Confidence - La Sofía Serie - Year 4

  • 2010

Then I speak to you. Then I speak to you today; at this moment - while the earth is waking up, while consciousness is waking up -.

So I invite you to pause for a moment, to sink into the deepest for a moment and be with yourself.

I am this love that is speaking to you. I am the wind in the branches. I am the depth of the earth. I am Sofia. I am what you cannot see, what you cannot touch. I am not a human being as you are. But a human being like you can give me a voice, can give me words and let me in here on this earth so you can see me, so you can hear me, so we can talk together.

Where the invisible becomes visible, where the consciousness within you becomes human, where the great develops in the small we find ourselves. And your mind cannot understand what we experience together but you can afford to trust your feeling, let your breath flow and perceive; perceive what really happens.

It is a special moment on this earth, a time of awakening; a time that was predicted and understood in many prophecies. A time when something comes to an end and something new begins. The long period of sleep comes to an end and the time to wake up, awareness begins.

You are invited to perceive that the entire earth and every human being along with it are preparing to enter a new era, in a new awakening. You are invited to feel that this awakening does not occur from one moment to another but is gradually emerging. This awakening that you have been experiencing within yourself has been happening over a period of time and is still unfolding.

So it is happening in the same way as to this land where you live. Again and again new waves of awakening flood the planet. Again and again a new wave arrives that changes and restructures the energy here on this earth.

And there are different ways for people to handle this change that is happening. You have the option of seeing this change as threatening and resisting it. Or you have the option of perceiving this change as something natural and loving and accepting it.

Just as you can wake up when the alarm clock sounds and trust that your life loves and supports you Or you can turn around when it rings and delay waking up a little more.

Most people delay waking up because they believe it is difficult and cruel and would prefer to remain with what they already know. Staying asleep is very familiar. Staying unconscious, avoiding being with yourself is very familiar. And the New, becoming a conscious human, being with yourself is still so new.

If you look at nature you will see that animals surrender to this change. Animals walk gracefully through this great transformation. Complete species of animals change their rhythm, cycle, disappear and then return in a new way; going through this change in absolute confidence.

They do not resist change. They don't worry about why this change is happening. They do not move away from this change but let themselves sink deeply and full of confidence in it. They have total confidence in life and in themselves, in the love that underlies all things. And they trust that everything that is happening is fine, that everything that is happening makes sense, that everything that is happening is just another step in the way of your life.

Animals do not have to choose whether to trust or not because they are simply this unwavering trust. You as humans have the option. You can decide to consciously trust this change that is happening within your life or move away. You are not obligated to be confident. You have free will to trust your life or not.

And your soul loves you no matter if you decide to trust her or not. The only difference it makes is how your decision will affect you. Because only you can feel the consequences of your trust or distrust. And trust is not something that falls into your lap, that you automatically possess - trust is a conscious choice.

In every moment you can trust everything that is happening within your life. In the same way, in each moment you can distrust everything that is happening within your life. You don't have to trust but you can decide to trust every moment.

Jeshua made the choice to walk his path full of confidence. He did not have to trust. He could equally doubt his path and resist what he was. He could have heard his mind saying: I did not choose this. I do not want to experience this. This does not seem right.

But Jeshua made the choice at every moment to trust his soul and his path. He decided to trust although he could not understand with his mind why this change was happening. His mind could not tell him that he was going to live again after this experience. His mind could not tell him that this experience was not imposed on him, it was not a punishment, it was not a mistake, but the deepest possible transformation for all mankind. His mind did not know that he would pass through this deep valley and appear again on the other side in a new way.

But Jeshua decided to trust, trust this deeper inner wisdom. He decided to trust his soul. He decided to trust God. He decided to trust the love that underlies life. And this love told him that everything would be fine. And this love sustained him when nothing else could. His soul carried him when he could no longer load himself.

And this trust was not simply delivered. He chose to trust by his own will the same that every human has the option of whether to trust his life or not.

Humans are not forced to trust. And humans are not necessarily confident. Humans deliberately have to freely choose their own level of trust. And even if you do not face the deepest possible transformation for all mankind there are still some challenges. There are times when you doubt and when you are afraid. And there are times when you have to make the decision to trust your soul, to trust yourself or not.

And today you are invited to feel where you are in your life and the challenges you have now and you can decide whether to trust your soul, trust yourself or not. Trust against wind and tide, against everything your mind is telling you. Trust what is deep within you. Trust your soul that sustains and whispers: everything is fine. Everything is fine as it is. Trust your soul that carries you when you can no longer load yourself.

