Introspection on Death by Alexiis Salvador

  • 2013

Alexiis, March 26, 2013, 3:11 am


As a result of the whole study that I just carried out, which I have called self-analysis, combined with readings from my study of Past Life Therapies, I have come to realize that on the one hand we all practically fear what we commonly call the "Death", without being aware that there is no death that is an end of the Soul, but is simply an interlude between one life and another.

Most people fear death because they believe it is the end of everything, but it is not so, it is only one stage between one life and another. However, when we are in the space that could be called “between lives”, where most of the time we realize the failures that we have committed and what we have stopped doing in the life that has just ended, finally we are terrified of having to be born again to continue learning and evolving.

Many of these cases are seen in births where babies are born with the umbilical cord around the throat, believing that this is a thing of nature, but as a therapist I can tell you that it is not so. That baby at some point decided that he did not want to be born and with that he hoped to avoid or hinder the birth, as well as the breech births, etc.

We do not realize that death and rebirth is a sacred journey of the course of the soul, which has departed at death and then returns to physical life, this being a repeated routine, with some travelers who resist a bit from, others who do not see the time to go to rest and a large majority who do not want to know anything about starting over.

If it costs us so much to return, if we even get angry and stubbornly with our guides who advise us and we rebel when the time comes to be born, why then so much fear, so much pain, so much tragedy, when the time comes eager for the soul of finally return to the fields of bliss, to the state of grace, to that world of light and love? What happened to us? Where, in what place, at what time, did we lose our awareness of our spiritual being, of our essence, of our true condition of immortal beings?

We came to physical life to learn, to grow and to evolve, to return home later, enriched with the experience acquired. But it turns out that in the desire to make our stay on Earth more comfortable and pleasant, we have forgotten the true purpose of our presence here. We have believed that we were the body, when in reality the body is the clothes we put on to go to school and when it is time to leave, we tear our clothes for what we believe we are going to lose, because we realize We wasted our time or because we don't have a very clear conscience.

We are here on Earth, to fulfill a purpose. We come with a diagrammed plan in advance. We know exactly what we have to do and learn, but soon we forget our goal. We believe that the goal is to have a good time and we suffer when we don't succeed. Only after detaching ourselves from the body do we realize how wrong we were, that we were distracted by useless things, we learned nothing, we did not fulfill what we had committed. Now we will have to go back to Earth school once again.

This time to not do what we would have to do, we put as an excuse the struggle for life and the effort to reach a well-off social position, but again when we get to the other side we will realize that we are wrong and forget what was ours mission. This will continue to happen life after life until we awaken our spiritual consciousness and recover that knowledge that is in ourselves, in our own essence. We need to recover our Truth.

This is one of the reasons why we receive so many messages from the different Masters emphasizing the importance of becoming aware of who we really are, that we are not only the bodies we live with and which we consider the most important thing in this life., but that the body is the clothing of the soul and that it is she who, life after life, has to advance on the ladder of ascension, but that we do not give her the help required for not being aware of this fact.

Death is neither a punishment nor a curse. There is no life and death, there is only life, and death is the midpoint of a long life. A life that at one time passes on the plane of essence and, at another time, runs on the plane of physical manifestation.

Death is a passage, just like birth. One is a one-way ticket and the other is a return ticket. There is a door of entry and one of exit and of the two, the most important is the one of the exit because it is the hour of the truth, the hour of rendering accounts. Physical life is a school and death is the moment of the final exam, it is the moment in which we cannot lie or invent what we did not learn. It is the moment when we graduate or are reprobated and sent back to repeat the lesson we did not learn.

When we begin to penetrate the intimate history of the soul and its evolution through the different cycles of life, death and rebirth, we realize that death is neither a punishment nor a tragedy. The truly tragic thing is the way we conduct ourselves before death and the nonsense to which we are dragged by ignorance and forgetting who we are.

