How the rainbow bridge is built

  • 2017

CREATION COURSE Unit 4: Construction Learning Object 2: The rainbow bridge.

Much of the instruction provided in the course of magic has established the rules for the cultivation of the virtues and qualities of discipleship and also the need for self-control, tolerance and altruism. But, they are elementary stages that are considered transcended by students. These must not only establish the character of discipleship, but also the most complicated and difficult requirements that the final objective of learning requires.

What concerns us is the work carried out by the "bridge builders". The true construction of the bridge only takes place when the disciple begins to focus sharply on mental levels and, therefore, when his mind acts consciously and intelligently. At this stage, you should begin to have a more accurate idea than before, regarding the difference between the thinker, the thinking mechanism and the thought, starting with the dual esoteric fusion, which is: the recognition and receptivity of the IDEAS and the creative faculty to consciously build mental forms.

This necessarily implies a strong mental attitude and reorientation of the mind towards reality. When the disciple begins to focus on the mental plane, work on mental matters begins and he trains himself in the powers and uses of thought. Achieving some measure of mind control can direct the beacon of the mind in two directions: towards the world of human effort and towards the world of soul activity. Just as the soul makes its way projecting itself in a thread or stream of energy in the three worlds, so the disciple consciously projects himself towards the higher worlds. Its energy goes, through the controlled and directed mind, to the world of the higher spiritual mind and to the realm of intuition. The esoteric sense refers, therefore, to the two senses of the mind: the intellect and intuition that are mediated by intelligence.


  • Establish differences between the analogical method and the exegetic method.
  • Establish differences between spiritual knowledge and esoteric knowledge.
  • Justify the importance of the practical mind in the construction of the bridge.


The word arose for all the sons of men, the Sons of God: Reflect on the past, the future and what is the present. Learn that through thought the ROAD to the most recent can be revealed.


John Arnoldo is a young, 21-year-old man who likes to disguise himself as El Zorro. When seen with the intention of committing suicide, he is rescued by the police and sent to a psychiatric office. From there he is put in the hands of Dr. Jack Mickler - a mature psychiatrist on his way to retirement. The patient tells the doctor that he is really the great lover Don Juan, the one who has seduced 1, 500 women, but who has fallen into a depression, having failed to conquer the woman of his dreams. os. Dr. Mickler has ten days to treat it. Don Juan tells him his story, how he was raised in Mexico and the reason why he wears a mask. During the treatment there are several clues that make Jack doubt whether Don Juan's story is true or they are delusional ideas. Don Juan DeMarco is a 1995 American film, produced by Francis Ford Coppola.

Eduardo is a cabinetmaker farmer who became interested in magic after meeting an itinerant wizard, returns to Vienna fifteen years later (1889) become Eisenheim, a talented illusionist. He is stopped by the Police inspector during a magic show that involves necromancy. During one of his performances he meets the love of childhood, the now Duchess Sofia, who is committed to the crown prince Leopold. Eisenheim and Sofia are confused by their feelings because she is engaged, but finally both succumb to her love. Eisenheim then proposes to Sofia to flee from his commitment, but she rejects the offer and tells him the prince's plan to overthrow his father. The Illusionist is a 2006 film starring Edward Norton.

  • After watching the movies Don Juan DeMarco and The Illusionist, answer the following questions: How can the madness of love be cured? Where does the human interest in representing characters originate? What is the relationship between illusionism and magic? What is the relationship between drama and cinema?

From psychology it is considered that delirium is an evil, but from esotericism, delirium is a gift given by the gods, to him is the gift of prophecy given to the Sibyls and that today we know as divinatory arts: mansions and manias . The delirium was due to the purifications and ceremonies of initiation, which preserved the truly inspired and animated man of prophetic spirit from the present and future evils, discovering the means to save himself. The third degree of delirium and possession comes from the Muses, when they seize a tender and impeccable soul, it transports and inspires odes and other poems that serve for the teaching of new generations, celebrating the feats of ancient heroes. The fourth type of delirium has to do with passionate love, since it awakens the soul. The soul that has seen its best, the essences and the truth, must constitute a human being, who will devote himself to wisdom, beauty, arts and love. The soul recovers its wings only after having cultivated philosophy with a sincere or loved heart to all beings with a philosophical love.

ACTIVITY ONE: Mentalism.

The mind is a temporary system of intellect lent to human beings for use during a material life and according to the use made of it we will be accepting or rejecting the potential of eternal existence. The UNA mind consists of three components:

  • An electrochemical mechanism
  • A self-conscious device
  • An electromagnetic system

Human consciousness rests gently on the electrochemical mechanism (lower) and is subtly activated by the electromagnetic system (upper) using the self-conscious "digital" device. During the life of the human being he is never fully aware of either of these two systems; therefore he has to work with the intermediate (intelligent) mind, of which he is aware. Moral self-consciousness forms the basis of the human soul.

To understand how these three minds work, the human being has made use of metaphors as well.

