The great love story - Introduction - Kryon

  • 2015


Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of the Magnetic Service.

Many have not seen this before; In these few moments I will tell you again what I usually say: that the human brain goes through many machinations of thought processes to verify the situation that presents itself. Your brain does not recognize it; he has never seen her before; That is why they are not necessarily prepared to feel the energies emanating from here. They come from all directions, the reality of this is not in the guide of life. It is not something that they have been told, it is not necessarily even possible, therefore some go through all the logical processes of intellectual analysis. Outside of what my partner says, what else could it be?

Some say: "Well, he is in contact with the subconscious;" others say: "he is in contact with his Higher Self ;" others say "he is simulating it." That is the beauty of free will, my dear human being.

Today the Spirit has put this messenger here just to give you benevolent and loving messages. That is what we are doing today, bringing them a set that they might not expect, that does not tell them what they should do, that does not inform them what they are doing wrong, but wants to be here and love them; That is why we ask you to go beyond the reality of what you do not know. Again and again we have said that in these moments that he has called mini-channeling, for a moment in the deepest energy of any message, we simply say “Is this real? Isn't it? ”This prepares the rest of the day for what will come. I have asked my partner to organize this to show them the benevolence of the Physics of God. In the explanations that will arrive today, we will show how the Creator and the consciousness of humanity are one. If you want it to be. The only thing that separates you from God, it's you! (Serie).

What do you think, here? Is it just the man in the chair? And if that is all, my dear, there is no judgment on our part about you; there isn't. You are one with us, you are our family forever, you are here on this planet for an instant, with a veil between us.

This is so that you have your free will; something we don't have: God is God! God is inclined towards love! You have free will. And if you make the choice through your discernment, your energy, your logic, and you conclude that you are part of the Creative Source, and that perhaps there is something more within you than the mere physical body, if you reach that conclusion and you start to wake up to a greater truth, if you do, what you don't know is that that particular action connects you in unknown ways with a Source that changes the entire Galaxy . The more those are to whom this happens, the more the Everything knows. This premise is beyond your imagination or your reality.

Then, what are you going to do? The answer is that you don't need to do anything! You can sit and enjoy the day in a box that you have created for yourself, like the one my partner used to have, which says: “I only believe in what I see; not what I feel. ”The box will keep you from feeling something, and you'll be sure if you don't want to: very safe. If you are not here to feel, stay in your box.

But for those who would open it even a moment, the possibility is enormous, and there are things that you don't know and that could be real if you could only recognize that : you don't know what they are, you don't necessarily believe them, but what if there were more Great than what they told you.

As the box opens, we respond; We, the Creative Source, who is family to you, benevolent to you, in love with you, will respond to your request, because you have opened your box! and we will begin to show you that there is more. Now, I know who is here. Family: I know who is here. I know what they have gone through, I know their lives, I know what brought them here today, I know their frustrations, I have seen their tears, I have danced with you when they danced, I have cried with you when you cried, because I am one with you and I am your family and There are still some here who cry. Because something is happening to them and I know who is here, and I would like to tell them: If you open your box, dear human being, you will have help. You don't even know how much help there can be. Let's change those tears for a dance! This day there may be healing in this room - if you think it is real. Or not? (Serie). I know who is here. Here are ancient souls.

The ancient soul has been defined as one that has a huge akashic record; some from the beginning; thousands of lives on this planet accumulating wisdom in both genders. They have been there and done everything. There is really nothing that they have not gone through . Do you want to describe ways to die? This group knows them all! Do you want to know ways of living? This group tried them all! They come from all over the planet (laughs). His akash is deep and rich in experience: I know who is here. With that kind of wisdom, there is no reason for frustration, since they have this ability to connect.

Dear ones, this is a new energy; My partner will tell you, if you haven't heard it. Throughout the Earth there were predictions about this time, and the ancient soul is the one that can best open up to use the energy we have. Where is your box now?

We will be back; We will return to talk more about a beautiful love story.

And so it is.


The Great Love Story

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of the Magnificent Service.

I pause momentarily; My partner departs completely. The person who channels should practice the process to allow the highest clarity, so that the message does not have filters, or biases, nor is it changed. I told my partner not to read other channels, not to participate in other metaphysics books, so that ideas that could perhaps break down, perhaps influence or perhaps filter out the integrity of God are not implanted . All this, so that what comes to you is the best it can be. Tonight I want it to be the best I can give them.

The last channeling around the world was full of information: how things work, where are they going; tips; recognition of those in front of me. This particular message, tonight, will be shorter than most, but I hope it is for you the deepest that you have heard. I want to give you a love story. I want to give you a love story that will change your life forever. It goes beyond the information you will give them, and that could astound you in their depth, their change, their prophecy.

I want to tell you who God is. For some it will seem like a review, right? It is a perfecting of your relationship, being human.

First: I am Kryon. This is my name for you during these years (laughs). I have had many names, all angelic, on many planets. I was never in a human form, and the process amazes me. Through me, God's compassion is manifested in the emotion of my partner's body. I bring you information and truth. With that, tonight I bring you the truth of love for you. They are not unknown to us, to me; I have done this through the ages when this has been part of the system, and I have done it again and again.

When a civilization exceeds the marker from which it cannot retreat, God's love begins to increase and become more noticeable. Years ago we told them what became a slogan: “You are never alone.” We have tried to reinforce and highlight it, we have repeated it and we have given them metaphors, we gave them the challenge of that statement “enter your closet, close the door, and we will still be there. ”

We had to do that, because the uniqueness of your inclination as a human being craves what you don't feel: company! association! The hug of someone who loves you and takes care of you. Maybe a motherly feeling. We had to do it because in the old energy, what prevented you from feeling was the old energy. And now ... you start to change.