We are not the body, the body is only the instrument that allows us to manifest on the physical plane and act directly on matter and, death, is the abandonment of that instrument when we have already fulfilled our purpose here on Earth. Death is the highest, most sublime and transcendental point in a person's life. It is the moment in which the evolving soul will meet with his Father or with his Creator, bringing the learning done, fruit of his effort here on Earth. And it turns out that, out of fear, ignorance, oblivion and superstition, we ruined that moment.

Now, in order to take a good final exam and graduate at the time of death and obtain liberation so desired, it is necessary to respect that moment and make it the most sacred act of our life. Unfortunately, stubborn as we are in defeating death, blinded by the arrogance of tearing a body that already served its service for a few more days and, accentuated by the guilt of not fulfilling our Duty if we do not exhaust all the resources of science, we violate with impunity the moment for which we have prepared for a lifetime. And that is when the tragedy is installed. The tragic thing is not to die, the tragic thing is to prevent a person from dying in peace, with dignity, consciously and accompanied by their loved ones so that everyone has the opportunity to say goodbye.

The hardest thing for a person who is dying is not death but loneliness, incomprehension of others who do not understand what they are living, and who They sleep when they need to keep their conscience awake.

NOTE: Unfortunately, even knowing all this, I could not be present at any of the decisive moments of my father, my mother or my husband, since being in intensive care I was not allowed to be present. Sincerely in those moments I had not learned everything that I now know, so I did not realize how important my company would have been. That is why today I try to apologize to the souls of my loved ones who have left Earth without counting on my presence.

Imagine a patient in irreversible clinical conditions, admitted to an intensive care unit. He knows he is going to die, but his family and doctors don't want him to die. And there he is then, in a cold and unknown world, far from his home, separated from the beings he loves, connected to an artificial respirator, his body skewered with tubes and catheters, probes above and below, electrodes, foreign drugs circulating in his blood and tied hands to prevent all that was inserted from being started. His conscience is obnubilated, his dignity humiliated and his modesty outraged.

The family does not want him to leave and the professionals play his egolatr and his prestige. And in the meantime he is about to part with his body and take his final exam. You are about to be brought before the Divine Presence, you may get your graduation, and nobody is interested! And here you cannot request postponement of the exam date. It is now or now.

Desperate to save the body, with the fear of guilt and the cultural terror of death carrying on our backs, no one perceives the tragedy of the soul that is torn between the pain and grief of their relatives, the suffering of their tormented body, his own unresolved fears and guilt and his hope of finally achieving peace and the liberation of his carnal bonds.

NOTE: Luckily today humanity is becoming aware of these situations and we have as important authors Elizabeth K bler Ross, important author on this situation. In addition there are the authors such as Raymond Moody, Brian Weiss, Dr. Jos Luis Cabouli who was my instructor in the learning of Therapies of Past Lives and I can not fail to mention Master Tob The Crimson Circle, which held special workshops for the teaching of Accompaniments before the beings that were going to transcend.

I will continue to provide some details related to this momentous step.

If it is known that death is inevitable, the passage to the other side of the river should be facilitated. And it is there, at that point, where we fail. Born and educated in the culture of denial and fear of death, we only see in it one more disease, an enemy to defeat, and we cannot accept it and integrate it as a natural and everyday fact of our life. We lack familiarity with death. We need to accept it as a natural fact, as the logical result of our experience here on Earth, in order to find the point of balance that allows us to act with wisdom and equanimity.

We generally do not want the patient to leave. We don't want to accept that the time has come and then it goes as it can.

Everything could be different if we accept, emotionally, the reality of death. If we understood that death is not an enemy to defeat, but that it is the culminating moment of our life. It is the closing of the experience that was opened with the birth. It is necessary to make a ritual from that moment, a sacred act. It is necessary to surround it with the care and love that an act of that nature implies. Then, everything will be much more glorious and we will no longer see the nonsense to which fear and technology have accustomed us.

I hope that all this information collected from different sources will be useful. With love. Alexiis


Alexiis, March 31, 2013, 11:47 pm

Because a very dear friend said there was little I had written on the subject, I will add something else but then I hope to address more cheerful topics.