The more you get involved in the process of waking up, the more important it will be to trust. The more changes occur in your life, the greater changes occur here on earth, the more important will be trust.

Periodically an energy flows over this planet as a wake-up call; The cosmic alarm sounds and invites all humans to wake up. And in these times when the wake-up call flows over this planet it is enormously important to trust in the depths of you. Because many humans sleep so deeply that they get scared when the alarm clock sounds. They have a feeling of not being prepared for what is coming and react with resistance and fear of the New that wants to happen.

Can you afford to trust when a wake up call rings in your life? Can you afford to calm down a lot and be with yourself while this awakening is happening here on earth? Can you hear this voice deep in you that tells you that there is no reason to worry, that it whispers that all is well? And from time to time, can you take a look at nature and perceive the confidence with which you find yourself in each plant and each animal?

Each plant is delivered to the changing seasons, trusting that spring will arrive every year. Full of confidence that everything is fine exactly as it is. Can you introduce a little of this trust in your life for you? Can you also trust that within your life a new spring will come again and again? Can you trust even if your mind sometimes tells you otherwise that everything is fine? And can you accept that you don't understand everything that is happening? Just as Jeshua did not understand everything that happened to him. The only thing I knew for sure was to trust. Trust yourself, and allow everything New that wanted to happen within your life.

Each awakening is different. Not everyone who wakes up has to experience the kind of death that Jeshua experienced. But all who wake up do have to go through a time of transformation; a time when much falls, when much changes. And maybe that's a bit like dying. It is a profound change that can only occur when you trust.

A butterfly can only become a butterfly when the caterpillar fully trusts and surrenders to transformation even without understanding what it will become, what the transformation could bring. Because a caterpillar knows nothing about becoming a butterfly. Perhaps he can dream of becoming a butterfly or perceiving it in the darkness of his cocoon. But only when the caterpillar has gone through the transformation can it more fully understand the experience of becoming a butterfly.

Every change, every new principle requires surrender to life itself. Trust is the water that allows you to bloom. The less you trust yourself, the more dry and difficult the change will be. And trust is not something that will be given automatically. Trust is something that you can only choose for yourself at any time again.


It is an extraordinary time here on this planet and we invite you to simply be with yourself for a moment and feel the changes in the depth of the earth and the turmoil on different continents. Feel the change in human consciousness; in the conscience of entire countries and their people and their beliefs. A change so huge that it sometimes becomes very loud. If you listen carefully you can hear the change that is going to happen on this earth. And you are invited to be very still with this change. And instead of fighting change, instead of trying to avoid it, resisting it, closing yourself to protect you, try just for a moment how it feels to trust this change. To trust that life that is deep there is a love that sustains the earth, that sustains every human being and this process of awakening.

As each flower blooms and the buds open suddenly, imagine the confusion this causes for each petal. The petal is suddenly awakened and the sky appears. It opens, it spreads, everything changes. What chaos! What a profound transformation for the petal! And it is only a flower that is simply blooming. But does each petal realize that it is really simply blooming? Or does it seem like a great catastrophe, like the end of the world?

Spring allows you the opportunity to watch flowers bloom and watch yourself and humanity bloom too.

Do you think the changes on this earth is a great catastrophe? Or do you think the earth is going to bloom and you are a petal in this flower that is going to open? The more you trust the change, the more you let yourself be sustained by the love deep within you, the softer and more fluid you will experience the times to come.

Sometimes you will feel the fear of other humans. You will perceive their despair and the loneliness they feel during this time. These are the moments when you are invited to be completely with yourself; To sink completely into your confidence. Because the more petals that open in confidence and yield to change, the easier it will be for the other petals that still doubt and fight against it.

You are invited to trust. You are invited to be the petal that you trust and surrender to change even if you cannot always understand everything that is happening.

It is a special time for you, a special time for the earth. And I invite you to choose again and again in the times to come to trust your life more than ever.

This is our invitation for you. This is our love, our support that we share with you. Whenever you choose to trust - the pressure of change will instantly decrease, solutions will appear, and you will feel a flow again and you will receive the abundance that wants to flow into your life.

You are invited to trust and, therefore, to inspire other people to trust as well. And to remain calm, no matter what the changes seem like in each moment, to listen to this voice deep in you that whispers that all is well.

Everything is fine.


I am what I am, Maribel

Written by Lea Haman

Translated by Maribel González -

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