Wisdom: from initiation to ascension. By Djwal Khul

  • 2010

The hidden aphorism to love, know, dare and silence, has a special meaning not yet revealed and it is only possible for me to give a simple indication. ”Djwal Khul 1934

KNOW, OSAR, SHUT UP AND LOVE, will be the four filters through which we will describe the path that leads to ascension. 1988 (1)

The subject of study will be developed in a symbolic way in four major phases: one will be called SABER, the other we will call OSAR, in the third we will call it CALLAR and the last one in which the four paths are synthesized, we will call it AMAR.

In each of them we will be giving material that allows us to clearly understand its connection with the rest of the paths, that is, paradoxically speaking, we will enter into a kaleidoscope of concepts that will allow us to observe the tests through which it passes, through four Different crystals, which, although never presented separately, together produce an infinite combination of results that correspond to reality, through which the initiates walk.

A systematic study of each of them separately, will present the appropriate weapons to understand the various combinations that arise in the life of each. Each problem, each test, can be studied and analyzed in the light of each of these four crystals, however, the student must be prepared to understand that in reality, it is the four crystals in their multiple combinations, which are presented as evidence to solve.

The reason why this system of study is contained in the secrets of the creation of the universe. GOD created through seven crystals and then let the products of these seven be combined, to give rise to everything we know today as Creation.

The first emanations, the first fruits of their work, were called Cherubim, although we could either speak of The Seven before the Throne, or we could speak of Powers, or we could speak in many different ways, always symbolizing those perfect beings in its creation and that correspond completely to a pure emanation of the first source that gave rise to the entire Creation.

When these Seven before The Throne worked to grow the Universal Creation, their creations were the product of the combination of each and every one of their scales, each of the different generations in which they were creating each other, it came to our day as the Mystery of Creation

Even when it is too early to immerse ourselves in the depths of these mysteries, we will follow the method already outlined, thus presenting concepts that essentially correspond exactly to these four virtues, which must shape the personality of an initiate.

We will try to describe them as cleanly as possible from each other, so that when they are assimilated, you can observe not only the weapons that each of them provides to face the school of life, but also the implicit teachings, the risks associated, the various nuances in which it is possible to observe them, and which allows them to be used under certain conditions, to fulfill the FATHER'S WILL; or understand it, when it is life that presents a certain situation.

We must also understand that every telepathic process involves certain risks that must be taken: One of them is the Maya; all the accumulation of preconceived concepts and ideas that invariably appear in the minds of both readers and channels.

Another aspect to consider is the incredibly powerful tendency of human minds, to want to understand everything that happens to them in terms of experience. The mind of man is not able to receive a new concept, without inevitably being associated with what he already knows; This is because human culture is growing in the same way as a building grows as it is being built, each floor must be based on the previous ones.

When it is the Maya who has built a building and then tries to correct what has been poorly constructed, it is necessary to restart the entire building; hence the enormous difficulty of re-educating the aspirants, so that they understand that the laws that govern spiritual evolution are many times different from those they are accustomed to in their daily lives.

It is necessary to make this clarification to be able to understand that valuable advice so many times repeated: `` The Kingdom of Heaven must enter as children. ''

Finally, I would also like to mention that from now on, all the ideas that we will mention in a synthetic way, should be stored in their minds preferably from memory, so that the subconscious continues working on them., while your conscience remains busy in the work you normally do.

I leave all my desire that this material can be of benefit to you.

So be it.


The path of the Initiates begins at the point where the waters separate and end where the infinite meets at a point. That the Initiate learn to distinguish the waters because both constitute half of the enigma, that he turns his eyes inward and discovers the mysterious point where the creation began.

The way of KNOWING.

When the Initiate acknowledges that his source of inspiration has been mostly the Maya and the mirage, he discovers that the idols he has been pursuing begin to fade, in the same way as the mirage does when the traveler about; understand, then, the mystery of the Divine evolution.

Only when the Initiate reaches his idols does he then begin to glimpse that what he recognized as the Divine Will, is made up of subtle creations, many times existing only in the mind of those walkers of these trails. He wonders if those idols, those lights that he was pursuing, were real or were the product of the same Divine Will, acting from within himself.

When what he was chasing disappears, he sits down again and in his meditation he discovers new whys of life; his confusion is temporary, but he begins to glimpse that beyond everything that propelled him, there is a supreme reality of which he is a sample.

Recognize then, the mystery of subjective reality; he asks himself if he has not turned his own image into a source of inspiration for backward brothers along the way. He wonders if those lights he had been chasing were not other more advanced travelers on his way. He understands that the reality he has just left belonged to another dimension and now that he has ascended, he must begin to understand that new reality that begins to be his domain.

