The 7 habits of addictive personality

  • 2016
Table of contents hide 1 ADDICTIVE PERSONALITY 2 1. The habit of working. Caffeine 3 2. The habit of drinking. Wine 4 3. The habit of sweetening. Sugar 5 The habit of smoking. Nicotine 6 5. The habit of creating. Marijuana 7 6. The habit of idealizing. Heroin 8 7. The habit of synthesizing. 9 THE EFFECTIVE CHARACTER

From the seven habits of addictive personality to the eight habits of effective character: A healthy lifestyle.

Letter seven is related to the seven deadly sins, the ambitious personality wants to keep their glasses full.

Letter eight is in relation to the hermit who leaves the world with empty glasses after seeing the fusion between the sun and the moon.

This article is the counterpart of effective people, addressing addiction as the inefficient use of the internal management system. The first three habits of effective people are based on the metaphor of the computer: You are the programmer, design the program, run the program. In this article I intend to show the use of applications by the user (personality) when downloading them from a server (the soul).

Computers are perfect diagrams of how our non-physical consciences work. Behaviors and habits are recorded in our consciousness in much the same way as memory is fed into computers. The way we think and feel is conditioned by habits. Addictions create their own recordings in consciousness. While effectiveness is explained as an efficient and effective use of the external management system, addiction is explained as an inefficient use of the internal management system.

Unlike simple habits or consumerist influences, addictions are `` dependencies '' that have serious consequences. It is useful to distinguish between the individual who is psychologically dependent on one or the other substances and the one who has a physical addiction that can cause withdrawal illness. Addiction is a chronic and recurrent disease of the brain that is characterized by a pathological search for reward and / or relief through the use of a substance or other behaviors. This implies an inability to control behavior, difficulty in permanent abstinence, imperative desire for consumption, decreased recognition of significant problems caused by the behavior itself and in interpersonal relationships as well as a dysfunctional emotional response.

Addictions such as habits are recorded in our brain circuits, in the same way that the circuits of a computer are programmed. To leave the habit, we need to erase and rewrite the circuit and for this the diagrams are used.

All addictive substances are programs through which users expect to download applications from the server to realize their visions. Then, the addiction process begins when the person has a dream, a vision or a vital purpose that they see no way to manifest. Feeling that their energy drains, they are directed towards the substance as a power device. And it is abused because people who need that strength recognize its power. What they do not recognize is the vision that these power devices grant, helping us to see more deeply within ourselves.

These chemical substances of power do not do their job effectively due to their side effects. There are other internal substances that do the same job without side effects, without damaging the physical body, thought patterns or emotions. We can acquire the energy we need in ways other than through substances.


The human brain produces numerous chemicals, called endorphins, which at the molecular level resemble addictive substances. It is possible that certain individuals suffer from endorphic deficiencies that lead them to addictive substances as a way of balancing. Others may have more endorphin receptor sites in their brains or more sensitive receptor sites that cannot metabolize substances in the same way as non-addicts do. We do not know the exact mechanisms of the process of becoming addicted. We know, however, that meditation and visualization stimulate the brain to produce endorphins without chemical alterations.

Hormones are chemical substances, new drugs are chemical substances and chemicals can be abused. Everything must exist in a state of equilibrium. What is wrong is the abuse, not the chemical. To a greater or lesser degree, all chemical substances affect the body's energy in negative ways. Alcohol is a strong poison; Since the second week of drinking too much, you are poisoning the body. Coffee, tea and sugar affect you, as well as excessive amounts of honey. Even drinking too much herbal tea or eating too much brown rice can harm you. However there are gradations in addictions. And organic substances produce less damage than artificial ones. This is because in the course of millions of years, the human body has adapted to organic substances, but has not had time to learn how to deal with manufactured chemicals.

This article is organized according to the degrees of damage caused in the energy circuit. Natural substances that are only minimally processed (coffee, tobacco, marijuana) are the least harmful, while those that are natural but have some degree of chemical processing (sugar and alcohol) come later. Cocaine and heroin fit in the dividing line between natural and synthetic ones since they are quite altered during their respective prosecutions. The most harmful of all are the synthetic drugs that the article closes.






























Synthetic drugs
















Writing, Painting




Synthetic drugs




Psychic gifts



As we evolve spiritually and learn to use the mind, body and spirit more effectively, the kind of devices we will turn to will change. In ancient times, the natural organic devices that our ancestors found around them served well to raise awareness. In the future, we will find again that simple devices serve us better. Instead of manufactured drugs and alcohol, we will see our descendants using crystals and essences of gems and plants. They will also use simple tools of the mind such as visualization, meditation and light, as well as technological devices that are not intrusive or addictive. With these tools they will move towards expanded or altered states of consciousness.

