Yeshua's Message ~ Communicating with your Soul

  • 2012


Communicating with your Soul

Channeled by Pamela Kribbe

September 2012

Dear friends, I am Yeshua. I'm with you. My energy connects with yours; Feel it around and through you. I am not a stranger to you. We are familiar with each other, so feel that familiarity. Christ energy is not strange to you. In your heart there is a flame, an inspiration, a desire, and also a knowledge, that this is life and this is the time when you want to embody your Christ light here on Earth. You have waited a long time for this opportunity, you have carried this tiny spark within you through multiple lives, and now you feel that a new opportunity has arrived. One of the reasons you wanted to be born on Earth at this time was because of the promise that this spark would become a flame that was clearly visible to yourself and others. The desire that brings you here is to create, in one way or another, a channel for the divine energy of the soul in you to be realized in this life on Earth. They want to get carried away by the song of your soul. They want to remember who they are beyond what has shaped your life on Earth from the outside.

Each of you acquires opinions about yourself during your upbringing. They absorb the ideas and images of your parents, your family, partner, school, etc. They begin to play certain roles without questioning them and soon develop something called "personality": a set of habits, behaviors and thoughts. But at some point in the course of growth something else awakens in you. At first, it is nothing but a whisper, a memory that you cannot place, a knowledge that you are more than what is only determined by the world outside of you. There is something deeper, a level that cannot be assimilated and understood by the human intellect. Here lies your essence, that which precedes and survives the earthly sphere - your soul.

When your soul incarnates on Earth it has already acquired a story. The soul carries with it all kinds of impressions of other lives and experiences in the cosmos. You are not a blank page when you are born; They have already developed wisdom through all your previous experiences. They come to this life with something to give; They are already a unique flower at birth. And life really is destined to make that flower viable and visible, to bring it to its full and radiant flowering. However, due to the influences they acquired during your youth they can stay away from this deployment for a long time. They try to adjust to what is required of you, and that adjustment often brings pain because they are depriving themselves of doing so. External forces can be very persuasive and decisive for you. All of you, those who are present here or those who read this now, want to break free from these forces. The pressures of your environment try to influence them, define them and keep them under control, but as butterflies emerging from their cocoon, they try to free themselves from these external forces. And what drives you? A memory, a whisper, a knowledge that at the beginning is very slight and cannot find its realization in the visible world but only in the depth of your inner being.

In there, they still dare to dream; In there, sometimes they know very clearly who they are. Sometimes they literally travel home in your dreams during the night to drink from a source so vivid, so familiar and so pure. When they are there, they cannot imagine how they could have forgotten - but it is. They have been lost in life on Earth, mainly because fear, judgment and negativity are still so prevalent in the world.

Because of their own helplessness, parents and teachers often do not instill in their children faith in themselves and their own resources - forgive them for that. They, too, have been prey to these mundane influences; they have succumbed in part to the illusions prevalent on Earth. But you have come here to put an end to those illusions, which makes you servants of the Light, someone who wants to help change consciousness on Earth, so that people can begin again to believe in their own unique strength - the soul that transcends his earthly personality - and make it a song.

You are brave. On the one hand, they are hurt by losing their way in this reality, and this painful experience becomes a part of your path in life. But on the other hand, they have also found the way to the internal from hearing the whisper of your soul. Sometimes it is difficult to really trust, because they feel the influence of old thoughts that keep them limited, of feelings of uncertainty and doubt. And in fact, as children, they learned that those feelings were correct and true: staying limited, not standing out, not acting weird, not thinking beyond the norm, adjusting, being a good citizen, being a good partner and a good father, to be responsible.

All these supposedly high values ​​often keep you limited and require you to hide your originality. But once they have started to go inside, they can no longer go back. They can no longer ignore your uniqueness, your strength and your different being, and this inspires fear in you: “If I follow the voice of my heart, the cry of my soul, will I not become a stranger and will I be rejected? Who will love me, who will then want to accept me? Will I still be welcome? ”I see that doubt in your hearts, and I ask you to reflect first on who you are: that other part that wants to get out of the ordinary, that continues to want to go inside, that remembers something: a nostalgia, a longing . Feel the energy of that "I", that other part of you. Welcome Earth, and feel the power and wisdom of this part of you. It is your soul that speaks and that has tapped your shoulder all your life and begs your attention. The soul never speaks with coercion or judgment, with severity or threats, as do the voices of authority. The soul whispers, invites, speaks with joy: “Wouldn't this be good? Wouldn't it be wonderful and inspiring to do this? ”They are often afraid to hear that voice. “Can this really be? Can I then simply do and enjoy what I really like? ”The soul speaks an entirely different language than what you are used to.

The soul is not an external power that demands them; The soul serves them. That sounds strange or your ears, because they are accustomed to thinking: I must serve my soul, my upper part . But the soul serves them equally; she wants to shine through you, elevate you, bring you home, inspire you to do what you really want and be happy on Earth as human beings. Invite to yourself the joyful energy of your soul and do it now. Let it envelop you, feel your kindness without coercion, without requirements only the sensation of being welcomed in a very deep way. Allow yourself to be received by your soul and feel its presence around your body like a radiant mantle of Light. Then ask your soul: What is important for me to know now? What do I need to know about you right now? And feel your answer; They don't even need to hear it in so many words. What kind of sensation, what kind of mood does the soul want to convey to you? Release all thoughts about how the soul should speak and your ideas about superior and inferior . Your soul is life itself! It is the living, natural force of life and knows where balance is needed, or a different rhythm, and she wants to give them that voluntarily.

If you feel that soul energy flowing around and through your body, observe also in what places it may be being blocked. Is there any place in your aura or in your body where the Light may not flow freely and fully? Then go to the place that stands out for being the most blocked. Do not have judgment on him; be like the soul, just observe it, jovially, with kindness and openness. Look at the need in that place of your energy field or in your body, and know that the need does not have to be said or explained in words; just let what is needed flow to it.

You are all here today because you want to communicate with a being channeled for one reason or another. But I tell you, beyond that desire is a greater desire for Home the abode where you can feel the reality of who you are and bring that Home to Earth. That's why they're here! Feel how good and true that intention is. How they are going to do that and what exactly it will take is of secondary importance. This desire is the voice of your soul. Your soul wants to manifest itself more clearly and fully in your life.

Feel how familiar your soul is to you its lightness and naturalness -. That is the voice of love. The you ought, the heaviness, the pressure, the obligation are the voices of fear, the voices outside of you. The voice of your soul comes from within and sometimes speaks so softly and lightly that you do not hear it. Or the voice whispers sweetly and serenely: So simple, isn't that right? And it 's as simple as that! The essence of life is simple and clear.

Finally, I ask you to feel our common energy; That energy of all of us together. Here and now we also create a channel for all of us. And that means nothing more than what we are ourselves, completely and without coercion; Everything is allowed to be as it is, including dark or fearful places. And at the same time there shines a Light in those places, the Light of your souls.

I would like to conclude by saying: have respect for yourself, for your strength, for the courage you have shown so far. They should not be judged, made small, criticized, even if they have learned that doing that is good or sensitive. Try to learn to have true respect for yourself and to value your courage and your strength. That suits them; that opens your channel to who they really are.

© Pamela Kribbe 2012

Original title: Communicating with your soul

Spanish translation of the English version of Maria Baes and Frank Tehan: ~ OjS ~

Image: "The Call" by Rassouli

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