The mission of fairies on planet Earth, part two.

  • 2013

The evolution of fairies whose soul decides to adopt a human body on Earth to study human psychology and thus be able to better understand and empathize with humans, once they have returned to their life, is not easy. Fairy dimension and they can approach them without being seen thanks to their invisibility and can slip into their emotions, in their heart and vibrate with their voice.

After learning on the planet, fairies will be more prepared to help humans because they will have gone through the hard process of experiencing their feelings. Therefore, they will find more realistic solutions to get someone to uncover their full potential and carry out their mission without interference. However, here they are devoid of their magic.

While they are here in their human body they will pay dearly for their altruistic intention because they are going to have to face the comparison, the attachments, the quarrels, the envy and all those evils of the ego, which do not exist in the fairyland. Here they will know the hate and only when they remember who they are, will they learn to let it go and occupy here a discreet place from a humble and serene attitude. Both when they are in their world and in ours, the fairies are themselves from silence, discretion and peace of mind. Therefore, until they find them here, they will not remember who they are and will live in confusion and forgetfulness of themselves. They can reconcile with suffering to accept or release it from the development of a neutral mind.

In the fairy dimension there is peace and innocence and on this planet, your balance is going to wobble with fear, but you will come into contact with the courage to face it. The ideal time to assimilate their lessons is the current one, where uncertainty is part of our days. Assimilating the excitement of this uncertainty will also be one of the challenges that these apprentices must overcome.

They will also learn that failure can lead to victory. Sometimes, in the face of certain cruel attitudes it will be worthwhile to withdraw because paying attention to those who harm them can lead to tears and dislikes since there are circumstances that do not depend on oneself and for this reason they must be accepted, but, before a renunciation, life I always give them a change of roles in the following experience. However, in the next one, they will have learned to put aside revenge, pride or arrogance and they will no longer adopt an inhuman attitude so that whoever it should be that should be removed from their earthly path, will be of naturally, correctly, spontaneously and unexpectedly. In this way, now human fairies will be able to bring their light to the world and develop their mission of love which will allow them to spread their wings to return home. That long-awaited house where your family of fairies, goblins, gnomes, elves and many other magical creatures that vibrate in the dimension of play and joy awaits. Acceptance and surrender to everything that has made your heart cry will make you find yourself, feel light after having forgiven and forgotten and that will be the fastest key back to the fairy dimension to which you belong.

Having spent time on Earth can offer you the prize of evolving from a fairy dimension to an angelic dimension where your patron will be the archangel Uriel, who usually works in collaboration with the fairies. All of theirs will also benefit from their learning because since they return they and their family will strengthen their commitment and their bond with the planet Earth because they have managed to reconcile with the earth element and will be able to better tune with the earthly vibration of the heart and soul of this planet to boost its progress and evolution in the Universe.

Upon their return, they will be embraced and applauded by theirs but they will bring with them the humility learned on Earth. From now on they will be more subtle, cautious and prefer to observe instead of showing their anger. They have moved towards a more compassionate and comprehensive kind of fairy who has learned to stop being afraid of the unknown and to think before adopting an impulse.

Author text and illustrations: María Jesús Verdú Sacases

Technical illustrations: Watercolor

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