Return Series - Shaud 2 - "THE HOUSE OF AWAKENING

And so it is, dear Shaumbra. Welcome to this beautiful meeting, and what a day that Tobias, Kuthumi, Adamus Saint-Germain and everyone else have had watching this energy of creation, of novelty, of expansion appear.

The Source of Consciousness

We were before perceiving that the fountain takes a while to fill, and you have filled it, Shaumbra. They have filled it. It has taken a while to fill it with what they call the New Energy, new consciousness. You have been working on it for many, many years. It is coming from the external realms, it is coming from the juice of its own wisdom, it is coming from the future and the past, and everything was going to fill its personal source.

Taking a considerable time, it has been a process that has required patience and understanding, but we see that it is now coming full. And you know, what are the sources, now simply begins a very natural process of flow, constantly bringing their own energies back up; constantly, in a beautiful way, dripping the energies back down.

There is a type of energy cycle, a source cycle for Shaumbra, which is taking place now when your personal essence has been complete with your spirit and your divinity, your creativity. And now there is that cycle of energy that goes to the other realms and makes the whole circle, cascading down as water would cascade from a source back to this reality, and then makes the circle back to the other dimensions, and then back down, creating an endless bond - an endless loop of consciousness and expansion, New Energy, creativity, releasing obstacles and barriers, truly being in life.

And what a beautiful day it is today to be alive in the human body here on Earth, and now I share that in common with you, since part of me is here. Part of me is in biology precisely as you are, part of me is in the other realms. Now, do not think of the other kingdoms as being away from millions of light years. The other kingdoms are only a breath from here. They are so close to you ... they may not be able to see you. So close to you that when you stare at some other place to what you have thought are the external realms, you are so close that you don't even see them. Part of me is in these external realms, but I can be so close to you right now.

I remember when together we started our journey, we on our side of the veil would have to prepare for weeks in advance to lower our energy to this level, for a couple of reasons. The barriers were very, very thick at that time, very, very dense. And there was also - how would they say - a concern on our part of entering the very dense human energy and not being able to get back. So we had to mount a kind of lifesaver tie with other angelic beings, very, very carefully lower our energy to these Shauds, to meetings with you. At that time his energy was much denser. At that time you were not even as sure as you are now about whether you were to remain on this planet.

I know that some of you may doubt that. Some of you may think that the thread is thinner now than it has ever been. But no, in fact when we look at his energy, we see that there is an extreme desire to be here, but to be here with purpose and clarity and passion and ease.

But many of you are feeling this very thin thread that can connect you to this Earth at the moment, because you were also opening to these other dimensions that are only a breath from here; to these new potentials, including a new you. Sometimes they feel this very thin connection, but that is exactly where they should be right now. It is a very thin connection.

You no longer need those thick barriers between you and the other kingdoms. They no longer have to close in order to remain here on Earth. They no longer need to pretend this game of forgetting in order to stay in the physical body. So the thread is thin. There are days when they think they can only take one breath and jump to the other side. And one interesting thing is: that does not mean that they will die. It means that your consciousness can expand into that other kingdom, very, very easily.

I had so much fun with some of you. We talked a lot, you know. Oh, I have the opportunity to enter and speak like that for a very large group of Shaumbra, but I can also enter and speak to them very privately, very individually. And no, I don't tell secrets, they already found out that ys some, by the way! (some laughs) Oh yes, yes.

We enter and talk and receive a feeling of being disoriented, more now than ever. Light in the head, you know? Feeling that they are simply going to fade from the face of the Earth? This is only then, one of the side effects of opening an awareness of this source of consciousness. It is going out to the other kingdoms, flowing back, cascading back down to this kingdom, going up back. Each time, you know, it goes a little further, expands a little more, returns to this kingdom, and as much as they are receiving from these other kingdoms a kind of new wisdom a, a kind of new basis for consciousness as much as they are receiving it from the other realms, are also giving to the other dimensions of yourself. Now sharing the total feeling of his human experience and letting it go, letting it flow up and out and back down.

There was a long time when many of you were ashamed of your thoughts and feelings. They felt weak. They felt unworthy. You were not letting this human experience in which you are involved flow up and out to the other parts of yourself. They kept it hidden here, they hid it. They were left to believe that they had to have gurus. They had to have great angelic beings, completely wise, completely knowledgeable. They were kept so hidden. And you know what happens, dear friends. All energy continues to want to expand and move and celebrate. So when they were holding back, it restricted energy, and later it showed in his body, in his mental balance, in his ability to manifest abundance in his life.

But now I look at them and see that they have filled their vessel with new consciousness. And it's very interesting because they haven't done it the way they thought they did. We will have discussions about this before I leave, but they have not done so through all these mental exercises. Some of you use mental exercises, giving yourself little grip phrases, affirmations, visualizations, thus getting some mental concept. Some of you do it as a distraction. Many of you were doing it because you no longer knew what to hang on.

But see, your changes in your consciousness have not been because of mental activity, it has not been because of the books you have read, it has not been because you were pushed to work harder, to try harder, to be a better person, to be kinder - none of these things. Those are very interesting but very old techniques.