This information is from a set of material that I have been receiving and reading over time, so what I actually convey here is an excerpt from it all.

Because we are now in the New Energy it is also necessary to take into account the change in the care of dying people who are making the transit, what happens when a human leaves his physical body, and what is the job that he has to be done today to assist in the process of death and death.

Each of the light workers at one time or another, in one life or the other, has been a type of transition worker. He has helped others to cross to the other side, or has been on the other side of the veil, integrating the team of specialists who helped bring the previous human, now the angel, back to the other side of the veil, and take him to Through the very interesting process of recovering both your heavenly and angelic memory.

All of us who call ourselves Lightworkers add our energy to this entire transition of transition, hmmm ... because the whole matter of death is changing and will continue to change dramatically for years to come.

Let's talk for a moment about how this whole process takes place, and we return to the old days of their Lemurian lives when they first arrived on Earth, when they first adopted a physical body. And again, as we have stated, there was a lot of resistance from their own angelic energies. When you found yourself incarnated in physical matter bodies, when you found yourself, in essence, almost trapped, in these biological beings, you were at one point easily able to change and bring your energy into biology, but not of taking a permanent residence, as mentioned above.

You were able to integrate or merge your energies with those of many species of the animal kingdom, especially with dolphins and sharks, and you were with them, not taking residence in your body but simply as a passenger. The energy being in the water, the ocean, was easy, the energy being so closely related to the dolphins was easy, but then when the point came at which they literally had to embody their energy, to sustain their energy in the matter, oh, so it was a different story.

Then there was a resistance from his very angelic energy. A part of you felt trapped, that you were now in that body. Many of you felt cheated by being in that body now and it seemed you couldn't find an easy way to come and go.

Thus this whole process of death was created. Death as for the physical body to die and then had to free the spirit. This was done so that you would not get lost in this world of matter, so that you would have an easy way to return to our side of the veil, which, incidentally, is a much more natural state for you. It is much more natural.

So this whole concept of death was invented, it was the way out, it was the way to return to our side. You see, Earth's energies are so strong, and we are not talking about gravity but we are talking about the kind of energy that allows them to be focused here on this reality, which is so strong, that there should be a way to release it and get out

Now, in the early days, in the early days of those times you could feel that the process of death was approaching, it triggered something in your spirit to release it, similar to opening a door lock, when you opened the door. door lock, the death process was going to start and generally there was no need for a biological breakdown. His spirit was being released through a series of a kind of actions on the part of biology, currently being a very smooth and wonderful event.

In essence, it was also something humorous in the early days, if you can remember, because when the opening of this mechanism of death was triggered, biology currently continued as the spirit gave away the body. Hmmm ... so you can imagine, here was an uninhabited physical being walking around, which had a very small residue of the spirit inside. Hmmm… There were currently various ways to end biology. Almost like the headless man walking around.

What we are trying to say here is that the death process did not have to involve biological breakdown. It was only later, when after a series of lives, when you began to develop and refine your stories, and began to be so involved in your stories, that then the biological breakdown was needed in order for death to occur.

It is interesting that at one point you almost resented or were angry to be in this body, but then in the most advanced evolutions in life, you currently clung to it, so pronounced that you embodied your story or the role you were playing, and they didn't want to let it go, and this biological breakdown they now have was needed.

So today it has evolved in a situation in which death is so misunderstood, it is so traumatic, and in its "modern era, " we put those words in quotes, in the modern era there is so much lack of dig- Nity regarding the death process.

Back there in the times in Atlantis, there was a tremendous honor today regarding the death process. Currently there were those who were the workers of death, the workers of the transition, and in reality it was a kind of joyful occupation, believe it or not, it was currently a wonderful experience that was going through. Going through the circumstance of letting go, or separating the spirit from the body, letting go of the body and returning to a natural state, having beautiful ceremonies around this, because at that time it was much more a choice than it is now.

