The story of a seeker, walking among saints.

  • 2019

Walking among Santos, the story of a seeker


Mesin Pencari, affectionately called him Mesin, was a young man from the village, very enthusiastic, he had a lot of energy, he liked to ask and learn well in everything that the elders entrusted to him, he liked to go to the river and spent long hours fishing, this of course, when he was not attending the work of his age and his home, he also liked to study, although there in his village education was precarious, every weekend a teacher came from far away, to provide the bread of the Know the children and youth of the village.

Another of Mesin's hobbies was to go to a temple that the jungle had invaded, from those leafy trees and grass some vestiges emerged from what had surely been a very beautiful temple, there he spent long hours too, but what he loved most it was going to visit an old villager, who lived on the outskirts of the village, and who had spent much of his time attending to the spiritual needs of the inhabitants of that beautiful place.

When he joined him, he began his long list of questions, sometimes he overwhelmed that picturesque old man, his cane hair and his beard a little neglected as well.

Mesin, he always asked that old man, if he could take him one day where there were many holy men, with whom he could talk and ask endless questions, his concern was great. But what he most wanted was to meet many Saints and if they allowed him to stay with them.


One day, after many days of work and fishing, he decided to go back to visit that old man. As soon as he was by his side he said, you will take me with the Saints. After a few minutes of silence, the old man looked him in the eye and said if he is well, come in two days and we will leave. Mesin's eyes shone, he started jumping and singing songs and grateful to his house.

For Mesin, those two days were endless, but they finally passed, I arrived at the old man's house and together they left.

On the way Mesin, he was very quiet, his imagination really flew very high, he imagined many things, what he imagined most was when they were already near that beautiful temple where he thought there would be all those Saints he wanted to know. The day was not easy at all, that temple was no less than three days away. However, for Mesin, the first two days quickly passed less than a day's walk on the distant mountain the enormous surroundings of that old convent were sighted.

When they were a few hours away, they reached a fork of that path, one was heading towards the mountain that houses the temple and another for any other side except for the temple.

The disappointment

What would not be the surprise for Mesin, who, at the right moment of deciding, the old man took the other path, almost lost his breath, he kept thinking, but he followed in the footsteps of the old man, without daring to direct him a single word. After a few hours on the way, he finally encouraged himself to ask the old man, where we are going, with reluctance and discouragement, the old man looked him in the eye and asked Mesin, where you asked me to take you and Mesin answered him, with The Saints, because that is where the old man is going, the confusion was greater, but he kept silent, a couple of hours had passed, when the old man told him, there we are pointing to a village in the mountains.

After so many hours on the way they arrived at that town, it was very different from their village where the small houses were very far from each other, here on the contrary they were very close, the streets, although small were cobbled, then Mesin, I notice a hustle and bustle, which was produced by the many talks of many people.

Market in Jaipur

Little by little they reached the center of that town, there was a kind of market there, there were those who were selling food products, clothes, and much more. After a while of walking among them. Finally the old man went to Mesin and said, look carefully and tell me what you see, Messin answered immediately, many people, many things, animals, including old people, youth and children.

Market in chichicastenago

The old man responded well, that more, Mesin remained silent for a while and finally answered, well, that's what I see.

The old man looked into his eyes again and told him. There are the Saints you wanted to see and best of all, there are many together.

  1. One brother is all brothers. And in each mind are all minds, for all minds are one. This is the truth

Lesson 161 LE UCDM

May peace be with me, the holy Son of God. Peace be with my brother, who is one with me. And that, through us, the world be blessed with peace.

Lesson 360 LE UCDM

  1. You are the holy Son of God Himself, Remember this, and the whole world is released.

Lesson 191 LE UCDM

Mesin Pencari It means search engine in Indonesian. Google translator

Author. Carlos EFR, editor of the great family of


Channeled by: Helen Schucman

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