Why we make Decrees 3 times ~ Paul the Venetian

  • 2014

(Speech given by Frances K. Ekey, which appears in the book DIARY OF THE BRIDGE TO FREEDOM PABLO EL VENECIANO, pages 98-101, Serapis Bey Editores, SA)

Beloved co-workers in the Love Cause of Liberation:

Given that this issue of our Journal is dedicated to the grateful acknowledgment and blessing of the Third Ray, and that from time to time our kind readers have asked us why we repeat our decrees three times (wherever possible) every time we make them, we offer below the following good and logical reasons for this practice:

1. Just as in the Orthodox world they pray in the triple activity of the Deity, "in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit", so we make our decrees at least three times, in the name and authority of Love, of Wisdom and Power, which is the triple activity of the Most High.

2. The repetition of the decree at least three times by the external being (eg Personality) of an individual indicates that the external consciousness of the physical being, the consciousness of the Holy Christ Self (of which the beloved Jesus spoke in terms of “the Mediator between God and man) and the omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient Consciousness of the Divine Being (the "I AM" Presence) are in agreement and agree to bring forth the same manifestation. "Union make force".

When such loving cooperation occurs, this means that the personality has awakened spiritually enough to realize and consciously accept the Truth that the life of the personality is God-in-action and, therefore, is a very real part of the triple Nature of God. It means that the light (the good) of the personality (or external being) recognizes and invokes to action the greatest Divine Love and Wisdom of its own current of life, and the Law of Life. When the lower consciousness invokes the greater for whatever assistance, the greater consciousness ALWAYS RESPONSES ... instantly!

3. It is Law that, in order to bring to the external manifestation here in the world of physical appearances that for which we invoke, the external being of the individual (or group) who wishes such manifestation must download from this octave of expression at least one third of the energy required in the Internal Levels of consciousness to produce such manifestation. The other two thirds of the energy required for such production will be supplied by the Ascended Host. In view of the fact that the average individual does not discharge a large amount of energy through his own thought, feeling and spoken word when he makes a decree, repeating his decree three times helps him more quickly collect the necessary energy required for the manifestation.

4. Yet another reason to repeat the decrees at least three times at a time, is that, in this way, the decrees actually help convince your personality of the Truths you are proclaiming, by hearing those repeated decrees either by yourself or by others in the group. This is a reason for the tremendous opportunity as well as the effectiveness of the group decree. The external being gets a feeling of trust when he sees and hears others engaged in activities similar to his own.

If an individual does not at first have much faith in his decrees (even if he is doing them alone), in repeating them with sincerity he will find himself beginning to believe in his decree or affirmation of Truth (regardless of all appearance). Then, if you remain in it long enough, you will finally consciously accept that Truth with all your heart, and you will be fully convinced of its reality. Then, its manifestation (decree made) will become here. " According to your faith be made to you " (Mt 9:29)

5. Repeating a decree (affirmation or assertion of Truth) builds a good and strong thought-form, layer after layer, as it says. Each time the decree is issued, a thought-form is created in the atmosphere . In view of the fact that "each attracts its equal", each of these forms will attract the next one to it while the same pattern is repeated over and over again. At the beginning, the thought-form is rather vaporous, but as layer after layer of substance (energy discharged by the individual in the decree) is qualified with the same pattern and added to the original, that form is becoming each time stronger and more definitive, and it becomes the "chalice" within which the feeling of faith and acceptance of the decrees is poured. It then becomes something living and, in obedience to the spoken word (with the authority of the “I AM” Presence), that form goes out to the external manifestation.

It is that everything comes from the invisible to the visible. It all starts from THE ONE. The large coral reefs in some places of our oceans are formed from the tiny skeletons of those small sea creatures whose shells discarded we call "coral." When life within that shell is about to die, it usually rests on another shell of its kind and, thus, millions and millions of such tiny shells combine to form a habitable island on which some human beings can live (and they live!).

Remember! The activity of decreeing on their own and with other people is a tremendous privilege of God's merciful love. It should always be an activity of the most jubilant, and should never be considered as laborious or "homework" of any kind . This activity allows the promises of God to be fulfilled, since it agrees with His great Law: "Decree something and this will be done in you", "Involve me and I will answer you". Gratitude for such an opportunity constitutes the open door for more and more blessings in your daily life.

Blessings and thanking them for loving life enough to free it at the point of decrees,


Frances K. Ekey


* Beloved Magna and Victorious Presence of God "I AM" in me, beloved Holy Christ Being of mine and of all human beings, beloved Goddess of Freedom, beloved Paul The Venetian and all who serve with Him:

Expand ... expand ... forever expand the perfectly balanced activities of Divine Love, Wisdom and Power that are contained in the glorious Immortal Triple Flame of Eternal Truth anchored right here within my own beating heart. Expand the Light, substance and feelings of Divine Control and Victory of that Flame in, through and around me until I am in full possession and control all the energies of my life stream in full.

May this Triple Flame of my Divinity direct me, correct me, protect me and perfect me at all times, always keeping me supplied with the unlimited abundance of money and every good thing that I require for the realization of my Divine Plan Keep these activities eternally sustained, all-powerful and always in expansion, until I am fully promoted and free!

What I ask for myself I also ask for all those who belong to the evolutions of the Earth that have not yet ascended.

(repeat this paragraph x3, and then say):

and I consciously accept this done NOW with full power !.

Why we do the Decrees 3 times ~ Paul the Venetian

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