Kryon - The New Human - Part 1

  • 2016

Dear Greetings, I AM Kryon of Magnetic Service.

Some will say that this message is a summary, but I have decided to give it in such a way that the elements are gathered as they have not been before. Between tonight and the next I will present a series called ' The New Human' ; she is beautiful, she is benevolent; It is about you. Dear ones, if this did not interest you, you would not be sitting in the chairs; You would not be sitting here trying to understand something elusive: Information about what is happening.

My partner says you are in a change; I do not agree ; even more, you are in an energy in which you have never been, this is not a cycle; So far everything on this Planet has been a cycle, just like your weather, just like your astronomy, the Earth goes through cycles; This is not one of them. Everything is gradually changing; the changes in the weather you observe abroad and you hear from them, you watch the news and you realize that something different is happening; and from the beginning my message has been for you to prepare for this.

And the biggest change will be in Humanity: The New Human . Human nature is about to change; and it will be the first time in your story that this will be true. Psychologists will tell you that Human Nature is static, that it does not move; history will tell you that Human nature is responsible for the same kinds of fear and hate; And that has never changed. They say you can count on Human Nature; and when they say the words 'Human Nature', they do it with a negative attitude because you never learn; and then this is projected forever: "Humans will never change"; and you are about to do it. This is difficult for those who have a scientific mentality because there is still no evidence of a great change; so far there is only evidence of fortuitous changes; because things happen slowly; sometimes so slowly that we don't realize; But it already started.

I would like to describe what kind of attributes to expect in the New Human. You are entering a new energy that has never been here; and that everything will change in you; some you will like and others not; Change is always like that. And we will start with one of 7 attributes; tonight I will give you 4. I've talked about them before, but never in an enumeration like this. I want you to realize how deep this is. Dear Old Soul: Are you prepared to participate in the evolution of Human Nature; in an evolution towards a place where he has never been, with a wisdom he has never seen; and in the slow construction of peace on Earth? And that peace on Earth is only the beginning of a Human Nature in constant evolution and growth. Consciousness is about to change ; and that is already beginning to show itself in small ways. But you are sitting here because some of you feel it. Do not? There is something different.

Let's start with the first attribute: The relationship with God, the fundamental. However you call God, to the concept of the Creative Source, some have told you God, some have told you Spirit, others tell you the Source ... All Humans believe that you do not end with death; all belief systems, including small ones, contain your survival on the soul level after bodily death; in general, Humanity believes in a life after death; between 80% and 90% of Humanity does not believe that it ceases to exist when it dies; This is an intuitive recognition of God within. What has happened in the past with this is typical of Human Nature: Somehow God has become a dysfunctional father ( Kryon laugh ); You say that he loves you immeasurably and that if you do something wrong, he will send you forever to a burning dark place.

This God is much less benevolent than you with your children. Does that sound like the God we are talking about? Or does it sound like something man made? It was designed by Human Nature ; who made this presumption: Just as a Human Being is, so is God, Human Nature is also the nature of God; consequently in heaven there must be wars and fallen angels. I do not want to offend anyone, but the goodness of the Creative Source that created the Universe is not of a Human nature ; the Nature of God is pure, full of Love to every molecule of the atmosphere of this Planet, it is purer than anything you can imagine; in his will to pay attention to you, it is beyond anything you can imagine. The Spirit sees you as a family that is temporarily on the Planet and that returns.

God is not characterized by punishing, God has no Human characteristics, God is not dysfunctional, you are; This is Human Nature.

The relationship with the Spirit will change ; some of you are going to start feeling wide open to this; and finally you will understand and realize that the God of the Universe is within you; and that the hand of God is before you waiting for you to take it to cement a relationship that will generate compassion and joy every day and an evolution of Human Nature; and you will act differently because you will change when you have a higher vibration, with the evolved DNA. This is fundamental, the will of God will be granted and manifested in your life; and your behavior will be different. You will study the Masters and observe what kind of Human Nature they had and you will realize that it was different; and you will begin to emulate it; and those around you will see it. The New Human will know who God is. This was the first.

Attribute number 2: The I. Who are you? What is your purpose? So far it has been to survive . Oh! You may have believed in this kind of esoteric things; but while you live with others, you survive: Whether you go to school or work, you survive; you are careful about who you tell him what you believed to survive. Dear ones: How do you feel with yourself? This will change; We have already talked about that, that the closer to the Spirit your path is, it will change what you call the Self: You will be less fearful, you will become calmer, do not preach It's what you believe; instead you will practice what you believe; you will be a kinder person without making much effort; the anger will begin to disappear, the things that irritate you will be less, it will be more balanced; because of that others will want to be with you. Instead of being ready to discuss anything with anyone, the New Human will know how to be silent and listen; be compassionate instead of prosecutor; it's almost the reverse of what the

Human Nature: Balanced.

