The Solar Template of MU, Eleventh Solar Disk Activation: The Arrival of the Copper Ray to Earth and the Redemption of Male Energy

  • 2012

We are reaching the great moment! Only two more Solar Disks are missing and we will enter the Grand Opening of Portal 12.12.12, at which time the Solar Template of MU will descend again to Earth, being embodied in each Sacred Point of the Planet to reactivate the network of information, memories, Light, Sound and geometry that make up the original Pattern of the GAIA Living Library.

As every month this information is transmitted to us by Master Maria Magdalena and with great Love I share the channel, with Love, Kai.

Transmission of Master Maria Magdalena

The Solar Gate has opened and with it, the Frequencies of Light and sound that make up the holographic Symphony of SOLAR Consciousness have descended upon the consciences and hearts of Human Beings. They are times of great movement, both internally at the level of consciousness, and external on the face of the Earth and in their own lives. If you analyze it from your rational mind, this has been a year of great challenges and resolutions of old conflicts, because in order for the Light to manifest itself in your consciences and hearts you must first face your shadows and reintegrate them with Love. Therefore, the Challenges have arisen throughout this year in his life, even creating patterns and sequences of repetitive events from which much work is hard for them to leave. Do not be discouraged! Dear Family of Light, everything is in order and every situation you are living is part of your process of self purification and alignment. To do this, they are receiving much help manifested through the Rays of Light that enter through the SOL.

The arrival of the Copper Ray to Earth

In these last two weeks, many of you are experiencing a deep physical fatigue, as well as much, much sleep. Their bodies ask for rest and they easily fall asleep during the day and paradoxically, at night they have trouble sleeping. On a physical level, they have been feeling lack of concentration and are constantly feeling sleepy and tired. The reason for all this is because their bodies are adapting to a frequency band that has just begun to enter Earth.

Those of you who are sensitive to energies have surely begun to perceive this new SOLAR Ray of Light that has entered the Earth's frequency, is a powerful Copper-colored Ray of Light. It is the twin frequency of the Platinum Ray, we have called it Copper Ray.

This Copper Ray, has come to the Planet to free the layers of the Earth from all painful memories, bring out the pain and produce the reconnection of the feminine and masculine energy, through a deep redemption and reconciliation. In you, this Ray is the one that has produced a strong internal shock through which, its shadows, fears, phobias and painful memories began to resurface in the past weeks, showing you the dual conflicts that still remain inside. Most of these conflicts are related to the old separation of female and male energy, both at the Planetary level and inside. You are healing your history, releasing your past to the rhythm of Mother Earth and this process has accelerated intensely in this second half of the year, as we approach the Grand Portal 12.12.12.

The Copper Ray produces that profound liberation, for it is penetrating the depths of the multiple layers of the Earth to generate the liberation of embedded memories. That which had remained unsolved, apparently stuck, has resurfaced in the now, both in You and on Earth.

It is the moment of resolution of all the subjects that they left pending throughout the centuries. Product of this deep purification You and the Earth will make a very great vibrational leap! But first, they will have to live this process that by itself can be painful, tired and frustrating.

Receive the Copper Beam and allow it to generate the deep inner cleaning. Deliver all your painful fears and memories to the Divine Will and prepare yourself, because a great quantum leap is coming and you will only need Love and patience to align yourself with it.

Redemption of the Male Energy, Activation of the Eleventh SOLAR Disk

The Copper Ray is preparing the ground, cleaning and bringing up everything that is still pending resolution in planetary history. Remember, the planetary history is embodied in its DNA because each and every one of you has been a part of it over the past 26, 000 years.

On this occasion we will work to reactivate the Eleventh Solar Disk that will take us to the Ninth Chakra located on its crown. This Chakra is directly connected to the Planetary Christian Grid and is in charge of processing and channeling the dynamic information that flows through this framework. In turn, this Chakra connects them with the Great Neural Network of the Earth through which all species and elements are interconnected as living consciousnesses of the Earth. In turn, its Ninth Chakra is the chakra of the UNITY because it sustains the unified consciousness of the Earth and the Universe.

