The Quantum Awakening of March 2011

  • 2011

The Quantum Awakening A Thought, A Way of Life, A Website and a Global Electronic Bulletin

MARCH 2011


Created, Channeled, Published and Registered with love by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan


*** Let go of who you think you are!

*** Merge and Emerge

*** Believe from a position of knowledge or believe nothing ...

*** Every word they pronounce is born into existence

*** You are Galactic Beings of unimaginable proportions

*** You seek to meet what you are


Channeled by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

We live in a world that is a whirlwind of thoughts, fears, expectations and prayers. Sometimes we feel like little boats in the typhoon of life. Everything seems overwhelming, immense. We feel helpless and less powerful as we enter each new day. Moving forward like a small light that tries to shine in a black hole consciousness.

Every morning we wake up to a new day, to a new opportunity. With our first breath and first thought we set the energies for the whole day. We can inhale the vast possibilities of a day full of miracles and dreams come true or we can inhale a day such as yesterday, neither more nor less.

The quanta (life without form) of life respond to us. It is up to us to achieve form, any form (the good, the bad and the ugly, sometimes). We are the Coffee Filters through which the new day is poured. We are the river that directs the currents of our lives. We are the producers, actors and directors of the play that we call life. When we do not like the direction that the work takes, it is up to us to intervene energetically and change the scenery, the props and the well-rehearsed lines of our life.

We are a celestial singularity, as well as a celestial whole. All of us have free will and free choice and yet our free will and choice affect the outcome and flow of all Creation. Every choice, every twist, every thought we have, creates a domino effect that touches everyone and everything in its path. We selfishly think that our decisions and our choices are not anyone else's business but only ours. Each of us is like an ocean that contains precious life inside. If the ocean dries or grows to a point beyond equilibrium, it affects everything it touches. Look at the cells and organs of your body. Although everything is a separate unit, it is also a connected consciousness and they depend on each other to survive. We all live in the body of the Universe. Each one is a separate cell and yet we are all part of the Divine Oneness.

Lately, the Universe has created a "Common Denominator" among the people of the Earth. It is an attempt to unite what seems fractured. Every part of the world is experiencing a forced "Unity" due to the extreme external situations and conditions that are permeating and saturating everything and everyone. We are receiving a wake up call from Mother Earth. She cries out: "Change for the good or change for the bad, it depends on you, my children!" Mother Earth not only demands it, but everything we have taken for granted so far is also issuing that wake-up call. ! Our lives seem not to be working. We try to repair them, but the repairs are not maintained at this higher energy.

Our biological structures (bodies) are now receiving new cellular instructions from Luz daily. We are changing from the inside out. Nothing will stop or stop this great change, because it is our destiny. The more we cling to the old way of acting, of thinking, of living, the more uncomfortable these changes will be. Everything that is not for your greatest good will come off no matter how much you try to hold on to it. Let go of what you think you are or who you think you are and what you think you want and receive what was cultivated by Divine Decree only for you! The perfect experience, the perfect moment, the perfect size. This is a full body planetary experience. Religion, creed, race or color do not matter. Everything is changing towards a higher order, a higher light and a higher frequency.

What you are was issued as an emancipation and is in the process of being released. The butterfly can no longer stay in the cosmic cocoon. It is intended and designed to fly. This is all a Gift from the Universe, not a punishment! Focus only on the fullness of your life, not the emptiness. You cannot snatch what is for your highest and greatest good. Only those energies and experiences of less vibration will dissolve in this new light.


Channeled by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

They are at the time and place of birth in a superior light. His life is similar to that of an unborn child. They feel the limitations, as if the very walls of their life became steeper every time they try to climb them. They growl, groan, complain, as the limitations become more lively. You have the same skills and abilities as the unborn child. They are living in this dimension and yet they are also living in spirit. Your body seems limited and vulnerable, however, the spirit that inhabits that vehicle has magnificent and unused abilities.

Sitting in the belly of No-time, they feel limited. In this limitation they try to stretch, but the walls of the illusion, and the walls of the earthly limitation seem to keep them confined. They cannot stretch to the vastness that they innately know they are. When a child is in the mother's womb, her spirit has the ability to overcome the limitations of the womb. Bordering the daily life of parents. Going to the past and the future, surpassing space and time. It is in this part of the period of earthly / galactic gestation that Earth as a planet, and you as a people are entering. It is a time where the limited perception of his humanity merges with the vast and omniscient Spirit. Meeting, merging and then emerging.