The mysterious clouds of mirage begin to blend with those of illusion; the maya has been left behind and turns into his eyes like a dense fog that envelops everything he has left today. Even though his feet still trample the dense worlds of his corporeal existence, his mind glimpses other realities; in his eyes the world has changed, has ceased to exist as it used to be, and begins to recognize the forms and entities that dwell therein.

His conscience begins to fluctuate between that state that he reaches when he immerses himself in meditation and that where his memories lead him and which constitute his world before he began; before and after are for him a palpable reality, he recognizes the weight of his past and understands that this oscillating, inharmonious world in which he lived, has become a confusing but fascinating world, where he must learn to live.

All things take a new dimension; He often feels lonely and seeks refuge in his memories, thinking that his old friendships or commitments may offer him some rest, but the flame that has ignited in him has new needs, the world has ceased to be the engine that drove him to become in just one play, where each person plays a role and each of the characters has forgotten his real name.

In his search, the most comforting stimuli he finds during meditation; never as now the Initiate feels the great weight of the decision he has made; his life has taken him to that point and now he must take the road with firm will.

Murmurs of voices reach him from outside, he tries to understand perfectly the language in which they try to communicate with him, he seeks to establish the link with the rest of the inhabitants of that mysterious plane in which he lives today, he begins to understand that those voices call him with a name, but the name is meaningless; He begins to discover three silhouettes: One of them speaks to him, his name is OSAR; the other seems to involve him in a sympathetic look, it is called LOVE; the third says nothing, remains impassive, just watching him, as if he wanted to understand everything without asking anything, is called CALLAR; At last he understands that his own name, the one they call him, is KNOW.

Everything seems so confusing and yet he understands that he is living a symbolic world, that his life has now taken a new dimension and he must decipher the enigma of those four beings including himself.

So far he discovers that his mind has exceptional clarity; can understand the nature of his three companions; he can understand that the reality in which he now lives is temporary and that his true consciousness dwells elsewhere; he sees himself as a part of a whole; He feels committed to discovering the enigma that holds him together with his three companions.

Gradually the light begins to illuminate other regions of your mind as you learn to focus your attention on that point, the images begin to reveal intriguing but revealing concepts:

When men recognized their existence in unity and managed to reach Initiation, the initial movement of the Kundalinic fire raised consciousness to another level, their eyes then perceived the essence that lies behind the forms and when the concrete dissipates and the abstract perceives, the continuity of the physical laws that ruled the world they knew, collapsed loudly, to expose a new scenario, where their future evolution should develop.

Arcane of the Tarot

In this new scenario, beings lived with four aspects: On the one hand they looked like men; on the other, they looked more like lions, a third aspect was like an eagle and the other like bulls. The four walked forward and yet the being moved as a unit, a reality in four dimensions, a new world that made all the above appear as if they were cartoons.

He understood that the fusion of the four beings into one was the key to their new existence; He understood that the four thought in a particular way and that, however, they were unified by something that at the moment could not explain, we had to go further.

He finished his meditation, turned to see his three companions and seemed to perceive that the mysteries he did not know were understood by the one who was silent and by the one who loved him. He then sought to communicate with them and this was what he found ...

OSAR's Way

When SABER observed his three companions, a spark in his mind allowed him to glimpse what they meant to him; He understood that knowing was the fundamental quality that characterized him, discovered that he possessed something that his companions needed, he also understood that even though his quality was that which explained everything and allowed him to understand the mechanism of evolution in universal creation; It required being able to fully understand what his three companions kept in themselves.

Being able to understand would not take him where his intuition marked him; he discovered that in himself, beyond his thoughts and reasoning, lay an impulse that he could not understand or be able to express in words, that impulse moved him to scrutinize his three companions; It was then that he sought communication.

The one called OSAR was the first to speak with these words: “ Who are you? Why do you think everything? What do you not understand that we have to get out of here? Do you not see that this plane we are in is so confusing that it prevents us from seeing what lies beyond? We have to look together for the path of return.

I was the first one to arrive and I knew very well that this is just a stage, don't waste your time thinking, we have to act, the universe moves while we remain still, surely you remember that you were part of me and also part of these, but there is no time to lose, we have to go further.

I have already begun to look out, I have seen another light, I have perceived the point where the roads meet, I even thought I heard a powerful verb; but I think it was only the echo; I know that beyond our glory and the solution to this mystery of symbols, take the hand of your companions and mine and let's join in this search, I know well that this is not the end of the road, beyond there is something where it is perceived more light, and where these darkness disappears that invade us today.

