the ionic proportion is changing on the Planet. You are being helped by solar radiation to operate in expanded access to 12 dimensions. Likewise, the Sun is changing, because even now at this very moment when we are talking, it is reversing its poles!

But much more is changing ... including Humanity, in magnificent ways; some obvious, others more subtle. And so it is all around you in the so-called Aquarian Change.

And then in this meeting we talk again about El Águila and El Cóndor. We tell you that the ancient sacred prophecy has entered its post-2012 phase, in 2013 Year One of the New Earth. In many ways it now merges into a bigger picture. Because without a doubt the Land of the Condor has sent energy to the Eagle and the symbolic Red Lands; and the Dharma is returning in the energy of the New Earth within the Aquarian Radiation and the change. A new time is emerging, a wonderful era is ready to form ... and Masters, it is YOU who created it!

Dear ones, absolutely the Ascension of the Planet happened; and the Ascension of Humanity is on its way.

The channel has shared with you the words of the Tibetan Lama:

(Insert) “When the iron eagle flies and the horses run on wheels, the Tibetan people will be scattered across the Earth; and the Dharma (Truth) will return to the lands of the Red Man. ” Lama Padmasambhava, 8th century (aka Guru Rinpoche) Tibet.


For decades, Buddhists from Tibet and India have come to the Sacred Portals of Arizona; and recognize the area as a sacred place on the planet. Stupas have been placed in the region to amplify the presence of the Avatar called Lord Buddha. It is said that the Sedona vortex is the balancing counterpart of Mount Kalesh in Tibet ... and that trans-dimensional tunnels of the Inner Earth connect them to each other. The Tibetan Lama Padmasambhave made an interesting reference to the Dharma of Tibet returning to the Red Lands. We say that the great Vortex of Arizona is now aligned with the Peruvian mega-vortical center (Condor) of Lake Titicaca, as well as with the Tibetan mega-center of Mount Kalesh. We tell you that these sacred sites have always been connected by axiotonal lines as well as tunnels of ancient cultures.

2014 Move to the Planet

Teachers, the 2013 Aquarian Change has been triggered by the solar radiation of your Planet. The Planet is being orbited by anionic plasma currents coming from the Solar Winds. The ionic ratio has changed so much that many pockets on the planet contain permanent wells of anionic charge.

These are especially powerful in Tibet, Titicaca and the vortical center of Arizona. By 2014, the great trigons and sextiles of 2013 will have detonated the second opening that will take place in Arizona from mid-May to the Solstice, after the beautification of two eclipses in April 2014. All this is combined with the energy of the living Earth to manifest the symbology of the flights of the Eagle and the Condor and the Return of the Dharma; because it is in the north, in the Red Lands, where the changes for the Ascension of Humanity will be sown.

The Red Road

The system of spiritual advancement and wisdom that you call the Red Way was parallel to Mu's 'Golden Age of the Red Lands'. It was subsequently reintroduced into Buddhism. Undoubtedly there are many things in common between the “Sacred Red Path of the Eagle and the C ndor and the emergence of Siddhartha in the 5th Century BC, in your linear time.

So it is not true that it is only for the red-skinned race of America. Because these peoples of the original Atlantean and Lemurian phases made their journey from the lost continents to many lands, including Africa, Asia and Rama (NT. India), as well as to the lands called America (north and south), from Mu, Og and Oz. Calling it Red Road confines it a little in America. So, having written down its true origins, we speak in broader terms of the Americas, which can be called the Firra Nación in your l Xico.

So to be clear, this Path was developed by all races and tribes (in your terms) who lived bucolic and tribal in nature. But we will say that this era of Native America was in many ways an outstanding culture. In America, the indigenous tribes developed a great knowledge of which areas of the Earth provided superior dimensional energy; and which plants could help in that process. So the practices of the Search of Vision, of the Purification Cabin (NT: Inipi, Temazcal, etc.), of the trip with plants, are sol They taught; as well as the mineral and animal kingdoms were recognized as great teachers and suppliers. This was the gift of pastoral life. Sadly, it is a knowledge that few have now.

The Eagle and El C ndor

Tyberonn: Can you talk about the prophecy called The Eagle and The Cndor?