They have been doing it through, say, a beautiful wish. Desire, referring to the very good form, comes from the heart, comes from the soul, comes from your real feelings. But despite all this battling of the mind and mental analysis and all the rest of this, it has not been what has brought them to this point. It has been the desire of your heart, the longing within you.

They hear it, very often they ignore it. They hear this deep yearning and very often translate it into analytical thoughts, since they are trying to understand what this means. There is that deep feeling inside - a deep and beautiful longing, a feeling of new hope, a feeling of wanting to spread its wings and fly. That is what has brought them here. They thought they were the steps of the mind. Not at all.


In their teachings, whether they teach in front of a group, whether they make a video or write songs, whether they are only a listener and a guide for family members and friends, all these things are teaching. No matter what they do, one of the most important things they will find with others, is when they enter their analysis and their rules for themselves, how they are trying to structure a human life built of sticks and glue. And you will be able to sit back and smile and know that you have been there, to know that you have fought on your hands and knees. They will be able to sit back and know, first of all, that they are going to be ok. They are going to be ok. It is in fact one of the interesting things in a book that one of you is going to write. They just want to know that it will be fine. Okay

There is this great fear that something will appear and annihilate them, that they will make the wrong turns, make the wrong decisions and end in hell, or end - more than anything - simply annihilated, no longer existing. But from what you and I know, that will never happen. They may go through some difficulties and troubles, some struggles. Oh, that fight - and you know it well - just before you left what we call a point of separation, it means a major change in consciousness, there is still that fight in consciousness, that they are not sure of being ready to leave It is like a blast into space. Are they really ready to leave the ground? Are you really ready to start the engines and make that jump? And it can be scary. But you have been there. They know it works - and not the way the mind would like it to work. Rarely. Not in the way that old expectations would think it will work. See, expectations come from the mind based on past events.

So often when humans are planning and making their goals, which we will refute today later, they have expectations. The expectations are of the mind, of the past, and are so limited. That is what in the past has caused great anxiety in many of you. Their expectations of what they thought things should be, what they thought spirituality should be. And I have to say - you would probably have to say - spirituality is nothing, nothing like your old human expectations, is it? Did they think they would grow wings? Would they have a halite? Would they be able to have laser vision and look through people's clothing? (Laughs) I told them that I know their secrets! (More laughter)

True spiritual perception is so very simple, it is so non-complex. True spiritual perception is not about enlarging the human. It is about integrating the divine, the human, all together here in this experience on Earth in the human body.

We have said this before many, many years ago, but we will repeat it again now. All the angels - all the angels - will come by the way of this original Earth or the other lands that are now being given birth, and there are many. They are copies of this Earth. They are being given birth in other dimensions. They assume all the attributes of this Earth. This was and still is and always will be the original. All the angels will come by the way of the Earth to celebrate their own One, their own integration, their own new perception.

It doesn't happen out there. It does not happen in the other kingdoms. It does not happen when you leave the physical body and return to the other side. It happens on this site called Earth. All the angels will come this way.

We have told you before that humans first come; Next come the angels who have never before been in human form; and after that comes the Spirit, God, the Home - whatever you call it. Integration, the point of separation of the perception of God inside takes place, yes, right here on Earth.

The present day

So what a beautiful day to be alive. I don't want them to focus on those problems of yours. It is certainly a beautiful day to be alive, to be able to feel the sun or to be able to see the stars, as many of you are doing right now. A beautiful day - if you listen carefully right now, particularly in this mountain enclave, but really anywhere - what a beautiful day to hear and feel the dance of Gaia, the Earth, the spirit that has nourished and cared for human flesh from the beginning of your time here. And the dance is while she leaves.

Oh, she is not leaving in sadness or anger. He is not leaving because you think that human actions are destroying the planet. He is leaving because he knows it is time for humans to take responsibility for their home. The house is Earth, and while she and her entourage leave - it will take a while, not exactly in a few years, it could take hundreds, you have been here for a long, long time, you would not expect all of them to leave in an instant - there is a dance, a parade, a celebration, when delivering the baton to humans. Take a moment to simply listen.


There is a joy. What a wonderful day to be a human on Earth, a day when there is so much change in consciousness. Sometimes, even from our perspective, it feels like it took so long to get to this point. How many lives have you lived to reach this point? But now the change - the real change in consciousness - is happening. They have gone through some other changes in past lives, but nothing compared to this.

Oh, the change infallibly causes some old systems to be turned upside down, causing some to fear what will happen next. But you know and I know it turns out. It turns out because there are those who have a vision, like you. Each of you has a vision. Vision is not a goal. The vision is not forced on other people. The vision is a dream. A dream can become reality.

That is what is happening right now throughout this Earth. It is nothing more for humans on Earth, but it also affects angels in all other kingdoms. It affects this thing that you call God. God is going through the greatest change of His (N. of T: said in feminine by Tobias) life because of you.

Let's take a deep breath and celebrate this day of all of us being on Earth and being simultaneously in the other dimensions, to celebrate the changes you are going through.

You know, some of the things you have been through in this life on Earth, thank God I like Sam will never have to go through them! They have helped pave the way. Some of those dark, deep uncertainties, some of those feelings of being so alone, the rest of the beings - angels, myself, and Sam - are not going to have to go through anything so difficult.