  • The mind is a musical instrument with which the human will can play the disharmonies of society or extract the exquisite melodies of divinity.
  • The mind is a ship piloted by thought, under the orders of the human will that is its captain.
  • The mind is the cosmic loom that carries the virtual fabric, on which thought weaves the spiritual designs, of a universal character of divine meanings and lasting values.

The mind is a system that controls another intended system (personality) and performs a part of it. That system was represented in three models during the history of mankind: the Platonic model, the Hellenistic model and the Christian model.

The philosophical schools that derived in greater or lesser degree from the oldest Platonism were epicureanism, stoicism, cynicism and skepticism. The Platonic model was retaken, on the borders of Christianity, in and out of it by Gnosticism. To return to oneself and recover the memory of the truth are for gnosis one and the same thing, and in this aspect, all the gnostic schools are more or less platonic. The Christian church developed the exegetical method whose function is to detect the nature and origin of the internal movements that occur in the soul, to this contributed monastic spirituality and asceticism.

The platonic method revolves around reminiscence and had the cybernetic (the control) and the hermetic (the symbol) as its supports. The true essence of the hermetic sciences was therefore hidden in the symbols. The principle of mentalism is found in hermeticism: " Everything is mind." The correspondence principle also belongs to hermeticism: " as above it is below, as below it is above" . In analogical reasoning words are used that they acquire a figurative meaning or meaning in relation to their own meaning as a term of comparison. In the analogies the meaning is conserved, the relation of signifiers, not the meanings. The analogy is never exact in details, but offers certain broad and fundamental correspondences. The analogy must be found in the quality and in the principle expressed, not in the form. Plato used the word anagogy when he wanted to elevate things to the world of ideas, where he assumed everything originated. Aristotle and then the Stoics began using it in the sense of an exegesis of myths. In the anagogical interpretation a mystical sense is given to the sacred texts.

The contemporary scholar of the mind tries to reveal the mystery of the esoteric sense, investigating how we develop that sense to know the other minds. Mentalism demands a trained intelligence, so that the line of demarcation between intuitive understanding and higher forms of psychism can be seen clearly. It requires a constant discipline of the mind, in order to “keep it firm in the light” and the development of the correct and cultivated interpretation, so that the intuitive knowledge achieved can be coated with the correct mental forms.

It can also be said that the construction of the bridge, by means of which consciousness can function easily in the upper and lower worlds, is mainly carried out by a definitively directed tendency in life, which leads man firmly to the world of spiritual realities., in addition to certain directed, planned and carefully programmed reorientation or focus movements. In this last process, what is acquired during months and years is equated; The effect of what is acquired in daily life and in the corporeal mechanism is carefully analyzed.

The final dynamic of a cosmos has to do with the continuous transfer of reality from the potential to the present. To update is to make the potentials current. The actuality is what the reader looks for in the anagogical interpretation, the potentiality is what the actor develops in that search. Originality is what makes possible the coexistence and integration of the current, the potential and the eternal: the author.

  • Which metaphor of the mind helps you understand it better? What relationships do you find between analogical reasoning and analogical interpretation? What would an analogy between the atom and the soul be like?




A solar being

A Planetary Being

A human being

ACTIVITY TWO: The arts and techniques.

“It looks like the same novel with another script, with different scenarios and the same actor.” THE LOVE FOB. The Chiches

So far, our highest instrument of cognition is creative art, as its varied aspects relate to each other, it is one of the problems of philosophy, and one of the modes of this relationship. n is suggested by the study of the seven fine arts. Every expression of art contains in itself some characteristics of all others; A painting is a sermon, and a symphony is a philosophy. When intuition gives its message, religion is science and art is philosophical. In the lower mental plane of concrete thoughts is where unity is broken in diversity; and he who cannot feel unity through a concrete expression sees contradictions between those of this class. The man, the thinker, the maker, the lover, when intuition is awake in him, makes himself a unity that can only manifest in the plane of intuition.

Humanity learns to conquer THAT, which exists outside of time and space, using time and space. The development of arts in literature varies depending on whether it is time-value or space-value. On the side of time, literature leads to drama, and drama tends to poetry, and poetry because of its inherent musical qualities, leads to music. The epic is the poetry of the past tense, in the third person; The lyric is the poetry, first person, of the present tense. On the side of space, the graphic expression of words is linked to painting, two-dimensional painting rises to the three-dimensional expression in sculpture and sculpture to the prodigious abstract conceptions of rhythm and beauty that architecture gives. The cinema emerges as the best art at the moment that movement is added to the images.

The artist creates possible worlds by metaphorical transformation of the ordinary and conventionally. Constructivism in no other discipline is more motivating than in the psychology of art and creativity. Blake, Kafka, Wittegenstein and Picasso did not find the worlds they produced. They invented them.

Three main sciences must dominate the esotericist to base mentalism on the philosophy of constructivism, integrating them into a vast subjective set. Those main sciences are:

  1. Cybernetics : the science that studies energy-information flows closely linked to control theory and systems theory.
  2. Semiotics : the science that deals with communication systems within human societies, studying the general properties of sign systems, as the basis for the understanding of all human activity.
  3. The hermeneutics : it is the art or theory of interpreting texts. It is the idealistic doctrine according to which social facts are symbols or texts that must be interpreted instead of being described (represented) and explained objectively. It represents a theory of truth and the method that expresses the universalization of the interpretative phenomenon from concrete and personal historicity.