Metatron: This powerful prophecy established by the indigenous guardians was sent to some groups by the power of what is called Star Nation. It was received in various formats by the Indigenous Beings descendants of the Lemurian Red Race from the eastern part of North America, including those you call the Hopi. In this prophecy of the eagle and the Cndor, the eagle represents the energies of the North; and the CÃndor the energies of Latin America. Both were once Una; and the prophecy states that when the eagle and the Coulor fly together again, it will mean the opportunity for the return of wisdom and balance.

So the prophecy speaks of the current time in which the two lands will be mixed in a benevolent contract, sharing their messages and ceremonies once more for all people, to meet In renewed strength, reactivate what was lost, what was sacred. As you can see, it is the sacred wisdom represented by the Cndor, the natives of Latin America, who have not been so dispersed, we could say. Certain countries of South America and Central America have retained the majority of the population of indigenous people. These peoples have retained their cultural wisdom with a greater sense than those in the north, which have been forced to disperse and integrate into the less spiritual industrialized and commercialized society.

The ancient wisdom of the Condor must go north; and that of the Eagle to the south. It is to heal the Eagle. That is why these Elders, the Guardians of the Earth and Lightworkers of the North are drawn to the former Og, the Land of the Sacred Lake, now called Peru and Bolivia; and those of the Condor are drawn to the north at this time.

In truth, the prophecy speaks of the healing and strengthening of both. The indigenous people of the Condor, which in essence are all the towns and lands called Latin America at the present time (from Mexico to the south, Central America and South America), have preserved their spiritual knowledge more intact and have transmitted it throughout the ages.

In North America there has been more integration with Western culture. Overall, South America projects a culture more oriented towards the 'family', but it is unbalanced in its class system and still lacks equity in terms of dispersion of 'opportunities and wealth'. This also occurs in the north but to a different degree.

We tell you that it was in the oldest days when the Condor represented the north and the Eagle represented the south. Both winged beings are interdimensional and were revered as great wise beings and divine messengers. No doubt these are among the noblest of birds. The prophecy speaks of united people opening their hearts and hands to erase oppression, plundering and injustice. The prophecy speaks of open spiritual eyes to see the real truth and purpose of life, the wisdom of the higher multidimensional aspect.

The birds will engrave the sacred infinity symbol of the number 8 through the sky's sky to mark the symbol of renewed freedom. The Union of the Condor and the Eagle is happening now, since when we arrived at the announced Ascension of 2012. Now it is the Eagle for the North and the Condor for the South, when they fly again in renewed union, the symbol of infinity will cover the hemisphere from America. Do you see This will begin to occur on the New Earth; after 2013, the globe will circumnavigate in time.

The Eagle Must See. The Condor Must Rise

We offer you another simple but complex addendum to the prophecy: “Without the wisdom of the Condor, the Eagle will not open people's eyes; and without the strength of the Eagle; the Condor will not empower the masses. ”

But we tell you that both are on the way. For the Eagle to fly, the Earth Guardians and Lightworkers in the United States must do a lot. The 'Harmonic of Light' must be continuously elevated.

The United States has many powerful spiritual pockets; and its inertia is growing. But the great masses of people in the United States are imprisoned in golden cages of manipulated misunderstanding, victims of their own isolation and unbalanced narcissism.

Few Americans have sovereignty. The common man in the United States is enslaved by debts, manipulated by the media and intoxicated by quantity. Sadly, the United States has become a military-industrial corporation based on power, greed and profits. American workers are no longer citizens, they are employees. But the masses do not see this Truth yet.

Many Americans are starting to wake up and work to change this, but it won't be easy. It will require time. This is because currently the United States government does not truly represent all people, it has taken the path of power over Love, of manipulation over integrity.

This will change ... but you must make it so. It will not change by force, but by concerted thinking. That is the puzzle, the challenge ... do not become what you oppose; and yet don't hide your heads in the sand. In times of time, only three cultures have achieved this; and only temporarily.

The Condor Aristocracy must End

Now, because the governments of South America have been colonized as feudal aristocracies, a great separation has been polarized between the patricians who control the wealth and the naked poverty of the indigenous people and many of the cultural mixture of the so-called 'working class' 'or poor.

