The Transition Zone: Crossing the Other Side by Lauren C. Gorgo (April 20, 2011)

  • 2011

Translator's Note: This is the translation of the original article published by Lauren C. Gorgo on April 20. The article in English was then edited by removing some parts, but this is the original and complete version.

Earlier last week, I faintly heard these words, one morning at dawn: “Listen! It is time to release the wounds of the purification process. ”

I remember thinking to myself in that foggy state before waking up ... "Wow, that would be good." Then I woke up. I lazily oriented myself with my surroundings, I noticed the usual heaviness of cell detoxification accompanied by the same old aches and pains, and I quickly went back to sleep thinking ... "yes, how not".

A few days later I sat down to write this message from the invisible:

"It is time for the pioneers of the new humanity to release the wounds of the purification process."

I immediately saw myself again that morning when I first heard (but ignored) those words, although this time with the awareness that a new message with an energy update was trying to be born ... so I kept writing:

“You will notice that you can slip effortlessly to a much higher vibration if you allow yourself to accept this truth fully, within your whole being. When they allow themselves to let go of the remaining struggle, they create the space necessary for a new reality to be born. ”

Let go

First of all, a quick note for the warrior brigade ...

For those of you in the front line ... the first infantry division ... I don't have to tell you that it has been nothing more than a (conscious) struggle since 2001. It's true, not everyone has had the same WORK of planetary ascension ... we are scattered throughout the world with different service missions… but this particular group of spiritual soldiers has been responsible for, among other things, clearing (through their own lives and bodies) the genetic (karmic) miasmas of various family collectives, cultural, racial, sexual, gender, religious, spiritual and new age.

This group voluntarily immersed themselves in the denser energies of polarity (separation) with the sole task of finding their way back to neutrality (uniqueness) and on that path they have been purifying these lineages, in some cases, since they were born.

These mercenary star-seeds have been fighting, climbing and swimming against the current against a myriad of indoctrinated belief structures for so long, that many have built (necessary) protective walls and formed calluses due to condemnation, social reaction / familiar, harassment, and even the persecution of today by those so deeply mired in conventions.

This group is Team-A, the next generation of leaders, and although recognition for dedication, sacrifice and service to this planet and its people never comes, that does not matter… what this group of souls seeks is not validation. This tribe is programmed for one thing and one thing only: FREEDOM ... and with that comes the understanding, based on enormous personal challenges, that the only real reward in life is the release of fear. Everything else is superfluous in comparison, which ensures that the warrior's approach is strong, unwavering, and that they are fully committed to becoming the living examples of full human potential.

Which brings us to the next level of 'letting go' ...

Part of the current rise in consciousness is the understanding that we cannot get stuck in any phase of growth or purpose ... including, and especially, the "spiritual phase." We must continually move forward and upward, and resist the desire to identify too much or stick to any process, role, mission of service, collective group, or belief structure. The moment we stick to a phase, process, label, group or way of thinking, we lose our freedom and stifle our creative power.

The most important thing of conscious co-creation is to live in the moment ... create each of our moments from the moment that preceded it. The ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ nnpropropropropropropropropropropropropropropropro propropro de de n n nn n de n nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn N? and the next, and the next. The same is valid for those warriors of the avant-garde who are here to dismantle the old paradigm. The fighting phase is over, it's time to lower the swords, take off the armor and align. with the next leg of the trip.

Many of us, and this particular group, are now in the process of merging our four lower bodily systems (spiritual, mental, emotional, physical) with our higher self or divine pattern which, by default, will magnetize a whole new physical and perceptual reality. This new space of residence will provide each of us with the opportunity to forget about all the challenges of pregnancy and the pains of childbirth and move on, but only when we are willing to let go of the fight phase

The heavenly forces of this particular month, and especially since the activation of the ninth wave, have been helping us slowly lower our guard and feel safe enough to be authentic, so that we can give, with courage and confidence, our next steps towards the unknown. During the first three weeks of April we have all been tested, in some profound way or another, to see if we could take responsibility for our choice to really let go, not just the fight, but all the past programming, which will allow us to totally free our body from pain.