All addictive substances have negative effects on the physical and energy bodies. As scientists learn more about the brain, they are finding that it is possible to stimulate the brain to release healing substances such as hormones and endorphins. Mystics, yogis and shamans have known for thousands of years that the mind and body are not separated.

This device is designed to stimulate the brain in the acceleration and support of the body's healing process.

The upper circle is your brain and the two parallel lines represent the central energy column of your body. The rectangular lines that connect them remember that the eye that connects the internal and the external is the same. The triple triangles above indicate the healing energy, healing substances in the body and in the energy bodies. The triple triangle pointing up is the confluence of these energies throughout the body. They are placed in the chest area, where the thymus gland is located, which has a preponderant role in the immune system. It is also the location of the newly awakened thymus chakra, called by some the upper heart, the high heart or the secret heart. With this diagram we are stimulating the brain-thymus connection in themselves and we are also helping to wake up this new chakra.

His energy is healing, compassion and planetary peace.

1. The habit of working. The caffeine

When the evening languishes the shadows are reborn And in the stillness the coffee plantations feel again, that sad love song of the old grind, which seems to moan in the lethargy of the night. Javier Solís sings .

Many kinds of jobs that people carry out today are much more demanding and carry more challenges than in the past and therefore cause much more doubt about our capabilities. Corporate jobs are more involved with management and relationships with different levels of authority, than were the most physical tasks of yesteryear. Coffee breaks try to expand your power.

Caffeine addiction is a subsidiary of work addiction. Almost all coffee addicts are addicted to work, since there is no need to stay stimulated that way. We use caffeine as a power tool to alter the body's natural rhythms to be able to produce. Even children are under enormous pressure today to produce and compete, so they drink colas until they are "big" enough to drink coffee. The traditional coffee break serves to change the valleys of the natural biorhythms of the day. We no longer respect these rhythms or the limits of our bodies.

Caffeine increases the adrenal response and ultimately stresses the same adrenal glands, causing us to live in a perpetual state of being ready to fight or fly, hence anxiety and irritability.

Adrenaline, also known as epinephrine, is a hormone and a neurotransmitter. Increases heart rate, constricts blood vessels, dilates air ducts, and participates in the fight or flight reaction of the sympathetic nervous system.

The diagram for coffee is included here. To use it, look from top to bottom between the two parallel vertical lines in the center of the diagram about 25 times. You can photocopy this diagram and take it with you to work to use it whenever you feel the need for a cup of coffee. Use it at least three to five times a day.

2. The habit of drinking. The wine

I want to drink your poison drunk with luck I want to love you approach death I want between white sheets to make you fly softly I want to run through your body like hot water. Sing Faust

The followers of Dionysus believed that wine was a gift from the gods, a tool for transformation. Even today, alcoholic beverages are called spirits, a weak recognition of their ability to open us to the spirit world. What we once called gods are actually powerful disembodied guides, more advanced spirits helping human consciousness move to new and more free places. But over time, the correct use of wine and the changes in consciousness it brought were forgotten.

The choice of what we drink may be an indication of the kind of problems we are trying to solve.

250cc beer glass =


150cc wine glass =


50cc liquor cup


Beer drinkers tend to have an excess of physical energy in the body that they are not using, that they are not channeling properly. This is the reason why sports spectators accompanied their hobby so often with a beer. When we work all day, energy builds a momentum and beer is a way to let it out. Drinking more than one, accentuates the problem by accentuating energy, aggravating instead of calming. The key word here is frustrating and not having a channel for energy, as people have less and less physical jobs and beer is increasingly becoming a national drink. Jogging, aerobics or some other regular exercise can release blocked energy much more effectively than a beer bottle.

Wine drinkers have too much mental energy. People who are drinking too much wine should pause to ask themselves: "What mental abilities are I not using correctly?" Wine drinkers are often allowed to get trapped in mental mazes that do not take them anywhere. Often, the act of drinking is related to a sadness because when they were children, they were not allowed to play mentally, so that when they are adults they over-feed on mental activities.