But despite this inequity and partly because of it, a greater portion of the indigenous people retained their country culture and knowledge ... especially in the sacred land of Og, where the indigenous people constitute a larger segment of the population; and to a lesser extent in the lands of Yucatán.

Undoubtedly, at this time of the fulfillment of the prophecy of the Eagle and the Condor, a great transition is under way in South America. In the not too distant future there will come a time when South America will displace North America as the main 'pantry' in the World. As their economy strengthens, a powerful cry of the common man will arise demanding a stronger voice and more equity between all classes and people. This is starting now in Bolivia, Colombia, Peru and Venezuela; and it has been evolving in Argentina, Brazil and Chile for more than a decade, while a growing economic middle class emerges. The Condor of the mighty Andes is being strengthened!

While originally Og and Oz were of Lemurian population and settlement, they eventually became more Atlantean after the cataclysms. When the lands began to shake, many migrated from Atlantis to this area, as well as parts of Brazil. As there are still Og colonies, such as Tiajuanaco in Bolivia, Atlantis had many colonies in Brazil. Logically, the largest were in the areas of massive deposits of quartz and mineral fields.

In Brazil there are still Atlantes ruins, in Ceara, Rio Grande do Norte, Piaui, Mata Grosso, Amazonas, Goias and Maranhão. Some are yet to be found in Bahia and Minas Gerais. Undoubtedly the area called Sete Cidades hosted a powerful station of the crystalline energy system. The Atlante tunnel system still connects Og with Brazil, which in former days was called the Lands of Muir, Mirubi in the north and Il Barr in the middle section. In Minas Gerais, Brazil and Samaipata. In Bolivia, a part of the tunnel system that connects regions near Cuzco, Peru and the Arizona areas of the Grand Canyon / Sedona is still intact; and the Arkansas Crystal Fields.

Earth and Wisdom of the Star Seed

As we have told you, the beauty and strength of indigenous cultures lies in their understanding of the conscious nature of the Earth, the elements, the directions; and the unity of all things. Some have preserved that knowledge.

There are undoubtedly those in Latin America, mainly of Star Sowing, the guardians of indigenous wisdom and medicine, who are helping in the experience of healing and awakening. Certain ceremonies with sacred plants and days of shamanic search that allow multidimensional clarity and understanding of the Divine sovereignty of the Self, are still available in the land of the Condor; and they are no longer in the land of the Eagle. The culture of offering facilities to these sacred plant masters has essentially been eradicated in the United States.

When these cultures were disintegrated by European settlers, both in North America and South America, much was lost, especially in the Land of the Eagle. However, there are now great elders called to help restore these lost elements of wisdom; and to reactivate this knowledge in the Rainbow Tribe of all Humanity. It is not a paradox that some of the great elders and guardians of the wisdom of the Golden Age of the Red Tribe are now reincarnated in other races. Such is the nature of the reincarnation cycle; and without a doubt the resurgence of these elders is part of the reactivation phase required for the Eagle to fly.

While the duality-polarity phase of the Earth Plane supports many races, racial differentiation, as well as gender divisions, that is not your integral Divine nature. You are all Full Beings of Light; consequently in your higher Divinity there is no racial or gender identity. Accordingly, you reincarnate in all races, in all genders and identities. Consequently it is essential that you achieve unity to have more harmony with your true Essence.

Few indigenous cultures had written languages, so much of the teaching was transmitted orally. When the tribes were conquered by war, they were dispersed and forcedly introduced into European and colonial teachings. Much wisdom was diluted and forbidden, while millions were indoctrinated in Christianity and absorbed by industrial culture.

Star Planting and Star Nation

Although indigenous societies had a great understanding of the living Earth, their Schools of Wisdom existed in small enclaves. The Purification Cabin, Vision Search and Medicinal Trips were conducted by highly evolved Souls. These ancient shamans had obtained the ability to increase their frequencies for the Merkanic journey to the higher planes. In this Mercanic resonance they obtained the ability to navigate etherically in timeless multidimensionality. Much of this was guided by an etheric entourage of Star Seed, Ascended Masters of Sirius B who became known by the natives as the Star Nation. This discipline was earned. The population was not taught. Enlightenment has never been achieved in congregation, rather it has been for the selected few who have persevered and chosen to work devoutly for such a Master.