Shaumbra Who Have Party

I want to answer a question now before we continue with this Shaud, merely a question that has arisen from some bright, very intelligent Shaumbra. Why are so many Shaumbra leaving Earth right now? Why are they dying? These are spiritual beings that have a choice. Why are they dying right now? Didn't they choose strong enough? Did any part of them not hear your choice? Or are they just cheating themselves, is all this anyway destiny? Oh, dear Shaumbra, you are looking at a half-empty glass.

In fact it is amazing that so many of you are still here (some laughs), as we expected many, much less. We hoped that so many of you had left ten years ago, fifteen years ago. We are amazed that there are no more Shaumbra who have left! They know that we had a large place built here as a reception center for a lot of Shaumbra that would be crossing to the other side, and it's basically empty. We have food that is going to be wasted (laughs), we have help that is boring. It's like this big, empty room that Linda and Cauldre talked about, and nobody has died. We expected so many of you to return, since you had made a contract to ascend to some extent. That's. There have been memorable events along the way. Some of them go more or less back seven years ago. Do you remember? When were they touched on the shoulder late one night? We said: We are ready for you. We are not angels of death, we are only here to escort you. And you said: No, I'm going to stay. I don't care how hard it gets.

Several years ago when they were wondering what they were supposed to be doing in their life when they lost their house, their car, their job, their partner and their judgment all together with it time (laughs), why should they possibly be staying on Earth? But when we come for you, oh it is not the Grim Reaper that comes for you, unless you choose that, it is the angelic beings that are circling. When we came to you, they said: No, not yet. I've come this far. It would be like going to the movies and going out ten minutes before it ends. I want to stay to see the end of it.

So far, there have been many more Shaumbra than we ever thought. It's amazing. It is absolutely amazing. Some have crossed to the other side, certainly, but very few very few. Those who have crossed to the other side have reached a point in their life where, as a dear friend our doctor says: It is better to simply exchange that old beaten car, get a new model with a New Energy engine, a beautiful slippery and slender chassis, a sexy sport car, better than trying to compose the old one. And it is sometimes. It is. Oh sometimes they have carried your body through so much abuse. They built their body back in the days of karma. They are driving a little Karma Gu a! (Many laughs from the audience and Tob as before his pun on the Volkswagen car Karmann Ghia ). And they say that the angels don't have a sense of humor!

They built that body between old agreements and old energies and old, crooked, ancestral karma, staying with the same biological format. You know, there is something here I am going through the tangent and Cauldre does not want me to go here but something very interesting. You have a thing called incest in your human nature. They are not supposed to have children with their siblings or cousins ​​or something like that, because it causes certain biological imbalances, certainly.

But precisely as much as if they remain in that same ancestral pattern of karma, in other words, returning to the same family again and again, being born with that same group, which they have tended to do, will cause n how to say less than they have considered to be a beautiful human body. There is a certain type of ancestral incest. Do you want a beautiful body? Choose a different family next time if you are going back in! (Laughs) I'm serious. We can trace this however they want to chemically from a level of DNA but they get trapped in these bodies and sometimes they reach this point on the path and it is easier to exchange it.

You know, dying is actually very easy. Some of you fear it, fear it greatly. They run from it. It is the easiest thing you have ever done. They have done it thousands of times, some of you. They cross to the other side - I speak here of Shaumbra, not of humans in general, some humans are very traumatized - you have done it so often that you could do it with grace. In fact they become professional mori-dores (laughs). They do it right. So ... (Tobias chuckling).

So, dear Shaumbra, there are many less that you are actually crossing to the other side, and there are some who actually have so much love for you that they cross to the other side. They return to our side to work with you. They feel it is easier to help guide them from this side of the veil. They do it for the service. Don't pity them, don't feel bad for them. They return to the other side and then continue working with you. They do not run to the Bridge of Flowers. They come back to work with you.

Part of his humanity says: "No, I don't want to die." You know very few humans who actually make that conscious choice. His humanity says: "I don't want to", but as we talked about before, there is something that is remotely deeper, which is remotely more comprehensive than the thoughts of the mind and the creations of the mental. That is the desire of his heart.

So they question: Who guides? Who rules? Are you in this constant battle with your soul, your true essence, about what is right for you? Sit down and listen to yourself. Instead of having this barrier between you and your true, full self, sit down and listen. What is in that desire? And in that precious moment where the mind is not trying to structure things and create expectations and goals, in that moment the human, the soul, become as one.

Elections are not made from fear; The choices are made by the great and pure creation. Elections are not made solely because of the little human; Elections are made from the whole being. When choices are made at this level and then expectations are released; when creative energy is allowed to flow like this source; to circulate and expand, that's when they will see the manifestation of the true and complete choices of yourself. Not only of the small human, not only of the limited mind. The choice is much bigger than your mind will ever know.

The good thing is that all of you are getting there. You are all now at that point of going beyond choices and making true spiritual choices. What a great day to be on this Earth as a human. What a great day to be celebrating life here exactly.

Let's take a deep breath together. I will keep this Shaud relatively brief. Great!

Teaching About Life On Earth

At our recent meeting in Hamburg with Kuthumi and Saint-Germain, we talked about this amazing new place that is being created. It's great Now, of course, you know we have the New Earth. The New Earth is like the library of human consciousness, the repository of all information and feelings and sensations and experiences. The New Earth is a place where many of you have gone to help teach angelic beings who have never been before on Earth and are now beginning to enter.

