Christmas 2014. Answer the call of Christ! Paramahansa Yogananda

  • 2014
  1. The conception of Christ was not common, but immaculate. For us, the anniversary of his birth is, therefore, a very special day to celebrate, knowing and feeling, as we do, that in the immaculate conception of Jesus, Heavenly Father prepared the birth of a perfect being. The true celebration of Christmas consists in experiencing in our own consciousness the birth of the Christ Consciousness.
  2. Take away all wandering thoughts and feel your unity with the Christ, invoking the Spirit of Jesus and the Masters who are One with Him in Spirit. Jesus said : "Whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have already received it and you will get it." Trust that your prayer requesting the visit of Christ has been granted, and so it will be. The love of Christ will not manifest in you just because you have achieved peace of mind, not even due to burning fervor, but through a calm and devotional will to achieve perfection. “Oh, Christ come to us! Show yourself! Good or not, we are yours. Deliver us from restlessness and receive us as we are. ”
  3. " Today" is only a thought of God, a moment in eternity. Again and again, God has shown me that all this creation does not consist of anything other than his dreamlike thoughts. Neither good fortune nor bad fortune are real, only He is real. Only the one who lives constantly remembering God is wise. Always thinking of Him means finding freedom from this earthly dream of birth and death. The sole purpose of creation is to force you to solve its mystery and perceive God, who is behind everything.
  4. He tells you through my voice: “I am as helpless as you, because I, in the form of your soul, am bound to the body with you. Unless you redeem your Being, I will remain imprisoned with you. Do not delay, crawling in the mud of suffering and ignorance. Come! Bathe in my light! ”
  5. The face of the Divine Mother is shining like lightning. She is with us today . What happiness! What a joy we feel! ”Divine Mother, come to us, so that we can bathe in your Glory.”
  6. We are simply moving in a dream. We may experience the scenes of this passing life and find ourselves busy in them, but none of that is real. Only when we feel the joy of your BEING are we awake in Reality. Om, glory. Om, Christ. Om, Christ.
  7. Paramahansaji related the following experience:

I saw a great blue valley. The mountains looked like glittering jewels. Here and there, the mist sparkled around those opalescent mountains. A silver river of silence, of diamond shine, ran through the valley. And there I saw, coming out of the depths of the mountain, Jesus Krishna walking hand in hand: the Christ who sang near the river Jordan and the Christ who sang near the river Yamuna. Krishna with his flute and Christ with his song came hand in hand, and they baptized me in the river. My soul dissolved in the bright waters. The glowing mountains, the river and the sky, they all began to emit flames. My body and the bodies of Christ and Krishna, the mountains of pa palo and the glistening waters and the sky became dancing lights, and atoms of fire furrowed the space. Finally, nothing remained, except a dim light. In that Light I contemplate that all creation shudders. You are that eternal light of the Spirit where all forms are mixed. You are that. Om.

A period of meditation followed.

  1. May this Christmas day be the sacred day you have ever experienced. Do not desire anything more than the love of God. Only that is real. On your priority list, the appointment with God must be your supreme commitment . Make each night a Christmas night, meditating until the divine consciousness that you have felt today fills you. Do not pity yourself. You are loved by God as much as Jesus and Krishna are. By experiencing the joy of God, you will see that time does not exist, and you will know that you will never die.
  2. I hope that on this day you have felt the presence of Jesus the Christ as I have felt it. Jesus introduced me once today as a small child, but then he no longer appeared before me with form, but remained with me without form, as ETERNAL JOY, ETERNAL LIGHT . "We will make a continuous effort to experience spiritual Christmas every night and every day."

Paramahansa Yogananda

Christmas 2014. Answer the call of Christ! -Paramahansa Yogananda

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