Geopathic stress

The geopathic stress occurs due to the development of an imbalance or bodily disease, as a result of being placed with some assiduity near some of the lines of harmful energies that appear on the earth.

Geopathic stress has proven to be the common factor of many serious and mild illnesses and chronic pain as well as weakening of the immune system.

Cardiovascular deficiencies, attention deficit disorder, immune deficiency disorders, chronic fatigue, are some of the notorious influences of the geopathic stress. Other effects may manifest in the body such as chronic pain, sudden headaches, signs of physical aging, irritability, restlessness and sleep disorders. In general, depending on the greater or lesser intensity of the radiation, the residence time on them, the predisposition of each person, can be affected by: rheumatism, circulatory problems, bronchial conditions, osteoarthritis, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, ulcers and tumors. In general, these conditions have no medical explanation. It is also a common factor in cases of infertility and miscarriages, learning difficulties, behavioral problems and neurological disability in children.

The response to the treatment against geopathic stress is usually slow and apparently without visible changes, however when our house or workplace is neutralized, our body begins to heal and we recover the tranquility and the original harmonious state that we probably did not even remember.

Electromagnetic fields that emanate from structures such as high voltage, telephone antennas, satellite television, electrical poles, or fuse boxes are equally harmful.

The main source of geopathic imbalance is the Hartmann lines. These lines can be detected and neutralized. They were discovered in 1950 by a German doctor, Ernst Hartmann. The lines form a network around the earth, running from north to south and from east to west, forming a grid, and extend to a height of 60-600 feet. According to Dr. Hartmann, the worst place a person can sleep or work is in a 2-line Hartmann knot, that is, where two lines intersect, due to the radiation emitted by that place. When the natural radiation of electromagnetic fields emanating from groundwater, mineral concentrations, faults and underground cavities, is not taken into account is when we get geopathically ill. Thus, these distorted radiation fields are harmful to all living organisms.

Along these lines, the excess of both cosmic and telluric radiation circulates. Intersections are especially dangerous or when two lines converge, they affect health, especially when they add to underground currents or geological fractures.

These lines are like invisible walls from the earth to the ionosphere, and their effect is manifested to the highest floor of a building, going through any type of material. They converge a whole series of distorting factors, such as greater ionization, greater incidence of cosmic radiation, greater presence of gamma radiation, greater influx of neutrons from inside the earth, greater presence of microwaves, etc.

The origin of the Hartman network is attributed to the terrestrial magnetic and electric field, (which is why many consider it as the nervous system of the earth) Nowadays it is more harmful than before because the earth also uses it to channel the surplus of fields artificial electromagnetic created by man (known as electro-smog).

There is multiple evidence that our ancestors were masters in the art of geobiology, and lived in total harmony with their surroundings. It is not by chance that the most sacred places of humanity (megalithic monuments, pyramids, temples, cathedrals ...) are located in areas of strong telluric activity and high energy concentration. The ancient civilizations knew the existence of this type of energy, they were based on the knowledge of the points and places of the Earth in which the energies and electromagnetic vibrations were positive, they used geomancy, they observed the terrain, they used instruments destined for this, of the energetic and telluric sensitivity of the animals and of the people prepared and dedicated to these techniques and tasks.

The worst places are those where the Hartmann networks cross a fault or a vein of water or underground river.

They can even affect and destroy our individual magnetic field and personal protective of each. The organism has the sufficient capacity to decompensate the temporary disturbances that can cause a disharmonious external magnetic field, but if a very long time is exposed to the harmful energetic influences of a stronger field, then the cells depolarize and no longer work in harmonic relationship, thus producing disorder in the organism, physically noticing its effects on the human body.

A simple way is to observe the animals, if we are lucky enough to have one at home, because like plants they have a sixth sense capable of detecting these subtle energies of the earth. If we have a sofa where we end up tired or moody whenever we lie on it, and if our pet does not want to be there, it is very likely that a hartmann strip will pass right where the sofa is, it is best to change it. If you look at wild animals we can observe how they avoid geopathogenic areas since they do not make their burrows or their nests in these areas.

The same happens if we place plants in the same corner or space, and they all end up dying, a hartmann line may pass through it. That is why many times the plants alone live well in one place of the house and in the other nothing survives, because they cross these strips. The most sensitive plants are coriander and potted parsley.

The best solution is to test where our pets or we feel good, change the furniture of the site, hire the services of an expert in the field that confirms where hartman lines pass, so we can avoid them. To know if below our house there is a failure in the land, if there are underground cavities or water veins can be other elements that help us live healthier.

Here are some tips to detect sources of geopathic stress:

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