Pyramids and Parallel Dimensions, by AA Metatron

Greetings Dear Beings! I am Metatron, Lord of the light and I welcome each of you to this moment of sharing.

There are certain ages that are highly illuminated in their vast stays, certain vectors in time-space that offer quantum leaps. Inside are the crucial crossroads of decision that defines you. This is one of those. Energy and time are moving rapidly, much is happening on your Earth as you prepare for the Cosmic Trigger and Ascension is sketched even closer.

Humanity is waking up from an era of illusory chimera and the dreamers announced in advance are cleaning the fluff from their eyes, rising from a woven tapestry of a misty journey that began long, long ago. The siren still sounds, very weakly to quiet the discouraged back to sleep. However, the small inner voice of the daydreamer invites you to wake up. The deep longing to clarify the mind sounds! Take your power! You are GOD!

Wake up to your true being and find the knowledge that Wisdom produces! You have advanced many, many miles along the dangerous ascent to the top of the sacred mountain. You have come so far, the summit is in front of you, Dear Beings, find the strength, find the heart that summons True Wisdom! They are inside. Break the tangled net and the blurred call of the Mermaid.

Your treasure is in front of you! The Intelligent Warrior of the Light knows that that wisdom is the true treasure and that it is within. It is not hidden, it is the golden thread that weaves from one reality to another, one world to another and one dimension to the next. The voice of wisdom is within. Listen to his call, he is the only True Voice that offers LOVE to All, it is the voice of Ascension. You have really waited many, many eons to be here at this time.

And so you prepare for the final climb for Ascension, know that we are with you at every stage of the path. The Awakening Pyramid lies before you, its mystery is revealed. It is the time of the Cosmic Trigger, the dawn of 2012.

And so we talk again about the enigma of the Pyramids.

Question: With reference to the reception points of the coded light of the Cosmic Trigger, can you clarify a little more about the alignments of Giza and the Pyramids of Moody Gardens?

Metatron: Yes of course; They really are aligned and with great purpose! They are located very close to 30 degrees of latitude and both are tri-pyramidal complexes. The two form an energy pattern of Vesica Pisces on Earth, with each complex forming the center of two circles.

Both complexes are aligned to the star systems. Giza to Orion, Moody to Sirius.

The Atlantean Complex, which is the etherically transformed Moody Complex, is dedicated to honoring the Sirian binary systems of A and B. It is in honor of the Dolphins and actually contains the energy and custody of the Dolphins.

While the Blue Pyramid in Galveston does not currently have dolphins physically inside its aquarium, the Dolphin Masters use their energy. Groups of dolphins swim in the bay that surrounds the Island. In parallel they can really be seen and heard. Groups of dolphins swim in the bay surrounding the island. In a similar way they can really be seen and heard.

30 Degrees of Latitude

The fact that both are positioned precisely between 29 and 30 degrees of latitude is significant, in terms of a gravitational and Electromagnetic positioning. As such, its geographical gears between the north pole and Ecuador allow its solar angles in the equinoxes and solstices to be particularly robust in relation to the sacred alignment Pi.

So these tri-complexes are predisposed to receive the Cosmic Trigger and spread these coded light energies to satellite complexes to activate the magnetic releases of the Return of the Dove. This is really due specifically to the fact that these complexes are triangulated to the tri-pyramidal complexes that allow them so powerfully to serve as receivers and transmitters of the Cosmic Trigger.

The Atlantean teachers always triangulated the pyramids for specific reception and transmission purposes. Its placement is completely deliberate and corresponds to the true north and the magnetic north in favorable harmonics.

There is actually a unique and unparalleled pulse of energy that happens between Giza and the Galveston Pyramids. The pulse that existed has been reformed. We have told you that the Galveston placement is 5 miles from the Atlantean Pyramid complex that is now submerged in the Gulf waters. The Moody Complex has accepted this paradigm modeled beforehand from these ancient pyramids. The pulse was previously manifested between these two, you will see.

