Luz y Cristales, interview with Daniel Pacheco, bulletin number 60 of pedagooogia3000

As we have seen in the previous bulletins, Sound Light Shape It is the triad of education of the Third Millennium says Ivette Carri n, Director of ASIRI in Lima, Peru . We have covered the important role of sound in the previous bulletins, now we will see how to incorporate the Light into education. Games with lights (with flashlights for example), sun, lighting, colors, chromotherapy and chrome-teaching, visualizations with lights and colors, games with iridescent lights, rainbows, etc. are precise tools for the third millennium, because it awakens codes of the higher octave of consciousness.

Another way to connect with the Light is to work with gems, our theme today.

The crystals, stones, gems are passionate for children and young people today. A crystal is light that materializes.

Next, we share an interview with Daniel Pacheco (1), a therapist with crystals.

Daniel, what is the teaching with Cristal? Why is it necessary for today's children?

Teaching with crystals uses the energy and symbolism of Stones, Gems and Minerals as personal educational tools, which lead to inner growth and encounter with oneself. In addition, they are highly healing and precise to match the energy of today's children, who, because of their great sensitivity, need alternative and subtle pedagogical tools. These unique characteristics of the crystals, together with the fascination that children and young people themselves produce, make them a privileged tool as they enter the third millennium as a pedagogical tool as well as personal and group growth. By their very rich symbolism they help to find "who I am and what I do here, what is my purpose of life, how I raise my consciousness real and concretely as well as planetary consciousness in general".

Do you recommend some stones especially?

There are many. In particular I recommend the following:

Rose Quartz In particular, it helps children today in their self-esteem and love of themselves. And it reinforces the issue of self-reference, that is, one can work according to his own energy, his personal purpose.

Hematite. They are stones that serve to connect with the Earth, for rooting. Unlock all energy centers, connect with other dimensions. By working with rooting to Earth, it helps unlock Chakras 1, 2 and 3.

Rhodochrosite They help balance the physical with the spiritual. They help babies to be born and newborn babies to adapt more easily to their body and their environment. They work with universal love and help to implant the energy of the new humanity.

Tourmaline They serve to open channels where there are very strong physical-emotional blocks, they work mostly with the heart and help in the flow of stagnant energy. The black tourmaline in particular, opens channels to Earth to discharge all dense energy and neutralize it. It helps to face fears and overcome them.

Aquamarine. Activate the essence of the heart, to express it without shyness. It is excellent for children who have very subtle energy so they can communicate with the outside world.

Aventurine It balances emotional stress. It can work together with pink quartz and transparent glass.

Amethyst. They are important for both children and adults, because they facilitate spiritual awakening, transmutation, liberation. Clear the mind of emotions. It clarifies and directs the mind to the spiritual level. They are a good tool for meditation.

Lingam Coming from India. They help in the birth of the baby so that it is firmly and fully established on Earth. It has the ability to physically and energetically nourish the lower chakras that are responsible for anchoring to the Earth. Energetically fill the empty space that may have been left by the absence (physical or emotional) of one of the parents in childhood or birth.

The connection with the Earth?

It is important to use stones for children that connect them firmly to the Earth, because they already have the subtle information, but they need to be rooted to the Earth, and there are stones that can help them for this purpose such as: Smoky Quartz, Onyx black, garnet, carnelian, black tourmaline, hematite, rhodochrosite, lingam. In general all red, black and brown stone, combining with those mentioned above.

In the babies' rooms?

In the rooms of babies and children it is preferable to use pink, lilac, violet, celestial stones (aquamarine for example). Place in each corner, or on the bed, on the bedside table, under the pillow, under the bed, or take with you.

How to choose stones? How do I clean them?

The boys and girls of the Third Millennium love to have crystals and gems of all kinds. Let them choose their own stones. Teach them to clean the crystals regularly with water and a little salt or with incense depending on the type of stone. Then, place the stone in the moonlight and the rising sun.

What book do you advise us to read?

For more information on the use of crystals, consult JaneAnn Dow's book, Crystals that Cure, oriented to the work of integral and specific healing for this time.

Daniel, did you say that Rhodochrosite is very important for babies at this time? Why? What are its properties?

Indeed, Rhodochrosite is a wonderful stone and carrier of the new energy that is entering Earth. Rhodochrosite is the stone of the new era par excellence. It presents the golden color for wisdom, the orange color for creativity and the pink color for Love, explains the author JaneAnn Dow.

JaneAnn explains: "I will abound a love as we have never experienced it, an unconditional love of our spirit to our conscience." Rhodochrosite is all these things and brings them energetically to consciousness, from the highest levels of our understanding. This extraordinary crystal announces the advent of the era of enlightenment. [ ]

Rhodochrosite has the color and frequency of the newest color ray on which advanced souls enter the earthly plane. It is the first new ray and occurs at a time when the highest vibrational percentages are accessible to our consciousness. These new souls come from great distances. And most do it for their first cycle of incarnations and they have their enlightened souls already present here that help them on their journey and destiny.

[...] We can help them feel safe and secure here on Earth, comfort their spirit and give them a sense of well-being.

For adults, Rhodochrosite informs us that we have to take our spiritual tasks very seriously. It is time to join the 8th Ray of consciousness to have a greater perspective on life and spirit. ” (Dow: 1999, 173-174).

(1) Contact:
Daniel Pacheco Ramírez, cel. 705 36 370,
La Paz, Bolivia

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