So you go there, and I listen to your stories, your lectures, if you require them. How many of you are teaching these new beings at night, the Crystals, the angels, who are coming to Earth for the first time. I love hearing some of their stories, how they tell them what it looks like to be a human. And if anyone knows, it's you. If anyone has had lives since the beginning of the Earth, it is you. If someone is qualified to teach the new, it is you.

There are many classes taking place every night. You are trying to help you understand what it is like to go from the body of light, which does not carry any weight, no density as you would know - it is very free - what it is like to enter the human body. And you know, despite what you and I sometimes talk, despite some of the curses and complaints I hear from you about this being on Earth, it is amazing to watch you stand up in front of the groups, stand in front of the legions of Angels who are now coming to Earth and say: “There is nothing more beautiful than your soul going to Earth. Nothing more beautiful than the experience of density, the experience of watching your creations flourish in this place called Earth. ”

It's fun to hear them in front of these groups talking about eating a good meal, trying to explain it to an angel who never had to eat before. They do not explain it through words or the mind, they explain it through their feelings. Explaining what it is like to make love with another human. And again, angelic beings, they, you know, we mix our bodies of light and that, but it's nothing like the experience on Earth.

Listening to them speak to these new ones who are entering about feeling the sunlight on their face. They can't even probe it. Talking about walking in nature, walking in biology in biology. Nothing like that. Sometimes I have to chuckle when they revert back to that modality "I am only a modest human." When I hear you talking to these classes at night, it's an amazing thing. That's where his passion comes out. That's where his true love for life comes out.

So we have this New Earth, and as Saint-Germain recently told the group, there are many other lands being created right now. This - what you would call - the original Earth experiment has proven to be such an energetic place for soul development, that there are many other lands being created right now. They might think that it is strange despite the problems that this Earth is facing, but is it really? It really is? Maybe nothing else is a change that this world is going through? It is quite an elevation in consciousness whereby other worlds of the exact same characteristics are now being created, perhaps in other dimensions but with the same specifications. It is so much to think about.

Some of you have been receiving a kind of call lately. Precisely when they thought they were going to ascend and never return, they are now receiving a call for these new lands, these new worlds. They also need teachers. They also need those who introduce the seed of the soul, the seed of life force energy. So I know that some of you have been struggling with that lately, since you are hearing this call. How could as pioneers of consciousness and human reality not have a piece of you that wants to go to one of these new places?

Well, right now I will not go into it. I will before leaving. I am going to tell you about something I have done, which in fact is quite unique - the ability to ascend and still continue to create yourself over and over again. It's much more complicated than it seems to be, but we'll talk about it. Right now, let's go back to Shaud.

The House of Awakening

So at our meeting in Hamburg we were talking about a new place that is being built, being built right now in one dimension at only one breath. In fact, in a dimension that is so close to Earth, so close that if something came closer, it would be material. It would be physical, like what you have.

Right now there are so many humans waking up that they need a place, a safe place, that they need a center, as you might call it. We tend to call it - every time there is an energy configuration for a specific purpose, we call it a House. Now, you call the thing in which you live a house, but in the angelic realms we call any congruence of energy and consciousness a House. They have the House of Sananda, for example. Micha-el's House. These are kind of spiritual centers or meeting places. There are many, many, many for all dimensions, but now you are creating a House - a House of Awakening - so close to Earth but not yet manifested in the physical.

They are building it, not for themselves. You have truly gone beyond that. Truly. They are building it for those who are waking up. And all over the world there are millions, and millions and millions that are going through their awakening.

We've talked about it before. They need a site that is very closely associated with the energies of the Earth. Why? Because when they go out to the other realms in their dream state, during their dream world, they have difficult times bringing back some of that energy or consciousness back to Earth. When they go out at night, they wander in the other realms and then forget when they bring it back. You know how that is. Now they have become much better at bringing that essence back with you. I know they complain that their dream state is interrupted, but part of the reason is because they are bringing back packages of this essence from the bigger picture of things.

So you as Shaumbra, for the past few years, have been working together with other beings, physical and non-physical, to create this House of Awakening. It is a place then, where very soon humans from one side of the world to the other will be able to go. So close to the Earth's energy construction, so close that even when they are in their fully conscious state as human on Earth, they can bring back this information, this kind of Healing, this integration.

We have continued to work with you for some time, and today we would like to take you there as a group. Kuthumi is going to bring her bus there (laughs). Llev a aquellos en Hamburgo a una excursi n por Arcturus, por cierto. A cuarenta a os luz de aqu, pero l tiene un autob s muy veloz, as que este no ser en modo alguno un viaje muy largo. Y decimos esto bromeando y en met fora, pero los estamos invitando a expandir su conciencia con nosotros ya que hoy nos gustar a llevarlos a una gran pre-inauguraci n de la Casa de Despertar. Su energ a est en ella y es much simo una parte

Y antes de que partamos de hecho, me gustar a se alar unas cuantas cosas. Este es un sitio que la imaginaci ny la conciencia construyeron. Este es un sitio que el deseo y el amor construyeron. Este es un sitio donde todos ustedes dijeron: A trav s de las experiencias que he pasado en mi vida en la Tierra, quiero que otros sean capaces de beneficiarse . Ustedes han agregado su energ aa la construcci ny al dise oya la operaci n energ tica de este sitio. Son parte de ello.

