Basic concepts of theosophy for beginners

  • 2017

Theosophy is a complex study that involves dozens of variables and that goes back to human origins. So, for those who wish to approach their research, we approach the basic concepts of theosophy for beginners that should be known . If you know them you will have, at least, a very useful initial knowledge to start in the study of this complex science, but at the same time very full and that will fill your soul with knowledge.

These are the basics of theosophy for beginners that you should know

The fundamental idea of ​​theosophy is the essential unity of beings . For those who study this science or philosophy, there is life everywhere. This life is given through the cosmos. Everything has its origin in the same unknowable divine source .

According to theosophy, from the sub-dynamic world to the stars and galaxies are constantly evolving . Besides being all alive. Each of the elements we find is divine in its roots. All these elements are expressed through spiritual ranges. But also through intellectual, psychological and more branches.

It is the constant evolution to which they are subjected that reflects this expression of the faculties. This evolution causes the cosmic periods to return to the divine source . Therefore, both the individual and everything that makes up the Earth, is part of this cosmic process.

The factors to take into account in theosophy for beginners

Thus, based on the display of this fundamental unit, there are factors to take into account:

  • And it is considered that altruism and compassion are human expressions . These expressions belong to cosmic and planetary realities. Humanity is unity through its interior, and not by physical contact. It is through our thoughts and feelings that we manage to infer in others.
  • For theosophy, when we pay attention to our internal impulses, the people we have closest benefit. But also humanity as a whole. The ideal would be to put the welfare of humanity above our progress .
  • Theosophy considers that we are beings rooted in divinity . That is why we can discover reality. For this it is necessary to learn to discern between true and false, real and illusory.
  • According to Purucker, a theosophy student, he would have points in common with a scientist. “Have we not been told time and again that we should consult our conscience before we accept anything? To do that, we have to think. ”
  • For theosophy, following our own spiritual instincts and intuitions will awaken our potential . The fact that we try to make others think like us can be bad. Each one follows his own thought, which he considers appropriate.
  • With regard to reincarnation and karma, to say that they are ideas that have been popularized by theosophists . This has been so mainly in the West. Although it is considered some tradition in the more oriental version, reincarnation was present in the West. It can be seen in Platonic philosophy, Judaism and in the beginnings of Christianity. In this way, reincarnation and karma would help explain our character and thoughts. And only something divine could end the result of our actions. These are the basic foundations of theosophy.

Now that you know the theosophical world a little better, you are already prepared to gradually introduce yourself to this science that will give you a much deeper knowledge of the human being, the cosmos and life as we know it.

Seen in Theo Society, by Pedro, editor of the Great White Brotherhood

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