Deciphering Ho´Oponopono

  • 2017

I met Ho´oponopono many years ago, as so many important things are discovered, by “chance” and without giving it too much importance, I think it was an afternoon talking with a friend about astrology, therapies and everything behind them, when Lastly, he told me that she had helped Ho'oponopono a lot, he didn't say more on the subject, I didn't know him but that name began to resonate in my head, and of course, how not! As soon as I had the opportunity, I started Research on the subject.

The first thing I read seemed so simple that it was absurd to think that it could work, so the easiest thing was to put it into practice.

Basically Ho´oponopono states that to solve a problem that has been generated in your life, you have to know that you are the creator of that problem, and that repeating a few words as a mantra that problem will no longer go away and begin to be fixed, this is understood at a very basic level, perhaps as I understood it at that time because I was more an observer than a student of all these disciplines.

And how to put it into practice? Well, repeating those words with those people who somehow were somewhat "load-bearing" maybe I had no discussion with them but I certainly wasn't comfortable in their presence. To prove its effectiveness or inefficiency, I started by setting the objective on a single person, assuming without understanding very well that I was the culprit, I began to pronounce the words several times, both mentally and verbally: "I'm Sorry", "Forgive Me", " Thank you, "I love you . "

That was magical, and I could not explain very well what had happened, not that the person had changed, or maybe? But of course my relationship with that person was much more cordial and understanding.

Since then I have practiced Ho'oponopono constantly, having it as a powerful tool in my life, and today I write this article to disengage its operation, with the hope that it is understandable for more people and I hope it will also become your faithful ally.

What does Ho´oponopono tell us?

It tells us that reality does not exist, "You create your reality with your thoughts . " To understand it, imagine that you are dreaming, usually most people dreaming do not know they are in a dream, which makes it uncontrollable, situations happen to you without you being able to do anything, but what happens when you are aware that you're dreaming? Well, the dream becomes more controllable. This is what the master Lewis Carroll undoubtedly showed in his book: "Alice in Wonderland", this book is full of phrases written with great wisdom but we are going to keep a phrase said by Alice:

Why does everyone tell me what I have to do? NO! This is my dream and I will decide how to continue. "

From that moment you take responsibility for the situation you are living because this is your dream, you have the keys to change it. Simply knowing this makes you more powerful in the dream, if a monster appears you may be able to control your fear and ask the monster to leave, and maybe it does not go away but it becomes more docile and manageable, that is, the monster will change depending as your subconscious thinks possible.

And why if I am asking him to leave, does he not disappear without more?

Because YOU, you are made of much more than your conscious self, every time you have dreamed you have created forms, feelings and situations that you judge coherent and unalterable, and that at the same time are made of the forms, feelings and situations that your ancestors dreamed and of everything dreamed by eons, thus creating a collective scenario made of memories that condition your dream, memories that you do not know and therefore you cannot or rather do not know how to change. All those memories are in you and are interfering with your dream, making a situation happen again and again, you move on the stage you move.

It is here where HO´OPONOPONO intervenes, causing YOU to recognize yourself as causative and therefore responsible for everything you are dreaming about, you can ask your conscious, subconscious and supraconscious mind to change a situation, and ask for it with a verbal decree that ends with "I love you" because Love is the harmony of everything that exists, and that is what you are looking for when taking the reins of your dream, that everything becomes harmonious, that everything that exists in your dream fits, without friction and in Perfect coexistence.

That is HO´OPONOPONO a memory erasure, a constant erasure of memories, because although simple your limited vision of the dream makes you not know, do not understand what memory you have to erase or what situation will appear when you erase a memory.

Another thing you should know when using HOOPOPOPONO is that as in dreams, time does not exist, or at least the linear perception you have of time, so when you erase any situation Simultaneous memories are being undone in the past, present and future and you should not worry about the time it will take for the situation to be fixed, even if you use HOOPOPOPONO ver sc Each time situations are fixed more immediately.

How to implement HOOPONOPON?

There is a broad language somewhat in HO OPONOPONO, such as eraser, solar water etc. Protocol that I invite you to discover as you deepen and perfect this technique.

But my idea is to simplify to the maximum so that you can start it as soon as possible.

  • HOOPOPOPONO is very effective as a conflict resolution technique with other people, so start by choosing a disagreement you have with someone, if possible not very deep, because what we want now is to see the results, and although you never know how many memorias there are behind this discord, it is likely that there is less than another that marks you more.
    HO´OPONOPONO is NOT a technique to heal others or interfere with their lives, it is a technique of erasing YOUR MEMORIES, keep this in mind.
  • Find a space in which to be, practice a little meditation or relaxation, think about the person and the problem you have with them, assume full responsibility for the situation because it is your dream and for something this has been created situation. Ask yourself. What is happening in me that I am experiencing (living) this? create emptiness, so that inspiration comes without worrying about whether or not you get an answer. Just take care of yourself. Don't do it for anyone else.
  • Now repeat these words: Sorry! Forgive me! Thank you! I love you! .

By saying "I'm sorry" you are admitting that you are the cause of the situation, it is your dream.
By saying "Forgive me" you are expressing to all the parts of your I connected with that Universal Mind, your will to change, to harmonize that situation.

By saying "Thank you" you are assuming and therefore fully trusting that the problem stops, it is no longer going and the solution is on its way.

But we don't know how the solution to the problem will come

By saying "I love you" you invoke the energy of Love, so that everything that has to be transformed is for greater harmony.

  • Repeat the words throughout the day as many times as you can, both verbally and mentally, it can be while driving, (without driving distractions, of course, -) while you work, while watching TV, in short you will know better than anyone at what moments Keep doing this routine, in the next days, weeks, months until you see the situation resolved.
  • Detach yourself from the result and the time it takes to materialize. Remember that by saying "Thank you" you trust that the solution is coming and if you constantly think about the situation you are feeding it with your thoughts and feelings. "Remember that it is your dream." I know that for many this is difficult but look at it like this: Carefree is not rushing to HO´OPONOPONO, the whole situation is there if HO´OPONOPONO works you have a lot to gain and if it doesn't work you haven't lost anything.

... you will see how it works.

I hope this article has been useful and contributes to your way of life. Why…


Carlos de la Prida

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