KUTHUMI - Teaching on the Karma of Inactivity (Non-Action)

I AM Kuthumi and introduce myself once more.

We will dedicate our talk today to the karma of inaction (NdT. Passivity, lack of action, inertia).

Had they heard about the karma of inaction before? You think that karma can only be generated as a result of your actions. In the course of our previous talks, they have been told about what karma is and how it is created. They also had the opportunity to get an idea about karma of a positive nature. And, here, once again, returning to the subject of karma, I would like to offer you a Teaching about the karma of inactivity.

Imagine that someone turns to you for help and you don't want to do it. Would you create karma in that case, considering that you wouldn't have done anything? Wouldn't you make any effort to help the person who comes to you?

Many people on Earth create karma precisely because they do not take any action at the moment they have to act.

The Divine Law stipulates that you create karma even in those cases in which you do not perform any action.

You arrive in the world in order to accumulate experiences and act. Therefore, by deviating from an action, they generate karma.

Let me offer you some explanations on this matter. Remember that karma is the wrongly directed energy when you do wrong activities. If you use the Divine Energy that flows within you from the Divine world and in accordance with the Divine Law, then you generate good karma - you treasure in the Heavens. If you misuse the Divine Energy, it accumulates in your lower bodies in the form of negative energy. This energy, in accordance with the Divine Law, attracts those situations with which you need to deal again and again in order to learn a lesson, make the right decisions and, in this way, heal your karma. For example, in the case of harboring some kind of envy and slander or slander, they create karma. And that karma will return to you through situations in which you will be exposed to exactly the same actions exposed. Then, they may be subject to envy, insults or poisonous languages. In order to settle your karma, it is convenient to face these situations with humility and compliance with the Will of God, without judging their aggressors, and forgiving as many times as necessary to those who cause them harm.

That is why Jesus said to forgive "up to seven times seventy." You never know how many times, in previous lives, you have insulted people and have been engaged in improper actions.

But let's get back to our point about the karma of inactivity.

For example, a person turns to you for help and you refuse to offer it. Would you be creating karma for it considering that you would not be making use of divine energy? or if? They just do nothing. This situation is not as simple as it seems. Whether you believe karma or not, that depends on many circumstances.

To begin with, you have to be convinced that that person, who goes to you for help, really needs it. If she turns to you for help and does not need it, and if you help her, that person creates karma. In this case, you do not create karma but indirectly contribute to creating it by offering help to that person. When you achieve a certain spiritual level, you are bound not only to your own self-observation but also to help others escape situations in which you can create karma.

Another case. If the person, who turns to you for help, really needs it, you will not create karma if they refuse to help you in case you cannot provide it.

It could happen that the person was going through a difficult situation and really needed help, for example, if he needs money. And she turns to you for help. If you cannot help that person or if you think that the money you have is, in the first place, to feed your family, do not create karma in this case. It is very possible that the person who has asked you for help has refused to provide you with that same help in previous lives when you addressed her and now you must return her karmatic debt.

And finally, if a person turns to you for help and you can provide it but they refuse, then they create karma.

You should always help people who come to you for help. Perhaps it may seem to you that being able to help and refusing to do so, you are not making use of the Divine Energy and, therefore, you are not creating karma. However, the feelings and motives that lead you to make a decision make you believe karma. For example, if your intentions are to teach that person who comes to seek your help, or they are pleased by the fact that someone comes to humble themselves before you, or simply, they are too lazy to offer this help or greed. dominates them. Each of these reasons and many others are the real reason for your refusal to help. They are non-divine qualities and you create karma by encouraging them.

Therefore, before rejecting a person who has asked for help, always and carefully consider all the “pros” and all the “cons”.

Your best advisor in a difficult situation will undoubtedly be your Higher Self. Because your Higher Self always knows if they should help or not. However, if the connection with your Higher Self is difficult or they feel insecure about the responses received, then carefully weigh your internal motivations and feelings. Think. You do not need to help the person because they are lazy to do so or because they feel a hairnet with what time or money implies. Or they start judging this person for having fallen into that situation, in which he or she is unable to resolve in their own way. If similar thoughts cross your mind, overcome them, dominate them and provide the help that is requested. After dispensing that help, you will feel relief and this is a sign that you have acted correctly and released some of the karma that you have been bringing with you since the past.

If you do not harbor negative feelings towards that person who needs your help but your intuition tells you that they should not help you, being able to do so, then, with a probability of one over one hundred, it could represent a proof that you are n imposing on that person. However, this would be an extremely rare case and they would have to have a high spiritual level and go through the initiations required to receive the mantle of Gur in order to become creditor of the right to impose such Try others. Therefore, I would recommend that you always offer help, every time you can, to anyone who comes to ask for help because you really need it.

In reality, many of the problems in your world are exactly related to these types of situations people seek help and cannot find it. For example, when you go to some public officials, whose position obliges them to provide help and even receive a salary in return and, nevertheless, refuse to offer it on many occasions.

You should always remember that in your next life, the roles will be changed and the employee, who inadvertently, did not fulfill his duty, how he should have done it, would be in the position of the person begging and obliged to ask for help exactly to those people whom he refused to help.

This problem arises exactly with those who hold the power of this world, with those who have money in their hands. The enormous wealth is always evidence of the karma that the person possesses and this is related to an incorrect attitude towards money.

Wealth is given to people as an opportunity to release karma. Therefore, a person who has been granted enormous wealth so that he can free himself from his karma, will have to analyze very thoroughly what he can do with such wealth in order to help as many homeless people as possible. On the other hand, offering timely help and not investing money is an ostentatious charity. Because if a human being incorrectly spends the wealth he has received in this life in search of objects, pleasures, lust and prestige then, it can be said with 99% certainty that in the next life he will have Kar a karma in which he may be born, perhaps within a very humble family and be forced to beg throughout his life, being able to balance the two extremes of the balance.

In consecuense. Never be envious of those possessing enormous wealth. An enormous wealth is evidence of a very large karma in the present and if they control or use it incorrectly, then they will be subject to even greater karma in the future.

I think today's talk has been useful. At least, this knowledge can help them avoid creating karma by not acting in their lives.

I AM Kuthumi.

© The messenger is Tatyana Mickushina

Translated from Russian to English by Proletina Dragoeva

Translated from English to Spanish by: Gloria Helena Restrepo C.

URL in English: www.sirius-eng.net/dictations.html

URL in Spanish: www.sirius3.ru/ispania/index.htm

The images and portraits of the Ascended Masters of Russian painter Vladimir Suvorov can be accessed at:

“Sirius”: http://www.sirius-ru.net/liki/index.htm


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