This World is the Mirror of Our Own CONSCIENCE - Deepak Chopra

  • 2010

Posted: Oct 31, 2010 11:56 AM PDT

I return to the blog after a few weeks of low intensity. And I do it with Deepak Chopra. It could not be otherwise. This Indian-Californian doctor illuminates and gives meaning to what IS ALREADY but for the vast majority of us it is still blurred by personal conditioning, disbelief, doubts and fears, lack of integration. Again through this interview conducted by Alberto D. Fraile Oliver of the Namaste magazine, Deepak talks about the tremendous current changes and framing in each one's own reality, the power of the mind, the fear of death, of the "formula of happiness" whose secret is to make others happy and Consciousness: the constant Presence.

Do we create our own reality?

Yes. This world is a mirror of our consciousness. You cannot see yourself without a mirror, and this world is our mirror. The mirror of consciousness is the world around us.

Does it make any sense to try to change the world?

If I don't like what happens to me, there is no external remedy, only a change in the internal consciousness is possible. All relationships are a mirror. Those we love and those we don't like are mirrors. Through the mirror of relationships we can expand our consciousness. We are attracted to people in whom we find traits that we want to have in ourselves. And we don't like people who have traits that we deny in ourselves. By moving to a higher consciousness through recognizing the mirror of relationships we will recognize that attention and intention are the drivers of transformation. That where we put our attention exists. That where we take our attention disappears. Attention becomes energy that creates things and intention becomes transformation. These are the two aspects of consciousness that we use to manifest. As we begin to do this we experience the realization effortlessly.

It is not our job to change the perception or spiritual level of others, but we can control our own spiritual progress.

Are we in the world or is the world in us?

The usual experience gives us the feeling that we exist in the Universe, that you exist somewhere in the world. That is a lie. The truth is that everyone exists in us. The body and the mind exist in us. The body, the mind and the world happen to me. I have the mind and the mind project the body and the body project the world. It is my conscience who builds the world. You are not there but you are in my conscience and I am in your conscience. The place where I am in your conscience and the place where you are in my conscience is the same place. You do not exist as a physical body out there. My brain allows me to see it, but my brain does not have a direct experience of the world. The only thing my brain does is respond to electricity, the chemical, hormones ... and all that creates you out there. But both I who believe you and you believe me, we are a consciousness that is experimenting with forms and phenomena.

That is, everything is connected.

When you see something, think: that is in me. Those trees that are out there are my lungs. If they did not breathe I would not breathe and if I did not breathe, they would not breathe. The Earth is our physical body, the atmosphere is our breathing, the waters are our circulation. It is not true that I am here and the world is out there. We have a personal body and a universal body and both are ours, both one and the other. When we realize that the world is in us, we have an intimate relationship with it. In addition we can have an intimate knowledge of the world, and from this knowledge we reach peace with the world. From peace we recognize that the world, the universe, is a conscious being. It is our extended body. When we are as intimate with our extended body as we are with our personal body, it speaks to us, we can communicate. When we enter into communion as a conscious being, it surprises us with gifts in the form of synchronies and coincidences with meaning.

What does it mean to be healthy?

Well-being includes the physical, spiritual, economic, social, community and environmental aspects. It is a holistic experience. I don't think we can be really good if the organism is not well in its entirety. We have to consider ourselves part of the ecosystem and the environment. If there is pollution in the atmosphere, there is also pollution in your body because it is recycled in your cells. We have to change our approach to our understanding of health. Health is something sacred.

Is there a recipe to be happy?

Happiness has three components. The first goes back to childhood. Happy people have a brain conditioning that comes from the first years of life, and that allows them to see opportunities, where others see problems. This conditioning of the brain contributes about 50% of the experience of happiness.

The second component is the material assets and the amount of money that a person owns, they contribute approximately 10% of their experience of total happiness. The remaining 40% comes from the decisions we make every day. If the options are only for pleasure, they will add very little to happiness, but if the decisions we make give rise to creative expression or to improve the quality of our relationships, then we will be a person more He is happy. In fact, research shows that the easiest way to be happy is to make someone happy. If you want to be successful in life, create the conditions for other people to succeed. All personal wishes can be achieved by making other people happy.

Can we not change that 50% that we have inherited from childhood? What do we do with those beliefs that limit us?

We can change the beliefs that are limiting us through reflection, that is, questioning the beliefs that limit us, and of course meditation. You have to ask yourself if this belief is based on something true or not, and why do I think it is the truth? Could it be that it is not the truth? What effect does attachment to this belief have? Who would I be without this belief? What is the opposite of this belief, could it be more true? This is the basis of cognitive therapies. Beliefs come from religions, cultures, history, social indoctrination.

What is the importance of beauty in our lives?

Beauty and design are expressions of nature. Beauty is what an artist sees when he looks inside and then looks out and sees a reflection of what is inside. I think that in the future we have to combine beauty, design and creativity with commerce because all the commerce we have seen so far started from exploitation. The rich exploited the poor to create business, and this is collapsing now. The future of commerce lies in social justice, the elimination of economic disparities, sustainability, conflict resolution and beauty understood as an expression of nature. This will create a new economy in the future, I hope! Because otherwise we are finished ...

What can we do to avoid cataclysm?