Dijeron que quer an que otros humanos hicieran que su despertar sea m s tranquilo, hicieran que su auto-descubrimiento del Yo Soy no tenga tantos callejones sin salida, callejuelas oscuras y demonios y monstruos. De tal manera que han ayudado a crear este sitio. Dijeron que no quer an que esos que est n despertando pasaran por el trauma f sico que algunos de ustedes tuvieron, y especialmente el trauma mental, as que ayudaron a crear este sitio.

Abrir, oficialmente, exactamente un a o despu s del Salto Cu ntico. Abrir el 19 de septiembre. Ahora mismo el final ahora, esto es muy real Shaumbra, ya veces tienen tiempos dif ciles separando lo que llaman real de la imaginaci n. Pero son las mismas cosas. Solamente tienen diferentes cualidades si est aqu en la Tierra f sica frente a no-f sica. Pero es muy, muy real.

Ahora bien, como dije va a abrir oficialmente el 19 de septiembre, y sucede que es el mismo d a que su nuevo sitio Web abrir . Ahora bien, tenemos que decirle a nuestra querida amiga Michelle MacHale, que has estado trabajando en este proyecto, este nuevo sitio Web. Piensas que todo es solamente informaci n, programaci n, software y estas otras cosas? Piensas que es solamente lo que ves en la pantalla frente a ti? Para nada. Trataste de tenerlo listo para introducirlo hoy, tenerlo en l nea. La fecha no funcion . Significa que es el 19 de septiembre.

As que vean, no es solamente un sitio Web, es un portal a la nueva Casa de Despertar. La energ a Shaumbra ser prominente ah y cuando alguno de ustedes entre a este nuevo sitio Web Shaumbra, oh van a ver cosas en la pantalla. Van a ver reas distintas, pero verdaderamente, es un portal hacia la Casa de Despertar.

As que tomemos una respiraci n profunda. Abordemos el autob s de Kuthumi


y permit monos expandir nuestra energ a hacia dentro de este lugar.

Algunos de ustedes est n preguntando mientras estamos empezando a partir: Qu con el Centro de Servicio Shaumbra? . A n est ah, ese es para ustedes. Ese es para ustedes. Pero esta Casa de Despertar es para todos los humanos que elijan pasar por este proceso, que ahora mismo están pasando por la integración de la conciencia.

Mientras arrancamos… usen su imaginación. Let her go No se sientan tontos usando su imaginación. Es una de las herramientas más importante que tienen.

Mientras arrancamos hacia esta Casa de Conciencia y Despertar, están batallando por ver cómo se ve, y ese es uno de los atributos, como saben, de la nueva conciencia – que continuará cambiando. Para algunos de ustedes se ve como la Ciudad Esmeralda. Para algunos de ustedes se ve como una hermosa mansión o un lago, porque lo es. Algunos de ustedes no reciben ninguna imagen en absoluto, y eso es apropiado.

Si no están recibiendo una imagen de cómo se ve, esta Casa de Despertar, desde el exterior, vayan a un nivel diferente. Vayan a otra manera de interpretar los sentimientos. No tienen que verla. Solamente déjense sentirla. No traten de decidir cuán grandes son los árboles, cuán alta es la pared. Solamente déjense sentirla. Quizá esa es incluso una herramienta más potente que ser capaz de visualizarla.

Mientras estamos a punto de entrar aquí, les voy a pedir que se quiten los zapatos. ¡Les estoy pidiendo que se quiten los zapatos! (El público se quita los zapatos).

Bueno, ¿por qué les pido que se quiten los zapatos? (Linda dice: “para ver si lo haremos”, Tobías ríe entre dientes). E incluso aquellos que estén mirando o escuchando en línea, sólo se les va a permitir la entrada si se quitan sus zapatos. Es simbólico. Es simbólico, porque vean, sus zapatos que han usado en sus pies, los han llevado a ustedes por el sendero. Contienen energía y la mugre de su pasado. Y cuando entremos en la Casa de Despertar… les van a estar pidiendo a sus estudiantes – oh, los van a estar llevando allá – les van a estar pidiendo que se quiten los zapatos como un gesto simbólico de soltar el pasado, soltar el sendero por el que han caminado. No es que estemos preocupados por ensuciar esta Casa de Despertar. Se trata de empezar nuevamente.

Y cuando entren a la Casa de Despertar vamos a pedirles que tomen una respiración profunda. Tomen una respiración profunda, no sólo para invitar a la esencia de esta casa dimensional que ustedes han ayudado a construir, sino que se trata de dejar fluir la energía. Y van a pedirles a sus estudiantes que tomen una respiración profunda, porque muchos de ellos van a estar en un estado de shock y ansiedad y potencialmente desprovistos de vida cuando entren. Este será un sitio que ustedes como un maestro, un guía y un sanador puedan usar en cualquier momento, puesto que ayudaron a construirlo.