So there were beautiful ceremonies surrounding this, it was almost like the writing of the last story, the last chapter of the story. Death was rather a chosen process and not as it is now. And there were those wonderful workers, you, so many of you, who were the facilitators of death. You helped to pre-stop the ceremony, you also helped to cleanse the body, what we will talk more about in a little while, and you especially helped to get out of the dream states, and working in those kingdoms, in the multi-dream states dimensional, to help facilitate this whole process of the transition of others.

In other words, you allowed your energies to - how to say - somehow go ahead of them. You entered a type of - as you remember - trance or an altered state of being, and you left before those who were going to make the transit. You were going to help prepare the step, in essence, metaphorically you prepared a path of roses for them to walk on, in honor and love, as they made their transition.

It was a beautiful process, beautiful. The body was cleaned very meticulously before the death process, and the cleaning had to do with both the ceremony and the energy. The cleaning had to do with the release of so much trauma that was stuck in biology, or the release of any of the ascendants of the story that was stuck in biology, so the person could leave completely and totally and fully cleaned, feeling as if they had been purified. It was also a ceremony to honor that person for his story and his life.

The cleanings were carried out with a variety of different types of water and oils, also made with a type of energy movement from those who were the workers of the transition, and was made with a type of music that provided a vibration or resonance that literally tickled the tissues and organs of the body to help release the story. It was a beautiful process, and that work as the priests and priestesses of death was one of the most honest in the days of Atlantis, and even after that.

There was not so much fear associated with death, it was considered a great honor to leave, knowing that it had been possible to achieve so much during a life here on Earth.

But, if we look at it today, when we see how geared people are with their stories, how much fear there is about death, how society wants to turn its back on those who are Dying, there is no cleansing of the body as it was known once, there are no workers in a certain amount, there is no base of workers who now enter the dream states before those who They are traveling.

The transition has been, the energy, has been so distorted by religions and beliefs and fears, and even by medical medicines, medicines and medical technologies that I will do All to hold on to the patient for as long as possible, even though it is obvious that most of his energy has left the body. They still hold on, they still hold on to that life and that is so difficult for the one who is going to make the transition.

You can imagine, also for those who are listening today, how would it be that you knew you had chosen your time, to know that the to die, or that is quite natural, and to have a group of humans attending to them, helping them, cleaning them, and leaving in anticipation in the dream state to find to be with us, and with the ac teams on our side, those who honor death, to provide that bridge, called the bridge of the roses, the bridge of honor, by which you will cross. Imagine, that you cross. Imagine, what would it be like to teach about death? To teach those who know their time is coming, to teach, not spiritual concepts or religious, but I do teach about the love of death, the honor of death. Imagine how it would be to establish a joyful and honorable ceremony, about your life, to have them participate in your funeral before they die. Why does the funeral run after death? Because they don't want to let go, they don't want to let go.

Imagine how the energies could change if the ceremony of life is executed before death. Imagine how it would be to have a team of experts, assisting with those in the medical field, so that death is less painful. But a team of experts who are there with you, holding your hand, loving you, no sadness, no remorse, no depression, nothing of that real waste you currently have associated with funerals .

In the days of Atlantis, a great time, we did some things together and this is one of the things, all that area of ​​death and the dying, which is wonderful and is the moment in which that he is ready to return, but in fact in a manner corresponding to the New Energy, but he is ready for the ceremony of life to return. So the Lightworker, who feels it in his being, begins this work. It will not be easy, at first there will be a lot of resistance, but starting with a ceremony and going to the next and next, the world will notice, and there will be those who will insist wanting to leave this way. What a wonderful way to leave, what an honorable way to leave, to be honored here on Earth before they reach the other side.

And there are big repercussions with all this. When you are honored and cleansed of your side before coming to our side, you will have a much more balanced transition, much easier. The trauma and fear will not be nearly as deep. Instead of keeping so much of your Old Self within the tissues of the old biology, they will return with you, you will arrive whole and complete.

What happens is that, when a human leaves the body and there are still many unresolved issues, fears and guilt and all these things, UAM !, it enters the earth along with the body and remains on Earth, even if the body It is cremated. It is still on Earth, and is immediately caught again when the soul reincarnates. He is immediately taken back to the physical body, and you sometimes wonder why the baby and the little boys have these problems that require doctors, you wonder about the mercy of God. God's piety is allowing them to return to where they left.

