Death: "Mysterious and Dark World with a Return to Life"

  • 2017

That day leaving work: Encounter with death

Have you ever wondered about death? What does death mean to you? Do not go! Through this Article, I am going to transport you through a wonderful story, in which you must help me discover the mystery and dark paradigm of death.

"Death could not exist in a world without space and time"

Juan David Montes, a happy worker and hard student. On November 2, 2016, he left a famous industrial area of ​​the City of Medellín, located in the Sector known as “La Aguacatala”, heading for his home, located in a Popular area of ​​the Santo Domingo Savio Neighborhood of the same City .

JuanDa account, which finished working at 10 pm ; as usual, he hung his headband on the computer he used in his workday to answer the calls in the Call Center; He went to his locker and took out his suitcase to go home.

On leaving the Company, he passed the card through the employee register and put it in his backpack. Then, he went to the train in order to make his way home.

On the way, before boarding the train, he met a beautiful girl, who inspired confidence and who found it interesting to meet; besides, he was reciprocated by that beautiful woman; “22 years apparent, beautiful face of rosy complexion, angel features, like chiseled with perfect lines, calculated by the greatest and greatest artist. Her blond hair straight as spring light, combed according to her manifest sweetness and the hue of her skin. Its integrality evokes inconceivable flavors and emotions, never seen, graceful in the sight of any man . His body is a poem, incredible. Smart, nice and hardworking. She was the perfect woman. Affectionate, friendly, beautiful and real . ”

They started a conversation, in which they quietly began to share opinions of life, experiences and social, economic and taste realities. While this great event was going on, the train advanced to the destination of both; But what a surprise !, when JuanDa, asking this angelic lady her destiny, knew that they were heading to the same place, Barrio Santo Domingo Savio.

They boarded the Metro Cable together, a means of transport used in the City, which is aerial. And they rose happily to their destinations. Juan David recounts, that never in his life, time had advanced so quickly and so pleasantly, as if he were in Heaven itself, despite his physical fatigue due to an arduous working day.

Once they reached their destination, they would have to say goodbye, nostalgia greatly floods JuanDa's heart, I asked him when will he see you? Will you give me your cell number? That angelic woman, with a smile on her lips and inviting her to continue the path, encourages her to accompany her home, so she will know where to find her; but first, he asks for the favor of providing him with money to buy some food and take his mother, because, according to his account, they have been days of intense fasting in his home; This money will be returned at home.

With this request and accessing it, Juan David feels obligated to accompany him . They enter a store close to home, and make the purchase of rice, chocolate, milk, eggs and oil . Upon arrival, JuanDa notes that the door is closed, a normal situation for being late at night, which did not worry him. The girl tells him to wait outside for a moment, that she will bring him the money she lent him for the purchases . Silently he opened the door and entered.

Time passed and that radiant woman was not present again . Would it be a hoax? Did you steal me? They were questions that passed through JuanDa's mind and heart, however, when he remembered it, he realized that he had to wait longer, because it was an angel that he could not do. no harm After half an hour, I decided to knock on the door and ask for the woman.

On the third touch, a lady opens who looks deeply sad and nostalgic; Juan David asks him about that great woman who accompanied him during his work from home ; but with a broken voice and tears on her face, that woman opens the door completely and shows JuanDa a platform located in the center of the living room of the house, with a person in it, and tells her that her Daughter, whom he describes in detail, died at 10 p.m. on the night of that day .

What a surprise and what a fright! Juan David, walked slowly to the stage with a trembling and weak step, and observed the woman who had been surprised by the death placed on her back, covered by a pale blue blanket; his face did not shine, his body was not the same, his angelic smile had disappeared, only a corpse was observed . Is it a joke? He wondered inwardly; it was not, more and more people arrived at the residence, including his brother with the coffin.

The items they had bought in the store were found by the woman's mother in the pantry of the house, in the amounts equal to those JuanDa had enunciated . Remember Juan David, who retired from the residence at 12 midnight, prayed for the deceased, did not receive a refund of the money borrowed, nor of the food items, and went home . "Something so beautiful and divine had never happened to me, but quickly vanished."

What you think?

"Life after the death of the body is in an existing splendor"

It will be that on the deathbed, the person who was surprised by that anthropomorphic entity personified in skull and with a scythe in his hand, can he take the option of making a social or charitable gesture before leaving? It's scary right?

As children we have been prepared to die, during life we ​​are preparing for this event; but simply, death is a reality that only exists in our minds . I have never seen the first worried cat because one day he will die, or a dog, an ass or a horse. Perhaps, if we eliminate this existing reality in our minds and hearts , can we live even if we are dead? Juan David spoke, lived and existed with a person who had died an hour earlier. Is there only the death of the physical body?

Death could not exist in a world without space and time for it, it comes from another atmosphere of time and state. Hence, immortality does not mean eternal and perpetual existence in the temporal system of life, but is completely out of time . That is, it is not from here. What do you think?

The American scientist Robert Lanza, says he has concrete and definitive evidence, in which he states that life after the death of the body is in an existing splendor, that is, it is real, but it does not exist in the way in which the we perceive He explains that when we die, our life becomes a "perennial flower that blooms again in the multiverse."

We might think that life is simply an " adventure that transcends our linear way of thinking ", when you and I die, " we do not do it according to a random matrix, but according to the inescapable matrix of life "

I ask you what is your idea of ​​death? Have you seen someone die? Reflect, it is important that you enter into your life a real experience, which ultimately is death or life.

With this Article I do not intend to make treaties or hypothetical theories backed by science, I just want that through your mental and intellectual capacity, which is stronger than scientific research, you begin to see the event of the death of the body, as an extension Real life under other contract terms . Which? I invite you to reflect it with me.

Ah! and I advise you, if someone borrows money from you and your lap is angelic, generator of trust and friendship, do not hesitate, you may be dead and your family is in great need .

Death of the body: "perennial flower that blooms again in the multiverse".

Author : Diogenes de Fénix, Editor in the Great Family of

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