Food and Meditation in the Same Dish, October dc

If we understand that God is in everything, that it is pure omnipresence of sublime LOVE, that its particles surround and are in the smallest, faraway, remote, close, close, ethereal, tiny, concrete and grandiose border and limit of all that ES, we will find it easier to understand the importance of the following article. It is about the invaluable value of meditating while you prepare the food you are going to receive. Food, as a source of human life, nourishes the cells and provides the vital and daily fuel to our precious BEING.

We found an organization that seeks the encounter between these two disciplines.

Arima is an initiative that seeks to nourish the body and soul. Born with the intention that people can understand, experience and enjoy the importance of maintaining a peaceful, serene and meditative conscience while cooking.

“It is about reflecting on the benefits that can be obtained after feeding on the kitchen that has been prepared in a meditative consciousness, ” explains Gaizka Zubizarreta, founder of the project. Vegetarian preparations are prepared in the place that the client decides and for any type of event, from courses, retreats and congresses to more special personal occasions.

Zubizarreta has stressed that the products used come from ecological crops of agricultural fields and cooperatives, since the process begins before entering the kitchen. We want Arima to know more and enjoy our kitchen in their homes or in any place, and that the project begins to take shape to go towards creating a solid school.

During the next year, we will be focused on the first service that is to give the experience that is obtained while the conscience and the kitchen are in balance, he said to Positive News. And he adds: We are what we think and we are also what we eat. Taoism reminds us that according to the person eats, he thinks so; As he thinks, that's how he acts. Therefore, a more serene and clear mind provides emotional stability.

The principle of nutrition of Arima is based on a holistic view and the kitchen balances the four important energy levels: the physical, the mental, the emotional and the spiritual Zubizarreta ensures that the peace thoughts make the elements that are cooked to be impregnated with this energy and by eating them, they give enough physical and mental energy to remain, deepen and experience the beauty of our existence, in the most peaceful and loving way.

Arima also organizes a series of outreach courses that are scheduled for the beginning of spring 2010, in Palma de Mallorca. The objective is that people can learn about vegetarian food and that specialists in the sector learn to meditate and cook in a more calm and serene consciousness.


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