Let Go A Little More

Our new lives are right in the middle of the process of (re) being born in the physical dimensions and therefore this month has been providing us the opportunity through support (read: tests) of a powerful celestial activity to also let go of everything. Last. pinch. of resistance to what-is-which, by the way, includes the belief that we will endure this painful process forever.

April has been asking us to make the final decision to disconnect from the old frequency of pain, fear and struggle, so that we can fully tune into the new frequency of grace. It is not that our doubts, or focus on our pain, will prevent the birth of the new, it is only that we risk overlooking the subtle emergence of fluidity, if we continue to believe that what we really want cannot be true. In other words, as we enter the second half of this year and begin to engage in more physical forms, any continuous focus on the struggle or resistance to what is is going to hinder us greatly and will relive unnecessary suffering in the following days, weeks and months of rapid expansion.

This does not mean that we should ignore, avoid or suppress the discomfort we feel ... the discomfort is real. The luggage we have to shed here is resistance to discomfort. .. that which creates suffering. This is just another elaborate way of saying "presence" or "neutrality" ... and the invisible ones are hammering in my head that the moment is now, or rather, that we now have the support to fully penetrate ourselves and that means letting go any remaining attachment ... including the horrors ... I mean, the 'process' of ascension.

NOTE: To make it clear ... especially for those who would like me to cover the filthy parts with a layer of varnish ... I certainly use humor and irreverence as a way to make holes in the veil ... to remind us in our darkest moments that life is still a game, even when it is disgusting ... but above all, to continually help us detach ourselves from the "process", and not obsess with it. When we can dig up the dirt created by ourselves and laugh at the horror of it all, we are less than an inch away from overcoming it ... so it is worth laughing at ourselves. And the reason why humor is my drug of choice is because laughter is the most powerful form of presence, alignment, transcendence, which I am still to experience in this life. As someone who has passed, many, many years sitting in my own cochambre, I assure you that a casual approach to such a heavy journey will yield more powerful results than any reverence or prayer would ever achieve. It is simple science.

Letting Go Even More Than That

I mentioned in my previous article that this month was a point of demarcation ... it is actually a transition zone and it is THE month to make our final choices ... to align ourselves completely with our new and true direction ... get us completely out of the past and dive into complete in the present, so that we can co-create our future. This period has been strange at best ... especially because, but not limited to the fact that, we are experiencing two realities at the same time.

It is the same old stage of one foot in both worlds ... where we have access to the old and the new simultaneously ... but on steroids. You know that you are on the cusp of an important breakthrough when you are somewhere in the middle of two very contradictory feelings ... like you might feel worried, but at peace ... excited, but calm ... hesitant, but full of hope ... isolated, but connected ... sick, but well ... chaotic, but balanced ... boring, but inspired.

It is a mental journey, but since we are in the passage to cross to the other side (in what I like to think of as the proverbial tunnel) we are actually closing a circle where the end and the beginning meet ... where death It's really a rebirth ... and we can definitely feel both at the same time.

This transition phase is so similar to physical death in so many ways, but the most obvious is that we have to leave each one behind. attachment ... period.

During the month of March, I had the honor and privilege of helping take care of my great-aunt during her physical transition to the "other side." Not only was I called to be your caregiver, but I was also asked at a higher level to serve as an ambassador of unconditional love ... to serve as an anchor and to help maintain a sacred space for your complete metamorphosis ... to act as a midwife for your re-birth. and finally, on the last day, act as an usher or “transition guide” to help you cross on graduation day.

I could continue for weeks telling you about the ways in which this beautiful experience changed me, but what really moved me was the clear reflection that I saw of each and every one of us on this journey of rebirth ... the inner strength with which we all have to connect while we learn to release layer after layer of attachments, so that our true self can arise and shine in the physical world.

As I watched as all attachments fell from my aunt's hands, I realized that I was being given the opportunity to witness this beautiful soul by delivering a lifetime of idiosyncrasies ... before my own eyes. All the walls of protection we use to safeguard our hearts melted into their weakness and fatigue ... and in the end, all that remained was purity, the soft but overwhelmingly powerful glow of love inside ... that same inner beauty that fought a whole life to fully reveal itself.