De manera que cuando ustedes les pidan a ellos que tomen una respiración profunda, será para ayudar a que la energía se mueva de nuevo. Será para ayudar a aliviar esa ansiedad ya veces pánico en el que están; regresarlos al momento del Ahora.

El siguiente paso, cuando entramos a esta Casa de Despertar, el siguiente paso es beber un trago de agua. Hay abundancia de agua. Ni siquiera necesitan un vaso aquí arriba. Sencillamente beban del agua, porque el agua, como hemos platicado antes, es un milagro. El agua, como lo saben – ustedes piensan que es solamente esta sustancia clara, mayormente clara, la ponen en un vaso y la beben – pero hay muchísimo más con el agua. Contiene Nueva Energía. Contiene energía de esencia. Y cuando la beben, es el reconocimiento de que estás llenando tú mismo, como lo que hablábamos al principio, tu propia fuente. La estás llenando con energía de fuerza vital. De manera que es un gesto simbólico. Por lo tanto, imagínense a sí mismos bebiendo esa agua.

Ahora miremos un poquito por aquí esta Casa de Despertar, porque muchos, muchos humanos vendrán acá. Muchos de ustedes van a estar enseñando aquí. Muchos de ustedes traerán acá en una base individual a sus clientes, a sus parroquianos. Ha sido diseñada y construida con todas las energías apropiadas en su iluminación, porque dentro de la iluminación y dentro del color hay características muy importantes.

Ha sido creada muy específicamente con sonidos. Ahora bien, no tenemos aquí sistemas de altavoz o la electrónica. No los necesitamos. Pero hay sonidos emanando a través de las salas y los cuartos. Cuando traigan aquí a cualquiera de sus clientes, a cualquiera de los humanos a los que están ayudando a guiar ya enseñar, los sonidos que oigan y sientan van a ser únicos para ellos – específicos. Van a estar en un tipo de resonancia que proporciona un espacio seguro. Sonido y respiración son dos de las más importantes cualidades para brindar espacio seguro.

Lo que escuchas o lo que sientes va a ser único para ti, así que no esperen que ellos vayan a oír o sentir la misma resonancia. Será único para ellos. Pero estará establecido para ayudarlos a regresarse al equilibrio.

Mientras echamos un vistazo a esta Casa de Despertar, y ahora mismo puede estar cambiando como es para muchos de ustedes – tamaño, los colores, la disposición de los cuartos, quizá no hay cuartos en absoluto. No traten de determinar mentalmente lo que debería ser. Déjense fluir con ella. Ha sido construida por ustedes con algunas energías brillantes.

Así que cuando traigan acá a sus clientes, si lo hacen en un viaje de la imaginación como lo que estamos haciendo ahora mismo, si lo están haciendo en un nivel alma-a-alma con ellos, pero cuando los traigan acá, ella proporcionará un espacio seguro para ellos. Brindará la oportunidad para la sanación, para la transformación, para el descubrimiento.

Ustedes son aquí su guía. Los van a ayudar a entender algunas de las cosas que están dentro de esta Casa de Despertar. Van a ayudarlos a entender que aquí en el espacio seguro ellos pueden ser. Pueden dejar ir. No tienen que preocuparse respecto a ser atacados. No tienen que preocuparse acerca de alguien robando energía de ellos. No tienen que preocuparse por seguir en el viejo sendero en el que seguían. Aquí es donde verdaderamente llegan a descubrir que toda energía busca – y encuentra – resolución.

Es un proceso natural. No es un proceso que fuerzan a través de la mente. No es un proceso que fuerzan a través de la voluntad. Toda energía busca resolución y la encuentra. Si un humano se sienta en un espacio seguro – sentarse es una metáfora – pero está en un espacio seguro, toma una respiración profunda, suelta el batallar, suelta el control y la expectativa; si caen en sí mismos, rindiéndose a quien realmente son, no a algún Dios externo – Dios mío, eso ha causado tantos problemas en el pasado. Rendirse a un Dios externo causará una colisión energética, causará que su sistema vaya – su sistema completo, biología, mente y espíritu y gnost – vaya a cualquiera de los dos, cerrarse o gran contubernio. Cuando se rinden a algo que ni siquiera conocen o entienden, se rinden básicamente a una nada, van a entrar a un tipo de fundirse. Su sistema va a preguntarse qué diablos está pasando.

Pero cuando te rindes a ti mismo, a tu Dios, a ti internamente, y solamente permites que el proceso natural tenga lugar, el cuerpo comienza a sanarse a sí mismo. Como hemos hablado en la Tecnología Estándar, se sana a sí mismo. La mente se tranquiliza, y al tranquilizarse, empieza a regresar al equilibrio. El espíritu se siente bienvenido a comenzar a hacer su conexión e integración con su aspecto humano. Y todo ello puede suceder en este espacio seguro.

En este espacio seguro, una vez que ustedes o su cliente entran a esta Casa de Despertar, no hay métodos. No hay terapias. Ellos no traen sus campanas, sus aceites, sus cristales. No traen ninguna de esas distracciones, Es solamente ellos. Dejan ir, ante todo – ustedes van a ver esto; ni siquiera tienen que decírselos, ellos se van a dar cuenta – lo primero que sueltan en esta Casa de Despertar es el tiempo. El tiempo.