A great brotherhood of Ascended Masters reincarnated in a cycle from Mu and Atlantis within the matrix of the indigenous tribes. These Almighty Beings became known as the White Eagle Clan in the north; and like the Golden Sun Clan in the south. Both cultures achieved much over many centuries; and provided templates for great learning for true seekers in America. This was assisted with coded Light holograms programmed in Golden Disks that were transplanted to the areas of Og, Yucatan, Mongolia and Sedona, after the disappearance of Lemuria. In fact there are twelve gold discs, located globally by the Star Nation of Sirius B; and they are distributed throughout the planet.

However, in the dissolution of Mu, some of the discs were transplanted. In the subsequent fall of Atlantis, others fell asleep and the harmonic was smaller. All were affected. So people were lost for a period and dispersed into segments. Their belief systems evolved differently within tradition and ritual ceremonies.

The Destruction of Mu and Atlantis

Now, it has become fashionable to see Lemurian culture as highly evolved; and we tell you: Although the Lemurians had a splendid phase of great wisdom, it was comparatively short lived. The Arcadia society of Mu did not really reach the heights of spiritual utopia that are currently attributed to it. Indeed, the Atlanteans of the Law of One, in the Golden Age of Atlantis, reached and maintained spiritual heights much greater than those of Mu.

The societies of the indigenous cultures of North America and South America also reached heights of wisdom during a brief and amazing era. There was a great connection between the lands of the Eagle and the Condor; and continued for a while even after the destruction of Mu. Those of Central America and Og maintained considerable interaction with benevolent extraterrestrials, as did those of Atlantis; and they reached a phase of vast astronomical and scientific knowledge.

But when the massive tsunamis of Atlantis swept the lands of Og and Yucatan, much was destroyed. Gradually a downward spiral began across the planet. Factions of survivors in Og and Yucatan ascended etherically, others went to the internal chasms of the Earth. Those who remained evolved different languages; and essentially the unity of all the tribes disconnected with the passing of the millennia.

Time before the advent of European invasions, people fragmented. Survival became the top priority. Pockets of groups including the Hopi, Toltecs, Mayas, Navajos and Lakotas maintained etheric interaction with the Star Nation; and consequently his high ideals and spiritual practices. Many others did not. Over time, hardships brought tribal wars, cruel tortures; and some degraded to the corrupt practice of human sacrifice. No doubt this was not only in America, it was global. He lost a lot in time.

So we tell you that the powerful and bright gift of the Red Way; and without doubt the hope of the prophecy of the Eagle and the Condor, is the revival of the old schools of disciplines offered to the individual; and knowledge of the living planet. And we tell you that this wisdom includes all the wisdoms of the heart, of Love and of understanding. All knowledge is knowledge of Love; and Love is the way, the only way to a better World.

The Rainbow Tribe of All Humanity

What is currently misunderstood by many is the reincarnation cycle in the progression of the journey of Man. This is not to point anyone out, because most of your religions either discard or misunderstand the cycle of reincarnation of Humanity within multidimensionality. If this concept were better understood, perhaps Humans truly understood the importance of all tribes, such as the Unified Rainbow Tribe of All Humanity, of all races. You see that while the tribal physical inheritance must be honored, the reincarnational inheritance of the Souls is truly of much greater bearing. Truly all of you have been of each race and of each gender.

This is how the ancestor is honored: know that it is an indispensable truth that some of the extraordinary elders and guardians of the medicine of the Native American past are now touring the Earth in bodies of all races. That is why many non-indigenous people are attracted to the wisdom of the knowledge of the Earth and to the wisdom of the disciplines of the Red Way! As you can see, it is because they have lived it in past lives and still live it in the NOW of multidimensionality.

In turn, those who understand the law of the balance of the multidimensional self, will understand that many of the conquerors, officers and gold diggers who seized the indigenous lands, are now in red bodies to balance those same actions. There is beauty in this truth! In fact we tell you that the reason for so many casinos in tribal reservations in North America, is that gold miners have reincarnated in the race and in the lands they 'took'; and they are trying to return the 'gold' they took away. That is not the highest path, but it is still the Karma of equilibrium. So it is always a great truth to understand the true nature of the I and the reincarnation process. You are Beings of Light; and you will experience life in all races, in all genders.