And finally when it comes to the Self, I will begin to evaluate you and you will say: I have the right to be here in this New Energy, I was born for what is happening now. How many are you catching this, really catching it? Understand that it is not an accident that you deserve to be here, that God loves you and knows each one of your hair, that there is a bridge of goodness between you and the Spirit; and that you can breathe a sigh of relief Ahh! I have done nothing wrong, nothing! There will be no punishment for what you think you might have done; you can forgive yourself for what you have done, because God has already done it for some time; The family does not prosecute you. You are here working with energy; And what you do tests the energy! You are not here to test your Soul! Your Soul is eternal and belongs to God and will always be that way. It will always be that way, it will always be that way! Love is the Source, you are t . Do you feel it? Do you feel the change and transformation that takes you away from anger, hatred, and frustration? This was number 2.

Attribute number 3 : Humanity. How do you feel with others? Ahh? What is happening in the news? For the first time in human history there will be confusion about refugees; in all nations, in which they have more and in which they have less; because from those who are in trouble people flee to your countries. How are you going to address that? Where are you going to locate them? Are you welcome or not? Will you let them die at the borders? This is a human problem; and the solutions will be different from any previous solution; and right now there are no solutions, but frustrated anger; there are some Humans who are practicing the old Human nature and saying: se is their problem, not ours! ”

A part of the New Humans will carry out compassionate actions and work on the solutions: Because they are Family! Look the children in the eyes, they are just like you! And there will be others who say: "Yes, but they are infiltrated by terrorists"; That is possible, you will have to solve it. Are there solutions? They do exist, but not from common Human Nature, but from compassionate actions. There are the intellectuals who will say: "Compassionate actions are not going to give us the money we need to address their maintenance here"; They will call you 'the esoteric fools who get excited about everything'. Welcome to Human Nature; They don't know what they don't know.

Is it possible to finance things that you think are impossible to finance? The answer is: Yes!… All objections can be faced and resolved if you wish enough; Yes, with the New Human who first looks at compassionate actions regarding the problem and thinks outside the box to solve it. The solutions can be surprising; and each country has its own way of doing; but now all countries are part of that. For the first time in history you have a multinational problem that has a great solution that you have not yet seen. Maybe the problem has to increase for you to see the solution; and even here, some of you disagree because your Human Nature can only see three-dimensional problems: That they will destroy the economy, that they will monopolize jobs, and so on, and so on, and so on.

I want you to see how this is going to be in 50 years and look back; you may call it the 'great experiment', or the 'great integration'; and you will see that it has been a massive, mostly successful attempt to save lives through Compassion; and maybe you see things that surprise you; when the Light overcame darkness and Human Nature did not show how it used to. Dear ones, I want you to breathe: Is there anything too complicated for God? ... What does your heart say? ... You are the New Human!

Attribute number 4, the last one today: What does the New Human feel with the New Energy? Almost everything I've told you so far today, you see it either in yourself or in the news. The problems are in front of you; and many think only: “On the planet there are problems, there comes another problem; the weather is changing, another problem ” ; Without understanding that all things are changing. All! The New Human will begin to evolve; and those who are sitting here like Old Souls are the ones who will first have the answers; not only the esoteric of Spain, but the Family of the Spirit in all countries. This is common for all of them, it is common for you.

What do you think of the New Energy? Being Human, let's be honest; you signed up for this, you made a commitment to this; You are in the right place and time. Energy ... It is frustrating that you are seeing things that you had never seen, that you see that pure evil spreads through certain places; and that you do not understand. Did you know that in Human history this is the first time that you are about to fight a battle against evil, not against another country; but against a group that has no borders or a common language? And in 2012 we predicted it, we told you that when the change came the Light would increase; and that the Old Souls who would begin to feel it would feel frustrated; that things would not be the same, that darkness would gather everything I could to stop the change of the Light. These were our words and now they are your news. Do you think it's a surprise? Maybe a coincidence ? It is happening precisely on time.

Do you know Old Soul? The Light will win! And the New Human will have the wisdom to supply that Light; It's not just another war, it could be the last battle. Frustrating! Some of you have health problems because your body itself is moving and changing and vibrating; some are not sleeping well; Some are worried without even knowing why (Kryon laugh). This is what happens when Human Nature begins to change: The great differences that occur make the New Human feel uncomfortable, just as you have felt so far. Am I not telling the truth? (Kryon's smile) What do you do about it? I want you to be calm and know that you are a part of God; and that everything you see around you is part of a huge correction of the balance between Light and darkness.

And with the passage of time you will see and feel it; some will have a healing even in these 2 days; a healing of thoughts, of anger, of hate, of frustration; when you realize that you can discard all that and understand that God cares. The New Human, the Old Soul is on this Planet for a reason. For a reason!

And so it is.


TRANSLATION: Jairo Rodríguez R. Energy and Spiritual Consulting

AUTHOR: Lee Carroll


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