Do you want to be more Positive? I will show you how to achieve it!

  • 2017

Many of your goals and objectives are not met? Would you like to think more positive ? Do you know how to make positive formulations ? Do you know the consequences of always thinking and acting positively ? Today I want to share with you some strategies, decrees, techniques and habits, so that you manage to exist in a more positive way and you can fulfill all your goals and objectives .

Direct your Life: Learn to be more Positive

... With positive thinking, the initial sowing must be done on the subconscious field, then it will flourish and bear fruit in the conscious field.

When you and I manage to exist as more positive Beings, we are ensuring that the “reins” of our life are totally “seized” by our own Self .

Imagine you are driving a carriage, think of the oldest model that comes to mind . In this mental assumption, what do you think is the place of command given to your mind ? Think about it for a moment.

Regardless of your response, the idea is that your mind is the one driving the carriage of our metaphor ; and in your real life, it is your mind that controls your person, your Being, your existence. And do you know why? Basically, because you and I, we are what we think, we are what we create and recreate in our mind . In other words, you, we must take care of our thoughts and actions if we want to be happy . I ask you, do you want to be happy ?

Here, in this precise scenario, is when the curtain opens and positive thinking enters your life . Now, you will surely be wondering, and ... why should it be positive ? Let's see it in more detail!

If you manage to become aware of the responsibility you have with your destiny, with your life and with your actuality, it is when you decide to control with courage and dedication all the circumstances that surround you, instead, of being a victim of them.

(Repeat the positive thinking as many times as you want during the day. The miracle of the positive suggestions is in the repetition, the words have power)

Look, if tomorrow you wake up thinking, decreeing and believing that when you go to work you will suffer an accident in your vehicle, you will be assured that this will happen! And later, in the hospital, your friends, family and doctors would say: I introduced him from the morning. I ask, did you present or decree? Do you manage to observe the difference? Do I make myself understand why the need to live with positive thinking at all times?

Already known the very basic of positive thinking, I want us to bring to the presence the subconscious state and conscious state of the person. With positive thinking, the initial sowing must be done on the subconscious field, then, it will flourish and bear fruit in the conscious field. In other words, the subconscious is compared with a field capable of producing a lot of fruit, it is possible to collect quite large and valuable crops if it is planted properly.

Now, how to plant in the subconscious field? Here, it is when you and I, we will have to resort to positive thoughts . I invite you to reflect very well on your thoughts ; Ask yourself, what do I think ? Are my thoughts negative or positive ? Remember that, if you keep thinking that you cannot do anything for your life, as it happens with the vast majority of people, I assure you that you will remain inactive, you will never achieve your goals and you will never be able to change anything. Have I made myself understood so far? Hope so!…

Already understood the basics of positive thinking, I invite you to start by eliminating from your vocabulary phrases like "I am not able", "I do not want", "I do not like", "I will lose my money", "I do not like that matter ", " I'm going to lose my job, "" I don't want to live, "" I'm never going to change, "" nobody pays attention to me, "" that laziness, "among others. The invitation is for you to reflect carefully on the words you use every day.

On the contrary, the invitation is for you to start thinking and verbalizing words in a positive way, such is the case of "I am capable", "I like it very much", "I love myself and I will move forward", "I can change everything I want, "" I have courage! ", " No one is better than me, "" there is an infinite power within me, "" I am excellent, "among many other positive words .

How to Create Positive Thoughts?

… If you manage to become aware of the responsibility you have with your destiny, with your life and with your current affairs, it is when you decide to control with courage and dedication all the circumstances that surround you, instead, of being a victim of them.

The first thing you should know is that all people have different personalities, which indicates that the formulation of positive thoughts is different for each person ; However, I am going to give you a general guide so that you can discover your personality type in the realization of positive formulations .

How to start making positive suggestions ? My advice is to specify the steps that I will let you know:

First :

Let them be brief

Second :

Perform them in the present tense

Third :

Use clear and simple words

Fourth :

Repeat the positive thinking as many times as you want during the day. The miracle of positive suggestions is in repetition, words have power .

An example could be : "There is an infinite power within me." Another could be : "I achieve what I intend"

How do you observe the task? Simple! True? Remember that the limitations are created by ourselves in our mind ; Therefore, do not stop dreaming! If dreams die in your human existence, a part of your life, of your existence, of your Being will have died, would you allow it?

Techniques to be more Positive

There is an infinite power within me

I will let you know the most powerful habits that will help you to make your existence more positive, full of success and happiness . Remember that your mind is powerful, very powerful!

