We spread our emotions to children

  • 2016

Has it ever happened to you, that after meeting someone who was going through a certain mood, you felt as if you had absorbed what happened to you, that something of that person influenced you, positively or negatively ? Also, possibly something similar happened to you, when you saw someone in a painful or undesirable situation, you probably suffered as if a part of you was actually living it.

It is so, a part of you is living it. This is a function of an area of ​​the brain, which is also called the `` center of the empathy '' or `` mirror neurons, '' precisely because, thanks To her, we can feel what others feel.

This area not only understands what a gesture of someone means, but reproduces it by activating the same neuronal sequence of the person, contagating us like that, of what he feels.

The importance of our emotions in education

What happens if a teacher is in a bad mood during a whole day of class? What happens at home, if mother or father are irritated for a whole day? What happens if in a child's environment there is aggressiveness, unhealthy moods, whether or not they are externalized?

Many times we say or hear comments like "just today that I am so tired, the children are so upset" "This child seems to do it on purpose ... today I have such a bad day" "What happens that they do not stop fighting? ... today I have so little patience. "

If you are a father, teacher, therapist, you should know that you are exercising a leadership role; And like every leader, you have the ability to inspire or influence people or groups. Therefore, your emotional state is of the utmost importance. Daniel Goleman, an American psychologist and journalist who elaborated his theory about the importance of emotional intelligence and leadership, among others, tells us the following about it: "a leader is the person who determines the emotional climate of a group."

More than ever, when we see two brothers fighting over and over again, a whole rowdy or aggressive classroom ; When the situation outside is showing me a mood trend, and we have a leadership role over it, we must stop to look at our emotional state. One gesture, one word; your way of breathing, sighing, or your way of looking, can change the mood of a child or the emotional climate of a group; It can induce joy, relaxation, or generate the opposite.

Before introducing ourselves as a reference, we should observe our internal state . Propose first, positive self-leadership, and then be able to accompany or guide others.

When we meet children, yes or yes, without another possibility, we come face to face with ourselves. Your emotions are the indicators of our internal state; They wake us up, alerting us how we are .

We can deny it and point them as responsible for our bad mood, bad disposition, discouragement, but let us know what happens in reverse. Our internal state summons that of children. We have the ability to change any situation, if we first record what is really happening to us, and from that, we transform our attitude, inspiring the expected harmony.

AUTHOR: Nancy Erica Ortiz. Integral Pedagogue

SEEN AT: https://www.caminosalser.com/i1794-contagiamos-nuestras-emociones-a-los-ninos/

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