Heavy liquor drinkers often have problems expressing anger. A small drink drunk slowly over half an hour or forty minutes, can help in the natural release of the energy of anger by transmuting it in a much more efficient and acceptable way than spite songs or cathartic retelling of personal history between drinks and drink More than one drink begins to poison the liver, which at the metaphysical level, is where the anger is processed. Because of this, anger does not have an adequate channel and ulcerate the liver. Alcohol and angry anger ultimately destroy the liver. When strong drinks are used, we need to ask ourselves what we are angry about.

The diagram shown here is designed to clean and reverse the electrical pattern of alcohol habit. To use this diagram, you have to free the mind of any distractions and sit quietly. Focus on the diagram. Train your eyes so that they go without stopping from the two lower arrows towards the circle. Go back down and up several times. You can do this exercise three or four times a day at the beginning, until you feel that the process is complete.

3. The habit of sweetening. The sugar

Food also has its uses as a power tool. Native Americans and other cultures ate the flesh of animals such as the wolf or the servant in a ritual way to acquire the strength, courage and cunning of that animal. Ritual communions, from primitive times to those of today's churches, constitute a survival of magical thinking, so that eating the body and blood of Jesus is supposed to give you his holiness. Cannibalism was actually a religious ritual in which eating the flesh of the enemy was supposed to acquire its strength.

Today we all faintly remember that the food was magical and was used as a power tool. To a person who is sick or upset, we say: "Eat, it will give you strength", although fasting would surely be better for the body in such situations. So, we are programmed from children to see food as a source of strength and the more strength we need to fulfill our vision, the more we eat in search of it.

The fuel of our bodies is glucose, our most direct and powerful power tool. So the abuse of sucrose, which is closely related, is partly due to fuel and our food is very lacking in energy due to all the processing. We confuse food with energy and eat when we are drained.

The primary addiction that sugar addicts have is love, since the collapse of the heart chakra in our culture, with all the losses and alignment, means that many of us experience very little love in our daily lives. One reason why the confusion between sugar and love arises is that sugar causes the arrival of a torrent of blood towards the heart, so we think that the heart chakra is being nourished.

Insulin is a hormone secreted from the islets of the pancreas. Insulin is "anabolic" par excellence: it allows cells to have the necessary glucose supply for energy-efficient synthesis processes.

The diagram is designed to clean and reverse the sugar habit footprint in neural circuits. It helps to stop sugar addiction and keep us away from it in the long term. By cleaning and erasing that pattern, you are able to release the energy that is channeled into addiction for more constructive purposes. To use the diagram, one enters a deep state of consciousness. For several minutes, you stare at the circle and nothing else. This is done at least twice a day for several weeks or more, if the need is felt. Whenever you feel the desire to eat something sweet, look at the diagram instead of eating.

The habit of smoking Nicotine

Smoking is a great pleasure, sensual Smoking I wait for the man I want, behind the windows of cheerful windows and while I smoke my life I do not consume because floating the smoke usually numbs me. Sara Montiel sings.

Tobacco addicts do not know how to dream, by this we mean that they have lost, forgotten or damaged their ability to make their dreams work for them. Lighting the fire and the spiral of smoke are metaphors for the dreaming process where the imagination illuminates our vital experiences. These experiences, despite being condensed, are transformed into the free flow of waves of pure sleep. We deal with everyday problems through working with dreams.

Anyone who smokes is having problems in the dream world. Initially, smoking elevates daytime perceptions, which can stimulate the catalog of images used in working with dreams.

Nicotine is an organic compound, an alkaloid found mainly in the tobacco plant (Nicotiana tabacum), with high concentration in its leaves, also being present in other plants such as tomatoes, eggplants, peppers and potatoes. 2 In even more marginal quantities, it has been found in other plants such as cauliflower, green pepper or black tea.

The diagram has to be used several times a day, especially when getting up and before going to sleep to help us with the changes in the dreams that tobacco tries, but fails to achieve. Make the eyes go from the lines to the point five times without stopping. It may be useful to photocopy the diagram, take it with you and look at the copy when you feel the urge to smoke a cigarette. If it is more oriented towards movement and touch than towards vision, it will be useful to draw the lines, in the air or on paper, each time it is used.

5. The habit of creating. Marijuana

Fly, fly you don't need luggage. Fly, nobody controls your image. Fly, you will see that everything is possible. Fly, wake up your mind. Sing Magneto .

The desire to achieve a creative life through the divine use of imagination, is latent in all human beings and only two attitudes allow to develop the habit of creativity: The constant effort to create those ways that express some present truth and the continuous effort to become sensitive to the world of meanings. This is achieved by cultivating the creative imagination. That cultivation depends on the will to bear the pain of revelation, the power to maintain a high point of consciousness at which revelation arrives and the centralization of the imaginative faculty.

