Karma: the wheel that binds, by Kirpal Singh

By the law of nature we have to be accountable and compensated for every thought, every word and every action. Each cause has an effect and each action triggers a reaction. Take out the root of the cause and the effect will disappear. It is what the Masters who have transcended these laws have done, but all others are bound by the bonds of karma, which is the origin of physical existence and the cunning invention of nature to maintain this existence. The law of karma causes us to be paid 'an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth' in the form of joy or suffering. It is the stinging whip in the hidden hands of nature.

The mind contracts karma, places a covering on the soul and governs the body through the organs and the senses. Although it is the soul that imparts strength to the mind, the latter, on the contrary, has achieved sovereignty and is ruling the soul.

Control over the mind is then the first step towards spirituality. Victory over the mind is victory over the world. Even the yogis and realized mystics who can transcend high spiritual regions, do not cease to be touched by the hand of karma. Saints classify karmas into three different groups, as follows:

1. Sanchit (stored): Good or bad actions that are recorded in our account as earned and contracted in all previous bodies of the order of Creation, counting from the day of the first appearance of life on earth. But, alas, the human being knows nothing about them and their magnitude.

2. Prarabdha (destiny): Karmas that form the result and effect of actions of the past, that have given the human being the current body and that have to be paid in this same life. The reactions of these karmas come to us unexpectedly and imperceptibly and therefore, we have no control over them. Whether good or bad, we have to tolerate and endure this karma, laughing or crying, as best suits us.

3. Kriyaman (account of our actions in the current body): This is different from the two groups mentioned above, since here the human being is free to do exactly as he pleases, within certain limits. Knowing it or not knowing it, the actions executed and that fall under this classification, bear fruit. The result (we harvest some of these karmas before they die and the rest is transferred to the Sanchit winery.

Karma is the cause of rebirth and each birth, in turn, is followed by death. Thus, the cycle of joys and sufferings continues, which are the partners of birth and death.

"Just as you think, that is what you become" is an unchanging law of nature by which this universe exists. No amount of integrity or genius can absolve the human being while there is the smallest trace of karma. Ignorance of the law is no excuse; and although under special circumstances there may be some concession or relaxation in man-made laws, there is no such concession in the laws of Nature. Prayer, confession and sacrifice can give temporary relief to the mind, but they cannot annihilate karma. All karma must be totally eliminated before being able to obtain permanent salvation.

Similarly, the philosophy of karma also has a specific place in the system of spiritual science. But in no way should it be used to induce morbidity and create a spirit of frustration between the initiated and the uninitiated.

The human being is the maker of his own destiny.

Although we cannot alter the past, however, we can forge the future as best we can. "Up to here and no more, " is the limit that the Master draws for each of us and for no reason should it be transgressed.

It is our karmic evolution of the past that makes us turn under His divine Will. We are confined within certain limits due to the karma of the past and we are free within certain limits.

We can make the best use of our free karmas to change our course, to move forward on our spiritual path.

-Now that our destiny has brought us here, how can we get the most out of human life? - We should NOT plant more seeds (actions that consequently bring reactions). Anything that happens in life due to past actions should be endured with joy. Happiness and misery will come, but the disciple should never feel discouraged. Great spiritual leaders also go through similar experiences, but without suffering the sharp effects. My Master used to say: “You cannot remove all the thorns that you have spread in your path, but you can wear thick boots as protection

The task of saving us from the soul-borne reactions for us should be seriously considered, because only in human form have we had any chance to inactivate them. The Saints who come, forgive me, they also leave the body at the time of death - they also obtain wealth or poverty, but they always avoid actions that will cause reactions.

He who is of one color, enjoys perpetual freedom;

He doesn't fight with anyone.

He has correct understanding; He has total awareness of the unity of all life. It remains unaffected by each passing phase of life, while Waves on the surface of the ocean of life come and go. Work incessantly without resting in this field of action, however, it is above the effects of the action.

The meaning of the words neh-karma is: to execute actions remaining without proper activity; so, those who cannot see the true facts cannot become 'neh karma'.

Only by seeing the action of the Lord in everything can we achieve this state. 'Neh-karma' is one who is consciously connected with the Word. -When one has become a conscious collaborator of the Divine Plan, all past actions, sanchit-karmas (stored), are erased, annihilated. If the person who was savoring (living) the actions is no longer here, then who is here to savor and be responsible for them?

When there is a sense of "I", we have to receive the results of our actions. A person can affirm: "I am not the maker", but within the folds of his heart, he cannot believe it and continues to consider that she is doing everything, and therefore, has the responsibility for all her actions and reactions consistent. If you become a conscious contributor to the Divine Plan and know that she does only what God desires, how can she carry the weight of any action? -Then, being 'neh-kar ma' should be our ideal in life, and this means salvation.

We are at the mercy of our actions and whatever we do, establishes an action-reaction. Good deeds beget good deeds; Bad actions breed bad reactions. In the Gurbani (book of the precepts of the Sikh Gurus) it is written: "Do not blame others, blame your own actions of the past."

