Log of the Earth - September 6, 2009, by Celia Fenn

September 6, 2009: Towards 09-09-09 Recovering our Heritage of Light as we cross the Portal. We are getting closer to the crossing or portal 09-09-09, and the energies are still powerful. I thought we would have time to integrate, but it seems that the spiral of new energy is just entering and the intense Diamond Light, along with the Full Moon, was an experience.

I am finding, moreover, that illusions are rising to be revealed. Nothing can remain hidden and secret and in a state of darkness. Everything is becoming transparent and open and we have to sit down and realize. The days of going through life in a sleepy state are over, and we increasingly face choices and the need to take new directions and new paths of being.

At the same time, those who are not taking these new paths are finding life increasingly difficult, since they have no real idea of ​​what is happening when illusions collapse. As we create the New Reality, the importance of a clear heart and a clear vision must be emphasized. The desire to manipulate and control the energy of others through any means will not be allowed by this energy. And so many of those who have based their lives satisfying their needs by trying to control and manipulate others are finding that this no longer works for them in any way.

And therefore, we are each regaining the right to our personal power, as we take our creative and sexual power and allow it to move through the Heart chakra. It is the chakra of the Heart that will purify all intention and creative emotion, since the heart will respond to the soul's desire to create, and all creative energy in the lower chakras will be expressed as unconditional love and in responsible ways and engaged.

Thus, while this is true on a personal level, it is also becoming true on a Global or Macro level, as we recover our power and our heritage from those who have tried to manipulate our belief systems. In recent years, we have claimed our Atlantean and Lemurian heritage, and we have learned from our Egyptian and Mayan ancestors. And now, we are learning from Crop Circles or Star Pictograms. We are learning that we are multi-dimensional beings, and that we are powerful and infinite. We are learning that there is much more of ourselves, our history and our reality than we have ever been taught in our so-called education.

In a process of synchronicity, I found the work of Bear Cloud and the Chameleon project, and Nassim Haramein and the “Resonance Project”. In the last Log of the Land of August, I talked about Urban Gardens and the proposed Crystal Pyramid that was suggested as a "farm." That led me to the Chameleon project that Bear Cloud is sponsoring near Sedona. I was surprised at how the design of its "biosphere" is a Pyramid, or a Pyramid nest, which was taken from the glyph of a Circle of Crops. Here is the design video:


I posted this on my Facebook page, and many people commented on the idea of ​​the project. It was of interest to me, not only because it has similarities with what I have received from the Spirit in terms of Spiritual Ecology and what I call the "Biosphere Project", but also because of the similarities with the Biome project in Cornwall, in the United Kingdom, and I made a mental note of visiting there the next time I am in the United Kingdom.

Then, a few days later I found the work of Nassim Haramein, and his combination of Physics and Sacred Geometry. One of his videos was about the Pyramid shape and the construction of the Great Pyramid in Cairo, Egypt. As I listened to his discussion of this form as geometry and the way it was constructed, I realized that we, as humans, have a "stellar heritage" that has been denied us. The pyramids were not built by slaves dragging stones, as Orthodox history claims. Nor was Stonehenge created by humans digging with deer antlers, nor are the Crop Circles created by Doug and Dave and a team with boards and ropes. The absolute magnificence of the Crop Circles and the science that he has dedicated to researching them in the last ten years demonstrates conclusively that they are multidimensional phenomena that are created in ways that we have not yet understood.

When I was in Avebury, I briefly met Janet Ossebaard PhD, who is one of the most active and intelligent of the new generation of Crop Circles Researchers. She is thorough and documents her work meticulously. I can only recommend the two books you just published. They are the first two in a series of eight, and after reading them I was surprised by what the media hide from us. They are called "Crop Circles: The Most Enchanting, " which is a collection of images of the most powerful circles of the past ten years, and "Crop Circles: The Evidence, " which is a compilation of scientific evidence that shows that circles are not made by human action. You can get more information about the books through the publishers by writing to their e-mail, " ".

So, here is the video of Nassim Haramein, in which he talks about our hidden history and our relationship with the energies of other levels and dimensions:


As Haramein points out, none of the Egyptian hieroglyphs tell us how the pyramids were built. What they do tell us in the "Book of Becoming" is about the Ascension process, how to reach the Stars. (The texts of the Pyramids also known as the "Book of the Dead"). I also remember from my Egyptian Cosmology studies, that the construction of the pyramid was attributed to one Imhotep, who was the High Priest and was also a "neter" or "god." This seems to suggest that the secrets of the construction of these structures were preserved by the priestly class and it was a metaphysical process that was not shared with everyone.

It is my opinion that these magnificent structures were first created in Light on the Higher levels, and then "descended" to matter by some process with light and sound that we will rediscover once we have completed the Ascension process. This was basically what was revealed to me in Avebury, where I was shown the magnificent Golden Temple of Light that is still waiting in the Higher Dimensions, and that one day it will descend to occupy that circle that has been waiting for so long.

And it is more than possible that one of the functions of the crop circles glyphs is to provide information about how to create and manifest these structures through the techniques we are given. They are showing and suggesting through mathematical formulas and technologies that are being given to us at this time.

We are at the doors of the Creation. We are ready to cross and become Masters of Light who can manifest and co-create with the Spirit. On 09-09-09, this will be activated in the Collective Consciousness in a very powerful way.

You can download Celia Fenn's pipes in Spanish, in Word file, in and in.

200910 Celia Fenn and Starchild Global

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Translation: Margarita López
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