Lately, you all feel like a caterpillar in a cocoon. They know they are meant to be more. However, Everything in Your World Aims to Be Less! They feel in the most intimate part of their being that if they tried they could fly. Then they look at each other again and only see the reflection of human density and limitation. The Chrysalis that surrounds them thickens and hardens, keeping them confined in a prison of their own thought and work. There seems to be no way out! Then one day, a little light appears that comes from a tiny hole inside the cocoon, and his heart accelerates with the possibilities. The holographic illusion of limitation begins to crumble right before your eyes.

You are all seeing now that little point of light that shows you the way out, the way up and the way home. The caterpillar must enter a delivery time. Deliver the illusion of limitation. Surrender to the divine spark within. To surrender is to accept the process, it is to trust! It is knowing internally what is true, when everything else reflects limitations. The hole is small only in the mind of the caterpillar, not in the mind of God. In the mind of God it is large enough to accommodate all future Earth butterflies.

Surrender and trust your process. The butterfly that are inside this human cocoon is much larger than any illusion. Free yourself and know that the divine plan will work no matter what. The caterpillar is destined to become a butterfly! The cocoon would never allow the caterpillar to break free, because that is the function of the cocoon. Limit, protect, hold. The Earth keeps them like a cocoon until they are ready to break free. The caterpillar knows that it must try to get out of the black hole again and again, or it will die. That is the reference point where each and every one of you is. They feel they must try, or die in the process. Your Soul pushes you through that tiny hole into a Higher Light, just as the caterpillar is driven by instinct. You resist saying, “No, I don't fit. No, I can't go NO, I CAN'T. ”The Spirit says:“ You must do it, or you will perish, just like all life. ” The Earth is in a portal of choice, where the consciousness of the masses will make a decision. All of God's creations are found in this decision fence. All life is 'deciding'. It is not destiny against free will. It is Destiny and Free Will.


Channeled by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

They are in a place and at a time when they are now just remembering that they have the capacity to expand and create their world as they wish. Chaos, destruction, disease, disasters on Earth can be changed in the blink of an eye if those who believe that this is true are enough. Act from a place of certainty. Like who walks the tightrope. Do you want to climb the tightrope with certainty or hesitation? These are your daily choices. The rope is your next thought, your next word, your next decree. They intentionally believe with certainty, not just with a hesitant thought!

Know without a shadow of a doubt that your consciousness is born from the cosmic cauldron and what was given to great civilizations is also granted to you divinely. True knowledge is inherent in everything. Light masters and ascended masters are a part of their divine pattern. With this understanding and knowledge, sketch your life, become all possibilities.

Erase the impossibilities they have received while growing up. The Earth is full of limits: speed limits, time limits, credit card limits, parking limits, everything has a limit. In his true being there are no limits.

Everything you can imagine as true is nothing more than a single granule in the consciousness of God. The beaches reflect what is the real possibility for life. Each grain of sand is a world, a universe and a galaxy. Imagine all the sand of all the beaches and oceans of the Earth. Each of these grains of sand represents their intact abilities and their intact knowledge.

They are not afraid of the next stage of their trip. It is as if a cell in your body is afraid of connecting with another cell within the same body. You created connectivity, but choose separation. Open the door you have kept boarded up for so long. You are the projector of your limitations. Open to receive the river of all possibility.

They were given the vibration of money as a speed regulator. Something to slow them down. Let go of the concept that money is your savior! You are given the same amount of love that you give yourself. You create and manifest the exact amount you can receive, neither more nor less.

Look closely at the word "pro-vision." You are creating and providing through "vision." Stop thinking and living with emergency supplies, with sea rations. Advance beyond what you have provided for yourself so far.


Channeled by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

We are connected with everything in the Universe. There is nothing we are not part of; Everything flows through us and to us. Our energies, our thoughts and our words flow through all life, on Earth and everywhere. We have no end or beginning, but a continuous flow of life, changing shape over and over again. We are continually perfecting our form in each of our incarnations, whether as an element, plant, animal, human, star or galaxy. We deliberately challenge ourselves to become all that we can be. There is no failure in this type of existence, only evolution.

