Earth Guardian Chronicles, Issue No. 41. February 2010 -Auras, Angels & Antimatter Archangel Metatron through James Tyberonn

  • 2010

Because their etheric body interacts in antimatter, it can be said that human beings are actually hybrids of matter / antimatter, conceptually evolved from within the anti-matter. But listen carefully: Your core consciousness exists vitally within the antimatter, but not as antimatter, there is a difference. Its central genesis is Divine Thought and it co-creates and penetrates each matrix. Arc Metatron

Greetings Masters! I am Metatron Lord of Light and I greet you in an Unconditional Love vector!

And so we speak again of matter / antimatter and the synergistic flow between the two that define their realities. There is a constant change between matter and antimatter that ignites the units of consciousness in both realms through macro and white micro holes and black holes. This is the underpinning of reality NOW that converges in all time holograms. Penetrates all matter and antimatter and you live in both.

Matter and antimatter form different types of parallel universes. Some are separate dimensional planes governed succinctly by different sets of physics, geometry and physical laws. Others duplicate their universe very closely. Some parallel universes exist in the sub-space within “shapeless geometry” parameters and are completely different quantum realities. Some universes are smaller than a molecule, such is the paradox of the space enigma. Physical universes such as yours are the exception, not the rule. There really are extremely evolved Beings in the Cosmos that are totally uninformed that the realms of the physical universes even exist. Certainly there are distant components of your own Existence, totally ignorant of your physical self.

Visible physical matter that falls within its current limited level of technology actually builds less than 4% of the multiverse. Approximately 20% of its universe is composed of what is called "dark" or invisible matter. The remaining 76-80% is anti-matter. What you refer to as the crystalline light body or MerKaNa is interconnected inside and outside of all three. You really travel within dark matter and antimatter every night in what you call a lucid dream state, in an etheric state of ultra-violet, inside the etheric bio-plasma energy bodies.

Most of you have very little memory of what happens in these nighttime stays. However, this information is accessible to those of you prepared to achieve the MerK Bico level of consciousness in the three-level MerK Vico system of the Crystal Light Bodies.

The MerKaBa of Polarity is obsolete

But let's be clear, a concerted effort is required to develop understanding towards this Crystalline System of the Body of Light. The MerKaba of the old polarity will not work in this capacity. You observe that the electromagnetic grid (polarity) is collapsing as the Crystal Grid enters with full energy. The human aura attached to the electromagnetic grid cannot sustain and will not sustain the high frequencies of the Quantum Crystal Energy Unified Field. The Crystalline Era is upon you and the systems as such, both your physical bodies and your air systems are demanding more and more large approaches as the Earth approaches this supra-dimensional graduation. Certainly the increasing frequencies of the planet are requiring the transition of humanity towards the three-level MerKiVicos modality of the Auric Function of the crystalline multi-dimensional Light Body. A large number of humanity must still recognize that the ancient Auric system is unable to carry the growing energy of critical light on the planet. As a result, a form of pressure differential is happening that results in a voltage overload. It can produce and manifest a fissure and auric bleeding and a short circuit. We have referred to these realities as Indispositions of Ascension n . Unknown, these can lead to a loss of energy, chronic fatigue and depression.

We have shared this with you in several essays. Still the mass of humanity has not taken any corrective action, and will therefore remain bound accordingly to the 3rd functionality. Certainly on December 21, 2012 it will appear as just another day for the vast majority of humanity. But the inspired minority will choose to develop crystalline light bodies, quantum leaps in consciousness that are stored and really in progress.

Superior Change in Crystallization of Ribonucleic Acid (RNA)

Many of you on the Ascension path are aware of the crystallization and change of the 12 strands of DNA. We tell you that Ribonucleic Acid (RNA) is now making a superior change. RNA is equally important and is actually the messenger that transmits code changes to DNA. Now, the main function of RNA is the synthesis of the protein inside a cell. In any case, the RNA is involved in various media in the processes of expression and repression of hereditary information. This is well understood by its academic, medical and biological professionals.