Then it was my turn to let her go ... and it hurt ... but interestingly, not in the manner of the old-human. The pain I experienced was not so much the pain of loss itself, but more the pain of expansion ... of taking so much love with an open heart ... of being so close to divinity that my cells could barely contain it all at once.

More than anything, my aunt's transition represented for me the outward manifestation of a very long journey inland. For her, the trip was a lifetime. For many of us, the trip was about 354 lives condensed in 12 years, less time compression, which is equivalent to only a little more than 15 minutes on the clock of the new earth.

Speaking of time compression ... is anyone else already feeling the pressure of doing their Christmas shopping?

And now that?

April has not been a walk in the park in any way, but if they accepted the entire internal review process, they could suddenly be fascinated by the amount of growth, awareness and perceptions that came out of this period of retrograde Mercury. We still have a few days left on his trail, (and we are still needing to take care of ourselves), but in his wake the great messenger offered us huge pieces of information that have the potential to change our lives. Those vital pieces for our cosmic puzzle that we have been waiting for a long time may have reached the door of his house this month ... those same pieces that will finally allow us to move forward and dedicate ourselves in a total and complete way.

These new pieces of information that we are now integrating will serve as our boarding passes for our new lives ... those material manifestations necessary to catapult us in our new directions with our new purpose (higher level). By the time Mercury goes straight on Saturday, we will be prepared to take our next steps ... those steps that are now aligned with our inner and outer selves ... and the advance will begin again, albeit at a whole new level. Collectively, we are entering a new level of human potential ... one that is multidimensional, with integrated masculine / feminine, and with a new (cosmic) consciousness that leads us to do new things in new ways ... ways that are fully aligned with our authentic me (essential).

This integration and alignment with the cosmic forces of creation are taking us from where we are going to where we are going ... but the height to which we will be able to go back and the breadth of our flight depend totally on our lightness of being.

"Realize that there is no longer any separation between who you are and who you want to be."

This month we have undergone a massive update at all levels of our being so that we can take our next (first) steps as co-creators in total alignment, where we can finally and completely think with our hearts!

One More for the Road ...

To be consistent with this whole message ... remember that all it takes to embrace and ride the new wave of love is to let go, let go, let go.

When we are fully capable of releasing all the wounds, and the thoughts of resistance that keep those wounds alive, we will also experience a rapid transformation of our physical bodies. I realize that it has been a long way to this point, and I also realize that there are many parts of us that are accustomed to pain, suffering and limitation. Because of this, I am hearing that "this will be the greatest leap of faith required."

But our willingness to simply BE (release expectations, fears and preconceived ideas of what-will-be) is the only thing that is / was necessary to change ... and this change is happening now with or without our participation. We all have the option to consolidate, fit into position at this time and in order to do this, we must simply disconnect from the old separation matrix and tune into the new unit grid ... which is in operation, active and waiting for our participation.

“What we are going to leave you with is this: NOW is the only time you need to be free… however, and before you burst into frustration, realize that each of you and the collective of humanity has taken up NOW integrate this truth. So, essentially, NOW you can freely use every moment of NOW to be free! As these moments of NOW accumulate, they live life in an effortless flow of NOW. ” -The Seven Sisters of the Pleiades

For the resurgence!


Translation: Margarita López

Copyright © 2009-12. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this article on condition that the content remains complete and intact, full credit is given to the author (s), and freely distributed.

He, with the proper authorization of Lauren C. Gorgo, has all his material in Word file, which you can download from his site Think with your Heart.Net in

He is grateful to the people who share and distribute these messages as they are published, with all the corresponding credits, as they reflect their own transparency by spreading the light. Unfortunately, other people do not act that way and modify or eliminate credits, thus preventing their own readers from accessing the sites where they could find more information. It is worth remembering that all the individual sites that he hosts have been authorized by the respective channels / authors and contain all the material with their authorized translations.

We are in a new energy, creating a new world. Let us be aware of our choices. Do we want to continue creating skills and unease? Or do we prefer collaboration and integrity? Please, honor the work of each person who does his part so that these messages arrive, respecting all the credits. Thank you.

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