Why can we say that there are bad people?

  • 2018

It will seem unfair to us many times to judge someone and consider him bad. But why does that happen? Why do we believe or think that there are certain bad people ?

Keep in mind that your gender, economic, social or cultural position does not matter. This kind of bad people, we can find them in any of these cases. Let's see then what would be the reason for its existence?

Why are there bad people?

Surely at some point in your life, you have experienced a situation in which you felt someone's evil or perversion towards you. Or perhaps they have seen the gesture towards another person of evil on the part of a partner, colleague or friend and have not been able to prevent the third party from suffering with that action.

They will ask why?, why we didn't arrive in time to prevent this, why we didn't do anything about it, why we didn't tell that person that it was going to be damaged by someone.

First we must question ourselves. Have we ever had any kind of bad attitude towards someone? Did you think about it? Did you realize that? Do not get bad, even if it does not seem consistent with our personality, it is more common than we think . Moreover, it is because we have done something wrong that we can perceive the evil of another person. Having been bad people at some time, allows us to detect it immediately in another. Surely if they have never done anything wrong, they find it very difficult to think that someone is.

The cause of being bad people, is surely, because at some point in their lives they lived a situation that made them feel bad for a long time. They may have been hurt by a family member, a school mate, or perhaps a work colleague. Wounded by a friend, by their wives or husbands, by their parents, in short, by someone who had a lot of meaning in their lives. That wound was perhaps open and that makes them react like bad people with other individuals.

Bad people have suffered a lot in life, for some reason as we have said, and they may still suffer, and by having that pain inside them, they act badly towards others. It is not that we are justifying this performance, we are simply trying to understand it.

The human being is weak in relation to this type of facts, and that is why it is easy to recognize the reason for it.

How to react to bad people? What to do?

If there is something true when we find ourselves before the bad people, we will surely recognize it. As we have said, perhaps we have ever done something for which we can recognize it. And it is also true that we do not want to be a bad person again, nor that they make us evil.

Therefore, let's never try to return evil with evil. We must never think that revenge is a means to solve misunderstandings. All kinds of bad situations have to be neglected and not repeat the same thing they have done to us. We have to channel our anger in another way . We will not do what we do not like to be done to us.

This does not mean that we let them commit evils against us and do not defend ourselves. Simply, we must understand that anger and anger are not good allies. If we act in the same way as bad people, it will only make us one of them.

We have to surround ourselves with positive thoughts that cast out the negative ones and bathe in those good waves so that acts of evil do not enter our hearts or our soul.

Find the time you need to prepare for these types of situations and do not catch them off guard. We can demonstrate to bad people that their way of acting is not the only one that exists and that they can improve and begin to make better decisions that will lead them along better paths in life.

SOURCE: https://saludable.guru/salud-detectar-personas-malvadas

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