But we will tell you, that RNA is not only the catalyst for human biological change, it is also the recipient of information from the higher realms. It is the receiving device of the radio signal code of its new biology that allows crystallization and 12 strands of DNA, the crystallization of the pituitary, the pineal and the thymus, to enter its function the RNA is changing from a filament singular to a crystal wave of six filaments.

Highest Conversion, to 6-Strands of Christ RNA

While their physical matter bodies are now moving towards 12 strands of DNA and 6-strands of RNA, their MerkáNico Christ Light Bodies are shifting to 144 and 72 respectively in a system of crystallization algorithms towards multi-plasma bio-plasma consciousness. dimensional both in combinations of matter and antimatter. The multi-dimensionality of quantum consciousness becomes a requirement and is available to seekers in humanity who change towards MerKaNa.

RNA Receives Multi Dimensional Codes

The crystallization and superior change of RNA is equivalent in this process because it communicates in multiple dimensions of time and receives information through its mechanism in crystalline linear chain. That is the way in which RNA molecules are assembled to physical matter proteins in the Ribosome to receive the codes of superior change.

By the way the RNA receives the communication that is constantly being fed to the posterior brain, the Mind of God, from what would be termed as Angelic, Extra Terrestrial Consciousness and Super Divine Soul. Most of these are within the antimatter, and all work in MerKaNa Crystalline Bio Plasma system. The RNA receives concise information codes that act as catalytic enzymes of evolution for new prototypes for the superior shift to the physical body based on carbon.

Those referred to as the "Crystal Children" or Meruvians are embodying with these intact bio-etheric changes. There are certainly a myriad of changes in the DNA and RNA of new humans. These transitions are available to those of you "Explorers or Pioneers" who are certainly seekers of the path of enlightenment, but assembly is required.

Antimatter & Reality Matter: The 4th and 1st. State

Its main academic professionals understand that the planet earth is surrounded by a shell or ovoid, called the Magnetosphere. They do not admit uniformly, that inside is an invisible substance charged with matter called plasma. Actually the dominant state of matter in the Multi-verse is plasmic. But because it does not produce radiation that they can see or measure, academic professionals do not formally admit that so far that plasma is really matter. Some theorize its existence as dark matter. But in truth it is not properly "dark." In time it will be understood that plasma is the fourth state of the material, from its current perspective.

Matter exists beyond the three phases, solid, liquid and gas. It exists as plasma. And we tell you that it is not really the "fourth state", from a higher perspective, rather it is the first state in the Cosmology of the Omniverse. And it exists in various layers within its own concentric dimensionality. And it exists within dark matter as well as antimatter.

Its Etheric Body is Invisible Biological Plasma

Its etheric light body is also packaged in an ovoid similar to the Magnetosphere of your planet. It is certainly composed of invisible plasma.

Actually all of you in higher forms of your multi-dimensionality have "bodies, " not of chemical apparels based on carbon as in the land of duality, but rather in the cryosto realm of a complex Bio-Plasma. And these Bio-Plasmic versions of "YOU" exist in the realms that your scientists call "dark matter." We say it ironically because what they call dark-matter is truly lighter and exponentially larger in frequency than physically dense matter and in terms of consciousness, it is all but dark. Inside is the interconnected lens of the Angelic Kingdom.

Dark Matter in its vernacular is Invisible matter. It is only "obscure" in the sense that it cannot be identified by its current methods. It is an invisible form of matter that cannot be detected above the electromagnetic spectrum detectable by its scientists, from the long radio wavelength to the shortest wavelength oscillation of the gamma ray.

Your MerKaNico Field, Dear Beings, is crystalline bio-plasma. On the earth plane all of you are composed of a carbon body that is auricly interconnected with an etheric bio-plasma body. When you pass into higher realms you will be fully aware in that etheric energy in a body of bio-plasmic crysto-light. In fact, most of you now live in the crystalline liquid Cosmos of what you call "dark matter", matter of invisible light in crysto-electric bio-plasma.

