Small Wars in the Classroom by Ana del Mar Garc a Diego

  • 2014

(4 and 5 year old students)

In our school at the center level the war is working, and we want to delve deeper from the emotional. This week a conflict arose, a fight, and we treated it that way.

This morning two teammates fought. I stopped the situation and gathered the whole class in a circle. Everyone spoke giving their arguments. Asking both parties how they felt: angry and very angry. We reflected on whether the fight had been worth it to then feel that way, if they liked to feel that way. They did not answer. We talked about what they could have done as an alternative. Talk it, they said. (It is difficult for them, because their first response is visceral, of the reptilian brain, of survival. It is about erasing ancestral historical memories and turning them into love, for themselves, for humanity and for lifetime).

These days we are talking about who are the good guys and the bad guys in a war. We agree that it doesn't matter who starts. Everyone suffers in the end. And we were born to be happy, let it be clear.

We invited the two to discharge their anger and anger by jumping on a cushion feeling how they came out, and while the rest of the group sent them violet light to transmute those emotions, pink light to transform them into love and yellow light at the request of one of them for the wisdom of the heart that we all have within us. Back in the circle, with them 2 inside, we asked them if they wanted to hug each other, wrapping them in a pink heart of love and then the whole group wrapped in that heart. The whole process took 10 minutes, and the transformation was wonderful.

The smaller they are, the easier it is to transform everything into love, because children are pure love, which is distorted over the years in this life. . Let's not let that happen. For a happier life, for a better world, they are our future.

Author: Ana del Mar Garc a Diego


Small Wars in the Classroom by Ana del Mar Garc a Diego

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