Why are you so still? Don't you see that he doesn't speak? We can't make him act! Don't you understand how this one, even if he does speak, it seems that he wants to compose everything with his eyes and with his hands? I already wanted to talk to them, I approached them first than you.

With CALLAR I couldn't find anything, only his eyes that seemed to understand everything but he says nothing. It is true that I feel that when he looks at us, he seems to tell us: Poor naive ones! But I honestly do not understand his passivity, but if we are to carry him on his shoulders, we will have to take him in order to follow the path that takes us out of this symbolism.

I also spoke with the one called LOVE, he speaks little but he speaks, I do not understand his language, he speaks to me of unity, he speaks to me of harmony in this, he speaks to me of including within myself all this symbolism, when I really want get out of it.

OSAR turned to KNOW

I know that although you think more about what you are talking about, it seems that you get to understand better than the others what is happening, that is why I have addressed you. I have seen the questions in your eyes, but I have also seen the solutions; I know what is beyond because I have seen it, but you can understand it, you have to explain it to me and together find the way out of this maze.

I've searched the doors and I've only found mists and more mists. I have seen travelers pass by, but when they approached them they have disappeared as if they were inhabitants of other dimensions. I have also seen wonderful creations form, then fade away as if they were smoke castles. I do not understand why, but there are reasons where the fog seems lighter, when that has happened, I have managed to perceive that the fog is related to the movement of the stars, as if each star carried a certain type of fog, when put together two, the mists are complicated or lightened.

In certain combinations of stars, I have also been able to observe how the world of men becomes transparent to us, and the world of angels alike. For a few moments I have been able to perceive beyond those mists, and a strange light that provides a wonderful well-being has united us to the angels, to us and to men. That is why I understood that we are at an intermediate point within this long road.

I have also been able to understand that within these mists we are not alone, there are more like us but I have not been able to find them, I can only communicate with you. I don't understand why, but I know that we are more, everyone walks in their own mists, to bump into another, it would probably make these mists that surround us more dense.

I have also observed that in some places the mists seem to become denser, while in others they take strange colorations. I have explored this place more than all of you, looking for the exit and that is why I have observed so many things. I have seen how some opaque lines of light envelop our planet, vertically and horizontally. I have seen the crossings of these lines and perceived how mists take different colorations. I have seen the mountains and I have observed the glow on their side that they print to the fogs that surround it.

I have managed to perceive some beings that walk the earth, they look like men in their external appearance, but internally it seems that they are perfectly connected with the angels; they have channels that prevent the fog from approaching them, I have tried to get in touch with them but when I speak to them, the fog moves around me and I do not understand what they answer.

I have also sought to communicate with the angels when I have noticed that they are watching me, but every time I emit my words it seems as if the fog comes out of me and I can no longer receive the answer . On one occasion, one of the angels spoke to me and told me things that I did not understand; When he asked for the explanation, everything clouded and he lost contact with him, his words were :





I don't understand what it means, but I feel it has to do with you three. I tell you this, because I know that you can decipher these riddles, I know that there is the answer to finally free us from this that surrounds us, but only you can Explain what it means.

This fog is part of us and I know that the only way to communicate is through what each of us contributes. I search and explore for you because I see that you dare not do it; I have had to go beyond the cord that limits these mists, these planes, those others where we come from and where we are going. I have searched everywhere and I have not found the way out; It is strange but I have found others like me, seekers by nature, but unable to give me the explanation, in the same way as I was unable to give them mine, they were probably part of other beings like I am part of you.

I have returned here, next to you, because outside I have not found what I was looking for.

In the words of OSAR, SABER was going to answer, but he saw first that his brother, whose name was AMAR, approached, took a hand from his brother OSAR and took the other from his brother, SABER, and began to speak:

The way of AMAR

My brothers: “You are part of my being, I am part of you, I understand your questions, OSAR, and I also understand your needs, KNOW; but listen carefully to what I have to tell you, because in this lies the secret of everything that exists. ”

I know that you feel the imperative need to leave this world of mists, but understand me brother OSAR, wherever you go you will continue to look for the exit, you were the first one who urged us to come here, moving away from the world we used to die in, Now you are the first to want to take us further.

Understand that wherever we go it will always be the same, understand that we move in the same space illuminated by different crystals, although these mists confuse our vision, remember before the prisons in which we died, remember how desperately you looked for ways to sneak away from that limiting and oppressive prison in which we were living in those physical bodies.

Now we have freedoms, before we shared the same being, the same conscience, we were fused with each other, you were the first to push us from there, now we have separate existences and yet we remain the same being. Can't you understand that no matter how much you try to escape, you will remain bound to us forever and the road we travel will have to always be together?

