What awaits planet Earth - The Reconnects channeled by Daniel Jacob

  • 2012

WHAT DO YOU EXPECT TO PLANET EARTH? The Reconnects channeled by Daniel Jacob

My dear friends:

The transforming energy advances, even as more and more souls begin to connect “on line” with the Paradigm of Unity. Transits through the various paths of life that used to take years, and even whole lives, have been condensed into modules of a few weeks or months. The tone of his planetary vibration is doubling, tripling ... and his consciousness is really beginning to spin. Some of you are learning what it means to become "like velopeds." It is an adaptation of perception to rapid change or movement that makes them feel as if they were barely moving. Even while the side mirror of your vehicle carries a familiar message - so we will now share our own version of that message. "The objects seen in the mirror are moving much faster than it seems!"

As many new people connect, they tend to start speculating about the configuration of their future. That only makes sense, doesn't it? The world feels unstable right now, pregnant with change. There are prophets and seers who make dire predictions and the collapse of civilization as you know it. Isn't it normal that they want to speculate on the things that will come? Our answer to that question is "Yes, but the path they have chosen is not normal."

The Return to Unity is a journey of acceptance, its re-introduction to all those aspects of the self that were forgotten or previously denied. It's like taking a walk through a gigantic warehouse, full of memories of past (and future) lives. Even while downloading all this new information in you, your emotional body is spinning due to the powerful energy shocks that accompany the new perceptions.

Unity is not a destination, although we have often talked about its imminent "return" to it. Actually, it is an energetic touchstone, a way to equalize and balance your polarized consciousness so that it becomes free and can leave a specific reality format and travel elsewhere.

In a sense, the Reconnection Universe (the reality in which they have found this writing, or similar information), looks a bit like the Grand Central Station. You enter, determine your destination, buy a ticket and get on the train that is leaving for the chosen destination. A specific "journey" can manifest itself as "a line of thought, " "an emotional detour, " or even a period of focused "training" that is designed to prepare them for a more expanded existence. As you can see, we play with words. But don't be fooled. This "game" is serious business. Hidden in the words you use every day are portals and doors that connect entire universes to each other. Therefore, it is up to any traveler to begin to notice what he was saying. Sometimes thought "is" the thing.


The first step in any Reconnection is the will to change one's point of view. A traveler must be eager to ENTER in conscience, leaving the street, to a new and unusual place. Your first encounter with the Unit may feel like an indulgence to curiosity, or it may be the result of some traumatic shock that opens the way for a completely new vision of life. No matter. The primary process is still the same. A traveler first needs to close the file of his current thinking of Limitation so that the new views can be installed.

In past lives, you waited for that experience called "death" before allowing us to unschedule you from the Limitation approach. But now, within the special "station" that was built just for this purpose, you are allowing us to introduce all the "bridge concepts" of Reconnection in your thinking while you are still physically represented. The Moment of Now is a multidimensional vehicle that can take you anywhere (and at any time) you wish to go. It is your seat on a train that takes you to the Self, and follows a new destination.

Be aware that the "only moment" that exists - past, present and future - is the Moment of Now. There's only one. But that Unique Moment has been fragmented into an infinite number of alternative "versions" of itself, each connected to its core and archived within the Self to easily serve as a reference.

Memories of their "past" are created by hooking together a sequence of the fragments and attaching them to their present, saying that these events happened "a long time ago." In reality, each of these events is also happening NOW, even if they are happening at other levels of consciousness. You cannot see them because your train of perception "took you out of your mind" (bent the curve and left those events behind) and created a space where you can focus on other ideas and agendas.

Your "future" is an anticipation of events that (apparently) have not yet occurred. But that, too, is an illusion. There is only ONE Moment of Now. Everything exists in this instant. It was always like that and always will be. But on that Journey of the Moment of Now, you have decorated the landscape along the route to make it look like things are missing. Actually, they are hidden by a Veil of Forgetfulness that you, the creator, designed for that purpose. You move from point "a" to point "b". Then they cross the points "c", "d" and "e". Everyone is ONE, even while you are also ONE.


Once they are effectively released from confinement within a past, present or future, they are free to buy a ticket and change places. Seen above, this may sound like something that contradicts the clarifications we have just given. But keep reading. The central connection that unites all these realities is like a skillful hand that shuffles a deck of cards. You let go of a belief here, then pick up a new one there. They are discarded, choose to play a new hand, and the Game continues.