As we reach a peak at this level of evolution, we begin to realize the effect that our words, thoughts and fears have on this decisive moment of humanity. We speak without thinking, create on a whim and prophesy from fear. We speak as if our words mean nothing. We see them only as words and we do not realize that worlds were created with a word, a thought, a decree. We do not see the power we have at our disposal, to destroy everything or create an utopia, a paradise, heaven on earth. We sabotage our own lives, our finances, our health, our marriage and our future.

Every thought they have is alive. Every word they pronounce is born into existence. You release her from her personal kingdom. As if they let a genie out of a bottle, his words, his thoughts, await his orders to enter the world of matter and do what they do best, create! All creation is made by you, for you and through you! The time between thought and manifestation becomes shorter and shorter, forcing everyone's attention to the hall of mirrors of responsibility. It is there that the reflections shout: "Look at what you have created, look at what you have given birth!" We give ourselves wonderful and magical gifts to ourselves every minute of every day only with the words we utter. There is no one outside to catch us, there is nothing outside to destroy us, every situation is our work, a divine creation, a tool to lead us to a higher place of knowledge.

Not only do we do this as individuals, but also as countries, families, continents, and also as a world. Many opportunities to learn and evolve and love. As children playing with nuclear weapons, without knowing the power of the instrument at their fingertips. We do our best to fulfill ancient and biblical prophecies by believing at a certain level that those who lived before knew more than we did. We yield our power and our world to the dry bones of the past. If those same people prophesied today, we would laugh considering them eccentric or members of some cult, without honoring their words, nor their fears.

Many cultures around the world feel the need to realize ancient prophecies. His religion would not be complete without the massive destruction promised. If the prophecies are not true, then what else in your doctrine is not true? Has your God lied to you about anything else? This type of thinking must be cut off. Not through confrontation, or anger or pointing with the finger, but with love, love and more love. The outside world only reflects our thoughts and internal dialogues. Life is not something that happens to us, it is something that we continually create.

Knowing that collectively we can create and create everything and anything, let's get to work and create a world of love, peace and joy where all children can go to bed with a full belly and every homeless person change their cardboard house for a real home. Let's see our glass of the world always full instead of half empty and reluctant. All life responds to your thoughts and desires, especially to a casual thought, or a decree.

Knowing how powerful our words are 24 hours a day for all eternity ruins our jokes a bit. What we can say jokingly is going to expand throughout all space and time. What we decree for another we give to ourselves. Our anger, our fears, our envies are cheering, alive and kicking, kicking us in turn to attract our attention.

As they love, they attract. Today they are where their thoughts have brought them; Tomorrow they will be where their thoughts take them. They cannot escape the result of their thoughts; but they can endure and learn, accept and be happy. They will realize the vision of their heart, not the frivolous desire. They will gravitate towards what they secretly love most. The exact result they win will be placed in their hands, neither more nor less. Whatever your current environment, you will fall, remain or rise with your thoughts your vision n your ideal.


Channeled by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

We announce from the sun behind the suns, the light behind the light. We are your reflection, just as we are your beginning. We are everything that has ever existed and everything that was born in the form over time. And that's why we are one with you as well as we are one with everything. They could recognize our essence as the sun, the star, and the entity known as Alci n, a light within the Pleiadian Solar System.

The texts refer to us as the Great Beings of Light that accompanied mankind to a step and a ladder of genetic difference. We come this day to reflect portions of yourself that have long been hidden within your own human shadow. We come to reflect the truth of your beauty and skills. Each of you represents a universe that has had amnesia and forgot its way home. Its body houses trillions of galaxies and constellations that represent all life as it has been embodied. Your Earth is host to all these thousands of universes that rush to fullness by all possible means.

Like the universe they are, it is time to tie up loose ends and eliminate the affectation of being immobile and inept in their so-called human nature. The light that comes emanating and radiating from the sun is from the star Alción. She shone during the changes in Atlantis, in Lemuria and in Ancient Egypt. It was worshiped by the Maya, Anastazi and Sumerians alike. Earth cycles and is ready to receive its pulsations and emanations again. Do not wait for your city, your municipalities, your family and your government to unify. You are a complete entity in yourself. They are a unified and complete field of light. There is nothing that is fractured or broken in its existence, except if they perceive that it is. Stay away from pain and isolation and look fully at who and what they represent.