The idea of ​​piloting, as art, as a technique, both theoretical and practical, necessary for existence, is an important idea that gave rise to the concept of cybernetics and that we find in the own techniques of medicine, politics and ethics: cure, direct others and govern yourself. The technique is presented as an art, a thoughtful system of practices referred to general principles, notions and concepts.

The symbol can always be studied from various points of view, and each thinker has the right to discover in the symbol a new meaning according to the logic of their own conceptions. Actually the purpose of the symbols is to awaken ideas that sleep in our conscience.

The hermeneutics of the subject offers a set of techniques and practices whose goal is to link the truth and the subject by promoting new forms of subjectivity. It shows us the differences between self-knowledge and self-knowledge.

Three times the call comes to all the pilgrims who are on the Path of Life: "Know yourself" is the first great mandate, and the process is long to achieve that knowledge. Then comes "Know the Self", and when it has been achieved, man not only knows himself but all the ego. Then, when man is already an adept, the so-called "Meet the One" arises and the words reverberate in the ears of the adept: "Look for what is the responsible Cause, and having known the soul and its expression, the form, seeks THAT the soul reveals. ”

Here we can glimpse the differences between spiritual knowledge and esoteric knowledge. The esoteric must understand himself and his fellow men, must invest time and effort to save his soul and save those of others. The esoteric becomes a conscious creator, collaborating with the plans of the Kingdom of Heaven that works with ideas and tries to express these planetary ideas on the physical plane. Training people at work with mental substance is preparing them to create; to teach them to know the nature of the soul is to put them in conscious contact with the subjective aspect of the manifestation and grant them the power to work with the soul's energy; to enable them to develop the powers of the soul aspect is to tune them with the forces and hidden energies in the akasha and in the soul of the world.

  • What are the techniques and practices of subjectivity? How to assume history and culture from semiotics? What is the importance of hermeneutics for the understanding of the subject? How do we move from subjectivity to intersubjectivity?

ACTIVITY THREE: The practical mind.

The practical mind is always the product of reflection, since it prescribes action as a means of arriving at an effect proposed as an end. The practical purpose is either skill or morality, the skill seeks concrete or artificial ends, morality is oriented to necessary or fundamental purposes. A skill is a neuronal isolation and is manifested in terms of accuracy and speed, a network of skills is known as competence: practical intelligence.

The thought of the nineteenth century shows an attempt to consolidate a science of self. Would it be a way to reconstitute an ethic and an aesthetic of the self (like Montaigne), or transform it into a systematic rejection of the self (like Shopenhauer)? The important thing is the efforts made today to consolidate an ethic of character from entrepreneurship.

The concept of competition relives the concerns of classical Greece, because all the knowledge we need must be a knowledge adjusted to the art of living: a know-how in context. A constructivist philosophy is both a philosophy of science, a philosophy of art and a philosophy of cognition: a philosophy of understanding. The constructivist principle, according to which, what exists is a product of what is thought, can be traced back to Kant, who was the first to fully develop it.

There are strong relationships between construction, architecture and pedagogy. The Master erects a kind of scaffolding for the apprentice and performs a transfer of consciousness. There are strong relationships between construction, literature and psychology. The function of literature as art is to expose ourselves to dilemmas, to the hypothetical, to the series of possible worlds to which a text can refer. Literature, in this sense, is an instrument of freedom, imagination, enlightenment. Language, whether in art or science, projects our lives in history. Meaning is an act that reflects human intentionality.

Consciousness is the emergence of the thoughtful thought of the subject about himself, about his operations, about his actions. We develop that awareness thanks to art and philosophy. Being competent in art requires perception, imagination, reflection, production. Being competent in philosophy requires dialectics, creativity, systemic thinking and critical thinking. Creativity arises from the interaction of three nodes: the individual with his own profile of abilities and values, the fields to study and master a discipline within a culture and the judgments issued by the labor field in which that competence is considered competent Creative person.

There are six techniques that cover the entire bridge construction process, in turn, explain the six necessary stages of the process. These techniques are: Intention, Visualization, Projection, Invocation-Evocation, Stabilization and Resurrection.

The first two stages constitute a uniform technique for all rays, but when the projection stage is reached, the techniques begin to differ. After due focus and a careful, sequential and systematic visualization of the “rainbow, ” the apprentice evokes the will aspect of his nature, as far as possible in this incarnation.








I affirm the reality




I see the maximum light




I am the purpose itself




Two merge into one




Three minds come together




The superior controls




The superior and the inferior join

  • Establish relationships between the concepts of the given words, seen from architecture and literature: structure, projection, canon, scaffolding (script).


Emanuel Kant. Critique of practical reason . Madrid: Mestas editions. 2001

Jerome Bruner Mental Reality and possible worlds . Barcelona: Editorial gedisa. 2004

Michel Foucault The hermeneutics of the subject . Mexico: Economic Culture Fund. 2002

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