Probably very creative beings do not know what to do with such creativity. They are probably stuck in a vital situation that they know is not for them, but they don't know how to get out of it. Or they are in a situation that has been expansive and has brought them growth but now they feel the pressure to stay there, growing, expanding.

Thyroxine regulates cell metabolism. Thyroid hormone hyposcretion slows down the metabolism, which can lead to weight gain, muscle weakness, increased sensitivity to cold, decreased heart rate and a loss of activities Mental alert. Hypersecretion accelerates metabolism, resulting in increased appetite, weight loss, irritability, nervousness, tachycardia and intolerance to warm places.

Marijuana is a kind of bridge between the worlds. It is gentle enough to open changes in consciousness without being excessively harmful to the body. But as with all power tools, there is proper use and improper use. Smoking more than once a week and smoking beyond the point where you begin to feel the first changes in consciousness are inappropriate uses of this power tool. Marijuana, when used correctly, provides a bridge between two places. Used improperly, it transforms the user into the bridge itself, melting and mixing the two places that it should join. A bridge in the middle of space has no use.

The diagram of the marijuana will serve to leave the circuit, helps to learn to distinguish clearly between sleep and wakefulness. That is why it is especially important to use it just before sleeping and after waking up. Use it several times a day and especially at any time you feel the need for a joint. Focus on it and let the eyes run back and forth between the two parallel vertical lines without anything distracting.

6. The habit of idealizing. Heroin

Go forgetting about this that you leave today and that you will change for the adventure that you will already see. It will be your jail and you will never leave. The Bukis sing.

History has been the story of the emergence of ideas, their transformation into ideals and their materialization into idols, that is how heroes emerged, such as the incarnation of an archetype in a human prototype. Now, as reborn heroes, we have to do the reverse process: go from idols to ideas, recognize them and move on towards their realization. The power of ideas begins to be understood recently. The power of ideation, the forms that ideas have to take and the promotion of the cult of the right ideas, is one of the main problems to be addressed in the New Age.

But while the vision was typical of the mystics, the materialization has been exclusive to scientists, ignoring the fact that spirit and energy are synonymous and interchangeable terms, maintaining a gap between science and religion. The terms organic and inorganic have been responsible for the confusion, and also for the differentiations that exist in the minds of many people, between body and spirit, life and form. The ancient Egyptians pretended to possess the law of organization and operation of societies, and came to prove it by sending their initiates; Orpheus, Lycurgus, Solon, Pythagoras, Moses, to organize Greece and its colonies, Moses for the Jewish case, with the result of forming in him a true race spirit that has allowed him to survive the most tremendous cataclysms. Today, those thirsty for social reforms claim almost unanimously, either a new humanity to implement their projects, or a total destruction of existing social sectors. A system that pursues ideals is an intentional system.

Initially, sociologists tried to adapt the biological model to social systems, without taking into account the purposes of the parts of an organism. Cybernetics emerged as a group interested in agencies, while managers (administrators, leaders) focus their attention on the type of systems called organizations. In an organism only the whole can manifest will. The organization of a system is an activity that can be carried out only by intentional entities. In humans, the one who performs that function is the autonomic nervous system. The human being is an intentional organism with goals, objectives and ideals.

Endorphins have a role in the body's immune system and in our general feeling of well-being. So we have found that adding this kind of work to the recovery process has strong positive effects. Its name derives from the original description as endogenous morphines. They are believed to be part of the body's natural protection against pain.

Sitting in their caves or cloisters, the great hermits of all time have managed to deepen the source of the vision and have opened sources of light from which others can drink. When one is afraid to make this trip, organic drugs can help us open the door. Initially they make the body so light that it can enter the dream state. However, when they are abused, they cloud and obscure the place of dreams, so that no vision can take place and also weaken the body, so that it is no longer possible to look forward. In a world like ours, the potential shaman continues to use the power tools for vision again and again, but the tools are only the key to a door that our culture does not allow to open.

Morphine is a potent opioid drug. Heroin is a byproduct of opium. Heroin is produced by treating morphine with acetic acid to create a chemical three times more powerful than morphine. It is still used in a restricted way as an analgesic, especially in cases of terminal diseases. In the most simplistic way possible, it can be said that if cocaine is an aspect of society's takeoff, then heroin is an aspect of its rupture. We put them both in this same chapter because their effects on the subtle body are similar. But while cocaine tempts you with the promise to rise above the rest of society, the temptation of heroin is to drag everyone down, to the same basic human level of hunger and need.

