Miasmas and Elementals. The Electromagnetic Structure of Thought "November 12 and 13 in Vigo

  • 2011

NEW QUANTIC HEALING COURSE 4 in Vigo November 12 and 13, after Portal 11-11-11.
Rodrigo Romo will be among us again during November, from Brazil, with this important news!
On this occasion, I will be in Vigo, with this new subject, where we will be taught, to understand how the contracts we bring from past lives work, how they are activated with certain thought-forms, and how destabilizes us at the cellular level.
How miasmas are formed, and how through our mentor within the Quantum Cure, it helps us to neutralize miasmas and holograms.
For those who already knew Rodrigo Romo and practiced his teachings, you know that it is a good opportunity to update and deepen the knowledge of the techniques of the Cura Cu Ethics
For those who still do not know him, I invite you to visit his website in Spanish on the link www.shinkara.es where you will find information about Rodrigo Romo and the subjects that He teaches, as well as articles of new interest.

Then you have all the information about the Courses, as well as the contacts to register.
Reserve your places with time!
Receive a quantum hug !!!

Miasmas and elementals

The electromagnetic structure of thought

In this new course we will address miasmas and their derivation in the implants generated by contracts and thought-forms.

Every miasma generates a nanotechnology in the structure of the quantum cellular memory of a living being, creating the programming of the contracts made by our beliefs. Removing miasmas requires the understanding of the mechanisms of cellular memory of the line of hereditary ancestry both in the genetic aspect and in the spiritual aspect.

In this course we will enter the universe of the most advanced implants and nanotechnology that employ self-programming of psychic order, as activation mechanisms of the control matrix programs for the imprisonment of the human being in the illusion and the elimination of their own divinity

We will address our genetic inheritance of 22 star races, which are also trapped in the same aspects that they themselves created. We will study the correlation of the symbols of the Star Quantum Cure as a mechanism to effect the gradual neutralization of these miasmas and the unfolding of the upper bodies.

We will demonstrate the use of these symbols for various situations in therapies and in self-treatment, generating specific merkabas to remove and neutralize the nanotechnology inserted and received by the obsessors of the Technological Threshold, arising from the contracts and the clones imprisoned in the structures of parallel realities

You will be taught how to use the personal mentor of CCE in the different stages of the neutralization of miasmas and the holographic technology existing in them and how the Anchor is used specifically in the new proposals for the restoration of divinity in the rupture of The contracts of the past.

Vibrational structure and the genetics of miasmas creating holograms and activating contracts that force people to be imprisoned in the Samsara Wheel, creating repetitive and hereditary carmic formats.

It will be treated as the human being is a co-creator of Elementals and Miasmas activating aspects of creation beyond the capabilities of the Fallen Angels, which generates our emotional and sentimental difference in relation to aliens, which are rational and logical; and as the endocrine aspect sustains in us miasmas, generating unusual aspects in the creation of 3D life forms.

We are a living library under study and we have to understand that our purpose is to restore in us the inner divinity, using the tools of the CCE and the Trine Flame as the keys to awakening.

We will see various aspects of Christ energy being distorted by our devotional programming in search of gurus and not personal mastery.

This course seeks to help in the restoration of the values ​​and personal parameters of each student on their internal journey, with the help of our beloved teachers and personal guides of the Holy Emerald Order, and of the Micah Command and other brothers of Luz.


It is recommended to have performed the Stellar Quantum Healing module, but it is not mandatory.

Information and Registration:

Montse Almaluz

Phone: 648210986


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