If the person, the energies of the person, return to our side relatively intact and complete, then there is a dynamic that occurs in what we would call on the bridge of the transition, before arriving completely back here, where these questions, these Energy issues are resolved, energy seeks resolution, and one of the fastest places for resolution is on this bridge of flowers coming back to our side. The energies resolve quickly and naturally, they quickly and naturally come to the realization of why they were there in the first place. Traumas, or anger, or feelings of lack of self-worth, all these things are solved much more easily in this bridge of flowers back to our side. If they are not resolved in this way, if they are left behind on Earth, then the individual, the soul, will feel a very compulsive desire, a very strong desire, to reincarnate very quickly. Jumping into your old story to complete it, jumping into a body immediately.

It is much easier for the angelic entity if you have a possibility of resolution and what you would call rest, on our side. It is much easier when some of this energy resolution occurs, and they return free to our side and then work with a team of experts here, a corresponding team of angels who are working with the transition workers in the Land and are working here. The energies are fused. Think of yourself when you return to our side, those who are aware of this information have a much broader and brighter understanding of death.

When you return to our side you go through a period in this bridge of flowers, which essentially allows you to bring back the remembrance of yourselves in a graceful way, to resolve the energies graciously, and then - you could say - that you they are received by the team here, and the team can be from a dozen to hundreds and even thousands of angels. They are here to greet you and welcome you, they are here to congratulate you on the most recent life, they are here to laugh a little with you, they are here to help you remember some of the events, and then they sit with you - how to say - We have to say it metaphorically, sit with you scrutinizing some of the most important points of your life, the greatest moments.

They help them see how even the most difficult moments were the most beautiful and precious moments. They will help them to look at the potentials they chose and to look at the potentials they did not choose, and how the latter could have resulted. The whole process involved in this is to help them see the wisdom of their life.

So often it is difficult for you to see, when you are on Earth, you see it as a series of experiences that apparently you could not control. When you work with the transition team here, you see the pure beauty and pure compassion that each choice you made had. You see how all these meet.

You generally go through a period of rest and a period of - how to say - when you just let your energies be totally free and bounce off the wall, run through the heavenly meadows, you have such a desire when you return here that you simply you want to run and express, and shout happily and open your energy, because you feel that you have been so compressed for so long in the physical body, it is like leaving a small closet in which you have been locked up for a long time, and now you They are in front of a large palace and want to run and explore, they want to see all the rooms and disperse their energy from all sides.

So there are special rooms that have been specially designed for this they are extremely large and sometimes you could say that you are a little out of control. You feel such a sense of freedom and liberation and joy throughout this process.

Then there are periods of time in which they visit, in essence, those who have met on Earth, such as family members and friends. This is also a wonderful time when pets return to you and you realize who you really are, and it is, it is a joyful time, a joyful time. You could walk for decades and hundreds of years before you even begin to think again about returning to the physical body.

But there is something that is calling you back to Earth and you consider that you want to try a new type of incarnation, in a totally new type of country or land or a family lineage that you want to try, or perhaps there was a strong desire within you to Understand more about music and want to return to play with that. There are a variety of reasons. They may want to meet again with family members or friends, which is why so many of you decide to return again within the time frame they were.

Así que ustedes están escuchando aquí este tipo de llamado de las campanas, llamándolos de regreso a la Tierra, y entonces nosotros vamos con ustedes a través de las preparaciones, les decimos de no tomar ninguna deci-sión drástica ni insensata mientras que están en la Tierra, aunque sabemos que nunca nos escuchan. Les decimos que no tienen que tratar de cumplir con todo dentro de un lapso de vida y ustedes de hecho no nos prestan atención Les decimos que nunca van a estar solos, que hay líneas completas de energías y ángeles que siempre estarán con ustedes y mayormente ustedes no nos escuchan.