Cocaine promises to teach through sophistication and prosperity; The heroine promises to teach by opening to the lessons learned from suffering and poverty. But ultimately all his promises are false. Cocaine is like a movie from an elegant party, while heroin is a documentary about life in the slums. Each of them tells us about life, but none of them is real

The diagram shown here is the diagram to transform the habit towards drugs derived from organic origin. Make the eyes go from top to bottom between the center of the two parallel lines without stopping. Repeat the upward movement ten times per session, performing three daily sessions.

  1. 7. The habit of synthesizing.

Let your dreams be waves that go free like the wind in the middle of the sea. I believe that life is an unparalleled treasure of good times I always want more. Diego Torres sings.

Addicts have the vision of the changes that are necessary for all of us to survive and grow, and try to channel them. As society fears the changes inherent in that vision, addicts are scapegoats excluded. In the evolution of self-consciousness, different groups of people become metaphorical actors of society's movements towards new directions. The blind represent, for the whole, a way of living fully without the cognitive metaphor we call light.

Those who are identified as addicted are nothing more than the vanguard of the movements of our society. What they do too much, the rest do it to a lesser extent. Synthetic drugs are a symptom of the moment. They are everywhere: in food, aspirin, birth control pills, in so-called medications. Anyone who takes any of this is a chemical user. A chemical user can become addicted to those chemicals. What addicts do more, they do it because in the unity that we all form, we wish so. You will enter so new worlds, that you must create new ways to help them see them.

In homo sapiens there is a constant synthesis of melatonin that decreases sharply towards 30 years of age. After puberty there is a calcification called "cerebral sand", which covers the pineal gland, but it continues to send melatonin. Recent studies show that melatonin has, among other functions (in addition to the hypnoinductive), that of reducing oxidation; For this reason, melatonin deficits are almost always accompanied by the following psychic effects: insomnia and depression, while, in metabolization, melatonin deficit seems to have a gradual acceleration of aging as a counterpart.

There are foods that have precursors of melatonin. Among these the most common are: oats, cherries, corn, red wine, tomatoes, potatoes, nuts and rice.

The diagram to transform the habit towards synthetic drugs is included here. Make an effort with your eyes to go from the bottom to the top of the two central parallel lines without stopping. Repeat the movement from the bottom up ten times per session. Hold three sessions every day.


The self-conscious aspect is the prerogative of the human family. Cuando el ser humano haya evolucionado, cuando todas las partes de su sistema nervioso, su sistema endocrino y sus centros, est n coordinados y funcionen con ritmo arm nico, entonces el aspecto superior, el espiritual, har sentir su presencia. La energ a espiritual y no simplemente la conciencia o energ a sensible, afluye a trav s del hombre, el instrumento de la Vida divina y custodio de las fuerzas, que deben ser retenidas y utilizadas en beneficio de los otros reinos inferiores de la naturaleza. La efectividad es el resultado de una fusi n de la energ a del alma con la fuerza de la personalidad, y debido a esta fusi n energ tica, la expresi nf sica es adecuada a la demanda y proporcional a la combinaci n de las fuerzas.

A la tabla de los h bitos, podr a agregarse la siguiente que representa al ser humano tal yc mo est destinado a ser cuando lleva a cabo su proceso evolutivo.





1.Autoafirmaci n




2.Autoexpresi n


Cerebro inferior


3.Autoperpetuaci n






Cerebro superior


5.Vida mental


S. nervioso central


6.Vida sensorial


S. nervioso aut nomo


7.Vida celular

Card aco

Circulatory system


8.Vida vital


Sistema respiratorio


El octavo punto corresponde a la energía vital, que actúa a través de los siete centros y de todo un sistema de chakras menores y de los nadis, constituye el medio
de muchas fuerzas y energías. El número ocho es el símbolo fundamental de todos los centros, porque los chakras están formados de ochos superpuestos, además que el ocho representa el infinito y el efecto mariposa.

El diagrama muestra el circuito que se forma en el sistema nervioso autónomo tiene dos divisiones que actúan en contraposición. El sistema simpático suele tener un efecto excitante y el parasimpático un efecto relajante. Cuando hay stress domina el simpático, en reposo, toma control el parasimpático. La computación autonómica tiene mucho que ver con este sistema y en él debemos hemos de descargar el software de aplicación.


Este artículo fue elaborado a partir de los dos libros sobre la dimensión espiritual de la adicción.

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