As a lightworker, the biggest problem and challenge you have is the lack of self-esteem ; we have given you messages about that, about the reasons for that; how bizarre it may seem that the ancient souls of the planet feel unworthy. That is about to change. I give them proof: I want them to look at the children and tell me if they feel undervalued (laughs). In fact, a recent attribute of children is that some say they are too valuable! (Serie). They are stubborn, because they have woken up knowing that they are not alone. Had they thought about it?

The love we have for you initiates the change of the template of humanity. What we want to tell you, ancient soul, is that you will be here for a long time and you do not need to be reborn to feel what the children are feeling. If you are willing, if you understand, if you extend your hand - metaphorically - we can change your template.

And the self-esteem that you have been missing, due to the Akashic record of thousands of lives in the old energy, will begin to change. As self-esteem changes in the human being, so does health. Did you know they are related? The better you feel about yourself, your place on the planet, in the galaxy, the more upright you stand and the longer you will live, because the cells of your body know it! They listen to that in you that is consciousness, saying “I deserve to be here, I am what I didn't used to be! I spiritually trust my place here; I crave that light that is new here; fighting the old energy and winning it! ”(laughs). That is the love story that I have with you, that the Spirit has with you! The gift of the century.

It took a long time for life to start on the planet. The love we have literally manifested itself in the physics of creation. Evolution was completely controlled and postponed until the last moment to allow humans to grow and to be the only planet of free will at this time in the galaxy. Loved without measure, with souls gathered from all over, to initiate a beautiful trial. That's love.

Last night we told you that the reincarnation system begins to change and transform; The attributes of the human soul are evolving. Of the human soul; I did not say of the soul. What is changing is the human part of the soul, that is, its relationship as humans with the Spirit is changing. It begins to evolve and change its form towards something that is complex; we have seen it again and again; this transformation and this complexity will lead them to a pleasant place where they will know who they are, because God loves them enough to start putting these things in the family in a way never seen before; They will feel it. And they will know that we are here.

There will come a time when we will no longer have to say "You are never alone", because you will know! And you go to that closet and say our name, because you know him. There will be no such thing as an indignity of an ancient soul, because you will know. This is human evolution.

The human soul is at the forefront of this; We are really changing the system of how you operate esoterically. The depth of the akash begins to change. They connect with things that they could never connect in a survival energy. Dear ones, when they were fleeing the Bengal tiger we could not talk about the complexities of their akash. Don't you think it makes sense?

There has to be a graduation of consciousness, and there has been, towards an optimal place where they begin to ask Who am I? What do I need to know? What is coming now? What should I do? The answers will come, because you are not alone. Because you are not alone.

The karmic system of the planet was only for low consciousness. Imagine such a low consciousness that upon entering the planet they had to have a hold with an energy that would push them to their unfinished business. They couldn't even feel it from the akash; There was a wall. You called it veil. It wasn't a veil, it was a wall! Now it's a veil, a thin one, if you want it that way.

This is a love story of the Creative Source and the human being. You will wake up and discover that your spiritual parents have always been with you in the form of the Creative Source.

Some say: "I want to be loved, adored, sustained" and they will be. Literally carried in the hands of God from one place to another while living your life, with the angels muttering in your ear that you are loved. Then they won't worry! They will know that there is a greater purpose in the things they see in the news, and they will not worry. Maybe they can act in consciousness, but not worry. There is a difference! They may take compassionate actions when they see those who suffer in other parts of the world, and they will know that they are making a difference. That is the ancient soul that does not care! but acts; act on the problem; compassionate action changes this planet.

Ancient soul: your reaction to the things around you will no longer be scary; you will not see things that set you back; all your consciousness will see things and do compassionate actions, and the biggest decision you have to make will be what compassionate action you will take.

There are no problems; Every time you see these things, you will count the solutions, because that is the wise old soul. Dear human being, I repeat: There is nothing you have not seen yet! There is nothing. Thousands of lives as a human being, I repeat: everything has happened to you, from the worst you can imagine to the best. And each of those things is in your akash as a well of wisdom, knowledge and experience to take advantage of, no matter what happens in your life from now on. That creates a balanced human being who feels the love of God at every moment of the day. That is the love story!

All I have to tell you at this point is: Are you ready for this? Will you allow it? Because there is a bastion of thought of the old energy that wants to create a bubble around you saying: "If I have not seen it, it does not exist!" I invite you to change that idea. Prepare for things you don't know and don't believe in. Do not restrict the love that comes into your life from the greatest source of love that exists; Don't restrict it! because you don't think it could happen

Someone has come today seeking healing. Did you hear that If you leave this place and shake your hand and say "Well, I didn't feel anything, I don't know if that was good, what else can I try?" Because you didn't understand anything! While the angels surround you asking "Are you ready for what you came for?" The time to surrender is now. You are not giving up on God. You are surrendering to the thought of the old energy within you that departs from your magnificence.

This is the best love story I can give them. There is. It really does not go beyond. And that is why you are here, ancient soul, and that is what can happen. That is the evolution of the new human being.

I am Kryon, in love with you, for good reasons.

And so it is.


Kryon Channeling by Lee Carroll


Description and translation : M. Cristina Cáffaro


The great love story - Introduction - Kryon

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