Don't you understand that every time you met beings similar to you, when you wanted to express yourself you lacked the knowledge to be able to do it, you lacked the understanding that only LOVE gives you and of course, that fog that you mention that came out of you at establish your communication, it was precisely because you lacked CALLAR?

Don't you understand that the four of us are the same being and don't you also understand that beyond us, the world of angels and the world of men as you call them, are also within ourselves, just like this fog?

Don't you understand that when I take your hand, you get rich just like I do?

Do you not understand that it is through the union of our hands that we can feel that we are beginning to be complete?

And your brother KNOW, with that clarity that you have to understand all things, I know very well that you understand me, but you are inexpressive and it is difficult for you to establish communication, because yours is an internal and not external quality, you are able to understand everything what I say, but it is impossible for you to express it properly.

You don't understand OSAR's despair, because those are emotions and you only understand the intellectual whys, it doesn't matter if you go out or stay because your emotions are empty, you probably don't understand what I'm telling you, because your mind is missing ingredient of love, but intellectually try to understand this.

That need that OSAR speaks to you is as important to him, as it is for you to unravel the mystery of these mists and the symbolism that this world presents to us. That desire that you have to perfectly understand everything that surrounds you, including the three of us, is of the same nature as that imponderable desire to escape that our brother OSAR has.

I understand you because I feel what you feel, even though I cannot explain myself as clearly as you understand it, nor do I feel that suffocating need to escape from here as our brother OSAR feels it, but let me tell you something else: It does not matter Wherever we go, I feel that this world that we leave behind, that world of human beings that fight and debate within their private prisons, is actually a unified world on another level, there is a being dwelling within each prison, but all Together they are the expression of a greater being.

I have understood that these beings together form small units of consciousness and are part of a very large consciousness, of a being that I barely manage to intuit.

I have understood that these angels of which OSAR spoke, are also all together, part of another consciousness of that same Great Being.

I understand that we also form the intermediate levels of consciousness of that Great Cosmic Being.

I begin to understand that there are ties that unite us not at the intellectual level, but rather, ties of energy that give cohesion to both the upper and lower worlds and that together we constitute the field of expression and development of the Great Cosmic Being . I understand your concerns and I can only say that it is similar to the Will of GOD.

I have thought if that Great Being will be GOD, but I cannot understand that, I only feel his needs, and I feel his need to keep those men locked up in jails, and I feel his need for us to remain here, and I also feel that those Angels constitute for Him a reason for great joy and that in them is enclosed when you want moments of peace. I feel it comes down to us when it suffers, if we could call it that way, anguish or debt and I also feel a great desire to work, to act, to manifest, when working through those human prisons.

I do not see his body, I do not see his form, I only feel his intern, I know that he exists and I know that in our journey from the world of men to here and also when we leave this to another level, it will remain a journey within HIM, We are part of HIM and I can understand and feel it as you probably cannot do it, but I also know why I am sorry, that our brother CALLAR can come into contact with that GREAT BEING, I do not know how he does it and he will never tell us, but I know That feels it, I know it does.

Let us go and take the hands of our brother CALLAR, because only he is able to find that way out of which OSAR speaks, only he understands the questions of your brother KNOW, and only he probably understands and can understand who is that GREAT BEING to whom I I feel and of which we are part. ”

The road to CALLAR

The three watched CALLAR, while he, deep in thought, ignored them. They approached him and OSAR was the first to speak.

"Shut up, listen to us, you need to join us, because only then will we leave this place that only limits us in our evolutionary process."

CALLAR looked at them more, said nothing, nor moved from his place. KNOWING that he could understand his brother's behavior, he said the following: "Look brother, I understand that you do not want to communicate with us because it would be to deny yourself and contrary to your nature, but we have understood that the four of us form a single unit, while that apart we remain incomplete and motionless in this place where we are. We want to count on you, because what you perceive is completely for us. ”

It is likely that you do not understand that we are part of an endless chain of sciences, that it is we who give life to the conscience of men and that at the same time, we ourselves are vitalized by angelic consciences.

You probably do not understand that it is in our evolutionary plane to continue ascending this frequency scale that determines the evolution of consciousness. It is necessary that your nature joins us, that we return to recover our unity, but now consciously and not in the way that human beings do, whose unity is unconscious and therefore limited in terms of the capabilities they use For its evolution.

Here we have walked apart. Each one on their own has achieved certain conquests, each one of us kept his own achievements and walked in his own directions, each one of us looked forward, without understanding that on his flanks and on his back, we remained eternally united the rest of the four. Understand that our paths are progressive and ascending, in four different directions and yet we stand together, that is the secret that you probably could not explain.