The fusion of their Ninth Chakra with the Eleventh Solar Disk will allow them to connect directly with the masculine energy of the Planet and with it, travel to the depths of the Planet where the stories they have experienced reside throughout their lives

This Eleventh SOLAR Disc will be activated through the Light Code SOLAR HEART. This Code carries the frequency of the Divine Masculine energy.

Merging with the masculine Christian principle will allow them to heal the Planetary masculine energy and free it from the deep pain it has charged for thousands of years. As the masculine and feminine energy began to separate, the pain took hold of both gradually producing the forgetfulness of the integral connection that unifies them in balance and equality. As the pain of separation became greater, the masculine energy adopted a dominant role that does not belong to it and then began to crush the feminine energy generating a deep and marked antagonistic duality that has prevailed throughout thousands of years.

Neither gender, nor the personal energy or sexual preferences of each of you excludes them from carrying the internal pain of both energies. It is time for them to know and feel, that within their hearts they carry pain both feminine and masculine. As well as the unified cosmic principle that corresponds to both energies.

Both men and women need to connect with these two energies, live them, feel them and remember the real essence of the Feminine Principle and the Masculine Principle, to achieve integration and finally the Unification that will lead them to the ascended state of consciousness.

For this to happen it is necessary to embrace and recognize the connection they carry with each of these two sacred energies in their heart. Although, through its DNA, women currently carry the feminine pain and men the masculine one. Internally, in the heart everyone shares the pain of separation.

This Solar Disk will lead you to experience masculine energy. Together we will cross through the pain that this Divine energy carries as a result of its acts throughout history and through deep forgiveness, generating the redemption and surrender of the Masculine before the feminine.

This surrender means honoring the feminine Principle contained within the heart of each of you. Honor the Planetary Female Principle and Honor the Cosmic Female Principle.

Surrendering to the feminine means giving back your power. Recognizing that the Divine act of Creation consists in the Amorous fusion of both energies in a dance of respect and Love.

Surrender to the feminine is to recognize that this energy is extremely protective and strong, capable of containing life and radiating it towards creation.

Surrender to the feminine means remembering that the Creative Consciousness is not only masculine. It is to remember the Goddess and honor her sacred place in creation.

Surrendering to the feminine, means for the masculine energy to recover its true essence and realign itself with the original Masculine Principle, which knew and lovingly was sustained and presented before you by that Christian man that everyone, regardless of their beliefs knows: JESUS.

It is time to end the power struggle between the genders. To restore order on the Planet and with it the Great Cosmic reunification.

On this occasion the SOLAR Disc will lead us to experience the Male Consciousness to remember its true essence and heal its pain. Yes, male energy carries great pain. A great guilt due to millennia of separation, struggle and betrayal of feminine energy in a desperate attempt to return to Unity. Through LOVE, forgiveness and acceptance, this Sacred Energy contained in the hearts of each and every Human Beings will find its redemption.

Through deep LOVE, each one embracing his inner masculine Sacred, we will achieve great liberation for the Planet and collective consciousness in preparation for 12.12.12.

Only two SOLAR Disks are missing before the great portal 12.12.12 and in the next month, we will reconnect with the GODDESS, the cosmic Feminine energy to reach Planetary Unity in LOVE!

It is necessary that you have already printed the images of the previous Solar Disks available to download here

Download Audio Meditation

For all those who perform this meditation for the first time, we will review each Solar Disk so that they can activate them all together.

We will also do the Meditation through Radio to the Other Side of the Mirror at the following times:

The schedules will be the following:

1st issue coincides with 12:00 in Spain.

-2nd broadcast coinciding with 12:00 in Argentina and Uruguay.

-3rd broadcast coinciding with 12:00 in Chile

4th issue coinciding with 12:00 in Mexico, Peru, Colombia, Ecuador.

Enter here:

We are Blessed in Love and Joy, always!

Infinite gratitude to Master Maria Magdalena for her Guide and Love. Thank you Ornai for sharing the path and teachings in Unity in the conscious conversation we share. LOVE AND GRATITUDE!

Love, Service, Gratitude

For Mother Earth and all her Beings

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