Message from Saul: You already have what you are looking for

  • 2018
Table of Contents hide 1 Channeled by John Smallman, February 16, 2018 2 There is much more to life than human affairs. 3 The routine of earthly human life leaves little space and time for spirituality. 3.1 That is your task, that is the reason you became incarnate, and that is why you are among the first to be aware that being alive is not only the physical aspect of the human being, but much, much more than that! 3.2 Taking human form and incarnating on Earth is a very brave company because of the limits it imposes. 4 Meditate! Go to your inner sanctuary! 5 Rest there, in the Love within you. 5.1 Some of you already have allusions or feelings about this, and therefore do your best to go inward daily, because this empowers and strengthens you for your daily human life. 5.2 Demonstrating Love in action is all you have to do and, indeed, it is a powerful enterprise, as you well knew when you agreed to incarnate at this time in the process of awakening humanity. 6 We are always with you Ask us for help! 7 Saul

Channeled by John Smallman, February 16, 2018

Here in the spiritual realms we are watching with joy the continuous progress of humanity towards awakening . They are making amazing progress and moving very quickly as all matters that have been buried and forgotten arise in the collective consciousness to be treated and released .

Many light workers and road signs are working hard and effectively to connect through their modern communications networks with those who are beginning to become aware of their spiritual nature.

It is very confusing for most people, because they have been living their lives as human beings - taking care of their loved ones, making a living, and dealing with the everyday issues that humans have to deal with - while basically remaining completely unaware that there is much more to life than simply being human.

There is much more in life than human affairs.

Now these inner spiritual movements are demanding attention and most people have no idea who they can go to discuss these unexpected and strange feelings.

Although for the past fifty or sixty years many have been channeling and sharing uplifting spiritual messages, writing spiritually uplifting books and offering workshops and seminars, the vast majority of humanity has remained unaware of the resources available to them, simply because they have not been interested. on such seemingly esoteric issues.

Living an earthly human life has required all its energy, and therefore, the little energy they have at the end of the day has been used mostly to spend the night in front of the television to watch sporting events or movies.

The routine of earthly human life leaves little space and time for spirituality.

For these unconscious, these new sensations are very disturbing, sometimes even alarming. They wonder if they are about to have a nervous breakdown or if they are starting to go crazy, and there is no one in their circle of friends and acquaintances with whom they feel they can talk about the subject, and much least discuss it.

Those who are reading or listening to this message, and similar ones, from other sources, are already well established on their paths to wake up even if you feel quite lost and confused at times, and now you need to go out and TALK about what is happening with whoever they are in contact with.

That is your task, that is the reason you became incarnate, and that is why you are among the first to realize that being alive is not only the physical aspect of the human being, but Much, much more than that!

As you know from your readings and from your own life of inner work, life is a magnificent divine gift, and how you experience life as a human being in the physical world is just a little element of what life really is .

You, each and every one of the sentient beings that have been created, are divine beings, temporal aspects of God and seemingly separated from Him. When you are fully aware, fully awake in His Presence, you are in extreme and infinite joy. As humans they have hidden from that, their natural state, by the same choice they made of being physically human.

As humans, they are extremely aware of how fragile their human form is and how easy it can be damaged or destroyed. By its very nature, it limits them greatly and they are very sensibly conditioned to take care of it a lot .

Taking human form and incarnating on Earth is a very brave company because of the limits it imposes .

You are permanently and eternally present in the Presence of God, your divine Source, the field of Love in which everything that exists lives in eternal joy. But its human framework could not withstand the energy of that state, it would instantly disintegrate if exposed to it.

Fortunately, being a human being is a temporary game with which they chose to participate, while their true Self always remains in the divine presence. There is never the shortest of times when you are separated from the Source, Love, because without that constant and eternal connection you would cease to exist, and that can never happen!

You are all beloved children of God and it is His eternal and immutable Will that lives forever in perpetual joy in His presence .