Finally CALLAR turned to see them, looked at SABER and shuddered, thought he perceived in his eyes a flashing light that at the moment made him understand what CALLAR contained, he was the guardian of all the synthesis of knowledge. KNOWING was reflected in his eyes and he understood that beyond all his reasoning, beyond all his deductions, beyond everything he considered the supreme, the master key to abstract and concrete knowledge, was the Divine spark, Perfect incarnation of the synthesis that explained everything without saying anything.

CALLAR now looked at OSAR and he shivered. OSAR understood that CALLAR did not need to look for the exit of that plane, because he was already out of it, he understood that the very exit of that plane was just his brother.

OSAR understood that the door was constituted by CALLAR, however, despite all that it represented having described the exit precisely in his brother, he endured his gaze and, gathering all his will, he managed to perceive that what he was observing was his own reflection. For the moment he was stunned, not knowing if the exit was represented by CALLAR or was himself, closed his eyes and then CALLAR turned to look at his brother AMAR, but LOVE did not shudder, LOVE him He looked in a sweet way, understanding it and understanding what his brother meant to everyone, took both of his hands and CALLAR began to shed tears, while the others submerged They were in themselves, trying to decipher what they had just perceived.

AMAR spoke to him like this: Brother, I understand your emptiness and your universality, I know that you are the bearer of the force and energy that has allowed you to KNOW how to understand the mystery of creation. Quen, which has allowed OSAR to understand the key to finding the exit, I know that your energy had been arranged to give us the solution to the exit, and now that you have provided it to us you have stayed empty, because in your communication, your very nature has been altered, but understand that the supreme secret of love is to deny yourself to reach transcendence and immortality, understand that your CALL To finish so that together we could transcend the state of existence we have today, my love envelops you as it also involves our brothers.

KNOWLEDGE allows us to explain everything that happens here, while OSAR is the driving force that will get us out of this level of consciousness.

SHUT, rest, because each one of us is indebted to you, let's join in a hug that merges us and start walking towards the center of ourselves, instead of going outside, because that's the key to find the exit of this level.

The four brothers turned their faces: of Leon, of Toro, of Aguila and of Man and began to walk towards the center, until they were melted in a small flame that slowly dissipated until it disappeared into a slight aroma that spread throughout the environment.

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Unas palabras quisiera comentar: En los siguientes p rrafos buscar dar peque as claves, que intuitivamente iluminar n la comprensi n de todo esto que en im genes simb licas han visto representado como el drama del Camino del Iniciado.

Todo lo mencionado hasta aqu cumple con un objetivo secretamente velado, para que algunos cuantos puedan encontrar la respuesta a los problemas que actualmente tan s lo les parecer interesante, mientras que a la gran mayor a, les parecer algo divertido tratar de descifrar el simbolismo que ha sido utilizado.

Cada quien en su nivel recibir los beneficios de esto, pues mientras a unos les ayudar a dilucidar la soluci na los problemas por los que est n pasando, a otros les permitir intuir los terrenos a los que apenas se asoman, y finalmente a unos cuantos, podr servirles como una explicaci n de los procesos que ya han pasado.

Recuerden que esta lectura no debe de ser abordada sin antes haber hecho una preparación mental, en donde conecten su conciencia espiritual a su conciencia material.

En lo referente a la fisiología interna. (2)

Amar . Esta palabra se relaciona con la última realización, cuando por un acto de la voluntad del alma, combinada con la del hombre inferior, se produce la unificación y la comprensión. Implica el centro en la base de la columna vertebral.

Saber . Esta palabra concierne al centro ajna, el centro entre las cejas. Hay una insinuación en la frase “Que la Madre conozca al Padre”. Se relaciona con la boda en los Cielos.

Osar . Esta palabra da la clave de la subordinación de la personalidad, y tiene una íntima relación con el plexo solar, el gran centro de distribución del deseo y de las fuerzas astrales y el principal centro del trabajo de transmutación.

Callar . Esta palabra concierne a la transmutación de la energía inferior creadora, en la vida superior creadora. El centro sacro debe permanecer en silencio.

