Accept prosperity: 3 ways to start receiving abundance

  • 2017
Table of contents hide 1 Do I deserve to be prosperous? 2 1. Accept abundance 3 2. Visualize and affirm 4 3. Thank

What is prosperity?

We usually relate prosperity to money, but it not only covers our bank account , it is love, time, beauty, human relationships, health and wisdom that surrounds us.

For example, if you always feel rushed and do not reach the hours of the day, then you have a shortage of time. You can change the perspective and feel that you have all the time you need to carry out the activities you propose. If, instead, you are constantly with physical ailments or sick, you have a shortage of health. On the contrary, if your problem is that you don't get a partner, the problem is with human relationships.

These are all forms of abundance, and believe me, they can enter your life, if you only open yourself to the acceptance of all that the universe has in store for you.

Do I deserve to be prosperous?

The power we have inside us is willing to give us all the abundance we dream. We just have to be willing to receive and deserve it .

We have many negative beliefs that have been imposed on us without having the opportunity to reject them. For example , the mentality of poverty that our parents unintentionally inherited us when complaining about their hardships, lack of work or how difficult it was for them to make ends meet. Or beliefs about our inability to do certain things, such as when they told you that you were not very smart or very handsome or that you did not sing well.

They are all thoughts that limit us . We must change them to live a new life where abundance flows in every way.

Can you recognize if you have any type of limitation that does not allow you to fully open to receive abundance? Do you repeat the phrases you heard in your childhood? Don't you feel worthy of prosperity in this life?

How to attract prosperity to your life?

1. Accept abundance

Trust the wisdom of the universe. The teacher Jesus said: Do not be worried about your life: what are we going to eat ?, or your body: what clothes will we wear? Look how the birds of heaven do not sow, nor reap, nor keep in cellars, and the heavenly Father, your Father, feeds you. Are you not worth more than birds? And if God saw the grass of the field like this, which blooms today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, won't it do much more for you, men of little faith?

In the universe abundance is infinite, there is for everyone. You must open the doors and also be honest and honest with yourself and with life. But also remember that everything we give is returned to us. Therefore, if you give stingy, meanness, contempt, anger, resentment, discrimination ... what do you think you will receive?

2. Visualize and affirm

The old negative and limiting beliefs that you drag from your childhood are no longer useful to you, replace them with words of love and abundance.

Look in the mirror and tell the image of yourself that you love her. Love for yourself is the first step and working with the mirror is a very powerful tool . Then, think about the good things you want for your life: how is your ideal home, where you want it to be, how exactly you want it to be. What is the job you would like to have, how would you like to manage your time, your hobbies, time with your family, time for you, to meditate and do yoga ... Imagine your ideal life, one day of that life, and visualize it with all its details. Feel how you perceive to live that wonderful day and trust that it is already there, waiting for you. It is ready for you.

Then let it go, let it flow with the universe and trust as you open to receive it.

3. Thanks

Thank the universe for the abundance in every way, that you are already ready to let into your life . You will find it at every step if you look carefully: a flower, the song of a bird, the laughter of a child, the dawn of each day, are all wonderful signs of the prosperity of the world.

And now, are you willing to open your arms to abundance?

DRAFTING: Carolina Cobelli, editor of the great White Brotherhood family

SOURCE: The teachings of Louise Hay. (1991). In power is within you. Barcelona: Uranus editions.

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