Archangel Michael: The butterfly effect and the awakening of human consciousness

  • 2018

For many years, the butterfly has been representing the symbol of transformation not only for the scientific world, but also for the spiritual one; which is because the butterflies start their life having an appearance that does not resemble their final appearance at all and is that the beauty they show after the change is really amazing. For people, seeing a butterfly inspires happiness and joy, something that a caterpillar cannot do; In general, the caterpillar usually repels those who see it for its appearance, while the butterflies manage to capture attention for the same reason, having a delicate structure and beautiful colors.

Just as the butterfly achieves positive reactions in all who appreciate it ; Likewise, those human beings who are spiritually awake and are able to really see each of the blessings that are part of each of the things that are around them. These beings accept their earthly brothers for what they are and generally tend to be of a quality, friendly and welcoming nature, making those around them comfortable.

The way in which a spiritually awake being can think, act and speak often has a higher vibrational frequency when compared to a being found in unconsciousness. Those beings who have not yet awakened to their spiritual selves usually have less awareness about the impact their words, thoughts and actions have on other people. Remember that love attracts love, so that those beings that live and interact through strong actions or words often attract a reality comparable to their attitude towards life.

They must remember that love attracts love

Awakened people have a great will to serve those around them, because they are driven by a greater force which transcends any need they may have. When they treat the rest of the people with respect and love, the effect caused by the flow of their actions will generate appreciation and gratitude from those people with whom they interact. These beings manage to attract many others because of the love and warmth that emanates directly from their hearts ; it is very possible that they are spiritual practitioners or meditate and practice total attention, but regardless of their beliefs, an awake soul consists in that which has managed to learn to accept and love itself as it is, without needing to have the recognition or approval of the the rest.

All the positive changes that a being makes in his way of acting, thinking and interacting, have a direct impact on those around him due to the spiritual bond that connects them with others. Never underestimate the power possessed by thoughts, since each generates modes and individuals with the ability to make changes in reality.

While the Light that lives within their hearts grows greater in order to give them the opportunity to use it, and work on new changes made from love and thinking about the well-being of those around them, those people who have not yet managed to reach In this state, they will begin to feel attracted and strongly influenced by their positive attitude and the way in which spiritually awake beings face life. For what it is your duty, enlightened beings, to guide and influence your brothers who are still sleeping, promoting in them the ability to appreciate the world in a different way, a much more positive one. In this way, the beings of the world will begin to emerge from their caterpillar status to become a beautiful butterfly.

Archangel Michael says goodbye, inviting them to be butterflies that transform their world through positive thoughts. Be grateful for the place you occupy and the role you play. It is in you to create change!

TRANSLATION: Lurdes Sarmiento


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