En lo referente a la astrología interna (3) ya la vida vertical y horizontal en la Cruz Fija, es instructivo observar que la vida vertical del hombre en esa Cruz (no importa en qué signo pueda hallarse temporariamente su Sol) es siempre Acuario-Leo. Esto indica que el individuo autocentrado en Leo, aprende la lección de la Cruz, se descentraliza, es consciente del grupo y se dedica a prestar servicio. El brazo horizontal es Tauro-Escorpio, indicando que el deseo por lo material es finalmente sustituido por el deseo de los valores espirituales, demostrado por medio de las pruebas en Escorpio. La Tierra y el Agua (Tauro y Escorpio) deben fusionarse y relacionarse, y esta verdad, vinculada a estos dos signos del zodíaco, fundamenta todas las enseñanzas sobre el bautismo y la purificación. Los deseos materialistas terrenos en Tauro deben, a su debido tiempo, quedar bajo la influencia del agua purificadora en Escorpio. El bautismo por el agua (nombre dado a la segunda iniciación) requiere un período preparatorio de prueba y purificación, lo cual debe proporcionar la experiencia en Escorpio. Análogamente también deben ser fusionados fuego y aire (Acuario y Leo), y de esta manera los cuatro elementos, lo mismo que seis de los siete rayos, deben desempeñar su parte en el condicionamiento del hombre en Escorpio para las etapas finales del Sendero.


Será de valor considerar el tema del acceso a los Maestros por medio de la meditación. Empezaré con algunas afirmaciones fundamentales concernientes a los Maestros y el lugar que ocupan en la evolución. Por lo tanto trataré el primer punto. De esta manera expondré, a quienes lean estos artículos, algunas ideas sobre Su Jerarquía, Su abarcante desenvolvimiento y Sus métodos de trabajo. Es innecesario decir que gran parte de lo que diré no contiene nada nuevo ni de importancia. Las cosas que más de cerca nos conciernen y con las cuales estamos más familiarizados, son las que más frecuentemente pasamos por alto y las más oscuras para nuestra facultad razonadora.

Maestro de Sabiduría es aquel que ha pasado la quinta iniciación. Esto, en realidad, significa que Su conciencia ha alcanzado tal expansión, que ello incluye el quinto reino o reino espiritual. Se ha abierto camino a través de los cuatro reinos inferiores: el mineral, el vegetal, el animal y el humano, y, por medio de la meditación y el servicio, ha expandido Su Centro de conciencia hasta incluir el plano del espíritu.

Maestro de Sabiduría es aquel que ha transferido la polarización desde los tres átomos de la vida de la personalidad -incluidos en el cuerpo causal- a los tres átomos de la Tríada espiritual. Conscientemente es espíritu-intuición-mente abstracta, no potencialmente sino en pleno poder efectivo, alcanzado por medio de la experiencia. Esto lo ha logrado, como dije anteriormente, por el proceso de la meditación.

Maestro de Sabiduría es aquel que no sólo ha encontrado el acorde del Ego sino también el pleno acorde del Espíritu, y puede, por lo tanto, pulsar a voluntad las variaciones de todas las notas, desde la más baja hasta las del plano espiritual. Esto significa esotéricamente que ha desarrollado la facultad de crear y puede emitir la nota correspondiente a cada plano y construir en el mismo. Este poder de descubrir -primero las notas del acorde espiritual y después utilizar estas notas en el trabajo constructivo- se realiza primeramente por medio de la meditación practicada según el método ocultista, equilibrado por el servicio prestado amorosamente.

Maestro de Sabiduría es aquel que puede aplicar la ley en los tres mundos y dominar todo lo que evoluciona en esos planos. Por el aprendizaje de las leyes de la mente, mediante la práctica de la meditación, el Maestro expande estas leyes hasta abarcar las leyes de la Mente Universal, tal como se expresan en la manifestación inferior. Las leyes de la mente se aprenden en la meditación y se aplican en la vida de servicio, consecuencia lógica del conocimiento verdadero.

Maestro de Sabiduría es aquel que ha pasado del Aula del Aprendizaje al Aula de la Sabiduría; ha cursado los cinco grados, ha trasmutado la mente inferior en mente pura y sin mácula y el deseo en intuición, anegando su conciencia con la luz del Espíritu puro. La disciplina de la meditación es el único camino por el cual esto puede realizarse.

Maestro de Sabiduría es aquel que, por el conocimiento adquirido mediante los cinco sentidos, ha aprendido que existe una síntesis y ha fusionado los cinco sentidos en los dos sintéticos, que marcan el punto de realización en el sistema solar. Por medio de la meditación se ajusta el sentido geométrico de proporción, se reconoce claramente el sentido de los valores y, mediante tal reajuste y reconocimiento, se disipa la ilusión y se conoce la realidad. La práctica de la meditación y la concentración interna que en ella se realiza despierta la conciencia respecto al valor de la fórmula y su verdadero empleo. Por ello se hace contacto con la realidad, y los tres mundos ya no pueden atraparnos.

