Gaia, the New Ascended Land: from the portal of the November Eclipses, to the Solstice of December 21, by Keshavananda

  • 2012

The Second Coming of Christ is the rebirth of Your Being in your heart

Beloved workers of the Light of Gaia, Mother Earth,

We are now in an unstoppable elevation of energy, of the frequency of mental-matter vibration on Earth as the December 21st solstice approaches. And this new moon on Monday, October 15 (the first new moon after the equinox) opens the door to the powerful eclipse portal that will begin with the total solar eclipse of the new moon on November 13 until the total lunar eclipse of the full moon of November 28. As we all know, eclipses always create a large hole or “distortion” in the geometry of spacetime that corresponds to the astral dimensions (4th dimension) of reality. And it is this hole or distortion that allows the mind to “unpin” from its fixed perceptions of the past to allow entry into a new form or level of functioning.

This new level of functioning cannot occur if "the old mind" continues to take its place with its old programming and neural connections. That is why all these energy movements, which are going to be accentuated in the immediate future, demand the release of these old programming, of that old information from the mental computer. The energy of the New Earth of 4th-5th dimension requires a SOLTAR EVERYTHING, to fly without weight, without ballast. From there the magic creation energy is available.

We are not talking about something that depends on our will or not. We are really talking now about a change "imposed" by that movement of energies. It is not something that depends on our will or our desires, but on an energetic reality that is moving and will move everything, whether we want it or not.

Really as we have explained on previous occasions, this, far from being a threat, is a gift, although it certainly demands that "emptying" of the old, that definitive "letting go" of the old, if you do not want to go through a terrible friction With the new vibration, a friction that we all know in what is reflected: suffering.

It is not necessary. This suffering is not necessary. Pain is not necessary, it is useless, once we have been willing to "open up" to the new, to surrender. Pain and suffering is nothing more than the indicative of resistance, of that friction we were talking about.

We leave you with what we wrote a while ago about the energy of this second part of 2012 (after the summer-winter at h.sur) and as always with some relevant information to help you understand all these wonderful processes.

We send you greetings in love and service.


New Earth Ascension


The energy of the second half of 2012 - Towards the Solstice of December 21, 2012.

As we have all seen, the intensity and distortion of the “time” pattern in this past first half of 2012 (January-June) has been tremendous and has wobbled both personally and collectively the old foundations of the world- ego that held the world built in the image and mirror of fear and separativity. Each individual being has its own particular scenario and that is its particular stage of liberation, that is his work of art in this world, which he has to write and develop to give the Universe the gift of his liberation. So each individual being is going through their specific situations that always put the same mirror in front of them: "choose who one is". And the fight against these situations is repeated again and again in their different formats until one does not fully embrace the surrender (surrender). Surrendering to the Spirit is the great and true liberation and that is where the energy is leading us all in this apparent world that collapses chaotic and incomprehensible. That liberation is the Ascension, not to any place outside here, but precisely to the Heart of our beloved Shakti, Gaia, Mother Earth. And that is the New Ascended Earth, a new reality of a human being with his heart open and in connection with Heaven and Earth, the banding of the Spirit to the Earth, the Second Coming of Christ, in the heart of every willing human being.

After the remolino of the end of the year of 2011, the energy quickly led us to the great event of the eclipse portal of May and June 2012. Really nothing has been the same since then and that great portal of eclipses moved and placed each and the world, according to their particular state of consciousness, to a new play on the board of the stage itself and of one's own conscience. In many cases, a big jump. In many cases, a radical dislocation of the individual situation. And in many cases also, the disembodiment, the apparent death or departure from the world for those whose evolution clock had already been fulfilled here. Because this is evolving. Death really does not exist, even physically, if there is evolution, if there is consciousness. Without awareness the time clock inevitably travels its inexorable path.

From now on we have an unbridled race towards the famous solstice of December 21, 2012. No one knows for sure in what way it will change and affect our reality all the energy set in motion until said date and later. But what we do know and feel is the Intensity of what we are living. A new world. No doubt. Possibly nothing radical will happen, but we will undoubtedly have entered another level or dimension of reality. Many of us already know it and we are experiencing it. Many will experience it from now on.

Possibly we will live as if nothing had happened. But if we look back, we will verify that the rules of the world are no longer, nor by now, what they were.

Let's not expect negative things, terrifying things. That is just our personal story. Remember that this is about liberation. We are not going to any hell, but quite the opposite, we leave a hell, to enter a world of magic and light. From there only remains to enjoy the road. Bliss as a continuous choice of the only thing we know there is, the now .

The month of August brings us a special energy that paves the way for the entry into that dimensional portal ( reset or reinicio of the collective mental, many speak) of the December solstice 2012. Lunations, as we can easily see, are directly related to the movements of the unconscious (space-time patterns) and the emotional body. That is why we can increasingly feel, especially the most energy conscious, how each moon brings a new stage, as if by magic we are suddenly involved in a story that could be a lifetime of its own. That is the effect of the moonings, tremendously enhanced in the high astral and cosmic energy that our planet is going through now.

So in this next month of August 2012, energy brings us the situation of two full moons in the same month, one on day 2 and another on day 31. From then on for the subsequent months, the investment also occurs of the lunar cycle with respect to the first half of the year, where the pattern was, full moon at the beginning of the month and new moon at the end. From September it will be the other way around: new moon at the beginning of the month and the full moon at the end.

How important can this be in a fictitious monthly calendar and artificially imposed by the factual powers (the Gregorian calendar? We could really think that we are apart from all those movements that we could consider the pure “maya” of the universe. The mind is symbolic, and the whole collective mental is linked to the symbolism of all those astral movements, so it is easy to see the movement that all those astral events can produce and actually produce in the world.

These two full moons of the month of August and the inversion of the lunar cycle of the following months, really move and prepare the scenario of the collective unconscious (the RAM map of the collective mental) of this second half of 2012, for the “button restart ”to be pressed on the solstice of December 21. Before reaching that “reset” button, we will have to go through two more initiations, two more important portals that will finish preparing the map. The eclipse portal for November (November 13 and 28) and the portal 12-12-12 (December 12, 2012). From there the movement will be in “free fall” towards December 21, 2012.

And then ... Probably nothing special, but you'll be in another world. Congratulations!. to the 4th dimension (to the 5th for many). No one really knows what it is, nor what that world is like. What we all know is that it is different.

JUST ENJOY THE LIGHT OF THE SUN! Well, that's what history is about.


Gaia, the New Ascended Earth: from the portal of the November Eclipses, to the Solstice of December 21

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