You are here as Emissaries of Light, as Ambassadors of the Creator. They are not here to play golf, to become fragile and old and sick. They are here to achieve the culmination and see in full the reason for their existence. They are not here to suffer, not to be loved, to be mistreated, or to be poor, these are time-consuming habits. There is nothing they cannot achieve. There is nothing they cannot create. There is nothing they cannot heal. You influence and affect all things in your world. Everything in your world listens to you. Life listens to your thoughts, your anger and your sorrows. Listen to your completion.

They are beings who have forgotten their immensity. If you are going to save this world, since you incarnated to do it, you must start with yourself. They are not victims of anything or anyone unless they decree. They have forgotten the totality of their being. Ask every day to be infused with the memory of 'who' they really are. Allow yourself to become that component of light that has existed throughout all space and time. You are a great light that cannot be destroyed. Wake up to what they are. They have only a few earthly years and experiences left before the tides change in a direction they may not want to experience. They are the beginning and the end. They are the alpha and the omega. They cannot exist otherwise except in the fullness of their light.

Talk like a God. Think like a God. Do not allow the distractions of your day, your humanity or your body to dominate and enslave you in a way that denigrates the very creation of who you are. Get out of your body and observe it as a vehicle to which you are instructed, a vehicle that transports you through space and time in every way and in every thought.

You dwell where your thoughts are, see it as your home of creation. This domicile then becomes its quantified universe and its defined field of light. Redefine who you are for yourself and then, as the night continues to day, then you will be re-defined in every cell of your body, at every level of your life and in every document where your life has ever been registered, your birth and his death You are the center of the universe. Don't take that lightly. Because wherever they are in thought, in being, in their construction of circumstances, that extends throughout their entire existence. It affects your past and your present and your future. It is only by their own awakening that they issue that decree in a cellular, stellar way, to all life. Stop whining and see how great they are.

We have always existed as light. We can only be the expression of light.


Channeled by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

The opulence, prosperity, the role of the Creator they seek is within the cellular structure of their being. It is not housed in a thought, it does not live in a meditation, it does not reside in a way of life, but it lives in all potential used and unused within the multidimensional structure in which they exist. When they feel a lack in their life, they immediately take their presence to that place and meet in that structure of lack, not as punishment, but as an apprenticeship. When you have a need in your life, enter it with knowledge. You house all potential.

When they are placed in a deserving position, then they become magnetic to all possibilities that exist beyond the limitations of their dimensional perception. You seek to meet what you are. They seek to learn. They seek to be blessed. They seek to become love. And yet, all those qualities are inherent in their field of creation. It is because of the incisive understanding of accepting what they believe they need to be, that they need to receive, that they need to know, that they will walk fully on the earth not so distant that it contains these truths. Being human, you adopt the island of division. They sit on a slice of the human cake and believe that this is the world, without understanding that they are surrounded on all sides by everything they do not find within themselves.

The mechanics of manifestation, the mechanics of creating, are being redefined. The words 'lack and need' will no longer describe what you are. The words "have, create, deserve, receive" will be where they land when they fly through this universal understanding of who they really are.

We exist in conscience beyond a Portal of Time. The world has just recently seen that Portal of Time. As we are seen visually, we can then be energetically heard. We do not come to conquer your thoughts, your world, your crops or your children, because we are beyond the way you are internally in the essence of your being. We exist as you exist, in a multivolutive sequence in many different dimensions and worlds.

There are places where you exist as a pure and undivided molecular structure. There are places where they exist as color. There are places where they exist as bacteria and viruses. In some places they are just sound. In some places they only exist in the dream and not in the real world, as you would say. You come to a continuum of space time within your planetary expression of stardom that asks you to recognize the part of you that flies, the part of you that swims in the water without breathing. The part of you that is an amethyst on a moon that orbits a planet three galaxies away, the part of you that exists as a deer on the side of a mountain or an anteater in an inner world. Because you are all that.

Ask your human component, your mind, your brain, to expand to the possibilities that you are all those things, that your consciousness exists equally in all those places. You are everything you think you are. When they accept the complexity of their totality, then there is nothing they need or want. Everything is created with a thought, as was the original intention.

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

PO Box 217

Dandridge, Tennessee


Translation: Margarita López

Edition: Susana Peralta

Official site of The Quantum Awakening in Spanish:

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