Brothers, don't blame anyone. You obtained this human form as a result of your Prarabdha karmas (destiny ruling the mold of this same life); It is the good fruit of our past.

Anything you have to give and receive from past lives, has to be paid now (in this life). They have to take or receive from some people and give to others. Sometimes, by giving something to a certain person, we feel the warmth of love dilating our hearts, and on other occasions we hate or reluctantly. This is the reaction of the past. One is rich, another poor. Some are masters, other servants. In summary, there are six things over which the human being has no control: life, death, poverty, wealth, honor and dishonor. All are completely beyond our control.

Good deeds will certainly bring a reward, but even so, you will be prisoners. Possibly some will go to a prison class A ; others to the class B and others to a prison class C . It may be that some enjoy pleasures from other worlds. Heaven and hell will come again and again, for this circle cannot be broken unless we get out of illusion.

We come to this world only to settle our old accounts of dar and receive . All our relationships, father and son, husband and wife, mother and daughter, brother and sister and vice versa, are the result of past karmic reactions. It is said that the pen of destiny moves according to our actions.

We reap what we sow

We come with our destiny written on the forehead: even our own body is the result of our karmas, and it is very aptly said that it is Karman sharir (body of karmas); It is destiny that forges our mold. Without the physical body there can be no actions and without actions there can be no body. Therefore, it is up to us to spend our days happily and give without rancor what we have and must give, for there is no escape from it. We have, of course, to be careful not to create new reactions and sow new seeds. This is the only way out of the abysmal depths of the karmic ocean.
It is an erroneous idea to expect that after the initiation the events of this world will change, so that bitterness will never arise in your path. The ups and downs come as a result of the reactions of our own actions. We have to face them and settle them. If we run away from them, the debts will remain unpaid. -We have been united to our family and relatives by the will of God and by the karmas of destiny (prarabdha), and we should accept the conditions with joy. Only he who really knows pays gladly throughout his life. - Who knows how many difficulties are due to our outstanding debts?

If you have sucked someone's blood now (that is, hurting), in the next life that same person will hurt you. Apparently it seems that: He hurts me, he's a tyrant, he's cruel; But who knows what the reaction of the past is?

I am sorry for the state of your personal affairs when you feel hurt and confused. Current earthly life is based primarily on the karma reaction of the past that determines pain and pleasure, health and disease, honor and dishonor. However, a well planned and disciplined life, based on spiritual bliss, helps by offering a new perspective of peace and harmony. Ups and downs are normal characteristics of earthly life and should be considered two with the spirit that they are passing phases. The golden principle of accepting the sorrows and joys of life should be followed happily with a spirit of mental stability and balance; since they are for our spiritual benefit, they should be accepted with joy.

… Like a bank in liquidation that has to be accountable for every penny and pay it, the life of an initiate is to free the soul from the karmic debts of the past. If you accept all events with a spirit of correct understanding, you will be more positive, happy and optimistic. The decrees of heaven are not subject to error. However, divine forgiveness is invariably tinged with mercy. A spiritually developed person overcomes all the difficulties of material life, fusing his will into that of the Lord.

When the Masters come, they do not alter the karmas of destiny (prarabdha), although in a certain way they do it: They begin giving food to the soul. To feed the physical body, we have to eat and drink. To strengthen the intellect, we read, write and think. All these words are food for the intellect.

The soul is fed only with the Bread of life that is the experience of the Hereafter. With such food the soul is strengthened, and despite the fact that misery and pain arrive, they will not have such a great effect. If we have to walk a path full of thorns, but we wear thick boots, we will not feel the thorns. Let's say there are ten people who are physically beaten. One of them is very weak, and after having received some light blows, he falls. Other people admit that they were also beaten, but that they did not resent it so much. Similarly, if the soul is strong, even if happiness or misery comes to it, the effects will not be drastic.

Question: Can we overcome the karmic impressions of the past?

Teacher: The karmic reactions that are bearing fruit cannot suppress them; wear thick boots to protect yourself from the sharp effects of the spines. With regard to the death of the individual, he must die, he will die, he must die. So, the karmic reactions of the past that are bearing fruit cannot be stopped, but you can be in such a position that they do not hurt you with the sharpness of your sting.

Question: Is there any way to know if our shares are paying off a debt or if we are starting something new?

Teacher: Get up to the causal plane, you can't know before.

Question: If an initiate, due to his karmas, has to return, how soon would it be?

Teacher: The first question: if he is initiated by a competent Master and if he is following His commandments, living according to what He says, if he is regular in his devotion to his practices, if he sees the Light and also hears the Principle of Sound (internal), as much as to have cut off all desire to the external, - such an initiate will not have to return at all. You will have more progress later. Those who have done little or nothing, will have to return, but not inferior to that of the human body. They will again receive further help and will rise. And those who have developed a strong love for the Master, so much that all their desires have been consumed, such souls will not return; They will progress from then on.

No initiate can carry the karmic burden of others. It is only the Master Power full of grace, working on the human pole of the living Master, who can settle karmic debts under His divine Will, and no one else can.

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