Deliberate placement is amplified in these specific vectors, the 30-degree latitude is a very important energy channel and is connected across all the continents of the northern hemisphere. Pyramids in all areas and latitudes between 30 degrees and 15 degrees north are more capable and 15 degrees north are more capable of receiving concentrated telluric energies and cellular energies. They can thus accumulate internal pyramidal complexes. This was well understood by Giza. You will soon discover Giza. You will soon discover in the first instance the Moody Pyramid complex which is robust, expansive energy, you will soon discover firsthand in the Moody Pyramid complex that this robust expansive energy can be deeply experienced in these alignments An extraordinary experience will occur for many inside the Blue Pyramid and certainly in Giza. It is not a fortuitous event that numerous sacred sites and energy nodes arise very abundantly along certain latitudinal and longitudinal inclinations (gradients). The Parallel North of 30 degrees is one of these.

In addition to being energy accumulators, the pyramids are dimensional natural portals that adhere and connect with what you call ethereal dimensions. Giza and Galveston in one sense are then the masculine-feminine balance of the Vesica Piscis grid formed between them.

There is also a solid connection to the octave, or something in common between the Galveston and Giza complexes. Certain sounds need to be tuned in both to activate the dimensional portals, and prepare them for the Trigger.

Question: Can you explain the firm connection and the process?

Metatron: Both complexes are activated in sound. Part of what we are asking the Earth Guard Community to do in the Blue Pyramid in Galveston is to make specific vocal sounds resonate in the equinox. Due to the accumulative abilities of the pyramids, there are specific internal and external dimensional portals within them that can be activated with sound to anchor them in the Female-Platinum Ray. This will be made possible in an equidistant way by the accompaniment of Sirius A, the Dolphin Master Cetaceans.

We have told you that the old cranial box called Max was taken to the Moody Pyramids years ago. That allowed the frequency pattern of the Atlantean complex submerged near Galveston Island to be transferred and formatted to the Moody complex.

So there are dimensional doors inside certain Py Pyramids and this is especially true for Galveston and Giza. There are also invisible, invisible pyramids that are formed around these pyramids. These ethereal versions are dimensional reflections that mirror light frequency energies such that they are not noticeable in the visible light spectrum, but certain established sounds can make them dimly visible.

There are etheric cameras that need to be activated in the Moody complex and these are energetically interconnected to Giza.

These are structures designed with great complexity. The patterns of the Pi sound may materialize physically, but if these patterns are not provided the structures are less accessible. That is the reason why certain Earth Guardians are attracted to participate and direct the energies towards these two, specifically.

All etheric structures have their own sound patterns that help form their structure, similar to what occurs in physical objects. The sound Pi adheres to the atoms and molecules of physical objects as well as cohesively shapes etheric plasma and light. This is precisely the reason why the pyramids last for so long in the physical format and appear and reappear in the etheric dimensions.

Question: Please reveal the Cosmic Trigger process specifically, how should it be received at the Moody Pyramid Complex?

Metatron: As we transmit to you, it is a crystalline coded light that is attracted to the initial receptors of the Moody and Giza Pyramids. As regards the process in the Moody Complex, the energies are initially attracted through the cusp seal of the blue pyramid and spiral towards the pyramidal base. It infuses the waters of the aquarium and is undulating, then it crashes at the top of the Pyramid of the Rainforest, spiraling towards the base and waving towards the Copper Pyramid and back to the Blue, creating a turn in the opposite direction. Each pyramid contains within it an infinite pattern of duality of two eight-shaped energies that undulate from north to south and the other from east to west. These intersect in the center at the level of the first level directly. Both the infinite pattern and the counterclockwise rotation are constant inside this tri-pyramidal unit. Although the north to the southeast and the infinite west occur individually in all the directionally aligned Pyramids Pi.

The process of transmission of the Moody and Giza Pyramids by retransmitting the Cosmic Trigger to the lower triangulated shapes; It is instantaneous once the first energies are circulating. The energy will be fired in an amazing powerful flash at the determined secondary receivers as indicated:

The Moody Gardens Pyramid Transmission:

Tikal, Guatemala
The Summum Pyramid in the city of Salt Lake City.
The Pyramids of the Muttart Botanical Garden - Edmonton, Alberta.
Tiajuanaco, Bolivia.
Teotihuacan - Palenque- Chitzen Itza- Mexico.

