The inner development through the force of truth

  • 2016
Table of contents hide 1 The truth is always preferable to the lie. Joanne Kathleen Rowling. 2 How to achieve inner development with the truth? 3 The truth is not found, son. She finds one. Carlos Ruiz Zaf n. 4 The force of inner truth. 4.1 Commit. 4.2 Change generator. 4.3 Control 5 The lie never lives until it gets old. S crates.

The force of truth is a supreme power capable of generating great changes in the inner development of a person and even a society. Knowing and facing the truth makes the individual struggle with his interior and modify some behaviors, so it can be said that the truth is a precursor to changes.

The truth serves as a backbone because it cannot be bent or supplanted by truths with harmful dyes, in addition to exerting a positive influence on the organism and mental peace . Life is a bit easier and bearable when it circulates through the truth, it is difficult to lie because sometimes it is not possible to remember what has been said.

"The truth is always preferable to the lie." Joanne Kathleen Rowling.

The inner development through the force of truth

How to achieve inner development with the truth?

It is necessary for each person to really know each other, many of the social problems that an individual may have, it is because he sees a blurred image of what he really is. In order to achieve inner development, one must not fight with the truth but accept what one is, if the person creates an image that is not, he will have to dedicate a lot of time and effort to maintain it, so he ends up becoming a slave of appearances. The truth is that nobody is perfect and that you have to downplay the stereotypes that society has created, nobody is totally kind, correct or successful. The truth not only liberates, but also makes the human being strong.

“The truth is not found, son. She finds one. ”Carlos Ruiz Zafón.

The lie generates mistrust and corrodes the ma, so it ends up generating a personal crisis and sentimental accidents. The conscience is that being sincere capable of generating many regrets, always telling the truth and torturing the person to let him out. How could anyone be in complete peace when a voice inside is constantly judged and pressing for the truth to come out. It is impossible to sleep when the conscience is there, starting from that, why lie, to look good and justify the acts committed? There are relaxation and meditation techniques that elevate the being and help him to evolve, but for what purpose these exercises are practiced if the web of lies is woven around the being. Nothing will work well if there is no inner understanding and you don't work with the force of truth.

The strength of the inner truth.

The relationships and communications that are based on the truth have a strong bond of union, when the lies appear in it, so do the doubts . How to be sure if the other really values ​​you if you don't know the reality under calm waters. There is another factor that the truth affects and they are the self-imposed limitations, so you have to have commitment, control and strength to change.


The commitment forces the individual to comply and not to protect themselves behind a wall of falsehoods . The inner development will be launched by neutralizing the negative thoughts, giving strength to the positive attitude.

The force of truth

Change Generator

If lies are discarded, the weight that oppresses the heart and thoughts will disappear, so that a mental and physical peace will finally be obtained. The force of truth is greater the more absolute it is, it is difficult to find strong nuances, but the more certain you are of an idea it is less complicated to achieve it , since doubts do not arise to stop it .


When a lie begins, it grows and grows into a snowball rolling uncontrollably, it spreads and escapes from the hands and when it bursts it takes everything in its path. The truth remains stable and unchanged, it cannot be modified or generate shadows around it.

"The lie never lives until it gets old." Socrates.

The person is stronger and determined if they hide with the truth, the lie only stops the first blows and disintegrates on the weakest edge . If we support life in lies, it will end up destroying and taking its own existence with it. It is impossible to seek inner development without the force of truth, because if the principles on which existence is based are not strong the person will be vulnerable to the attacks of others and of himself .

AUTHOR: Antonio, editor of the great family of

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