Queridos, es un proceso hermoso el ir y venir de regreso a nuestro lado, está muy bien preparado y ustedes son expertos en ello, porque ustedes han trabajado con otros en la Tierra y en nuestro lado. Ahora, para la mayoría de los humanos esto no funciona así. Durante el transcurso de los eones todo este proceso de la muerte y los sistemas de creencia acerca de las religiones y todas estas cosas han hecho que este proceso de la muerte sea muy, muy difícil.

Hay una tremenda cantidad de recursos de nuestro lado del velo que se ocupan de manejar la muerte y de manejar todo el trauma y las heridas asociadas con ello, que pudieran ser tratadas tan fácilmente desde su lado. No es que no queramos hacer el trabajo, pero nos encontramos que es tan dramático y retorcido para aquellos que están llegando de regreso a nuestro lado, y nosotros sacudimos las cabezas y nos cuestionamos cuándo se van a preparar para la ocasión de una muerte asistida y amorosa.

Aquellos que tienen fuertes creencias religiosas, las creencias atemorizantes, las creencias de la dualidad, son los que tienen los tiempos más difíciles al regresar a nuestro lado. Porque las creencias se hallan tan fuertemente incrustadas en ellos, y generalmente hay tanto duelo relacionado con la muerte, y la preocupación entre los miembros de la familia si ellos se van a ir al cielo o al infierno, lo cual hace que su transición se haga difícil ya que no hay flores en su puente. No hay ángeles que los saludan, hay miedo que los saluda, ellos encuentran lo que ustedes podrían llamar un viaje psicodélico malo cuando regresan.

Muchas veces ellos sí se encuentran con el diablo, y por supuesto el diablo son ellos mismos, en todas sus ex-periencias, porque ellos creen tan fuertemente en esta energía que hace falta una cantidad tremenda de trabajo y esfuerzo de parte nuestra para tratar de ayudarles a que vean quienes ellos son y quienes somos nosotros. Ellos nos ven a nosotros y ellos los ven a ustedes sentados aquí cuando están trabajando con nosotros, como siendo agentes de Satanás, tratando de tenderles una trampa y de engañarlos. ¿Cómo lo manejan a esto?

En esencia tenemos que decir que creamos, es un poco difícil de decirlo, creamos una zona dimensional a la cual pueden ir que es muy segura para ellos, en esa época en que no se sienten enfrentados por nosotros y no se sienten enfrentados por energías exteriores y donde pueden estar sentados por un tiempo prolongado. Y muchos de ellos han permanecido en esta zona por mucho, mucho tiempo, esperando que Jesús llegue a salvarlos y dicho sea de paso, Jesús va ahí diciéndole a cada uno de que él está ahí, y ellos no le creen, no le creen, así que incluso las energías de Yeshua y de Sananda tienen que retirarse, tienen que dejarles su espacio.

Y este ambiente, tal como ustedes lo podrán imaginar, esta zona dimensional está atiborrada en la actualidad. Se está llenando más y más a medida que las energías dualísticas de la Tierra, la separación de la conciencia se produce y se presenta este síndrome verdadero de la Tierra. Ellos llegan aquí y están esperando, están esperando por el juicio, aunque le temen al juicio, ellos realmente le temen al juicio, y eso es lo que actualmente está haciendo que esperen.

Así que, es un viaje difícil para tantos de ellos, ellos continúan sintiéndose atraídos de regreso a la Tierra, de-bido a que los seres amados que han permanecido en la Tierra, están sintiendo tal sufrimiento y culpa y agonía por esta muerte, que esa energía literalmente los jala de regreso hacia allí. Una de las mayores esperanzas para todo este tipo de gente es que, algunas veces nosotros esperamos que las energías de aquellos que manifiestan el duelo en la Tierra son tan fuertes como para jalarlos hacia fuera de esta dimensión de espera, la dimensión del juicio, y los jalará de regreso a la Tierra, porque hay más que puedan hacer de regreso en la Tierra para iluminarse a sí mismos, que el estar sentados en la dimensión de espera.