Habit # 1

Start your day with aptitude and positive attitude

What is the first thing you do in the morning? If the first thing you do when you wake up is to get angry with the water because it is very cold, or despise your wife because the coffee you gave was bitter, or maybe shout at the alarm because they are not; I tell you that your day will be a total disaster .

Check very well what are the behaviors and thoughts that open your day and your actions. If you want to be more positive, you will have to start your journey with aptitude and positive attitude .

Habit # 2

Accept in a healthy way the critics that make you

You should learn to handle the criticisms you receive from other people . The great Greek Philosopher Epictetus already said it. If they say ill about you with foundation, correct yourself; otherwise, go to re r .

I want you to carry out the following steps that I will let you know when someone criticizes you, be it formative or destructive:

First :

Do not answer immediately. Take a deep breath, calm down and take the time it takes to digest the words you received.

Second :

You must be very prudent and fair against the criticism you received; then, look closely at the teaching that this comment can bring you.

Third :

At no time should you take a criticism personally, remember that those who try to hurt always use words that do not correspond to reality. Now, if it is a constructive criticism, thank that person for wanting to help you !, otherwise, "laugh."

Habit # 3

Take care of your diet, sleep very well, and exercise

I advise you, if you can do it, that after waking up in the morning, do a routine of 5 or 10 minutes of exercise, the benefits that it will bring to your life will be extraordinary!

Your diet is sacred, take care of excesses and foods that may be harmful to your body. One of the principles of Tibetan Buddhism preaches that "you and I are what we eat."

If you get a good rest, the day will be faced with all the encouragement and dedication it deserves, otherwise, the day will not be the best.

Habit # 4

To the lives of other people add positivism, energy and joy

Faced with the difficulties and negative comments of other people, you should add positive, happy thoughts that produce positive energy .

I remember that once I was in the Metro (Means of Transportation), I heard that a lady about 35 years old told a teenager, "I am too old to introduce myself to that job, I am also not pretty"; and the teenager says, "Yes, that is true! You are almost useless". Can you imagine the disaster of life that this lady is going to sustain! That, among other things, was neither old nor ugly.

My invitation is for you, in these situations, to help the other person with positive thoughts, with positive formulations .

Habit # 5

Facing the challenges that life allows you to face, be braver!

Please, do not stay in what you could do. I invite you to put your performances, your work, what you do, an extra effort, try to always be the best!

The phrase I detest most, and forgive me for telling you, is "I'm done, " "I'm done." For you, does that exist?

Your Life Project and yours will never be finished! I invite you to be braver in the face of the challenges of your life.

Habit # 6

Avoid stress

Be very careful! I don't mean don't worry; What I do want to tell you is not to make a "drop of water" an "ocean." To each reality, to each problem, to each situation, you must give it the attention it deserves.

Now, it is possible that in the midst of the stress that you may sustain at some point, you keep in your subconscious a negative formulation .

Habit # 7

Be more empathetic

What do you understand by empathy ? An empathic Human Being, who is capable of caring about other people's problems and feelings, is of high social sensitivity . Are you empathetic ?

I invite you to be more empathetic, so you will be able to exist in a more positive way.

Habit # 8

Live, procure and cultivate a positive environment

If you want to be more positive, you should surround yourself with more positive people . I want you to reflect on the questions I want to share with you, what situations create negative states in me? What people are the most negative in the group that I relate to?

According to your answers you must make decisions; remember that if you interact with positive people, the consequence will be that you be more positive ; If it is the other way around, you should try harder to be more positive .

Habit # 9

In the face of any negative situation, look for ways to mold it in a positive way

When you are facing negative situations or negative thoughts, ask yourself, what positive aspect can I get out of this negative reality? From this negative eventuality, what opportunity? What path or teaching can I apply for my life?

Habit # 10

Meditate, Pray, Reflect

Take time daily to meditate, pray, reflect, talk to your own Self, talk to your Divinity.

How do you think about the habits I propose for you to be more positive ? As you could see, it is not about very distant experiences or realities, they are definitely scenarios that you can achieve from your own daily existence.

To complement this exciting topic of being positive, I invite you to click and feed back your knowledge in the Articles that I will relate to you continuity.

“Do you want to increase your mental power? Repeat in your Mind the Powerful Phrase I am going to teach you ”

“Who has dominion over your life? Don't let anyone have power over you. ”

“What do I want to attract to my Life? Attract what you really want, take care of your thoughts and feelings

Difficulties to get what you want? I will teach you the most efficient technique to attract everything you want.

Author : William Hern n Estrada P rez, Editor in the Great Family of

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