The Walter Pyramid, Long Beach.

Transmission of the Pyramids of Giza:

The Louvre Pyramid in Paris, France
The Meru Pi Temples of Thailand and Cambodia.
Borobudur in Java, Indonesia.
The Temples of Brihadishwara and Airateswara in India.
The red pyramid in Dashur.
The Golden Pyramid of Russia (near Moscow).

Both complexes will also relay to the natural pyramidal mountains as previously mentioned, including Edith Cavell Mountain, The Materhorn, Walsh Mountain and many others. Again the connection to the octahedron as the transmission medium.

There are 14 primary sacred points that will receive the Cosmic Trigger repeater from the pyramidal transmitters and will cascade the coded magnetic wakes up to the grid for the initial phase of the new-magneto-electric band.

These are:

1) Mull, Scotland.

2) Chan Chan, Peru
3) Tumac-Humac, Brazil
4) Nagasaki, Japan
5) Huesca, Spain
6) Ekaterinburg, Russia (Ural Mountains)
7) Bethlehem, Israel
8) Yellowstone, Wyoming-USA
9) Kilamanjaro, Tanzania
10) Iceland
11) Kona, Hawaii
12) Mt Cook, New Zealand
13) Great Artesian Valley, Australia
14) Sri Lanka

These areas will spiral the energies that will cover the planet and rise to the ionosphere. This release will be an extraordinary form of refined magnetic energy, only capable of harmonizing in synergy utility with the Crystalline Energies.

Question: Thank you. Now, to connect us to Giza, it is a fascinating complex and its origin is intriguing. Can you tell us the age of the Pyramids in Giza?

Metatron: There is an applicable saying that will refer to the Egyptian lands: "Man Fears Time and Time Fears the Pyramids."

It is really a wise saying because a non-linear aspect of the Giza complex is timeless and from that perspective your question cannot be answered.

Humanity has sought for millennia to understand the Pyramids, especially the construction time of the great tri-Pyramidal complex in Giza. Measuring the beat of the construction time is paradoxical, because the pyramids exist by nature in more than a reality. They are truly multi dimensional.

Although this is meaningless to most of you, we will tell you this TRUTH. Certain Orion Masters and the wise men of Atla Ra, led by Thoth first visualized the Great Pyramid of Giza 38, 000 years ago. However, that is also a passing and difficult number for the channel to receive or understand because they have been dematerializing and manifesting again. This happened again 12, 500 years ago, see?

The same goes for the Galveston complex. What has been recently rebuilt is essentially the re-manifestation of the Atlantean complex that reigned there a millennium ago. What remains in the ethers around this complex are the ancient Pyramids of Atlantis, in strata.

We realize that this is confusing, so consider this: Your religious texts say that the Creator God is Omnipotent, Alpha and Omega, with no beginning and no end. That is a sacred Truth, an axiom that humanity must accept, although apparently incomprehensible. We have also told you that sacred geometry is the plot of all universes, so we ask you to accept another axiom, that Pi geometry is equally eternal, and has always been so internally or externally.

The Giza complex has then always existed from a quantum perspective. Once the true Pyramidal Pi complexes are formed, they are capable of producing replicas-reflections of themselves in multi-dimensionality and in the inverse of themselves in parallel and anti-matter planes. This is the real thing about all the geometric shapes that resonate in Pi, including the shapes they refer to as platonic solids. So the paradox is that once certain pyramids are built, they have no beginning or end within linear times.

The Pyramids of Giza have really disappeared and reappeared several times dimensionally speaking. So although this is difficult for you to understand, once manifested in the octahedron pi and in pyramidal inverse format, these geometric structures become fluid holographic inserts, which oscillate in a circular way between dimensional reality and the eternal void. They send intermittent signals and flow according to their own cycles, with no individual starting point in the linear perception of the 3d.