Aquellos que no tienen fuertes creencias especiales o convicciones religiosas, resultan m sf ciles para traba-jar con ellos, aunque al principio entran en un tipo de espera, ellos simplemente entran en un lugar de muerte, donde no hay nada. Donde no hay absolutamente nada. Ellos no sienten nada, ellos no escuchan nada, ellos no tienen con-ciencia, ellos piensan que est n muertos y piensan que la muerte es la nada. Hasta que en alg n per odo de tiempo, en alg n punto de separaci n, ellos escuchan su propia voz y se cuestionan c mo es que eso puede ser, y dicen que est n muertos entonces c mo pueden escuchar su propia voz? Y los m s sabios entre ellos dicen, si tengo una voz entonces de alguna manera tengo que ser un ser viviente . Y entonces ellos llaman, Hola! Hola! Hay alguien m s aqu ? y es ah cuando nosotros podemos entrar y decir, si, de hecho, nosotros estamos. Ellos comienzan a reconocer las caras, comienzan a reconocer la energ ay entonces est n asombrados, est n asombrados de que la vida contin a, la vida contin a.

Hay aquellos que mueren en forma muy dram tica, por ejemplo en el campo de batalla, o como resultado de una balacera, o como resultado de un accidente automovil stico. Algunas veces estos son los m sf ciles con los que trabajar, porque pasan para aqu muy, muy r pidamente. Algunas veces ellos no se dan cuenta a n de que se han ido.

A nosotros nos parece que es tanto m sf cil para ellos si los mantenemos en su t pico medio ambiente du-rante un poco de tiempo y ni bien ellos est n listos comienzan a vernos como lo que realmente somos y luego viene un per odo durante el cual tenemos que tener extensas charlas y debates con ellos, ayud ndoles a comprender el porqu de que ellos se cruzaron para aqu . Generalmente hay muchas cuestiones sin terminar de parte de ellos, ellos quieren correr de regreso literalmente para pagar cuentas. Ellos quieren volver a la Tierra simplemente para pagar sus cuentas y para darle de comer a sus animales. Nosotros tenemos que mostrarles que estas cosas est n siendo atendidas, pero generalmente es mucho m sf cil trabajar con ellos.

Algunas veces el trauma y la ira son tan grandes, tan grandes, que nunca limpian la vibraci n de la dimensi n terrestre, ellos abandonan su cuerpo pero nunca abandonan la energ a de la Tierra, ellos nunca regresan a nuestro lado, ellos no cruzan ning n puente en absoluto. Ellos nunca llegan tan lejos. La energ ao puede que quede atascada en el reino no f sico, y ustedes los conocer an a ellos como fantasmas o seres desencarnados que deambulan por la Tierra y que en cierto sentido se hallan totalmente perdidos, y algunos de ellos tampoco est n dispuestos en absoluto a aceptar el hecho que s mueren. Algunos de ellos simplemente no quieren aceptar que esto puede suceder. Ellos tratan de jugar un juego con esto, tratan de decir no, yo sigo estando en la Tierra, lo ven y ellos siguen estando aqu y entran a una casa oa un restaurante y no registran que la gente no llega a verlos o reconocerlos.

Algunos de ellos est n tan traumatizados que inmediatamente tratan de agarrar a cualquier cuerpo que pue-dan, cualquier cuerpo disponible, ya veces eligen cuerpos que son del todo apropiados para ellos, que no concuerdan con su status energ tico o su linaje familiar, o su linaje de la familia angelical, y saltan dentro de un cuerpo y repenti-namente se dan cuenta, oh, saltaron dentro del cuerpo equivocado, de una poca equivocada, algo totalmente equivocado, el pa s equivocado, todo equivocado. (NOTA: En otros escritos hablando sobre la Terapia de Vidas Pasadas, he mencionado a los obsesores, esto son justamente esas almas que no se han dado cuenta o no han querido darse cuenta de su propia muerte y por ello siguen incorporados o apegados a otros humanos, haciendo generalmente mucho da o ya que inducen al humano a comportamientos que no son realmente de ellos. Este es uno de los trabajos dif ciles que como terapeutas tenemos para sacar estas almas perdidas).

