Viral people who consume energy

  • 2015

They arrive, they infect us with their negative emotions and leave us without strength.

Defending yourself and protecting yourself from these types of people is an obligation.

Stopping the victimist's feet is not abandoning them but inviting them to take the reins.

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Surely you have ever seen yourself in that situation where after having a conversation with a friend you have felt desolate, you have contemplated the world with more sadness and less enthusiasm than before you start the conversation, or have you thought: Mother mother, nothing good happens to this friend, he always has a complaint. And in extreme situations, he has heard the phone, has seen the name of the incoming call and has stopped answering it because he knows that that person will somehow complicate his life: he will tell him a new problem or he will continue talking of his monothem, usually themed "misfortune." The question one always asks after spending time with viral people is: "And what need do I have to be hearing this?"

Who are the viral people? Those who arrive and spread him in a bad mood, sadness, fear, envy or any other type of negative emotion that until then had not manifested in his body. It is like a virus: it arrives, it expands, it makes you feel bad and when you move away, little by little, you recover your natural state and, hopefully, forget it.

The origin of the viral person can be varied: bad temper, envy, lack of consideration, selfishness, stupidity or lack of touch. The important thing is to see yourself with sufficient resources to protect yourself from infection. The world is full of viral people of different types, some less harmful and other malicious that leave memory and scar.

Passive virals In this category I include the victimists, those who blame all their evil on those around them, are never responsible for the bad that happens because it is the others or the circumstances that cause their discomfort. If you listen to them and you are doing well, you will feel bad about enjoying what the victimizers do not have. And not because they have no chance to do so, but because they have learned to get attention through the complaint and that is comfortable. They feel mistreated by life and abandoned from luck. Of course, they make people who don't pay attention to those who think they deserve to feel bad. With these people you will suffer the contagion of the virus sadness, frustration and apathy.

"It is strange the lightness with which the wicked believe that everything will work out for them" (Víctor Hugo)

Viral candies. They are the ones who will always ask for favors, but at the same time they are not able to be attentive to their needs. They do not maintain bidirectional relationships in which they deliver as much as they receive. They pull others without asking if they are well, if they need help, if it is good for them to lend it at that time. They are selfish and self-centered, and at the moment when they stop meeting their needs, criticism and emotional blackmail begin. With these people will suffer the spread of the virus "I feel they abuse me", use and resignation.

Viral criticones . They live to live the lives of others because they are not worth theirs. His life is too gray, boring or frustrating to talk about her, so they destroy everything around them. Do not expect words of recognition towards others or speak positively from anyone, because whoever does well to others, enhances their frustration as people. They do not know how to compete if it is not destroying the other. They raze like Attila. With these people will suffer the contagion of the virus despair, shame, even guilt if he participates in the criticism. And guilt then drags the virus of remorse.

Viruses with a bad idea. Keep them well away. They are resentful of life, either because they have not been able to manage theirs or because luck has not accompanied them. They anticipate that people are interested and expect nothing good from them. They interpret everything in a negative way, everyone sees a bad intention. They live in a constant attack of anger, as if the world owed them something. They do not support that others have success, effort and willpower, because these attitudes of overcoming none more. With these people you will suffer the contagion of the virus helplessness, insecurity, impotence and anxiety.

Vicious psychopaths . For those who do not know, it is not necessary to be a serial killer to be a psychopath. The psychopath is one who inflicts pain on others without feeling the slightest guilt, remorse and without having a hard time. Of these there are many white gloves. They are the ones who humiliate, disrespect on purpose, hit, threaten and cause you to feel ridiculous, belittled, and self-esteem. Before them, run away, because he who does it once, repeats. If you allow him to mistreat you, you will end up thinking that this is the treatment he deserves. With these people you will suffer the spread of fear and hate virus. Very difficult to eradicate, it lasts for a long time in his memory.

Defense mechanisms. To prevent the spread of viral victimists, the first thing to do is stop them. Tell them that you will be there to help them make decisions and solve problems, but not to be the handkerchief in which they drown their sorrows without getting involved. These people get used to attract attention with their misfortunes, but they are unable to take responsibility and act because they choose the easy way: to cry.

Tell him he will be happy to help you as long as he moves. And if you don't, decide to get away from someone who has made the decision to be a parasite all your life. He is not abandoning him, he is giving him encouragement to act. If you decide not to take the reins of your life, be your cloth of tears, it will not be a help either. The same energy is spent complaining that looking for solutions. The first option consumes and subtracts, and the second sum.

"The sadness of the soul can kill you much faster than a bacterium" (John. E. Steinbeck)

Before the virus ask, the antivirus say no. If you don't make your needs and priorities prevail, they won't either. It is one thing to be supportive and another to be available to everyone and never be for oneself.

Do not allow the critical viral person to make judgments of others who are not present. If you do it with others, you will also do it when you are not present. Do not enter your game or identify with that behavior. Tell him that he does not like to talk about people who are not present. And if it's rumors, tell him you're not sure that the rumor is true. Rumors, most of the time, are unfounded, false or exaggerated. They spread like the wind, and although they are later proven to be false, the damage is already done. Act as you would like them to do, with respect, discretion and truthfulness. It is more important to be ethical than to avoid a conflict with a critic.

And finally, don't let anyone disrespect you, much less mistreat you either psychologically or physically. As people, we all deserve a decent treatment. Assert yourself Ask for help, put yourself in your site, do not consent to a second chance to those who have hurt you. He who harms him does not love him ; forget to justify him for his past, his character, his education, alcohol or his problems. Nothing, absolutely nothing, authorizes disrespect and physical and psychological abuse. And this is valid in the family, work and among friends.

Surround yourself with good people, who love you and show you, make you happy, with those who come out with recharged batteries. We have the obligation to be happy and enjoy. There are many people willing to do so. Do not let them escape. People are here to help us, we are a team.


Viral people who consume energy

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