Stay with us, keep your focus because this is a great truth that we try to explain to you.

Teachers, while this may seem confusing, will become more apparent to those who are expanding in the Crystalline Auric Light Bodies, the MerKaNica phase of the three MerKiVa levels. That is the level where you connect to the "Angelic" part of you, a part of you that has been filtered and purified in duality.

And science aside, this whole essay is about your return to your highest state, so don't get lost in the syntax. Do not feel overwhelmed by the "science" or terminology we use, because the highest part of you already knows the TRUTHS we share in this teaching. Certainly your desire to learn and achieve, and the 'MerKaNa' is your return home ticket. It is the reason why they are here.

In this way we will share with you both the environment and the mechanics of how to get there.

Material / Antimatter hybrids

Because its etheric body is interconnected within antimatter, it can be said that the human race is actually hybrids of matter / antimatter, conceptually developed from within the antimatter. But listen carefully. The core of your consciousness exists vitally within the antimatter, but not as antimatter, there is a difference. The core of the genesis is Divine Thought and co-creates & penetrates each matrix.

The conical openings of the human chakras / auric system are expanding and expanding in function, while you develop Level 2 and Level 3 of the MerKiVicos light bodies.

The "subtle energy" that makes up the MerKíVico Auric System has the properties of an electromagnetic current, however they are not electromagnetic in terms of duality. They are crystalline "liquids" in nature but operate in current field flows similar to the polarity of the previous system. Crysto-MerKánica energy flows through a conical vortex apparatus and is nourished to the meridians but accepts the properties of the currents of crysto-coherent particles similar to laser light, in trinity with the function of the MerKíVico level system. It is the same energy that flows through the Phi Crystals, in that it is coherent.

Its vortex chakras are multi-receptive and transmitters. This is optimal in the third level of the MerKiVa system, the MerKaNa, as we teach in the Metatronic Keys. In the multiple MerKaNic there are the greatest ties to the consciousness of the group soul and to the Omni-Earth systems and the Multiversal Cosmos.

Remote Observation

In levels of “group consciousness” of MerKaNa; What you think of as psychic telepathy and remote vision happens automatically. Not as the goal, but as a natural event of that divine level of consciousness. Actually this happens through the connectivity in the neural networks (plasma filaments) of the Living Cosmos or gestalt energy that you call God. Just as you have a network of nerve filaments and nerve fibers in your human brain that communicates in “currents, ” there are similar networks in the same species that act as conduits of information that exist in the successive multiverse of the Living Cosmos. That comparatively speaking can be seen as the brain of God, "All That Is." In that analogy, it may properly appear that you are living in a Cosmos that is an omnipotent brain. And really these “Cosmic Nervous” brokers are constantly sending information to and through their RNA.

Neural Network in Layers of Matter / Anti-Matter

It is actually through this procedure of current filamentous ducts that the phenomenon such as remote observation and bilocation seems to occur. Neither bi-location nor remote vision truly physically involves 'seeing or being', as much as it involves the processing of information codes and patterns received through terrestrial or cosmic neural corridors through their RNA, the pituitary and the pineal crystallized

We tell you that these information codes are the neural networks in matter / anti-matter and the dark plasma in which the Omni-Earth is contained.

This means that a system is in place and shapes what you can develop with intentional effort. Learning the system of the three MerK Vicos levels is imperative because it is consciously required; to ascend to the next level.

But remember, the more you expand in the MerKivic Levels, the greater the energy that you carry. And with more energy comes greater responsibility. You must be able to control the frequencies of your energy field and modulate the power inside through mental balance and self-disciplined control.

