Spring Equinox by Montserrat Alemany

  • 2012

We have reached the point of entering the spring but not only of this blessed year 2012 where so many cultures say there will be a great change but the cosmic spring of our own lives, no matter the chronological age Logical that we have.

In this magical moment where everything is possible, in this moment where we can and must be young again, to be able to see life in perspective.

I wonder what happens if each of us looks at this moment with new eyes as if the destiny of this humanity depends on it? If each of us looks inside and sees who he really is?

When we stop worrying about whether or not we can change and download our central computer with so much information and we feel ourselves as what we really are, Human BEINGS who have decided to improve their consciousness, we find an infinite peace, because it is not necessary be one way but thanks to the universe we can be as we are each. From that point we begin to rebuild ourselves to get where we plan to arrive (what rest do we not?) To know that we are beings in evolution and that we are not obliged to arrive urgently where the guru of turn or religion tells us what we belong.

It is we, each of us who must change obsolete patterns, this society is in crisis we say but what do we do to change it?

Instead of seeing what we can do to improve as Beings that we are we dedicate ourselves to ritualize, to take courses, to go to talks and to wait for others to tell us what we can do with our life and I wonder why?

My guides tell me that everyone is free to do what they want but that they cannot act by helping us if we do not, if we do not define exactly what we want to improve, they cannot intervene because our mind is full of noise, if of noise, why? Because now we are going to listen to a great thinker and we think that is what we need, we are going to listen to a therapist and we believe that is what we need, we see a video where they explain what is going to happen and then what do we do? ?? We believe that is exactly what will happen etc. All that is recorded in our brain and is filled with roads and bifurcations of roads and then we get lost and do not focus on following what our soul and our heart dictates to us.

Another aspect of this moment in my opinion is FEAR, fear of the unknown, fear of change, fear of losing the "welfare state"

There are quite a few messages on the net and on the part of many such shamans or teachers of the new era that induce us to fear, so that you may wonder, for it seems clear to me not? To have us still, so that we become dependent on….

Thanks to heaven there are also those who speak to us with love and from their light, curiously the latter, those who speak of simplicity of self-love (understanding self-love as self-love) who tell us: listen, it is you who must do the work, who looking at himself can become that being of light to which we all aspire, they also tell us that we are ALL light but that for our light to shine we must polish some aspects of our physical personality or as it occurs in say, our ego, those dear ones who give us "work" homework as in school, are not as successful?

The time has come to decide where we are, in the old and tired paradigm or we are aiming at this adventure, which has long warned us that it is the paradigm of light.

My beloved guides repeat to me again and again that if we do not decide, if we only ask the universe for things and things without defining or focusing, they can hardly collaborate with us, if what we do is ask for help and we are disappointed because we do not receive it, no We will join forces to ensure that this beloved world is what is destined to be a planet full of love of peace and peaceful coexistence between species, be they plant, mineral, aquatic, human or supra human animals.

Blessings from my heart

Montserrat Alemany

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