Wesak Festival: Taurus Plenilunium "The Magnetic Response"

  • 2014

All the sun gods have been related statistically to Taurus and were called the first ones.

The powerful eruption of fire that the great hierarchical convocation of the Taurus Plenilunium produces in the ethers of the entire planet and the solar system, envelops us during these days in an exceptional period of height. Extreme vibrational frequencies.

The energy poured through Taurus, intimately related to the rebirth of the feminine system that from the Pleiades is glorifying matter on a path of return to the perception of its divinity where in the ancestral memory it can be reborn at its rhythm and dynamics of creative matrix of beauty, it highly stimulates the magnetic fields and their resonances, turning these four days to come, in a powerful spiral.

The co-productive productivity of this great Wesak Festival in all its omniabarcantes levels and states of consciousness, summons around us a solid bridge towards the "mother of revelations" the "great city of God", as the constellation of Taurus was known in Egypt.

The moon (glorified in the times of Taurus) and primary Venus of the earth, sovereign of matter stimulate the Kundalini fire that in solemn and geometric circular ascension activate the micro and macro cosmic centers, externalizing the force of the great cosmic triangle, where the polarity in both vertices finds in the silence of man and his co-creative responsibility a point of balance, of fusion, of supreme synthesis, where the encounter of the mind (Budha) and Love (Christ), can pour his activity of Love -Wisdom.

The influence of Uranus, Saturn and Neptune "harvester" planets, and that of Jupiter "sower", the quintessential symbol of the law of supply, make this period an exceptional time to resume divine sovereignty, cradled by the infinite impulse towards unity, which resonates through Mercury (the messenger of the gods) and Taurus (interpreter of divine light).

I am the light of the world. The words of Christ lead us to a period of enormous psychic openness. "I see and when the eye is open everything is illuminated", the keynote of the greater festival of Taurus, continues to speak to us of the necessary stimulus and impulse of "desire and aspiration" (rhythm and dynamics of the goddess-mother-matter) where the Earth-body principle converts the "inner light" into the creative experience of the sound "the verb made flesh."

The magic and ceremonial of the Wesak festival and its electric fires stimulate the activity of the spiritual triad (Solar Angel-Soul-Spirit) that together with Mercury's intelligent activity on the Kundalini fire maintain and vitalize the vehicles of expression of man, sustaining them and setting a strong magnetic response that allows the union and fusion of different minor and major lives.

The Wesak Festival where the great love of the cosmic Christ and Budha are in their master impulse of great effort to fill and bless the earth, all cellular and devotional intelligences grow to the creative experience of their own body or earth while in turn the mind principle, is based on the Masonic fires capable of summoning the transcendence, the arcane principles, the voice of the one in whom we move and have our being.

The strong magnetic influence of this great hierarchical meeting, where servants, meditators, Hierarchy and masters of the highest levels meet in a large unified center of unique consciousness, gives us the revealing stage of a creative, powerful and radioactive nucleus where the opposites, and the relevant mediating role of the human being and Gaia (the adjudicators that are among the polarities) summon the principle of supreme unity, the void, the neutral point of all the states where the bridge to the solar kingdoms can be felt, anchored and strengthened allowing a powerful exchange of energy currents with entities of evolutionary degree Love-Wisdom.

The powerful influence of the glorified moon during this period and Venus externalize in the micro and macro cosmic levels give us a revealing vision of the form-building matrix, where everything that has been summoned, concentrated and created in the mental levels finds a solid and loving nurse with which to come to light.

Magnetic resonances grow by illuminating states of one's own being that still latent await the call of their exteriorization.

The acceleration of the etheric and astral fields stimulate the exchange between the lower and upper realms by strengthening the Antakarana bridge, anchoring it in its principle of sacred Grail, where the frequencies of the Angel of the Presence and the Guardian of the Threshold are re-tuned creating strong currents of creative expression, where wisdom spills into the whole of love that contains it.

In an upper turn of the spiral, the bridge, the increasingly shining and radioactive grail receives the high contacts of the Hierarchy and Shamabahla, securing an exchange and a radiant bridge between the human mental unit and the permanent Masonic atom (the mind of God ).

This sacred and evocative effort of the minds in all its levels and dimensions, increases the influence of the reconstruction forces that act revealing the true paths to the Divine Plan, granting us principles of revelation that are producing the alchemy of the times, making one fall after another all the veils, which polarized far from the true percpection of the celestial man.

The Ánima Mundi wrapped in the omniabarcante love of this Wesak festival flows freely in its different graduations and condensations, revealing and externalizing the service areas where the different forces reigning in human souls must begin their materializing activity.

The magnetic response, the capacity of the man who in his hard work and his different and progressive psycho-emotional evolutions is increasingly connected to the infinite network of solar lives, makes this Wesak festival a unique opportunity for the service focused on The path of return.

Desire, the strong evolutionary stimulus that emanates from the bowels of the earth and the immeasurable activity of the mind increasingly linked to the cosmic mind find in these days of very high frequencies a creative space of universal dimensions.

The corporate productivity of this meeting where from the shining and silent chalice one can fully feel the words of Christ "I am the light of the World" and in turn experience the radioactivity that this principle of coherence entails in all the astral ethers and fields of the planet, make this second major festival, one of the most powerful rites of planetary organized magic.

Be the light they treasure. Be the word of power that makes the divine music of a perfect plan resonate throughout the universe.

Be one, unlimited and eternal.

Be the shining bridges of Beauty, Love, and Truth.

Happy full moon. Happy Wesak

Blessed is the dance of visionaries and their Souls.




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