Through the development of the crystalline light body in the three-level MerK Vicos system, you gain the ability to navigate within a higher dimensionality and by doing so you have free access to increased awareness

Crysto-Coherent Light

The effect is the development and use of coherent crysto-light energy. This is particularly useful for Healers and can be developed and developed by Motivated Healing Masters in Level 2 and 3 of MerKiVa and MerKaNa. Consistent crysto-light energy can be projected out of the body of a MerKanic Healing Master through the hands, radiating the coherent emanations of his personal crysto-energy chi into the body of the patient.

By developing this system, you will grow in various ways and will regain skills in which you have only dreamed literally.

The phenomenon that you call channeling also occurs through this process. But to clear up any doubts, channeling in the vast majority of cases is an enhanced and accentuated communication with the Divine Self within, not with Arc-Angels or Ascended Masters, but with the I.

Channeling the Divine and Angelic Self

We are really communicating from the outside in the channel circuit, Tyberonn. Ascended Angels and Masters actually communicate with certain teachers, but the vast majority of conscious mediums are channeling their higher selves. Such was the case of the famous Edgar Cayce. His channels came from Ra-Ta, his Ascended Higher Self. This is not only available, it is in continuous process with all of you. What must be developed is the ability to consciously retrieve information in real time (linear). And that requires effort and sufficient light quotient through an open circuit of the Avatarian Merkara. Didn't the Avatar Jeshua ben Joseph tell you, what I do, can you also do it?

And so a great new world is being sustained. And the development of the crystalline MerKiVa and MerKaNa is being offered to you. But before they can change in this energy, they must acquire the basic understanding and mechanics of the optimal maintenance of their air field and chakra system. They must learn to walk before learning to run. It is an ironic juxtaposition that many of you on the path of enlightenment have achieved considerable knowledge of metaphysics, and yet surprisingly make a small conscious effort towards the understanding of forced mechanics. of the auric circuit and physical maintenance interactions.

And understand that the mandatory maintenance of the MerKíVico System is an integral journey, not the direction to the pinnacle. His integrity and impeccability of thought and action influence his auric integrity. If the heavy gear of the cornerstone fractures or gives a slip, this will happen in its access MerKiVico. The connection of the mind-etheric body is immediate. Energy and consciousness cannot be divided.

Their chakras can only operate optimally when their etheric field is intact. Your body of light has a circuit that is functional only when you gain an understanding of how to connect with it and maintain it. This is offered by the Metatronic Keys in crystalline transition, but optimal management has been known and taught esoterically throughout the ages. Charles Leadbeater of the Theosophical Society was totally brilliant in his understanding of the phases of duality. It is time now to understand the superior crystalline conversion.

Symbiotic Coupling

Like its planets, the electro magnetic grid is collapsing while being rearranged by the crystalline grid, and in the same way, its polarity based on the etheric energy field is unable to sustain the highest frequency of crystalline light.

There is a symbiotic coupling force integrating the levels of its etheric field in matter with the crysto-photonic body of MerKiVa and MerKaNa in antimatter. This key symbiosis is operated through the particle accelerators that you call chakras. Each layer is separated by double-layer bio-plasma membranes respectively aligned with opposite currents to form a durable invisible sheet. There is a mutual affinity between the bioplasm and the bio-molecular physical bodies and this happens through the double cone receiver and transmitter chakras that extend the sensory transduction filaments in each sequential dimensional field of dark matter / matter / anti-matter. This process will generate a helical path that will have a conical turn.

In MerKaNicos systems, the chakras expand to 96 at level 1 MerKiVa, 144 at Level 2 MerKiVa, and 240 at Level 3 MerKaNa (of the 12 in the duality fields). And these extended filaments that operate in a liquid-crystal phase. They are free to move in a pseudo-fluid movement, however they constantly remain angularly oriented to the crystalline currents and the geometry of the MerKaNico field.

What you think as the "lower chakras" in physical form, related to survival, sexuality and emotion are not eliminated in the crystalline MerKiVa, preferably they are elevated in function, they are not connected to gender or physical survival. The Polarity / Sexual gender does not exist in the zero fields of the higher celestial realms.