So in Giza there really is more than in a version of the Great Pyramid that remains there, although most humans only see one. In their time 3D linear space there seems to be only stone structures, fixed and adhered to the earth in the form of any other "man-made" structure.

So trying to subjectively identify these structures as merely fixed forms of matter would be a distortion and a detriment to their ability to understand their varied complexity as portals to the higher dimension. As such if you were to enter these pyramids with such a limited belief, you would not connect with frequency in proper harmonization. If you tried to see your disharmony or disappearance, you would still achieve very little. Truly if man tries to define the process in a subjective way, it would not be beneficial because pyramids pi become living holograms with states of conscious perception that continually expand and redefine themselves into exponential paradigms of higher dimensional geometry.

Visualize that they were physically erected, created in stone through acoustic pi, without sound. Then the celestial sonic dissonance dissolved them and integrated them into layers of multidimensional and anti-matter energy. This process has an intra-dimensional breath, an expansion and contraction that both materializes and dematerializes in certain alignments. Creates a supra-concentrated inter-dimensional spatial adhesion.

Question: I am confused. You mentioned a construction point with Thoth and the Orion Masters 38, 000 years ago. Isn't that the starting point?

Metatron: Ah, but we said a transitory number and that was dissolved and reappeared many times within physicality. And yes, it is confusing, (soft laughter) but it is not the only time they manifested themselves in stone in the materialization.

It was manifested before that time and again 12, 500 years ago. We will tell you that 38, 000 years ago is the most relative time to your current reality paradigm. There are many Lands. We have told you that before. Octahedrons and their complexity are among the geometric mechanism that connects all realities. So let's say there are no specific construction points in Giza because in Giza you are at a precise intersection of reality formed by thought.

Everything coexists at that point. In truth you have many pasts, many futures and many paradigms coexisting in Giza. All are valid and will co-exist simultaneously. Teachers must understand that there is no singular version of reality.

There are infinite probabilities and each is a tangible valid reality. So in the micro and macro Cosmos there are no beginnings or endings. When talking about beginnings and endings, the incidence is always there, that there must be only one reality and that it must have a beginning in time and an end in time. It is an illusion of editing. Your Earth is infinite and is connected to a large number of worlds.

The Pyramids of Giza are a channel that connects them to all of them. There are many pyramids and passages that serve this role, but none as powerful as Giza.

And Masters, there is much, much more that is happening at those points.

Multi Dimensional Interconnection Points

The unique aspects of your particular physical world, within your specific NOW, depend entirely on your existence and perceptions in them. As such the physical universe does not contain physical objects that can be perceived by those whose existence is not within their collective NOW. Many others, many reciprocal forms of reality and consciousness coincide and coexist within the same space that their current land occupies. Their simultaneous times of life exist in these and it is the same space in which they live, but other versions of you do not perceive the same physical objects as you because these other parallels are of different frequency. Just as the frequency waves of the radios: AM and FM travel in the same space, so do parallel realities exist in the same physical space of the illusion without limits.

Now there are exceptions, certain vectors of their paradigms may in an interconnection at specific flashing points. These are star portals, portals, and wormholes, said in their terms. But you are many years of understanding this.

These points on your planet are neither widely understood nor recognized. Nevertheless they exist in many points on the earth. And within these magnificent portals, the realities are combined. Multi-dimensionality is the legitimacy of the unified field, of quantum physics, exists and is real. It is not science fiction, but it is science!

Few are able to adjust their frequency within these multi-dimensional points to fully explore them but you really have the opportunity to expand within. The Pyramids of Giza and really at other similar points were built precisely on such points.

That is the reason why a Great Pyramid exists in Giza because many dimensions interconnect there. That is possible because these interface currents contain great energy potential; they are unified vector-points where realities merge. There are co-ordinated, luminous, concentrated energies of impeccable celestial geometrical mathematical mathematics beyond the Pi of the Creation Code that you call the golden spiral. These are a fantastic energy source and these points are numerous on the planet and each of them carries satellite points around it. They are vast in numbers and are pulsing and growing in energy as they approach Ascension.