El Tiempo

El tiempo es uno de los sistemas de creencias más rígidos. El tiempo crea un sendero lineal en el que luego los humanos se sienten atrapados. Cuando un humano está tan profundamente involucrado en el tiempo, ellos van a sentir que están en una prisión, en una trampa. Ya sea que crean o no en la reencarnación, creen en el pasado. Y cuando un humano cree en el pasado, ellos creen que va a continuar dentro del futuro.

Así que cuando lleven a su cliente, o con el que estén trabajando, guiando, a esta Casa de Despertar, de repente ellos van a empezar a tener sensaciones extrañas. Van a mencionarles algo – “El tiempo ahora mismo parece tan confuso en mi vida. Yo acostumbraba ser tan bueno en seguir la huella del tiempo, y ahora no soy bueno en absoluto”. ¿Recuerdan eso, cuando estaban pasando por eso? Recuerden cuando algo dentro de ustedes decía en el verdadero proceso de despertar: suelta el concepto de tiempo. Es una de las muy, muy primeras cosas para ir por.

El pasado es únicamente experiencia, mas sin embargo con el sistema de creencia del tiempo, también se convierte en el futuro. Recuerden hace mucho cuando les dije que el futuro es el pasado sanado.

Cuando su cliente, amigos, los que ustedes estén guiando, empiezan a soltar el tiempo, también comienzan a entender que el futuro no es destino. La mayoría de los humanos creen ahora mismo que el futuro está destinado y que tienen muy poco que decir respecto a ello. Creen – inclusive los que ustedes llamarían algunos de los seres iluminados, algunos de los grandes filósofos y escritores de su época – creen que el futuro ya ha sido semi-creado. Creen que existe un sendero que ya ha sido creado para ellos, o que quizá ellos ya han creado, y no lo es. En esta Casa de Despertar empezarán a entender que el futuro es únicamente potencial y los potenciales son cosas que están imaginando.

Tan a menudo el humano tiene miedo del futuro puesto que ha sido creado del pasado. Tienen miedo de los potenciales porque los que parecen atraerlos en su mayor a son algunos de los m s dram ticos, algunos de los m s severos. Porque si est n en un lugar de miedo y drama, si est n en un lugar de incertidumbre respecto as mismos, ese es el futuro potencial al que van a ser atra dos. No van a ver todos los otros potenciales grandiosos que est n disponibles para ellos.

El futuro est completamente abierto, pero dif cilmente parece de esa manera cuando ellos han estado siguiendo un sendero k rmico lineal. Justo como para ustedes, el ma ana pudiera tomar un cambio repentino de direcci n. El ma ana podr a abrirse a revelar una nueva conciencia grandiosa para ti mismo si es ah donde eliges ir.

As que sus clientes comenzar na soltar la creencia en el tiempo, y ese es el primer paso.

Vamos a estar pasando por algunos de los otros atributos de la Casa de Despertar cuando haga mi taller en Atenas, Grecia. Quiero hacerlo all por una raz n muy espec fica. La informaci n ser compartida con Shaumbra, por supuesto. Esta Casa de Despertar est disponible para todos, para cualquiera de ustedes. Incluso pueden ir all por su cuenta. No solamente tienen que llevar a sus clientes, a los que est n guiando. Ustedes pueden ir por su cuenta. Ayudaron a construirla.

Dicen ustedes: Entonces Tob as, cu n real es esto? Es esto solamente otra historia? Es esto una met fora? . Les dir qu tan real es. Entre ahora y nuestro pr ximo Shaud juntos, habr algo de lo que se vuelvan tan conscientes que tenga que ver con construcci n, puesto que ustedes ayudaron a construir este lugar que abrir en solamente una semana o dos. Abrir con la inauguraci n del nuevo sitio Web, el nuevo portal hacia la Casa de Despertar. Van a tener algo en su vida oh, ustedes lo est n creando, nosotros no estamos haci ndolo llegar a ustedes pero algo que va a provocarles re ry decir: Ah, eso es lo que Tob as dijo . Van a manifestar un ejemplo f sico real que tiene que ver con construcci no edificaci n.

A algunos de ustedes se les ponchar una llanta cuando pasen encima de un clavo, y estar n maldiciendo el hecho de que se le acaba de ponchar una llanta a su coche. Pero cuando echen una mirada y vean ese clavo, quiero que suelten una buena carcajada. Es una manera de t decirte a ti mismo y nosotros no lo estamos haciendo, t te est s diciendo a ti mismo que esto es real. Es tan real como la realidad en la que est n ahora mismo.

Puede que accidentalmente se den contra un cami ny cuando miren alrededor para ver qu clase de cami n es, va a ser de una compa a de construcci n. Ning n da o severo, por supuesto, solamente un peque o codazo, un peque o recordatorio.

Puede que una herramienta les caiga en su pie (risas), y mientras est n maldiciendo brincando arriba y abajo sosteniendo su pie, van a soltar una buena carcajada y decir: Ahora s que es real .