Así que algunos de ellos tienen traumas e iras tan profundas que no vuelven dentro de un cuerpo físico, pero literalmente ellos deambulan por la Tierra esperando poder saltar dentro de cualquier cuerpo que esté disponible, de cualquier manera. Ustedes verán que este tipo de entidades se encuentran deambulando por ejemplo en bares, y en clubes, los encontrarán en lugares en donde la energía es muy, muy baja, incluyendo una cantidad de hospitales.

Así que están esperando que, quizás, se presente la oportunidad de que se puedan introducir dentro de un cuerpo, o incluso de cohabitar un cuerpo. Esto es muy, muy difícil que suceda y al final terminan viajando de aventón en el cuerpo energético de alguien más que está abierto a ello, pero muy rara vez su ser realmente se introduce como para hacerse cargo de otro cuerpo físico. La física de esto es tan, tan difícil, pero ellos se aferrarán y tratarán de per-durar. Algunos de ustedes los han sentido alrededor suyo, algunos de ustedes los han visto deambulando alrededor de otros y ellos pueden influenciar hasta un cierto punto a esa persona.

Estos son seres difíciles con los que trabajar, se hacen altamente manipuladores, ellos no quieren – como de-cirlo – regresar a nuestro lado, algunas veces están llenos de ira o de profundas penas, o culpas y ellos simplemente quieren deambular por la Tierra, y ellos desarrollan ciertas técnicas insidiosas, especialmente les gusta asustar a otros humanos, les gusta manipular a otros humanos en las formas en las que pueden. Es muy difícil de nuestro lado de tratar de hacer algo con estos seres.

Hay un grupo de humanos en la Tierra actualmente, ubicados en diversas lugares, algunos están conscientes de que se conocen los unos a los otros, otros no lo están, pero ellos literalmente se ocupan de estos elementos. Este es un humano de un tipo muy especial, que regresa solamente para servir, y ellos generalmente – como decirlo – tienen muy poca vida propia, porque tanta de su energía se halla dedicada a trabajar con los fantasmas y con las entidades desencarnadas, ayudándoles a regresar. Ellos generalmente saben quiénes son y qué papel desempeñan, y generalmente es obvio para ellos mismos de que es un tipo de vida muy solitaria, un tipo de vida muy aislada, para hacer su verdadero trabajo energético tratando de ayudarles a estos fantasmas a avanzar, a avanzar.

Así que, ¿dónde estamos hoy en día?, bien, como nosotros lo vemos desde nuestro lado del velo, estas es una oportunidad que es muy buena, un trabajo que tiene que ser hecho en este momento, un trabajo que es muy satisfac-torio, un trabajo que ocasionará – como decirlo – una cierta cantidad de crítica de aquellos que se encuentran en el exterior, pero, pero verdaderamente hay tanto agradecimiento de parte de la humanidad en general por ayudar a que esto se dé vuelta, ayudando a cambiar todo este proceso de la muerte. De llegar a una nueva comprensión de lo que la muerte es, y de lo que sucede, y ustedes pueden hacerlo sin entrar en conceptos espirituales o metafísicos. Ustedes pueden hacerlo integrando su trabajo y sus energías junto con los que se ocupan del cuidado sanitario y los doctores, especialmente los hospicios. El mundo está necesitando y deseando esto en la actualidad, reúnan un grupo, un equipo para hacer esto.

Tiene que haber una muerte digna ya que de otra manera ustedes se encontrarán regresando a la Tierra ha-cia las viejas formas, o se encontrarán perdidos en algún corredor de nuestro lado. ¿Comprenden la importancia de la muerte con dignidad? ¿Comprenden que ha llegado el momento para que sean movedores de energía aquí en la Tierra ahora mismo?, para hacer la diferencia, que deben dejar de esperar y comenzar a ser en este momento. Depende de ustedes, depende de ustedes de comenzar el proceso.

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