The channel is slightly reluctant to give details of the terminology and the concepts that it perceives that can go beyond our readers here, but in highly simplified terms, these interconnection points provide the coded light force of life itself, and provide the means for thought to solidify in physical matter or for probable events to be manifested and coagulated into experience.

At a higher level, you all understand this, despite your complaints of misunderstanding. They are just their duality filters, their relatively limited clinging to the illusion of human existence on the earth plane that makes this seem so unlikely.

So understand that these power vector points are essentially life force generators. There are twelve interface points that connect all paradigms, all probable and parallel realities. The Cosmic Trigger of 2009 is reforming the accessibility and compatible intensity of these conduits to the earth. These interconnections have always existed, but they are now becoming more accessible at a higher frequency.

The Pyramid of Giza is perched on one of the most powerful points on your planet and the Moody Pyramids in Galveston will act at the right time as the coordinate of this energy.

Its 144-Crystalline Grid and its evolving Elliptical Signatures are the largest transducers of this omnipotent and overwhelming energy.

Question: Ok. With the premise that the Pyramids are eternal and that there are fluid points where they appeared and disappeared, was there a time when they were physically constructed, or were they manifested and instantly appeared in physical reality? Was there a physical process to build them?

Metatron: We thought we had answered that, (laughs). Yes, the current physical structure that you see in 3D was probably erected in the time frames we have given you.

Question: Okay, my point was to ask how they were physically built? The blocks were cut and if so, how were they raised so precisely in the place?

Metatron: The blocks were really extracted from the quarries and cut and lifted in place. This was done by a sophisticated knowledge of sound and light.

Sound has many uses that are capable of altering matter and gravitational forces, even in the way in which the atomic and sub-atomic particles respond to each other. So lifting them in place of the massive tonnage of the pyramidal rock employed these sophisticated techniques, using precise mathematical calculations and sound synergized by a focused mental process.

In other words, the matter in this case, the granite blocks were manipulated at an atomic level and elevated through sound. This was done by the Atla-Ra Masters with aliens as we mentioned earlier, using a sort of crystalline fingerboard that was activated by singing specific frequencies. The frequencies created a force field that could be directed.

Then with thought manifestation processes, using a theta level display in tandem with deep voice tones; whispering vowels to extreme octaves, they loaded the stones and certainly into the very same space where the pyramid was to be placed.

The Masters of the architecture community used extreme focal thinking to construct specific angular intersections in the ethers and agglutinated them in a consistent manner. They used a type of instrument that is similar to a tuning fork. The instrument was activated through the sound made in a tone in unison, tone that at intervals was not audible to the human ear and at other times was totally penetrating. The tone would reverberate so intensely that energy shattered matter and superimposed extreme gravitational and anti-gravitational forces and then was directed and focused directionally and dimensionally.

Energy surrounded the blocks and so they could be lifted. The wise then guided them. The men, wise high priests were used in groups to operate the instruments and meditatively put the stones in their place and guided them, but did not lift or transport them. The fretboard, as mentioned, once activated (and actually activating it was not a tiny feat) had an amazingly consistent effect that delimited the atomic particle as well as surrounded it with anti-gravitational plasma. (It was a similar process that the Atla used to "keep afloat" the Atlaino Crystalline satellite, called the Second-Moon of Atlantis).

The Atla-Thothians Egyptians were helped by the Arturians and the Syrians as to how to manifest the Pyramids Pi both physically and etherically towards a linear and circular time-space.

The sound you observe is capable of changing the atomic structure and the way in which electrons and protons react with each other. It was the same process that could make metals float, which was used to lift the stones. It became known as the art of alchemy, but that concept is not understood and is not exactly what was used here, you can observe. The Pi Crystals that you call Vogels are skilled when they form teams with certain sound frequencies of incredible effects on matter. They are also able to heal broken bones more quickly and rejuvenate certain organs inside the physical body.