But we add that there is a great debt to those Souls who have chosen indigenous lives, both in the past and in the present, in order to transmit and maintain these sacred disciplines. Then and now, these lives have been of devotion and hardness, choosing to live on earth, amid prejudice and economic difficulties, often far from the traps and luxuries of wealth.

So the Eagle and the Condor are to involve all races of the Humanity Tribe in the revival of what was great in ceremony and teaching. No doubt there are great elders, both in red and rainbow skin, who have been called by the Armic Contract to unite all people as part of the fulfillment of this prophecy. This task is huge; and much respect is due to those Souls who work diligently to reach this balancing unit. Because, may the Tribe of the Rainbow of All Humanity play the drum, sweat, dance, deliberate, seek and sing the songs of unification, prayer, honoring the Holy Lands, the elements and the directions, in devout reverence, is of benefit for Humanity and for the Earth. Do you see

Spirit, Religion and Dogma

The channel asks about dogma and protocol. Dear ones, we tell you that no religion on your Planet has all the answers. Truly the spirit is found in the temple of the heart through the intention and impeccability of the individual. The Spirit knows no dogma. It is the fields of collective consciousness and belief systems that form the dogma. The paradigm is Love; and Love begets Unity. Love yourself and be kind to each other, because the disciplines for Enlightenment are as varied as the flowers of the field.

There are many paths for a man to walk and all integrity will find his Light. So it is always true that discernment is required.

The disciplines in the Wisdom Schools of ancient ceremonies evolved over time. No doubt belief systems in some areas are being somewhat refined in the new paradigm. Integrity of intention is the key. The spirit recognizes everything! No doubt you are all Sparks of the Divine!

Teachers, the tradition of offering the flesh, which has been used by many religions, including Christianity, Islam, the Red Way and Hinduism, is a choice based on the traditional group consciousness called the belief system. There was a time when such disciplines of mental control over the physical body had apparent logic, because winters were hard and summers were dry. Food was scarce. Developing in a ceremony the will to overcome such hardnesses served to allow the physical body to be controlled by the mind. Do you see

So it is an individual choice of Free Will in duality, based on belief; And it is not judged. But we tell you that in the New Paradigm it is not appropriate or required.

But the restriction on women, exclusion or limitation because of race; and the fear of reprisals, are inappropriate in any dogma. Beloved, this applies to all your religions. The elders of the Rainbow Tribe of All Humanity, in all true Paths, are revealed by the Love and integrity of their Light quotient. You are all Elders of your Divine Nature. You are all Sovereign Beings; and we honor you! This is the Rainbow of the Eagle and the Condor. You are all sparks of God. The Spirit sees only the heart. So we honor all of you in those disciplines of your choice to develop the inner eye, to communicate with the living elements, with the directions, the celestial beings; and to develop Unconditional Love and understanding of the Unity of All Life!

The Titicaca and Sedona Unit

Now, for the Eagle to fly, an essential part of the announced meeting of the Eagle and the Condor involves the planetary hemispheric balance. Certain key power nodes in the Land of the Eagle, North America, are cloudy and are being revitalized from the Land of the Condor. The key power points that are aligned with the United States from South America are helping in this vital balance. There has always been a great connection between the vortex-portals of Sedona, Arizona and Lake Titicaca; You see that the two are destined to flow in symmetrical equilibrium. But that old energy route Ley has become less effective and is to be repaved and retreaded, as 2012 approaches. That portal called Lake Titicaca, is much more intact and is much more capable of feeding and healing the other.

Some of the once powerful centers of the North are diluted, surrounded by commercial interests. So it is necessary that cleanups and revitalizations occur; and many new portals are emerging. Do you remember the biblical allegory of Jesus expelling the merchants from the Temple? As you can see, the portals and celestial points are living cathedrals because of their natural magnetism and alignment; and they were never destined to be areas of commerce and housing. That is why the Indigenous Guardians designated certain areas as Sacred Land; and only the adepts could live permanently within those energies. That is why many of the powerful vortex-portals of the United States, such as the Monument Valley and the Grand Canyon, were placed in the care of certain indigenous tribes. In later years others were protected through the Divine Guide of inspired Human Beings as reserves you call National and State Parks. No doubt this is part of the Eagle and the Condor. That is why many of Og's Land are attracted to the Eagle; and many of the Eagle are making pilgrimages to Lake Titicaca.