Se van a dar este regalo. Han hecho esto por un largo tiempo. Acostumbraban siempre pedirle a Dios que les diera una se al, yo s cu nto han hecho eso. Esa es una cosa terrible para que los humanos hagan cuando no conocen un Dios mas sin embargo est n rezando y quieren una se al de Dios, y el Dios est exacto aqu pero ustedes est n yendo all afuera, y luego no se presenta; no hay ninguna se al. Entonces aprenden a desconfiar de Dios. Cuando aprendes a desconfiar de Dios, realmente aprendes a desconfiar de ti mismo.

Pero ahora ustedes se van a dar una señal, y saldrá de ninguna parte, entrará en su realidad y entonces van a decir: “Esta Casa de Despertar que yo he ayudado a construir para otros humanos, adonde puedo ir como un guía, como un facilitador, como un maestro, es real “. It is real. No puedo esperar a oír sus historias. Me encantaría que las compartieran.

Así que esa es la esencia de nuestra plática de hoy. El día de hoy ha sido sobre nuevas creaciones – música y películas y toda suerte de cosas que Shaumbra están trayendo a colación. Pero todos ustedes han estado involucrados en la Casa de Despertar.

Y dicen ustedes: “¿Cuán pronto, cuán pronto se va a manifestar en la Tierra? ¿Por qué tiene que ser en otra dimensión?”. Ah, Shaumbra, están un paso adelante del juego. Eso también estará llegando pronto.

Así que tomemos una respiración profunda de sentir esta esencia de este hermoso sitio hacia donde vendrán aquellos humanos que estén pasando por este proceso de despertar, donde ustedes irán para continuar sus enseñanzas, su facilitación. Celebremos la inauguración de esta Casa – la Casa de Despertar – en solamente un muy corto periodo de tiempo. Le estamos dando ahora los toques finales, y pronto tendrán acceso total.

Tomen una respiración profunda…


…y vuelvan a retornar a su momento presente. No hay nada como el presente. Los otros humanos pasando por el despertar, cuando aprendan a soltar la creencia del tiempo y la ilusión del tiempo, van a llegar a darse cuenta cuán precioso es este momento, ya que es en este momento que existes, en este momento que creas tus potenciales, y en este momento que integras todas tus experiencias del pasado.

And so it is.

______________________________________________________________________ Tobías del Concejo Carmesí es presentado por Geoffrey Hoppe, también conocido como “Cauldre”, en Golden, Colorado. La historia de Tobías, del libro bíblico Libro de Tobit, puede ser encontrada en el sitio Web del Círculo Carmesí en Los Materiales de Tobías han sido ofrecidos gratuitamente a trabajadores de la luz y Shaumbra alrededor del mundo desde agosto de 1999, la época en que Tobías dijo que la humanidad se desplazó más allá del potencial de destrucción y hacia dentro de la Nueva Energía.

El Círculo Carmesí es una red global de ángeles humanos quienes están entre los primeros en hacer la transición dentro de la Nueva Energía. Conforme experimentan las alegrías y retos del estatus de ascensión, ellos ayudan a otros humanos en sus viajes, a través de compartir, cuidar y guiar. Más de 100 000 visitantes vienen al sitio Web del Círculo Carmesí cada mes para leer los últimos materiales y discutir sus propias experiencias.

El Círculo Carmesí se reúne mensualmente en el área de Denver, Colorado donde Tobías presenta la última información a través de Geoffrey Hoppe. Tobías declara que él y los otros del Concejo Carmesí celestial están de hecho canalizando a los humanos. De acuerdo a Tobías, ellos están leyendo nuestras energías y traduciendo nuestra propia información de vuelta a nosotros para que podamos verla desde el exterior, mientras la experimentamos en el interior. El “Shaud” es la porción de la canalización donde Tobías se corre a un lado y la energía de los humanos es canalizada directamente por Geoffrey Hoppe.

Las reuniones del Círculo Carmesí están abiertas al público. El Círculo Carmesí recibe su abundancia a través del amor abierto y obsequios de Shaumbra por todo el mundo.

El propósito último del Círculo Carmesí es servir como guías humanos y maestros a aquellos caminando el sendero del despertar espiritual interior. Esta no es una misión evangélica. Más bien, la luz interior guiará a la gente hasta sus puertas para que les brinden compasión y cuidado. Ustedes sabrán qué hacer y enseñar en ese momento, cuando el humano único y preciado que está a punto de embarcarse en este viaje del Puente de Espadas llegue a ustedes.

Si ustedes están leyendo esto y tienen una sensación de verdad y conexión, ustedes son ciertamente Shaumbra. Son un maestro y un guía humano. Permitan que la semilla de la divinidad florezca dentro de ustedes en este momento y por todos los tiempos por venir. Nunca están solos, ya que hay familia en derredor del mundo y ángeles en los reinos alrededor de ustedes.

Please distribute this text on a non-commercial, non-cost basis. Please include the information in its entirety including these footnotes. All other uses must be approved in writing by Geoffrey Hoppe, Golden, Colorado. Vean los contactos en la página Web: © Derechos de Autor 2008 Geoffrey Hoppe, Golden, CO 80403

Irma la traductora nos recomienda leer este Shaud antes del 19 de este mes.


La Serie del Retorno:

SHAUD 2: “La Casa de Despertar”
Presentando a Tobías, canalizado por Geoffrey Hoppe

Presentado al Círculo Carmesí

Septiembre 6, 2008

Traducción: Irma Sztabinski

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