Maestro de Sabiduría es aquel que conoce el significado de la conciencia, de la vida y del espíritu, y puede llegar directamente, por la línea de menor resistencia, al “seno de su Padre, en el Cielo”. El acercamiento a la línea de menor resistencia, el camino directo, se descubre mediante la práctica de la meditación.

Maestro de Sabiduría es aquel que se ha trasformado a Sí mismo, de quíntuple en triple y de triple en dual. Se ha convertido en la estrella de cinco puntas, y cuando ha llegado ese momento la ve brillar sobre el Único Iniciador y la observa en todos Aquellos que han alcanzado Su misma posición. Ha santificado (en sentido esotérico) el Cuaternario, utilizándolo como piedra fundamental, sobre la cual erige el Templo de Salomón. Ha progresado más allá del templo mismo, llegando a considerarlo una limitación. Ha salido de sus muros limitadores y ha penetrado en la Triada. Lo ha hecho empleando siempre el método ocultista, es decir, conscientemente y con pleno conocimiento de cada paso dado. Aprendió el significado de cada forma limitadora, asumió el control y aplicó la ley en el plano correspondiente a la forma. Habiendo trascendido la forma, la desechó por otras superiores. Así progresa constantemente a través del sacrificio y de la muerte de la forma. Reconoce que ella siempre aprisiona, que hay que sacrificaría constantemente y debe morir para que la vida interna progrese rápidamente hacia adelante y arriba. El camino de la resurrección presupone la crucifixión y la muerte; luego conduce al Monte donde tendrá lugar la Ascensión. Durante la meditación se puede apreciar y conocer el valor de la vida y las limitaciones de la forma, y mediante el conocimiento y el servicio la vida puede liberarse de todo lo que limita y traba.

Maestro de Sabiduría es aquel que ha decidido permanecer en este planeta para ayudar a sus semejantes. Quienes alcanzan la quinta iniciación son Maestros de Sabiduría, pero no todos se quedan para trabajar como servidores de la raza. Algunos emprenden otros trabajos de igual o mayor importancia. Para el público en general esta expresión significa que algunos Maestros deciden permanecer y limitarse a Sí Mismos en beneficio de quienes tratan de avanzar en la escala de evolución. Por la meditación el Maestro alcanza Su meta y por la meditación (alga que a menudo no se comprende) o la manipulación de la materia mental y por su actuación sobre los cuerpos mentales de la raza, lleva a cabo el trabajo que ayuda al proceso evolutivo.

Maestro de Sabiduría es aquel que ha recibido esa primera Iniciación que lo vincula con la gran Fraternidad de Sirio, y como ya he dicho, es un iniciado de Primer Grado en la Gran Logia. Ha alcanzado una expansión de conciencia que le ha permitido entrar en contacto con muchos sectores del sistema solar. Ahora tiene ante Sí una vasta región de expansiones que eventualmente lo llevarán más allá de la conciencia del sistema, hacia algo mucho más grande y amplio. Debe empezar a aprender los rudimentos de la meditación cósmica, que le permitirá entrar en esa Conciencia que está más allá de cuanto podemos concebir.

Maestro de Sabiduría es aquel que actúa conscientemente, como parte del Hombre celestial, a Cuyo cuerpo puede pertenecer. Comprende las leyes que rigen a los grupos ya las almas grupales. Él mismo rige conscientemente un alma grupal (un grupo que se halla en el sendero de retorno, compuesto por muchos hijos de los hombres) y conoce el lugar que le corresponde en el cuerpo del sistema. También conoce ese Centro en el Cuerpo del Hombre celestial, mediante el cual se mantiene la vibración armoniosa entre Él y Su grupo, y lo conduce a relacionarse con otros grupos en el mismo Cuerpo, de acuerdo a determinadas leyes. El estudiante que reflexiona se dará cuenta de cuán útil es la meditación, como preparación para esta actividad, pues es el único medio de trascender todo sentimiento de separatividad y comprender esotéricamente la unidad con nuestros semejantes.

Maestro de Sabiduría es aquel a quien se le han confiado, en virtud del trabajo realizado, ciertas Palabras de Poder. Por medio de estas palabras aplica la ley a otras evoluciones distintas de la humana y, a través de ellas, colabora con el aspecto actividad del Logos. Así fusiona Su conciencia con la del tercer Logos. Por medio de dichas Palabras ayuda en el trabajo constructor y en el esfuerzo manipulador cohesivo del segundo Logos; comprende la acción interna de la ley de gravedad (o de atracción y repulsión) que rige todas las funciones del segundo aspecto Logoïco. Mediante estas Palabras colabora en el trabajo del primer Logos, y al recibir la sexta y séptima iniciaciones (lo cual no siempre logra), aprende el significado de la Voluntad, tal como es aplicada en el sistema Estas Palabras le son comunicadas oralmente y mediante la facultad de clarividencia, pero el Iniciado debe descubrirlas por Sí mismo una vez que alcanza la conciencia átmica… y la utiliza.