Lake Titicaca is among the purest portals; It is a powerful battery for both reception and transmission of coded higher dimensional energies necessary for the Ascension of both America and the Planet, without a doubt. Lake Titicaca corresponds to the Ascension in many different ways. It is a consciousness that animates each dimension and relates to the individual within a specific frequency resonance of these dimensions. Do you understand

On Lake Titicaca these frequencies are set for Humanity and are more readily available to those who align with them. Sedona is being directly stimulated by an axiotonal line from the Titicaca. As you can see, Sedona and Lake Titicaca are prepared for certain Beings among Humans and for the very consciousness that directs the Planet. Ambos son muy potentes y muy importantes para la retícula de la Tierra, para los firmamentos celestiales y sin duda para la Humanidad.

Y entonces la línea axiotonal que conecta a Sedona con Titicaca permanecerá conectada como una especie de alimentación umbilical hasta el momento en que una elevación se complete. Tal como la Humanidad permanecerá en la 3ª Dimensión durante un tiempo hasta cuando venga el cambio, igualmente Sedona fue llevada hacia mayor energía en la del Planeta, la cual sin duda ya tuvo lugar.

Diremos que el campo energético, la longitud misma, la respiración y la vitalidad del vórtice del Lago Titicaca, es uno de los más grandes en vuestro Planeta. Es importante que entendáis que el Lago Titicaca está energéticamente equilibrado, no es masculino ni femenino, es ambos. Por eso muchos son atraídos hacia allí. Os aseguramos que si fuera de una u otra, energía femenina o masculina, el Lago Titicaca no atraería tal cantidad de poder, no contendría el equilibrio. Do you see Contiene niveles proporcionales de ambos; y en consecuencia la potencia, el armónico y la armonía.

Así que la consciencia de este vórtice equilibra a cualquier Humano que esté desequilibrado. Uno que sea excesivamente macho o excesivamente femenino, recibirá lo opuesto para obtener el equilibrio. En vuestra actual comprensión científica podríais pensar que los aniones y cationes presentes, femeninos y masculinos, se neutralizarían mutuamente al ligarse. Parecería así, pero no es el caso. Más bien, se activan mutuamente. Este raro punto sobre el Planeta, que es AMBOS: un Centro Chákrico Humano y un Chakra Planetario, se auto-dirige y se auto-regula conscientemente de acuerdo con lo que es necesario para el equilibrio. Do you understand

Y así, el Cóndor del Titicaca alimenta esa equivalencia armónica hacia el guila de Sedona Y a su tiempo ambos se renovar n con mayor fortaleza en la Nueva Tierra! Y al hacerlo, la paz dorada que encontrar is tan satisfactoria en el coraz n ureo del Camino Rojo (y del Tibet) despertar en este 2013 y en el posterior amanecer de la largamente anunciada Ascensi n de la Tierra! Porque verdaderamente ahora es el tiempo para que la Tribu Arco Iris de Toda la Humanidad permanezca en Unidad!

Tyberonn: Saludos Metatr n: Aunque yo he estado involucrado en la metaf sica la mayor parte de mi vida adulta, fue realmente el Camino Rojo, la serie de ceremonias de B squeda de Visi ny viaje cham nico, cinco d as anuales durante cuatro a os, lo que pareci acelerar mi experiencia espiritual. Puedes hablar de estas modalidades?