The only way to solve the world's problems is to give people tools to create their own well-being. You can also use these tools to build success in life. A person who is happy is less likely to resort to social injustice or become a terrorist. If people are happy with what they do, physically well, financially secure and participating in the social network of their community, then they will not be contributing to the problems of the world. We live in a world where 50% of the population survives with less than two euros a day. And 20% with less than one euro a day. As long as there are economic disparities of this kind, they will lead to great conflicts, wars, social injustices and unsustainability, where the rich get richer and the poor poorer. The deepest causes of global instability are found in the selfish behavior of the richest countries.

Do you think what will cause a change in the world to be an inner revolution?

It is the only way. There is no other way.

What do you think of the social changes that are happening right now?

They are very interesting moments; Everything is collapsing. The economic system, natural catastrophes that affect everyone. If there was a volcanic eruption in Iceland about 100 years ago, it didn't matter. But today it affects the entire world. It is the economy that suffers, flights to Europe are canceled, the European economy suffers, airports lose millions ... all because of the volcano, in a few days. The economy of Europe affects the economy of America, which then affects that of China and India, and soon we have the entire world affected by the volcano. Look at the economic problems of Greece, Afghanistan and Pakistan, they also affect the entire world. Now, more than ever, we have to realize that the problems of others are also mine, there is no other way. Afghanistan's problems not only affect my neighbor, they affect me. I have to take care of my neighbor.

Do you think we are heading towards an empathic civilization?

I hope so. Because it is the only thing that can work. Right now we are totally interdependent; economically and in any other way. There is no other solution: if we do not cultivate social justice and an economic reform in which the differences between rich and poor do not increase, but are reduced, if we do not take care of the environment, if we do not learn to resolve conflicts peacefully. Wars now make no sense, if China depends on the US. For your economy, what can solve a war? Everyone depends on others, wars are obsolete. If a country stops spending money on military affairs and starts spending it on infrastructure, the result is an improved economy.

How can we connect the mind with the heart?

They are already connected! (laughs)

And how can we remember it?

Meditation, compassion, helping others, all this reconnects us. Buddhism speaks of four qualities: kindness, compassion, joy (of one's own and others' successes) and peace of mind. When we nurture these qualities in consciousness, the heart and mind are reconnected.

What is the secret of meditation?

The key is constancy, practice regularly. Discipline and diligence. Spend 20-30 minutes or more every day, even if you don't feel like it. Soon your body starts asking you. I meditate an hour and a half early, every morning.

What happen to us when we die?

What we call death is nothing more than a quantum leap in the creativity of being. The universe turns on and off constantly at the subatomic level, at the molecular level, at the level of the organs. The Universe recreates itself, we are constantly dying to recreate ourselves. If one day we succeeded in conquering death the Universe would mummify, it would remain static. It is through death that the universe is updated and renews itself. There are only a few cells in our body that do not die: cancer cells. Those cells have forgotten how to die. If we understand death we will understand life. Death is the off and the birth, the on. For each shutdown there is a power on. If we died and did not recreate ourselves, we would be the only exception in the entire universe.

How can we overcome the fear of death?

The fear of death is due to false identity. The false identity is the isolated self. The isolated self is a hallucination, it does not exist. When you overcome the separation of the ego, you enter a transpersonal identity in which there is no death. You are this person, as a non-permanent pattern of the universe. There is only the universal, everything else is a recycling of the universe. If you move your personality on a universal level, you free yourself from the fear of death.

How is the mind different from the soul?

The mind is always a conversation, the soul is a presence. To that presence comes the thought but then leaves. In that presence, a sensation or a feeling arrives and then leaves. In that presence, an experience of the world can come and then it goes away. Everything comes and everything goes. Only the presence remains. That presence is known as a witness conscience, it was there when we were born, the personality comes later and leaves. When we were teenagers we had a different body, mind and personality, but the presence was the same. All that came and went in that witness consciousness.

Everything is vibration. What does this imply?

Everything is vibration, this implies that when you change your vibration, you change the vibration of the world. It is the only way to change the world, as we said before the world is a mirror. But the most important thing to know that everything is vibration is that it means that everything turns on and off. If we pay attention to the vibration ON, everything is information and energy. But what about the ON and the OFF? The important thing is not the vibration, but what is between the vibration: it is consciousness. It is a field of possibilities, a field of creativity, a field of immortality. The secret of the universe is not in the vibration, but in what is between the vibration, in the void. The technical word to describe this is discontinuity.

We must transform ourselves but in what way and in what direction?

In the sense of waking up to a higher consciousness. Also awakening intuition, creativity, higher vision, understanding of the inseparable union between body and mind. This is achieved through the healing of emotions and the physical body. We are the species of this planet that most often kills members of its own species and the only one He does it in the name of God. We belong to a species that has caused the extinction of many other species and now runs the risk of becoming extinct. This is the dark part of human consciousness and we cannot deny it. But at the same time, the other most luminous part tells us that we are a species that wonders where I come from? What happens to me when I die? Do I have a soul inside me? No other animal asks these questions. This is a very important moment in which we can ask ourselves what is the next leap of evolution.

One of the great scientists of the last century, Dr. Salk, discoverer of the polio vaccine, at the end of his life spoke of the next phase of human evolution, he called it The phase of metabiological evolution: the evolution that is beyond biology is the evolution of consciousness.

We are the only species that is aware that it is aware. We can ask ourselves what is the nature of being aware. Dr. Salk also said that in the next stage of evolution the survival of the wisest, not of the fittest, would be given. Wisdom will become the new criterion of evolution. The survival of the fittest is being a very dangerous stage of our evolution.

How can we overcome the duality that inhabits us?

Only by exploring ourselves, through the practice of meditation, an intellectual understanding, through love and compassion.


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