Al desarrollar esta conciencia por medio de la intuici n, el Iniciado puede hacer contacto con la reserva de conocimientos inherente a la M nada y as aprender las Palabras de Poder. Esta capacidad s lo se adquiere despu s de la aplicaci n del Cetro de la Iniciaci n por el Se or del Mundo. Por tanto, en las etapas superiores de la meditaci n ocultista, el maestro de Sabidur a ampl am sa n Su conocimiento. Su conciencia no permanece est tica, sino que cada d a es m s abarcante.

Maestro de Sabidur a es aquel que ha obtenido el derecho, por similitud de vibraci n, de trabajar con los Gu as de la Jerarqu a de este planeta, conjuntamente con los de otros planetas conectados con nuestra cadena. Cuando ha recibido otras iniciaciones puede hacer contacto con los siete Logos planetarios y trabajar conjuntamente con ellos, y no s lo con los tres que controlan las cadenas afines, pudiendo abarcar el entero sistema, pues Su conciencia se ha expandido hasta incluir todo el sistema solar objetivo.

Podr a enumerar otras definiciones y dilucidar el asunto m s ampliamente, pero con lo dicho basta. El punto alcanzado por un Maestro es elevado s lo relativamente, pues se ha de recordar que cuando lo alcanza, comprueba que es realmente inferior, comparado con la perspectiva que se extiende ante l. Cada expansi n de conciencia y cada pelda o de la escala, no hace m s que abrir ante el iniciado otra esfera que ha de abarcar y otro paso que ha de avanzar. Cada iniciaci n lograda s lo revela otras m s elevadas a alcanzar, de manera que nunca se llega al punto en que el aspirante (sea un hombre com n, iniciado, Maestro, Chohan o Buda) puede permanecer en condici n est tica, incapaz de mayor progreso. Hasta el Logos Mismo aspira llegar, ya n Aquel a Quien el Logos aspira, a su vez, aspira llegar a otro superior a l.

Lo que ocurre en el sistema se repite en los planos c smicos y lo que se aprende aqu debe aprenderse nuevamente, en m s vasta escala, en el cosmos mismo. Esta idea encierra inspiraci ny desenvolvimiento, no cansancio ni desesperaci n.


Se ha de tener presente que cada iniciaci n permite al iniciado ver adelante un poco m s, pues la revelaci n es siempre un factor constante en la experiencia humana. La vida toda es revelaci n; el proceso evolutivo, en relaci n con la conciencia, es guiar al ciego fuera de las zonas oscuras de la conciencia hacia la luz mayor y, por lo tanto, a una visi nm s vasta.

Como bien se sabe, la quinta iniciaci n en la vida Cr stica ha sido denominada Resurrecci n por el mundo cristiano, destacando ese aspecto en la experiencia del iniciado, que conduce a la revelaci n, es decir a su ascensi n desde el oc ano de la materia a la clara luz del d a . La idea de la revelaci n tambi n puede verse en la ense anza cristiana acerca de la Ascensi n -iniciaci n que no tiene existencia real ni debe ser llamada iniciaci n. Tenemos, por lo tanto, la siguiente secuencia relacionada con la cuarta y la quinta iniciaciones:

1. Renunciaci n, que produce la crucifixi ny conduce a la

2. Ascensi n, oa la total elevaci n fuera de o al ascenso m s elevado que conduce a la

3. Revelaci n, que da la visi n, recompensa de las dos etapas anteriores.

A la sexta iniciaci n (la verdadera Ascensi n) se le denomina la Iniciaci n de la Decisi n, dado que El Maestro elige entonces cu l de los siete caminos o senderos seguir, porque Su experiencia de eones le ha permitido elegir cualesquiera de ellos y saber que ha elegido correctamente.


1. Tomado del Texto con el mismo título: De la iniciación a la ascensión, dado en 1989. El artículo hace parte de una Trilogía que aborda el Sendero de Retorno, los otros dos artículos son: El Aprendizaje: de la individualización a la iniciación y La Comprensión: entre el aprendizaje y la sabiduría.

2.Tomado del libro Tratado sobre magia blanca .

3. Tomado del libro Astrología esotérica .

4. Tomado del Discipulado en la nueva era .

5. Tomado del libro Los rayos y las iniciaciones .

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