As deceptive as their beliefs of Limitation about time are the programming bits that tell them what things they can "have" and what things "can't." Those "old tapes" have been called physical laws, laws of nature, destiny, genetic programming and a lot of other names. We simply call them "seat belts." They are infinitely useful if they want to stay in a particular seat, but they are quite annoying if someone suddenly wants to change trains!

The image itself has been praised as the key to everything. However, it can also be a bolt. Therefore, the next step to get on board a reconnection trip is to recognize that you are much more than you think you are. In fact, they are EVERYTHING and all, even if they appear to be separated and alone. You are not alone. Actually, all of you are one.

A trip is not the distance between two points. That is an old way of thinking. Rather, it is an expansion of your personal ID with two (om s) points, followed by a re-definition of your yo f point a to point b . What causes the physical manifestation is the intensity of their CONCENTRATION in what they wish to be within a particular context, together with their ability to fully accept any other that they are also (see more information in Multidimensionality).

Another example. The director's cabin of a television station has many screens that receive information from several cameras. Each image on the wall is a real image of what is happening, although all come from different angles. Changing from camera 1 to camera 2 is a simple matter for the Director. Meanwhile, the audience remains immovable, although their perceptions have changed drastically. Now you must understand that YOU are that director, although they are also the audience.

In the first step of the Reconnection, a person is completely cleared of all specific identifications with their current reality base. This is not achieved by denying that reality. Rather, it is achieved by re-remembering your commitment to all other realities as well. That eagerness to jump into a true chasm of possibility, cleaning itself of any provides the vibratory momentum needed to be available and be transported to any other reality.

Do you think they are something? Then they are attached to what they think they ARE. Do you think they are nothing? Then they are attached to what they think they ARE NOT. Only when they understand that they are all can they finally LET GO.


Within the New Age movement, there are many lines of thought about what will happen in the future. There are also divergent ideas about how we will get there and what will happen when we do. With the proper integration of the concepts of multidimensionality in this equation, we believe that we can provide some clarification on how they can function better during the current Planetary Transformation.

Do you know what they did yesterday? All. Do you know what they will do tomorrow? All. It is only NOW that you can do SOMETHING. This is because each something is simply a fragment of the all that continues to surround them. There are dear souls who enter the New Age Movement with the desire to make things happen. They have forgotten their numerous incarnations as wizards and sorcerers and have been immersed in the Limitation Dogma for so long that they feel like vomiting; Those guys are going to spend their time and tickets on training themselves to create and manifest abundance, power, love, artistic achievement and any number of other trips that arouse their imagination. And that's fine and it's good!

The Fourth Dimension Corridor deals with equalization. It refers to REMEMBER other lives and powers and abilities, while shaking the chains of "I am" to be able to exchange them for those of "I could also be." Eventually, when the memories of the past magical powers return, those travelers will head for another new path, a path of sharpness always growing in the process of change and transformation.

How accurately can they adhere and re-adhere within two fragments of the same Now Moment? How quickly and elaborately can you shuffle the cards? Those are the new destinations that have just appeared on the “arrivals and departures” sign of the station. There are the intro courses (pleasure trips) and there are the most advanced courses (business class). Which ones are you looking for right now? There is no "correct" answer. And each approach has its own particular joy.

Now is the time for a great influx of power and knowledge. Hold on to your hat, even while throwing away your luggage! You don't need many changes of clothes on this trip. Don't you prefer to simply change universes? But take care. Time has a habit of developing some interesting "wrinkles." But the Unity trips they produce will end in a sense of IRONY that will surely straighten things up again.

(*) The fragments or different “I” are holographic particles of consciousness encapsulated in a Veil of Oblivion that separate from the Total Self and explore various aspects of reality, recording and transmitting knowledge and sensory experience of each exploration to the Total Self . Glossary of Reconnections

Comment on this transmission from Ann B. from Toronto:

Some of us are aware of having bought a train ticket ...

Then, some of us even see which train is arriving and where it is going ...

Others could not care less and for the most part they sleep during the trip ...

Some enjoy the crossing FULLY, immersing themselves in the panorama, going from one car to the other, making friends.

Others totally hate the trip, get dizzy and blame everyone around them.

And some of us seem to have bought a FIRST CLASS ticket for ALL trains, never knowing where their fragments will end (*), without understanding why some of them “arrive” before others… and all they want is "Get down".

© 2002 - Daniel Jacob www.reconnections.net

Translation: Susana Peralta

Official site of Daniel Jacob in Spanish

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