Gender does not manifest itself in certain extra-terrestrial civilizations that exist in matter and invisible antimatter (dark-or invisible) such as the Pleiadians and the Sirians. In any case, it is not launched in the pressing style of survival / emotion of the species, as human beings experience it on earth. Rather it is devoid of polarity and does not have the hard physical impulse associated with human biology.)

Necessary Prerequisite of MerKiVa

Now, the healthy optimal human auric field is the etheric body. It is composed of invisible matter, and connects to both dense physical bio-molecular matter and in parallel anti-matter. It is totally complex and is the base level of the pre-MerKiVa, but it is not the MerKiVa.

The auric system receives and self-projects the charged energy particle and something like the aurora borealis or boreal lights is raised. Each physical being will generate this field. It expands as the biological human grows in consciousness. However, the aura itself is not the body of geometric light. It is a complete ovoid with a tapestry of currents and horizontal and vertical circuits. At its initial level there are 7 active chakras that can be progressively activated at 12 as the light quotient is increased.

Expansion is an analogous process that has something of a domino effect of induction. A light comes on in the next one, at the right time. The primary longitudinal axial current is received through the 7th. chákrico and assimilated vortex through the pituitary to induce secondary and tertiary currents at specific angles.

The Ratio 13-20-33

The optimal human aura is preserved and elaborated through this process until it achieves a full circuit in the ratio 13-20-33. Twelve Chakraic Layers that form sub-layers 12 + 1 = 13. 20 that exist in antimatter and in the amplified Cosmic integral system of 33. This system employs many periods of life to be achieved, and once achieved, is the certification of the entry requirement that allows us to graduate in MerKívic Light Vehicles. As such, 13-20-33 is a combination of frequency code that resonates and facilitates the entry into the geometric MerKiVa. When the frequency resonance of the 13-20-33 ratio is optimally achieved, the chakra system is operating in the full circuit with vortex centers, input and receiver connections and helical output transmitters, intra-dimensional connectivity ducts and aligned crossing points of supra-current flow. At this point you are ready to be taken to the MerKíVico geometric crysto-light body vehicle.

We have already shared with you that the interconnection of the Angelic Kingdom to the human material realm is through the anti-matter field and the antimatter plasmic composition of that field creates what is termed as the Parallel Dimensions of the "Omni-Earth and the" Multiverse "

Now as we have said the realm of the angelic exists within the anti-matter, but not as antimatter and there is a difference. It is better to say that within the antimatter is the reinforced concept of all life, all consciousness before that materializes in matter. But life forms really exist within anti-matter and invisible matter ... including all of YOU.


The interconnecting vortex organs of its etheric body through the chakra system are in one sense, focal accelerators of the particle that form open cones in the field of antimatter. This is something that will be known to human beings within the next three generations. Matter / Anti Matter and Bio-Energy Plasma Life exist in various layers of dimensional resonance, frequency and intensity. Its developed MerKíVico field is really capable of sustaining this energy and transporting it in and out of it.

You are Divine Beings with aspects that are both finite and infinite and in the MerKiVico System you can deploy the finite (limited) to the infinite. New frontiers are opening towards you in the Ascension of the Earth towards more and greater dimensional accesses. While its main academic scholars will continue to avoid being excluded, remaining safe in the prison limiting the status quo and accepting only what can be measured with truly simplistic scientific instrumentation.

Those who choose to stay in 3d can really do it. But they certainly miss the opportunity to make bold advances in understanding not only the true nature of the "consciousness of Life", but also the vast realms of the Cosmos of the Omniverse, including the Earth itself. However, all those who achieve greater intuition can reach beyond all imagined understanding.

I am Metatron and I share with you these TRUTHS. You are loved.

And so it is.


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Spanish translation: Alicia Virelli

Spanish translation sharing the Light: Alicia Virelli,

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