Los Angeles Council via Goldenlight ~ Transparency and Truth

  • 2014


Greetings, we are the Council of the Angels and the Archangel Michael, and we want to talk to you today about Transparency and Truth. These topics that we talk about cover many areas of your world as you know it, including your governments, your society, your members of society and your relationship with the spiritual world and the highest dimensions, as well as your relationship with the Source. This includes a clear relationship between you as a spiritual being having a human experience and your relationship with the All That Is. This includes the truth that the veil between the dimensions is now dissolving, as well as your access to information about the true history of the Earth, its people and the human race.

As you advance to the Golden Age of Enlightenment and Harmony for All, Transparency between Everything in your world is extremely important. That is why recent events have occurred such as the revelation of the truth about the NSA via Edward Snowden and many other truths that are now coming to light. These truths are being revealed not only at the governmental level of their society but also at the individual level for each person. Each person is now beginning to tune into their true origins and history as a Spiritual Being and realize that you are all here for reasons that go far beyond simply working for a living and having enough to live.

Soon everything will change in this respect when the programs of universal prosperity are revealed, as originally planned by our Source Creator many eons ago in the annals of Creation. It is also revealing in their subconscious minds the truths about their origins as Spiritual Being and their reasons why they came to Earth on a personal and growth level of their Spiritual Being. You will discover your missions and contracts as Being that you did before coming to your life on Earth.

For truly every person on Earth has spiritual missions and contracts to those who agreed before coming to this life. Many are here to assist with this great transition to the Golden Age; others are here as catalysts for the transition to the new era. Everything that is not aligned with the new higher dimensional energies now flowing to its earthly plane will continue to fade and disappear, while a new dimensionally higher society begins.

An excellent example of enlightened consciousness reaching [those who have] leadership roles in their world would now be events such as the recent announcement by spiritual author and activist Marianne Williamson who is running for the Congress in California. This is only one of the examples of the slow but sure change of the guard happening in your world right now.

Everything is not as it appears to be on the surface and we urge you again - especially if you are new to this material that we are presenting - to turn off your news from the main media channels, since they are controlled by the old powers that They are slowly losing their control and grip in their society. The transparency of the old structures - monetary / financial, governmental, of society, is now revealing the unfeasible nature of the way things have been carried out in your world. Financial systems are outdated and favor "1%" - or the elite - while the rest of the masses struggle to survive and have had very little time for their free time activities.

All things will change in “the blink of an eye” and they will soon realize that the world is now aligned in total Transparency so that that Truth, Unity, Solidarity, Harmony, Understanding, Brotherhood, Prosperity and all that is aligned with the Source Creator begin to reign supreme in your world. Lists are also the great fleets of his extraterrestrial brothers and sisters from other star systems and galaxies awaiting their return to full consciousness and having a particular interest in transforming their world into higher dimensional societies. You can now tune into a vision that we are showing the channel of everything we have outlined today - a new society based on transparency, the awareness in the mind of each being of its connection with the Source, its origin in the dimensions higher, the existence of and connection with their Higher Self, and their attunement to their agreed spiritual contracts and missions before coming to their lives on Earth; the awareness of the existence of higher dimensional beings of other star systems and planets who wish the successful creation of their higher dimensional societies so that there can be transparent intergalactic relations between them and you.

All these things are what we talk about when we mention the importance and occurrence of transparency and the inner truth between you and in your societies. Everyone is now beginning to tune into the need for transparency and there is, which is helping everyone to advance to a society based on a more enlightened and elevated consciousness on Earth because in this new world there are no barriers or borders; this new world of the new Earth exists in total Harmony with All, very similar to the present societies of the Inner Earth that are constituted by many different races and star beings, but that effectively function as An All that exists all together in harmony. This is the new vision for their societies of the outer Earth.

Some will meet these societies of the Inner Earth as their conscience continues to rise to higher octaves. By continuing to raise their consciousness they will reach a level that reflects the vibration and frequency of the Inner Earth Beings, as well as that of the Star Beings surrounding their Earth, and that is when the inter- harmonious relations between you and the stellar Beings and of the Inner Earth dimensionally higher. It will be the beginning of the Earth's entry as a full member of an intergalactic society, and if you wish you can be a part of this by continuing to increase your frequency and vibration. This is done by forgiving everyone, releasing their karma from the past (we have talked about ways to do this in previous communiqués), connecting with, and inviting their Higher Self into their life, and maintaining their vibration and frequency elevated being synchronized with their missions and spiritual contracts.

Following their truth and creating their own transparency within themselves, they can keep their vibration at a very high rate and continue ascending and be a part of the unification with other star beings in and around the Earth. Because they exist now in a higher dimensional space, and by raising their vibration rate to match their own they can communicate and interact with them. That is why their spiritual growth and their attunement with their spiritual contracts are something of the utmost importance at this time, so that they can be a contributing part of a new dimensionally higher society and perhaps be a part of the newly formed intergalactic relationships to be carried out.

For example, and we have talked about this before, the channel was able to discover some of the important aspects of her spiritual mission and contract after a series of spiritual awakenings that culminated in a process she had followed last year called “Reconnection” [Reconnection® *] (information below, Goldenlight note). This Reconnection brings some of the highest dimensional energies to your Being to connect you with your spiritual origins and awaken to the knowledge of your agreed spiritual contracts before your birth. Each being makes a list of important "labors" that you want to complete in your next life before entering each life.

So the channel was able to tune into some key aspects of their spiritual contracts during this spiritual process of Reconnection. We are not promoting this method, we simply say that it is an effective technique for this. One of his “pre-birth” spiritual contracts was to bring messages of the highest dimensions, from us and his star family in the Pleiades to assist with the transition to the Golden Age on Earth. Another of her work in the spiritual contract was to create dimensionally higher works of art infused spiritually, which she has been creating regularly. Tune in then with your spiritual origins, complete whatever actions are necessary for you to tune into these aspects of your Being, since your knowledge will assist you to enjoy a rewarding and satisfying life.

We leave them then to ponder everything we have told them. You can call us, connect and tune in with us in your daily meditations. We are Archangel Michael, Archangel Raphael, Archangel Gabriel, Archangel Chamuel, Archangel Uriel, Archangel Zadkiel, and Archangel Jofiel, among others. We exist as A Unified Voice with separate aspects emanating as the Rays of the Creation of the Source Creator, and our functions are very varied, such as that of creators of the patterns of the Universe, healers and assistants of humanity, and emanations of Unconditional Love from the source. We are here for you always, loving you always and anyway. We exist outside of time, and if you wish, you can travel beyond time to the highest dimensions to get a glimpse of all Creation from our perspective. This is our gift for you. We send you our softest Love and Light in this magnificent moment of Now.

Channeled by Goldenlight, www.thegoldenlightchannel.com. © The Golden Light Channel. Please include this copyright and credit , and a link to the source of the message when republished.

Original message: http://thegoldenlightchannel.com/council-of-angels-via-goldenlight-transparency-and-truth

For more information on the “Reconnection [The Reconnection®], visit www.thereconnection.com. There are two modalities using this energy , one is the Reconnecting Healing [ Reconnective Healing], the other is "The Reconnecting", which is a unique spiritual session in life that reconnects them in a way integrative with its spiritual origins, its galactic pattern, its Divine pattern , and much more . You can find a trained practitioner on how to reconnect by visiting . Each experience is different and this site does not promote this method, but mentions it to assist you in your spiritual growth if you choose it.


Los Angeles Council via Goldenlight ~ Transparency and Truth

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