Metatron: Without a doubt! Aunque has tenido muchas vidas durante la estad a de los Nativos Americanos, es un hilo m s grande lo que te atrae a ti ya otros hacia esta gran sociedad. Verdaderamente, de todos los reinos de la historia del Planeta, la Era Dorada de los Nativos Americanos fue una, que a pesar de las dificultades, ofreci oportunidades de prodigiosa espiritualidad, sabidur ay paz interior. Sin duda fue una breve pero dorada era hacia la cual a n se sienten atra dos much simos, como veis. Proporcion Maestr aa quienes la buscaron, de una manera m s viable que cualquiera otra sociedad o cultura haya logrado nunca, desde la muy pret rita Edad Dorada de Atl ntida. Muchas grandes Almas y Avatares fueron parte de esta poca. Fue brillantemente nica en la manera de incorporar la belleza y la consciencia de lo que llamar amos el Mundo Natural y todos sus Reinos. Pero repito, sed conscientes de que el ayuno o la B squeda de Visi n, han sido utilizados por todas las antiguas sociedades sabias, en todas partes del Planeta, en todas las pocas.

Ayuno de Oraci ny B squeda de Visi n

Espec ficamente lo que es llamado el Ritual de Ayuno de Oraci n ha sido bastante prol fico en hacer avanzar exponencialmente a muchos buscadores para lograr acceso a los mundos internos ya las dimensiones superiores de la Mente de Dios. Diremos que muchos Guardianes de la Tierra obtuvieron primero tal conocimiento a trav s de la efectividad nica de la modalidad de ayuno llamada B squeda de Visi n en el linaje encarnado como Nativo Americano. stas fueron vidas de gran avance. Y esto es cierto para muchos Trabajadores de Luz y Guardianes de la Tierra involucrados ahora en el Planeta en el trabajo de la Ascensi n.

La B squeda de Visi n, es una antigua t cnica sagrada de orar ayunando. Evolucion hacia su pr ctica ceremonial de cuatro a os con los Nativos Americanos, pero de hecho, desde d as antiguos la Humanidad ha estado comprometida en orar ayunando para buscar al Dios interno. Los Lemurianos, Atlantes, Egipcios, Hind es y Budistas estuvieron entre quienes utilizaban disciplinas rigurosamente supervisadas que involucraban ayuno. A n hoy ocurre en casi todas vuestras sectas m sticas, por parte de devotos buscadores.

Los ind genas de la Raza Roja, evolucionaron y adaptaron la B squeda de Visi n como un mecanismo ancestral de m ltiples capas para ense ar a los buscadores a convertirse en Seres Luminosos. Adicionalmente encontraron que ciertas Plantas Sagradas pod an ingerirse como sacramentos para acelerar y mejorar efectivamente el acceso hacia el mundo interior. Muchos de vosotros, incluyendo al canal, usasteis estos m todos en muchas jornadas pasadas. As que os decimos que estas modalidades eran de gran beneficio cuando se conduc an con intenci n sagrada. Ayunar en soledad natural es una pr ctica que limpia la mente frontal y abre y precisa lo que llam is subconsciente. La B squeda de Visi n implica claridad de intenci n con meticulosa preparaci n; y todos los Reinos Sagrados de Naturaleza Celestial y Terrenal, se convierten en los profesores.

Sin duda es una gran limitación que mucha de esta Sabiduría Sagrada haya perecido en la industrialización de vuestro Mundo.


Queridos, en todos nuestros mensajes os pedimos usar vuestro discernimiento, aceptar lo que resuene con vosotros y descartar lo que no. ¡Porque sois Maestros! Os decimos que la Tierra ha Ascendido y que abunda una Nueva Energía. Sin duda seguirá la Ascensión de la Humanidad. ¡Estáis en camino! Es tiempo de cocrear en coherencia el Nuevo Mundo que deseáis. Es un tiempo para reuniros, para meditar y visualizar a la Nueva Tierra en el campo theta.

Y ahora os decimos de nuevo: sabed cuán profundamente sois amados. Os pedimos caminar con honor, respeto mutuo; y respeto de la libertad de elección de cada uno, para encontrar la asombrosa Luz del Cielo que brilla en cada uno de vuestros corazones. No olvides amarte; y sabe siempre que sois Seres de Luz, sois Espíritus de lo Divino que estáis teniendo una experiencia terrenal. ¡Maestro: Créala!

¡YO SOY Metatrón y comparto con vosotros estas Verdades. Sois Amados!

… Y Así Es… Y Es Así…

Translated: Jairo Rodríguez R.


El Águila y El Cóndor y el Retorno del Dharma

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