How can color therapy or color therapy heal your body?

  • 2017
Table of contents hide 1 Chromotherapy for the mind and spirit 2 Learn a little more about color therapy for the body 3 The best colors used in chromotherapy to cure body parts 4 Caution and contraindications of chromotherapy

We already know that light is formed or composed of colors . Along with the colors, light is also combined with emotional and chemical elements, since it exposes heat, electricity and magnetism . Color therapy or chromotherapy is one of the oldest healing therapies that have been used in various parts of the world. When used correctly, it can help harness the energy of sunlight to expand and increase the body's natural healing capacity, not only to cure diseases, but also to prevent them.

Chromotherapy for the mind and spirit

Chromotherapy or color therapy is also used to improve the mind and spirit . There are certain colors used in clothing that can help highlight the color of the eyes, hair, etc. Because some colors help more and complement us, it is natural to feel more secure with them. By choosing a range of colors that suits us and our personality, we can obtain better results in personal and professional life.

Currently, there is scientific evidence that shows how we respond psychologically and emotionally to colors. Even in the past; Artists such as Rembrandt and Michelangelo use colors to convey messages symbolically in their paintings. Likewise , modern color therapy is known to stimulate feelings and emotions such as:

  • Vitality and passion (the color red)
  • Optimism and expansion (the color orange)
  • Healing and growth (the color green)
  • Joy and creativity (the color yellow)

Learn a little more about body color therapy

Chromotherapy, when used for body healing, colors are used depending on their heating and electrical properties. Some cool colors calm the nerves (for example, dark-violet, indigo, etc.), while some can excite or warm the blood (for example, red-orange or dark red, etc.).

Here are some examples of chromotherapy to heal the body:

1.- The color Red, in color therapy, is used to increase and stimulate the action of arterial blood. Therefore, drugs or medications that are red, such as red cedar, clove, pepper, Peruvian balm and musk, etc. They are used to stimulate oxygen in the blood . Red baths and red light therapy have actually helped patients recover from complete paralysis .

2 .- The blue and violet colors have electrical and refreshing properties. Drugs such as belladonna, aconite, foxglove, ergot, etc. They are used to treat diuresis, delirium and diarrhea that are the result of overheating of the body. Green tea is actually a mixture of blue and yellow properties and is known for its antioxidant and astringent properties that help boost immunity.

Light blue color therapy has helped cure sciatica, and even the complex case of pulmonary hemorrhage. Blue and white are used together in chromotherapy to help cure rheumatism, nervousness and disability that in conventional medical treatments have failed.

The best colors used in chromotherapy to heal body parts

1.- The brain and nerves : Soft colors such as blue, violet and indigo.

2.- The neck and thorax : Cobalt blue for its cooling and heating properties.

3.- Digestive disorders: Red and yellow colors are those used to stimulate gastric juices, as well as blue and violet to stimulate saliva.

4.- Disorders of the lower extremities : Warm colors such as red and orange.

Caution and contraindications of chromotherapy

It is very true that colors have the power to cure, but they can also have some harmful and even disastrous effects . For example, when the nerves are over-excited or irritable, or when a patient suffers from high fever, palpitations, inflammation and neuralgia, reddish tones, orange or yellow should not be used. Similarly, violet, blue and indigo should be avoided in cases of paralysis, rheumatism, etc. Since these colors are extremely cold and can be harmful.

AUTHOR: JoT333, editor of the family

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