In that way, the crystalline sound in specific octaves of Pi has an effect on both organic and inorganic matter. Sound is a causal force in each dimension. Such is the case that it can be used not only to lift the matter but also to join the structures more firmly, as such it can be used to cohesively reinforce the structures. This is the reason why pyramids cannot be destroyed. You see the physical world of 3D that you perceive daily, it is made of an invisible matrix template of energy footprints or patterns. These patterns are somewhat liquid or have no form. So while they exist, their final form in matter is a result of the probability of influenced consciousness.

There are a myriad of important properties of pyramids that are not yet understood by mankind.

This is especially true in the Giza complex, where the pyramids are energetically tuned to specific octaves of light-sound. Many of the hieroglyphic symbols engraved on the walls and chambers of the Egyptian Pyramids are instructive guides revealing specific sonic tones that when activated sound them to a greater dimensionality. The sound of the eighth Pi triggers reverberations that automatically open a large number of portals that lead to fantastic and hitherto unknown mysteries. But this is for those who are true seekers, who are thirsty for wisdom and are eager to work to achieve it. These secrets are for everyone, all who have the necessary ratio of light to learn and understand the specific use of vibratory sound octaves.

The Archetype of Soul Growth

There are certain lessons that each density teaches humanity, which each of you must go through to achieve the necessary vibrational level, for the next level.

Each vibrational level could then be compared to an archetype for a specific lesson that needs to be learned, for each of the components of its EXISTENCE: Spiritual, Mental and Physical, Body, Mind and Soul.

So don't expect to march towards a Pyramid and land on the steps of Pedro's Entrance. If they are reluctant or unable to employ the disciplines of breathing, tone and meditative mind, they can simply sit in a building.

His religious writings pray: "All Things Come to Him Who Waits"

A wise man added, "If He Work Authenticly and Arduously While Waiting"

There are no free walks, or shorter paths to lighting. But Well Beloved, you have advanced with difficulty towards the mountain in many lives. You have drawn the path, you have paid the debts. It is time for you to finish the job. You are powerful spiritual beings, pretending to be human. You can do this. A través de su apropiado enfoque, la pirámide puede expandirlos.


Ahora, finalizaremos compartiéndoles una cosa más. Los nodos de energía que existen en el planeta son en esencia agujeros blancos, áreas donde la energía renovada es enviada por señales intermitentes hacia su universo.

Hagan una pausa y consideren lo que estamos diciendo. Hagan una pausa y consideren lo que les estamos diciendo. Tómense un momento.

Estas coordenadas, estos conductos de energía conectan todos los paralelos, dimensiones y realidades probables! La Pirámide de Giza está ubicada en el agujero más centralizado y poderoso supra-blanco de estos doce agujeros.

Las energías que estos crean son capaces de solidificar más fácilmente el pensamiento en materia, pero también solidifican el deseo o plegaria en la experiencia. Todas las Pirámides Pi y todos los nodos de energía se atraen de estos agujeros blancos y se convierten en sus puntos subsidiarios.

Cuando ustedes ingresen en estos espacios, Amados Seres, piensen con cuidado. Sostengan sólo pensamientos nobles. Mentes de odio, temor y carencia nunca les serán de utilidad. Les deseamos una vida abundante y los invitamos a crearla.

Ustedes atraen hacia sí; ustedes atraen hacia sí mismos su experiencia de aquellas cosas en las que mentalmente se explayan y moran. Es la Ley de Atracción. Todo pensamiento es amplificado exponencialmente en los nodos de energía y en las pirámides.

Oren por lo que desean.

Y recuerden esto: El amor es la energía más poderosa en el Universo. Es exponencialmente más grandioso que el odio. Así que si quieren terminar con la guerra, no van a finalizarla odiándola, ustedes van a finalizar la guerra amando la paz. Piensen en este concepto y aplíquenlo en todos los aspectos de su vida. Ingresen a la Pirámide del Disparador Cósmico en consecuencia.

Yo soy Metatrón y comparto estas Verdades. Ustedes son Amados.”

Y asi es.

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Traducción al español compartiendo la Luz: Alicia Virelli,

“Pirámides y Dimensiones Paralelas”
Las Crónicas del Guardián de la Tierra
El Arcángel Metatrón a través de James Tyberonn

Marzo 2009: EKC Edición No: 28

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