That 's where you are right now, and where you always are. The human experience, although it seems totally real while you live it, is nothing more than a momentary state of forgetfulness or amnesia during which you experience the sense or sensation of being alone, abandoned and unloved.

But you are Love, and the objective of the game of the physical world is to discover within yourself that divine and immutable Truth . Even as a human you are Love, nothing more and nothing less, and Love is infinitely VASTO!

Meditate! Go to your inner sanctuary!

You will discover this Truth by going inside and leaving behind the earthly and physical distractions that are so seductive and that seem to imprison you in form . Within you, where your inner sanctuary or sacred altar is established, Love resides, immutable and immobile, is always there for you, offering you His divine Embrace if you just open your hearts to welcome it and let it in.

Your daily meditations, prayers, or quiet moments are the way to discover it. At first you will only find stillness, tranquility and peace . Then a warm loving glow will envelop you. It is a feeling that is much more powerful, fascinating and uplifting than anything you have experienced as a human being from any other relationship, and it is precisely what you miss as a human being and that many spend their entire lives looking outside themselves. To find it you must go inside .

Enter, relax, and let go of all thoughts, duties, lists, and any other strange distractions that may arise. Be patient, wait in silence while your mind begins to cease its vociferous talk, or at least reduce it to a level where it is no longer all intrusive. Then stay there !

Rest there, in the Love within you.

Do not try to commit to this wonderful new feeling that is emerging, instead rest on it, allowing it to be One with you . This is your true nature, only love - no judgment, guilt, bitterness, scarcity or resentment can enter or intrude here - this is the sacred and eternal center of your being, the place you have been looking for outside, in others, as teachers, or as guides, or as mentors, or in intimate relationships.

These other people are only indicators, which can provide a warmth and guidance that is edifying, but that is not enough, their task is to help you see and understand that they cannot provide what you are looking for - perhaps unconsciously - and that what you are looking for already you have

Some of you already have allusions or feelings about this, and therefore do your best to go inward daily, because this empowers and strengthens you for your daily human life.

As humans, you are both the form and the essence, and the charm and distractions of the form very often separate you from the consciousness of your essence, from your unbreakable connection with the Source.

That is why daily visits to your interior are absolutely essential for your well-being, and unless you practice them daily it is extremely difficult for you to commit to the task for the incarnate, that is, to help others in their process of awakening, loving what that arises in their daily human lives, and thus demonstrating Love in action.

Demonstrating Love in action is all you have to do and, indeed, it is a powerful enterprise, as you well knew when you agreed to incarnate at this time in the process of awakening humanity.

And, of course, you are perfectly capable of doing so because otherwise you would not have incarnated; and don't forget that you have unlimited assistance at all times from your wonderful support teams in the spiritual realms.

Never hesitate to contact us, we are at your disposal immediately and constantly to respond at any time.

We are here for you, that is our task, so do not try to go alone. You are never alone, so ignoring your support teams and trying to be self-sufficient is useless, almost insane and unnecessary . As they have been told again and again: S there is One, and that One is Everything.

An analogy: Your bodies are composed of many organs, which are composed of numerous cells, which are composed of innumerable molecules that work together. However, as individual human beings they tend to forget that and imagine themselves . Nothing could be further from the truth.

We are always with you. Ask us for help!

Ask us for help, guidance, advice, anytime and listen ! You all have great difficulty hearing because you do not have the patience to wait for the answer that is offered to you, instead you tend to ask and then answer yourself immediately. Ego speaks to you!

We your guides, angels, saints, mystics, sages, loved ones in the spiritual realms we are here for you constantly. We are never far answering other calls! Call, and we will respond instantly .

So allow yourself one or two moments to hear our response.

With so much love,


TRANSLATOR: Carolina, editor of the great family of the White Brotherhood

SOURCE: John Smallman (2018) Saul: What you seek you already have. 02/21/2018. Love Has Won

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