The transfer of lessons and experiences from the mind to consciousness, by David Topi

  • 2012

We always say that when a soul decides to incarnate in a physical body it does so to learn, to grow, to evolve, and that this evolution is done by accumulating experiences and lessons that, previously, we have set ourselves, with the help of our Higher Self, in the pre-incarnate process, during which we take a look at the curriculum we have completed, and what we have left, according to our criteria, to be completed. Since when one sees “from above” the situation, and considers how, when and where to start another game of this video game, everything may seem “simple”, the reality is that, then, once inside the organic vehicle that is the human body and what we are supposed to use to learn those lessons and get those experiences, the perspective of the work to be completed tends not to seem so.

A two-story building

Imagine that we could talk about the whole of the being that we are like a two-story building and a lot of levels in the sub-floor, parking type with several floors. The upper floor of the building would be what our conscience, soul, essence, etc. would contain. The lower floor would be our mind, associated with the mental processes of the brain.

The floors of the sub-floor, having several of them, belong some to the domain of the mind, and others to the domain of consciousness or soul, and, all, to the symbiotic set that always form both. Thus, from the upper floor, the soul uses the resources of the mind, and the mind uses the resources of the sub-floor floors, which contain among other things the memory banks, the subconscious processes, the connection with the unconscious collective or planetary mind, etc.

Choosing the right mind

When the soul decides to enter a new incarnation, it chooses as you know the physical vehicle that best suits, within the options available, its purpose, and within those options is the level of intelligence, ability and capacity of the mind that Bring the biological body that you will use. Everything always depends on the lessons and lessons that are brought in tow.

The way the mind learns is through experience and information acquisition. When we touch a burning stove and burn, the mind records the experience and its consequence, stores it in one of the levels of the sub-floor and uses it thereafter every time it is faced with similar situations. The mind learns by repetition and sequentially, if this happens, then this happens, and then beyond. They are always logical structures, with priorities, with clear relationships between experiences, causes and effects.

As this type of process happens, a second type of learning starts up within the first level of our building, which has to do with the emotional part of the mind and the emotional processes associated with the repetitive experiences that it has accumulated . The emotions experienced during the process of acquiring a certain experience or lesson greatly influence the way in which this lesson is recorded in the stores of the mental sub-floor. If, for example, in the face of an experience, we have a negative emotion associated, all related or similar experiences will automatically receive the same classification within our mental process, and the mind will prioritize what it wants or not to acquire as learning by comparing those classifications.

Basically what he does is avoid those lessons or experiences with which he has associated pain or negative emotions and seek and prioritize those that provide comfort or positive emotions, always trying to create an order within the huge number of stimuli and experiences he constantly receives, and assigning and constantly rearranging the priorities that it is preferable to live and that it is better to avoid. Since the mind was created to make decisions, it tends to structure its processes always so that before any kind of lesson or experience, it can make a decision and execute the movement that best suits it according to its calculated priorities.

The subconscious to the rescue

When an event fails to assign a label, make a decision about whether it is good or bad, or has no material to compare what is in front of it, it behaves just like a computer does when it hangs, it blocks its analysis processes, and he puts under the carpet what does not fit him, only that, in this case, the carpet is nothing other than the subconscious, where many things are stored that the rational mind does not even want to hear about.

This situation, however, generates a small tension between the subconscious and the conscious mind, which has to go somewhere since, in one way or another, all experience received by the mind must be processed in order to be archived, so the subconscious Then take advantage of the state of reverie (be the soul wandering around other parts or pending what happens between the other lower floors of the building) to get everything that remains unprocessed. And that is when all those illogical dreams come to us, meaningless, in pieces, that defy all reason, that we do not understand, etc. All so that, finally, there is no information or experience left that at some level or another has not been processed by the mind.

Collecting the fruits for the soul

To all this, and in parallel, the soul that we are learns by gathering the fruits of the experiences collected and processed by the mind. Within our conscience reside the archetypes of all the generic concepts and lessons that we have set out to learn, that is, those things that include, for example, the generic lessons of love, forgiveness, tolerance, kindness, help, etc., etc. And this consciousness or soul has a connection with the archetypal mind and with the collective unconscious through one channel through another of the levels of the sub-floor of our building.

It is in this collective unconscious that we can also find two levels of information, the first, the common projections of the mental patterns and processes of the conscious and subconscious minds of all human beings, and on the other, large banks of collective memory that underlie the values ​​and concepts of a universal nature and again, archetypal, proper and exclusive to the human race. It is in this portion of the collective unconscious that the archetypes of the racial mind appear (the generic characteristics of a race), of a country, of a culture, of a society, etc.

Thus, the soul, which gathers the experiences of the mind, also collects the information of the collective mind at the level of archetypes about those experiences that have been forged on the first floor of the building through repetition. n cause and effect, both those projected by the processes of the biological body it occupies, and those of the rest of beings accumulated in the second level of the collective unconscious. In other words, we all learn from everyone, since we are all connected (which is not the same as saying that we are all one or the same), and here you can investigate more thoroughly from the theorists Rupert Sheldrake, the unconscious collective of Jung or the famous experiment of the hundredth monkey.

Make the mind access the information of consciousness

And although we have seen that basically the process of accumulation of experiences occurs in only one sense, of the mind and of the archetypal collective unconscious towards the soul, in reality the mind can turn the tortilla and bring to the domain of the conscious the existing information at the level of consciousness and, of course, at the level of the collective and archetypal mind (typical channeling of gene information Africa obtained from the collective unconscious, for example). And this is done in a unique way, in meditation. Meditation is the way in which the flow of information that exists naturally is reversed. In meditation, we make the knowledge that we have in the second one appear on the first floor of the building, and, if we go further, we make everything that enters through the roof of the building, the connection with those other planes of universal knowledge, go down to the first level, and be stored and processed by the memory banks, and then accumulated also in the subconscious.

The door to the acquisition of experiences opens to both sides, but few people realize it. The evolutionary patterns that we have set for each life are acquired through the experience of situations that provide the trigger and catalyst so that this knowledge reaches the mind and then the soul, but the mind can optimize its learning and acquisition of knowledge. incorporating into its domain everything that the soul brings with it and everything that the soul has access to, but that is, naturally, outside the access of the rational mind unless the tools and effort are put for it. Any spiritual connection with other planes, guides, Higher Self, entities of other realities, is made by reversing this natural flow, which instead of going from the mind to the soul, works from the soul To the mind.

While the first way of functioning is the one that comes by default, as standard, the second one must be worked out, activated, practiced, but it is one that brings incalculable benefits to the day to day for those who wish to go beyond mastery of the "rational" in their personal growth.

a hug!

The transfer of lessons and experiences from the mind to consciousness, by David Topi

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